Phyllanthus emblica L.

First published in Sp. Pl.: 982 (1753)
This species is accepted
The native range of this species is Tropical & Subtropical Asia. It is a tree and grows primarily in the wet tropical biome.


Native to:

Assam, Bangladesh, Borneo, Cambodia, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Hainan, India, Jawa, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Malaya, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Sumatera, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, West Himalaya

Introduced into:

Andaman Is., Cuba, Mauritius, Puerto Rico, Trinidad-Tobago, Windward Is.


Homotypic Synonyms

Heterotypic Synonyms


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POWO follows these authorities in accepting this name:

  • Acevedo-Rodríguez, P. & Strong, M.T. (2012). Catalogue of seed plants of the West Indies. Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 98: 1-1192.
  • Baksh-Comeau, Y., Maharaj, S.S., Adams, C.D., Harris, S.A., Filer, D.L. & Hawthorne, W.D. (2016). An annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Trinidad and Tobago with analysis of vegetation types and botanical 'hotspots'. Phytotaxa 250: 1-431.
  • Balakrishnan, N.P. & Chakrabarty, T. (2007). The family Euphorbiaceae in India. A synopsis of its profile, taxonomy and bibliography: 1-500. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun.
  • Balkrishna, A. (2018). Flora of Morni Hills (Research & Possibilities): 1-581. Divya Yoga Mandir Trust.
  • Chakrabarty, T. & Balakrishnan, N.P. (2018). Indo-Burmese Phyllanthaceae: A Taxonomic Revision: 1-437. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun.
  • Girmansyah, D. & al. (eds.) (2013). Flora of Bali an annotated checklist: 1-158. Herbarium Bogorensis, Indonesia.
  • Govaerts, R., Frodin, D.G. & Radcliffe-Smith, A. (2000). World Checklist and Bibliography of Euphorbiaceae (and Pandaceae) 1-4: 1-1622. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Kotiya, A., Solanki, Y. & Reddy, G.V. (2020). Flora of Rajasthan: 1-769. Rajasthan state biodiversity board.
  • Pasha, M.K., Chakrabarthy, T. & Balakrishnan, N.P. (2013). A taxonomic revision of Phyllanthus L. (Euphorbiaceae) in Bangladesh. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 37: 291-304.
  • Smith, A.C. (1981). Flora Vitiensis Nova. A new flora for Fiji (Spermatophytes only) 2: 1-810. Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden, Lawai.
  • Wu, Z.Y., Raven, P.H. & Hong, D.Y. (eds.) (2008). Flora of China 11: 1-622. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis.
  • van Welzen, P.C. & Chayamarit, K. (2007). Flora of Thailand 8(2): 305-592. The Forest Herbarium, National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department, Bangkok.

Kew Backbone Distributions

  • Acevedo-Rodríguez, P. & Strong, M.T. (2012). Catalogue of seed plants of the West Indies. Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 98: 1-1192.
  • Baksh-Comeau, Y., Maharaj, S.S., Adams, C.D., Harris, S.A., Filer, D.L. & Hawthorne, W.D. (2016). An annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Trinidad and Tobago with analysis of vegetation types and botanical 'hotspots'. Phytotaxa 250: 1-431.
  • Balakrishnan, N.P. & Chakrabarty, T. (2007). The family Euphorbiaceae in India. A synopsis of its profile, taxonomy and bibliography: 1-500. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun.
  • Kotiya, A., Solanki, Y. & Reddy, G.V. (2020). Flora of Rajasthan: 1-769. Rajasthan state biodiversity board.
  • Pandey, R.P. & Dilwakar, P.G. (2008). An integrated check-list flora of Andaman and Nicobar islands, India. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 32: 403-500.

Other Data

Other Kew resources that provide information on this taxon:

Date Reference Identified As Barcode Type Status Has image?
Dec 16, 2022 Jatoi, S.A.; Sultan, A.; Khan, A.; Hanan.C [MAP-II-240] Pakistan K009000326 No
Bakhuizen van den Brink [[4566]] Indonesia K004517930 Yes
Koorders, S.H. [Kds22726ß] Indonesia K004517929 Yes
Kloss, C.B. [6681] K004517413 Yes
Kerr, A.F.G. [551] K004517415 Yes
Poilane, M. [11962] K004517431 Yes
Worthington, T.B. Sri Lanka K:SPC-42059.000 No
Kerr, A.F.G. [13745] K004517408 Yes
{Mrs. D.J. Collins} [743] K004517421 Yes
Kessler, P.J.A.; et al. [PK1724] Indonesia K004517911 Yes
Motley, J. [689] Indonesia K004517919 Yes
Poilane, E. [589] K004517436 Yes
Nguyen Van Du; Rattana, C.B.-V.N. [46] K004517435 Yes
Laumonier, Y. [TFB2006] Indonesia K004517922 Yes
[illegible] [214] India K004516355 Yes
Laman, T.G.; Ismail A. Rachman; Mirmanto, E. [TL552] Indonesia K004517912 Yes
{Mrs. D.J. Collins} [1573] K004517410 Yes
Huc, R. [TFB1284] Indonesia K004517907 Yes
Hance, H.F. [s.n.] Hong Kong K001056672 Unknown Type Material Yes
Maingay, A.C. [1809] Malaysia K001056742 Type Yes
Pierre, L. [6224] K004517437 Yes
Phusomsaeng, S. [27] K004517424 Yes
Proefstation, B. [[Ja2058]] Indonesia K004517932 Yes
Dewol; Leopold; Shea [San74597] Malaysia K004517918 Yes
Monyrak; Meng [60] K004517434 Yes
Horsfield, T. [s.n.] Indonesia K004517924 Yes
Balajadia [10420] Malaysia K004517915 Yes
[Z. Ramli] [94970] Malaysia K004517293 Yes
{Mrs. D.J. Collins} [377A] K004517422 Yes
Poilane, M. [3996] K004517438 Yes
Balansa, B. [3303] K004517429 Yes
Buwalda, P. [7420] Indonesia K004517934 Yes
Marcan, A. [1914] K004517425 Yes
Burley, J.S.; Tukirin; et al. [590] K004517908 Yes
Gardner, S.; Tippayasri, P. [ST1375] K004517414 Yes
Robinson, C.B. [1457] K004517430 Yes
Proefstation, B. [[Ja1867]] Indonesia K004517931 Yes
Agama, J. [A2700] Malaysia K004517916 Yes
Griffith [s.n.] K004517292 Yes
s.coll. [225] Indonesia K004517928 Yes
Bunpheng, D. [915] K004517423 Yes
Burkill, H.M. [HMB1259] K004517411 Yes
Worthington, T.B. Sri Lanka K:SPC-42058.000 No
T.; P. [403] Malaysia K004517294 Yes
Marcan, A. [949] K004517409 Yes
Huc, R. [TFB2086] Indonesia K004517921 Yes
Ampuria, J. [SAN19082] Malaysia K004517917 No
s.coll. [[224]] Indonesia K004517925 Yes
K:SPC-66158.000 No
Wongprasert, T. [52] K004517412 Yes
Sangkachand, B. [3053] K004517426 Yes
Korthals [s.n.] K004517906 Yes
Verboom, W.C. [1] Indonesia K004517923 Yes
Mamit, J.D. [S35164] Malaysia K004517914 Yes
Iwatsuki, K.; Koyama, H.; Fukuoka, N.; Nalampoon, A. [T9365] K004517417 Yes
Winkler, H. [3395] Indonesia K004517905 Yes
Soepadmo [211] Indonesia K004517920 Yes
Ambriansyah; Arifin [W951] Indonesia K004517909 Yes
Balansa, B. [3304] K004517432 Yes
Marcan, A. [1076] K004517418 Yes
India K:SPC-66184.000 No
Brinkman, R. [717] Indonesia K004517933 Yes
[De Vruese] [s.n.] Indonesia K004517927 Yes
Monyrak; Meng [60] K004517433 Yes
Griffith, W. [4799] Malaysia K001056741 Type Yes
Sri Lanka K:SPC-66200.000 No
Vanpruk, P. [515] K004517419 Yes
Ilias Paie [13327] Malaysia K004517913 Yes
{Mrs. D. J. Collins} [1752] K004517420 Yes
s.coll. [224] Indonesia K004517926 Yes
Arifin Zainal; Arbainsyah [AA1766] Indonesia K004517910 Yes
Winit, K. [273] K004517416 Yes
Wright, C. [428] China Emblica officinalis K004515928 Yes
s.coll. [475] China Emblica officinalis K001613500 Yes
Emblica officinalis K:SPC-66179.000 No
Forrest, G. [s.n.] China Phyllanthus pomifer K004516131 Yes
Heinr. Frh. v. Handel-Mazzetti. (Dr) [423] China Phyllanthus pomifer K004516120 Yes
Forrest, G. [19348] China Phyllanthus pomifer K004516128 Yes
Tsiang, Y. [11813] China Phyllanthus pomifer K004516118 Yes
Delavay, M. (l'Abbe) [4436] China Phyllanthus pomifer K004516125 Yes
Forrest, G. [5586] China Phyllanthus pomifer K004516132 Yes
Forrest, G. [10693] China Phyllanthus pomifer K004516129 Yes
Henry, A. [9301A] China Phyllanthus pomifer K004516123 Yes
Henry, A. [9301] China Phyllanthus pomifer K004516126 Yes
[Delavay] [s.n.] China Phyllanthus pomifer K004516124 Yes
Hancock, W. [513] China Phyllanthus pomifer K004516122 Yes
Schneider, C. [2155] China Phyllanthus pomifer K004516119 Yes
s.coll. [[24]] China Phyllanthus pomifer K004516121 Yes
[McLaren] [[24]] China Phyllanthus pomifer K004516127 Yes


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    • Digital Image © Board of Trustees, RBG Kew
  • IUCN Categories

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    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2025. Published on the Internet at and
    • © Copyright 2023 World Checklist of Vascular Plants.
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    • Common Names from Plants and People Africa
  • Kew Names and Taxonomic Backbone

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2025. Published on the Internet at and
    • © Copyright 2023 International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants.
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