Ludwigia octovalvis (Jacq.) P.H.Raven

First published in Kew Bull. 15: 476 (1961 publ. 1962)
This species is accepted
The native range of this species is Tropics & Subtropics. It is a semiaquatic subshrub and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome. It is has social uses, as animal food and a medicine and for food.


Native to:

Alabama, Andaman Is., Angola, Argentina Northeast, Assam, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Belize, Benin, Bismarck Archipelago, Bolivia, Borneo, Botswana, Brazil North, Brazil Northeast, Brazil South, Brazil Southeast, Brazil West-Central, Burkina, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Caroline Is., Cayman Is., Chad, Chile North, China South-Central, China Southeast, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, East Himalaya, Ecuador, El Salvador, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Florida, French Guiana, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Gilbert Is., Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Hainan, Haiti, Honduras, India, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Japan, Jawa, Kenya, KwaZulu-Natal, Laos, Leeward Is., Lesser Sunda Is., Liberia, Louisiana, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaya, Mali, Maluku, Marianas, Marshall Is., Mauritius, Mexico Central, Mexico Gulf, Mexico Northeast, Mexico Northwest, Mexico Southeast, Mexico Southwest, Mississippi, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nansei-shoto, Nepal, Netherlands Antilles, New Guinea, New South Wales, Nicaragua, Nicobar Is., Niger, Nigeria, North Carolina, Northern Territory, Panamá, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Queensland, Rodrigues, Réunion, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Is., South Carolina, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Suriname, Taiwan, Tanzania, Texas, Thailand, Tibet, Togo, Trinidad-Tobago, Uganda, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Venezuelan Antilles, Vietnam, West Himalaya, Western Australia, Windward Is., Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Introduced into:

Burundi, Cabinda, Cape Provinces, Central African Republic, Cook Is., Gulf of Guinea Is., Hawaii, Line Is., Marquesas, Namibia, Nauru, Northern Provinces, Ogasawara-shoto, Samoa, Society Is., Swaziland, Tokelau-Manihiki, Tonga, Tuamotu, Tubuai Is., Tuvalu, Wallis-Futuna Is., Zaïre


Homotypic Synonyms


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POWO follows these authorities in accepting this name:

  • Acevedo-Rodríguez, P. & Strong, M.T. (2012). Catalogue of seed plants of the West Indies. Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 98: 1-1192.
  • Balick, M. J., M. H. Nee & D.E. Atha (2000). Checklist of the vascular plants of Belize. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 85: 1-246.
  • Balkrishna, A. (2018). Flora of Morni Hills (Research & Possibilities): 1-581. Divya Yoga Mandir Trust.
  • Banks, R.C. (ed.) (1982). Wildlife and wildlife habitat of American Samoa 2: 1-151. U.S. Fisch and Wildlife services, Washington.
  • Barua, I.C. (2010). The genus Ludwigia (Onagraceae) in India. Rheedea 20: 59-70.
  • Barua, K.N. & Khatry, P.K. (2009). Alien forest weeds in upper Brahmaputra valler and hill zones of Assam. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 33: 414-422.
  • Boggan, J. Funck, V. & Kelloff, C. (1997). Checklist of the Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, Franch Guiana) ed. 2: 1-238. University of Guyana, Georgetown.
  • Boudet, G., Lebrun, J.P. & Demange, R. (1986). Catalogue des plantes vasculaires du Mali: 1-465. Etudes d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux.
  • Boulvert, Y. (1977). Catalogue de la Flore de Centrafrique 2(1): 1-85. ORSTROM, Bangui.
  • Choudhary, R.K., Srivastava, R.C., Das, A.K. & Lee, J. (2012). Floristic diversity assessment and vegetation analysis of Upper Siang district of eastern Himalaya in North East India. Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 42: 222-246.
  • Correa A., Mireya D. Galdames, Carmen Correa A., M. D., C. Galdames & M. S. de Stapf (2004). Catálogo de las Plantas Vasculares de Panamá: 1-599. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
  • Cumana Campos, L.J. (2010). Clave para especies de Ludwigia L. (Onagraceae) de la región nor-oriental e insular de Venezuela depositadas en el herbario IRBR. Acta botanica Venezuelica 33: 299-327.
  • Darbyshire, I., Kordofani, M., Farag, I., Candiga, R. & Pickering, H. (eds.) (2015). The Plants of Sudan and South Sudan: 1-400. Kew publishing, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Figueiredo, E. & Smith, G.F. (2008). Plants of Angola. Strelitzia 22: 1-279. National Botanical Institute, Pretoria.
  • Figueiredo, E., Paiva, J., Stévart, T., Oliveira, F. & Smith, G.F. (2011). Annotated catalogue of the flowering plants of São Tomé and Príncipe. Bothalia, A Journal of Botanical Research 41: 41-82.
  • Flora of North America Editorial Committee (2021). Flora of North America North of Mexico 10: 1-456. Oxford University Press, New York, Oxford.
  • Fosberg, F.R. & Sachet, M.-H. (1987). Flora of the Gilbert Island, Kiribati, Checklist. Atoll Research Bulletin 295: 1-33.
  • Fosberg, F.R., Sachet, M.-H., Oliver, R. (1979). A geographical checklist of the Micronesian Dicotyledonae. Micronesica; Journal of the College of Guam 15: 41-295.
  • Garcia-Mendoza, A.J. & Meave, J.A. (eds.) (2012). Diversidad florística de Oaxaca: de musgos a angiospermas (colecciones y listas de especies), ed. 2: 1-351. Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
  • George, A.S. (ed.) (1990). Flora of Australia 18: 1-349. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
  • Germishuizen, G. & Meyer, N.L. (eds.) (2003). Plants of Southern Africa an annotated checklist. Strelitzia 14: 1-1231. National Botanical Institute, Pretoria.
  • Girmansyah, D. & al. (eds.) (2013). Flora of Bali an annotated checklist: 1-158. Herbarium Bogorensis, Indonesia.
  • Goodwin, Z.A. & al. (2013). A checklist of the vascular plants of the lowland savannas of Belize, Central America. Phytotaxa 101: 1-119.
  • Gosline, G., Bidault, E., van der Burgt, X., Cahen, D., Challen, G., Condé, N., Couch, C., Couvreur, T.L.P., Dagallier, L.M.J., Darbyshire, I., Dawson, S., Doré, T.S., Goyder, D., Grall, A., Haba, P., Haba, P., Harris, D., Hind, D.J.N., Jongkind, & al. (2023). A Taxonomically-verified and Vouchered Checklist of the Vascular Plants of the Republic of Guinea. Nature, scientific data 10, Article number: 327: [1]-[12].
  • Greuter, W. & al. (eds.) (2021). Flora de la republica de Cuba : Serie A, Plantas vasculares 26: 1-166.
  • Grierson, A.J.C. & Long, D.G. (2001). Flora of Bhutan 2: 1-1675. Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh.
  • Hallé, N. (1980). Les Orchidees de Tubuai (archipel des Australes, Sud Polynesie), suivies d'un catalogue des plantes a fleurs et fougeres des iles Australes. Cahiers de l'Indo-Pacifique 2(3): 69-130.
  • Hammel, B.E. & al. (eds.) (2007). Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica, volumen VI, Dicotyledóneas (Haloragaceae-Phytolaccaceae). Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 111: 1-933. Missouri Botanical Garden.
  • Hancock, I.R. & Henderson, C.P. (1988). Flora of the Solomon Islands. Research Bulletin Dodo Creek Research Station 7: 1-203.
  • Hara, H., Stearn, W.T. & Williams, H.J. (1979). An Enumeration of the Flowering Plants of Nepal 2: 1-220. Trustees of British Museum, London.
  • Hokche, O., Berry, P.E. & Huber, O. (eds.) (2008). Nuevo Catálogo de la Flora Vascular de Venezuela: 1-859. Fundación Instituto Botánico de Venezuela.
  • Idárraga-Piedrahita, A., Ortiz, R.D.C., Callejas Posada, R. & Merello, M. (eds.) (2011). Flora de Antioquia: Catálogo de las Plantas Vasculares 2: 1-939. Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín.
  • Iwatsuki, K., Boufford, D.E. & Ohba, H. (eds.) (1999). Flora of Japan IIc: 1-328. Kodansha Ltd., Tokyo.
  • Jones, M. (1991). A checklist of Gambian plants: 1-33. Michael Jones, The Gambia College.
  • Jørgensen, P.M. & León-Yánez, S. (eds.) (1999). Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Ecuador. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 75: i-viii, 1-1181. Missouri Botanical Garden.
  • Jørgensen, P.M., Nee, M.H. & Beck., S.G. (eds.) (2013). Catálogo de las plantas vasculares de Bolivia. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 127: 1-1741. Missouri Botanical Garden.
  • Kiew, R., Chung, R.C.K., Shaw, L.G. & Soepadmo, E. (eds.) (2017). Flora of Peninsular Malaysia Series II: Seed Plants, volume 6. Malayan Forest Records 49: 1-231.
  • Kobayashi, S. & Ono, M. (1987). A Revised List of Vascular Plants Indigenous and Introduced to the Bonin (Ogasawara) and the Volcano (Kazan) Islands. Ogasawara Research 13: 1-55.
  • Kotiya, A., Solanki, Y. & Reddy, G.V. (2020). Flora of Rajasthan: 1-769. Rajasthan state biodiversity board.
  • Kral, R., Diamond, A.R., Ginzbarg, S.L., Hansen, C.J., Haynes, R.R., Keener, B.R., Lelong, M.G., Spaulding, D.D. & Woods, M. (2011). Annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Alabama: 1-112. Botanical reseach institute of Texas.
  • Kress, W.J., DeFilipps, R.A., Farr, E. & Kyi, D.Y.Y. (2003). A Checklist of the Trees, Shrubs, Herbs and Climbers of Myanmar. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 45: 1-590. Smithsonian Institution.
  • Kumar, S. (2012). Herbaceous flora of Jaunsar-Bawar (Uttarkhand), India: enumerations. Phytotaxonomy 12: 33-56.
  • Launert, E. (ed.) (1978). Flora Zambesiaca 4: 1-658. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Lejoy, J., Ndjele, M.-B. & Geerinck, D. (2010). Catalogue-flore des plantes vasculaires des districts de Kisangani et de la Tshopo (RD Congo). Taxonomania 30: 1-307.
  • Lewalle, J. (1970). Liste floristique et répartition altitudinale de la flore du Burundi occidental: 1-84. Université officielle de Bujumbura.
  • López Patiño, E.J., Szeszko, D.R., Rascala Pérez, J. & Beltrán Retis, A.S. (2012). The flora of the Tenacingo-Malinalco-Zumpahuacán protected natural area, state of Mexico, Mexico. Harvard Papers in Botany 17: 65-167.
  • Mao, A.A. & Dash, S.S. (2020). Flowering Plants of India an Annotated Checklist (Dicotyledons) 1: 1-970. Botanical Survey of India.
  • Meena, S.L. (2012). A checklist of the vascular plants of Banaskantha district, Gujarat, India. Nelumbo 54: 39-91.
  • Morat, P. & Veillon, J.-M. (1985). Contributions à la conaissance de la végétation et de la flore de Wallis et Futuna. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Section B, Adansonia 7: 259-329.
  • Nelson Sutherland, C.H. (2008). Catálogo de las plantes vasculares de Honduras. Espermatofitas: 1-1576. SERNA/Guaymuras, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
  • Newman, M., Ketphanh, S., Svengsuksa, B., Thomas, P., Sengdala, K., Lamxay, V. & Armstrong, K. (2007). A checklist of the vascular plants of Lao PDR: 1-394. Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh.
  • Pandey, R.P. (2009). Floristic diversity of Ferrargunj forest area in South Andaman. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 33: 747-768.
  • Parham, B.E.V. (1971). The Vegetation of the Tokelau Islands with special reference to the plants of Nukunonu Atoll. New Zealand Journal of Botany 9: 576-609.
  • Pasha, M.K. & Uddin, S.B. (2013). Dictionary of plant names of Bangladesh, Vasc. Pl.: 1-434. Janokalyan Prokashani, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
  • Plunkett, G.M., Ranker, T.A., Sam, C. & Balick, M.J. (2022). Towards a checklist of the vascular flora of Vanuatu. Candollea 77: 105-118.
  • Pérez-Farrera, M.Á., Martínez-Camilo, R., Martínez-Meléndez, N., Farrera-Sarmiento, O. & Maza-Villalobos, S. (2012). Listado florístico del Cerro Quetzal (Polígono III) de la reserva de la biosfera El Triunfo, Chiapas, México. Botanical Sciences 90: 113-142.
  • Santisuk, T. & Balslev, H. (eds.) (2014). Flora of Thailand 11(4): 499-666. The Forest Herbarium, Royal Forest Department.
  • Sikarwar, R.L.S. (2014). Angiosperm diversity assessment of Chitrakootthe legendary place of Vindhyan range, India. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 38: 563-619.
  • Smith, A.C. (1985). Flora Vitiensis Nova. A new flora for Fiji (Spermatophytes only) 3: 1-758. Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden, Lawai.
  • Sosef, M.S.M. & al. (2006). Check-list des plantes vasculaires du Gabon. Scripta Botanica Belgica 35: 1-438.
  • Stevens, W.D., Ulloa U., C., Pool, A. & Montiel, O.M. (2001). Flora de Nicaragua. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 85: i-xlii, 1-2666. Missouri Botanical Garden.
  • Taton, A. (1967). Flore du Congo du Rwanda et du Burundi, Onagraceae: 1-25. Jardin Botanique National de Belgique, Bruxelles.
  • Thaman, R.R., Fosberg, F.R., Manner, H.I. & Hassall, D.C. (1994). The Flora of Nauru. Atoll Research Bulletin 392: 1-223.
  • Turner, I.M. (1995 publ. 1997). A catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Malaya. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 47(2): 347-655.
  • Villaseñor, J.L. (2016). Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 87: 559-902.
  • Wagner, W.L., Herbst, D.R. & Sohmer, S.H. (1999). Manual of the Flowering Plants of Hawai'i, rev. ed., 2: 989-1918. University of Hawai'i Press, Bishop Museum Press.
  • Wester, L. (1985). Checklist of the vascular plants of the Northern Line Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 287: 1-38.
  • Whistler, W.A. (2022). Flora of Samoa Flowering Plants: 1-930. National Tropical Botanicl Garden. Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.
  • Wood, J.R.I. (1997). A handbook of the Yemen Flora: 1-434. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Woodroffe, C.D. (1985). Vegetation and flora of Nui Atoll, Tuvalu. Atoll Research Bulletin 283: 1-18.
  • Wu, Z., Raven, P.H. & Hong, D. (eds.) (2007). Flora of China 13: 1-548. Science Press (Beijing) & Missouri Botanical Garden Press (St. Louis).
  • Zuloaga, F.O., Morrone, O. , Belgrano, M.J., Marticorena, C. & Marchesi, E. (eds.) (2008). Catálogo de las Plantas Vasculares del Cono Sur. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 107: 1-3348. Missouri Botanical Garden.
  • de Moura Júnior, E.G. & al. (2015). Updated checklist of aquatic macrophytes from Northern Brazil. Acta Amazonica 45: 111-132.
  • van Proosdij, A.S.J. (2012). Arnoldo's Zakflora, ed. 4: 1-318. Walburg Pers, Zutphen.

Flora of the Cayman Islands

  • Raven in Kew Bull 15: 476 (1962).

Catálogo de Plantas y Líquenes de Colombia

  • Bernal, R., Gradstein, S.R. & Celis, M. (eds.). 2015. Catálogo de plantas y líquenes de Colombia. Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá.

Kew Backbone Distributions

  • (2003). epublication.
  • Acevedo-Rodríguez, P. & Strong, M.T. (2012). Catalogue of seed plants of the West Indies. Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 98: 1-1192.
  • Banks, R.C. (ed.) (1982). Wildlife and wildlife habitat of American Samoa 2: 1-151. U.S. Fisch and Wildlife services, Washington.
  • Barua, I.C. (2010). The genus Ludwigia (Onagraceae) in India. Rheedea 20: 59-70.
  • Boggan, J. Funck, V. & Kelloff, C. (1997). Checklist of the Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, Franch Guiana) ed. 2: 1-238. University of Guyana, Georgetown.
  • Boulvert, Y. (1977). Catalogue de la Flore de Centrafrique 2(1): 1-85. ORSTROM, Bangui.
  • Choudhary, R.K., Srivastava, R.C., Das, A.K. & Lee, J. (2012). Floristic diversity assessment and vegetation analysis of Upper Siang district of eastern Himalaya in North East India. Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 42: 222-246.
  • Correa A., Mireya D. Galdames, Carmen Correa A., M. D., C. Galdames & M. S. de Stapf (2004). Catálogo de las Plantas Vasculares de Panamá: 1-599. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
  • Cumana Campos, L.J. (2010). Clave para especies de Ludwigia L. (Onagraceae) de la región nor-oriental e insular de Venezuela depositadas en el herbario IRBR. Acta botanica Venezuelica 33: 299-327.
  • Dassanayake (ed.) (1995). A Revised Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon 9: 1-482. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. PVT. LTD., New Delhi, Calcutta.
  • Figueiredo, E. & Smith, G.F. (2008). Plants of Angola. Strelitzia 22: 1-279. National Botanical Institute, Pretoria.
  • Figueiredo, E., Paiva, J., Stévart, T., Oliveira, F. & Smith, G.F. (2011). Annotated catalogue of the flowering plants of São Tomé and Príncipe. Bothalia, A Journal of Botanical Research 41: 41-82.
  • Forzza, R.C., Zappi, D. & Souza, V.C. (2016-continuously updated). Flora do Brasil 2020 em construção
  • Fosberg, F.R. & Sachet, M.-H. (1987). Flora of the Gilbert Island, Kiribati, Checklist. Atoll Research Bulletin 295: 1-33.
  • Fosberg, F.R. (1975). Vascular plants of Aitutaki. Atoll Research Bulletin 190: 73-84.
  • Fosberg, F.R., Sachet, M.-H., Oliver, R. (1979). A geographical checklist of the Micronesian Dicotyledonae. Micronesica; Journal of the College of Guam 15: 41-295.
  • GBIF (2008-2020). Global Biodiversity Information Facility
  • Garcia-Mendoza, A.J. & Meave, J.A. (eds.) (2012). Diversidad florística de Oaxaca: de musgos a angiospermas (colecciones y listas de especies), ed. 2: 1-351. Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
  • George, A.S. (ed.) (1990). Flora of Australia 18: 1-349. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
  • Germishuizen, G. & Meyer, N.L. (eds.) (2003). Plants of Southern Africa an annotated checklist. Strelitzia 14: 1-1231. National Botanical Institute, Pretoria.
  • Goodwin, Z.A. & al. (2013). A checklist of the vascular plants of the lowland savannas of Belize, Central America. Phytotaxa 101: 1-119.
  • Greuter, W. & al. (eds.) (2021). Flora de la republica de Cuba : Serie A, Plantas vasculares 26: 1-166.
  • Hallé, N. (1980). Les Orchidees de Tubuai (archipel des Australes, Sud Polynesie), suivies d'un catalogue des plantes a fleurs et fougeres des iles Australes. Cahiers de l'Indo-Pacifique 2(3): 69-130.
  • Hammel, B.E. & al. (eds.) (2007). Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica, volumen VI, Dicotyledóneas (Haloragaceae-Phytolaccaceae). Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 111: 1-933. Missouri Botanical Garden.
  • Hara, H., Stearn, W.T. & Williams, H.J. (1979). An Enumeration of the Flowering Plants of Nepal 2: 1-220. Trustees of British Museum, London.
  • Hokche, O., Berry, P.E. & Huber, O. (eds.) (2008). Nuevo Catálogo de la Flora Vascular de Venezuela: 1-859. Fundación Instituto Botánico de Venezuela.
  • Iwatsuki, K., Boufford, D.E. & Ohba, H. (eds.) (1999). Flora of Japan IIc: 1-328. Kodansha Ltd., Tokyo.
  • Jørgensen, P.M., Nee, M.H. & Beck., S.G. (eds.) (2013). Catálogo de las plantas vasculares de Bolivia. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 127: 1-1741. Missouri Botanical Garden.
  • Kobayashi, S. & Ono, M. (1987). A Revised List of Vascular Plants Indigenous and Introduced to the Bonin (Ogasawara) and the Volcano (Kazan) Islands. Ogasawara Research 13: 1-55.
  • Kral, R., Diamond, A.R., Ginzbarg, S.L., Hansen, C.J., Haynes, R.R., Keener, B.R., Lelong, M.G., Spaulding, D.D. & Woods, M. (2011). Annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Alabama: 1-112. Botanical reseach institute of Texas.
  • Kumar, S. (2012). Herbaceous flora of Jaunsar-Bawar (Uttarkhand), India: enumerations. Phytotaxonomy 12: 33-56.
  • Launert, E. (ed.) (1978). Flora Zambesiaca 4: 1-658. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Lejoy, J., Ndjele, M.-B. & Geerinck, D. (2010). Catalogue-flore des plantes vasculaires des districts de Kisangani et de la Tshopo (RD Congo). Taxonomania 30: 1-307.
  • Lewalle, J. (1970). Liste floristique et répartition altitudinale de la flore du Burundi occidental: 1-84. Université officielle de Bujumbura.
  • López Patiño, E.J., Szeszko, D.R., Rascala Pérez, J. & Beltrán Retis, A.S. (2012). The flora of the Tenacingo-Malinalco-Zumpahuacán protected natural area, state of Mexico, Mexico. Harvard Papers in Botany 17: 65-167.
  • Morat, P. & Veillon, J.-M. (1985). Contributions à la conaissance de la végétation et de la flore de Wallis et Futuna. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Section B, Adansonia 7: 259-329.
  • Nelson Sutherland, C.H. (2008). Catálogo de las plantes vasculares de Honduras. Espermatofitas: 1-1576. SERNA/Guaymuras, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
  • Pandey, R.P. & Dilwakar, P.G. (2008). An integrated check-list flora of Andaman and Nicobar islands, India. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 32: 403-500.
  • Pandey, R.P. (2009). Floristic diversity of Ferrargunj forest area in South Andaman. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 33: 747-768.
  • Parham, B.E.V. (1971). The Vegetation of the Tokelau Islands with special reference to the plants of Nukunonu Atoll. New Zealand Journal of Botany 9: 576-609.
  • Pasha, M.K. & Uddin, S.B. (2013). Dictionary of plant names of Bangladesh, Vasc. Pl.: 1-434. Janokalyan Prokashani, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
  • Plunkett, G.M., Ranker, T.A., Sam, C. & Balick, M.J. (2022). Towards a checklist of the vascular flora of Vanuatu. Candollea 77: 105-118.
  • Pérez-Farrera, M.Á., Martínez-Camilo, R., Martínez-Meléndez, N., Farrera-Sarmiento, O. & Maza-Villalobos, S. (2012). Listado florístico del Cerro Quetzal (Polígono III) de la reserva de la biosfera El Triunfo, Chiapas, México. Botanical Sciences 90: 113-142.
  • Santisuk, T. & Balslev, H. (eds.) (2014). Flora of Thailand 11(4): 499-666. The Forest Herbarium, Royal Forest Department.
  • Sita, P. & Moutsambote, J.-M. (2005). Catalogue des plantes vasculaires du Congo, ed. sept. 2005: 1-158. ORSTOM, Centre de Brazzaville.
  • Smith, A.C. (1985). Flora Vitiensis Nova. A new flora for Fiji (Spermatophytes only) 3: 1-758. Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden, Lawai.
  • Sosef, M.S.M. & al. (2006). Check-list des plantes vasculaires du Gabon. Scripta Botanica Belgica 35: 1-438.
  • St. John, H. (1988). Census of the Flora of the Gambier islands, Polynesia. Pacific Plant Studies 43: 1-34.
  • Stevens, W.D., Ulloa U., C., Pool, A. & Montiel, O.M. (2001). Flora de Nicaragua. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 85: i-xlii, 1-2666. Missouri Botanical Garden.
  • Sykes, W.R. (2016). Flora of the Cook Islands: 1-973. National Tropical Botanical Garden, Hawaii.
  • Thaman, R.R., Fosberg, F.R., Manner, H.I. & Hassall, D.C. (1994). The Flora of Nauru. Atoll Research Bulletin 392: 1-223.
  • USDA, NRCS ( 2021-continuously updated). Natural Resources Conservation Services Plant Database
  • Villaseñor, J.L. (2016). Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 87: 559-902.
  • Wagner, W.L., Herbst, D.R. & Sohmer, S.H. (1999). Manual of the Flowering Plants of Hawai'i, rev. ed., 2: 989-1918. University of Hawai'i Press, Bishop Museum Press.
  • Welsh, S.L. (1998). Flora Societensis: 1-420. E.P.S. Inc. Utah.
  • Wester, L. (1985). Checklist of the vascular plants of the Northern Line Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 287: 1-38.
  • Woodroffe, C.D. (1985). Vegetation and flora of Nui Atoll, Tuvalu. Atoll Research Bulletin 283: 1-18.
  • Zuloaga, F.O., Morrone, O. , Belgrano, M.J., Marticorena, C. & Marchesi, E. (eds.) (2008). Catálogo de las Plantas Vasculares del Cono Sur. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 107: 1-3348. Missouri Botanical Garden.
  • de Moura Júnior, E.G. & al. (2015). Updated checklist of aquatic macrophytes from Northern Brazil. Acta Amazonica 45: 111-132.
  • van Proosdij, A.S.J. (2012). Arnoldo's Zakflora, ed. 4: 1-318. Walburg Pers, Zutphen.

Useful Plants and Fungi of Colombia

  • Bernal, R., Gradstein, S.R., & Celis, M. (eds.). (2020). Catálogo de Plantas y Líquenes de Colombia. v1.1. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Dataset/Checklist.
  • Burkill HM. (1995). The useful plants of west tropical Africa, Vols. 1-3. The useful plants of west tropical Africa, Vols 1-3.
  • Cámara-Leret, R., & Dennehy, Z. (2019). Information gaps in indigenous and local knowledge for science-policy assessments. Nature Sustainability 2:736-741.
  • Diazgranados et al. (2021). Catalogue of plants of Colombia. Useful Plants and Fungi of Colombia project. In prep.
  • Diazgranados, M., Allkin, B., Black N., Cámara-Leret, R., Canteiro C., Carretero J., Eastwood R., Hargreaves S., Hudson A., Milliken W., Nesbitt, M., Ondo, I., Patmore, K., Pironon, S., Turner, R., Ulian, T. (2020). World Checklist of Useful Plant Species. Produced by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity.
  • FPI (2021). Food Plants International.
  • (2021). GBIF species matching tool.
  • IUCN (2021). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2021-2.
  • Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humbodlt (2014). Plantas alimenticias y medicinales nativas de Colombia. 2567 registros, aportados por: Castellanos, C. (Contacto del recurso), Valderrama, N. (Creador del recurso, Autor), Bernal, Y. (Autor), García, N. (Autor).
  • Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (2015). Listado de especies de Productos No Maderables del caribe colombiano. 366 registros, aportados por: Garcia, H. (Contacto del Recurso), López Camacho, R. (Creador del recurso), Espitia Palencia, L. (Proveedor del metadatos). Versión 2.0.
  • Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (2019). Lista de especies vedadas por la resolución 213 de 1977. 8256 especies.
  • Jansen, P., Lemmens, R., Oyen, L., Siemonsma, J., Stavast, F. & Van Valkenburg, J. (1991) Plant Resources of South-East Asia. Basic list of species and commodity grouping. Final version. Pudoc, Wageningen.
  • Medicinal Plant Names Services (MPNS) v.10 (2021);
  • PROTA (2021). Plants Resources of Tropical Africa.
  • RBG, Kew (2021). Kew Economic Botany Collection.
  • Willis, K.J. (ed.) (2017). State of the World’s Plants 2017. Report. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Other Data

Other Kew resources that provide information on this taxon:

Date Reference Identified As Barcode Type Status Has image?
Jan 1, 2022 Rieder, C.; Camara, M. [429] Guinea K000010725 No
Feb 1, 2020 Bau, B.B. [LAE 99619] Papua New Guinea K001392819 No
Feb 1, 2020 Simaga, J.M. [09425] Papua New Guinea K001392816 No
Feb 1, 2020 Parnell et al. [95-625] Thailand K001392824 No
Feb 1, 2020 Bonn, C, et al. [LAE 66356] Papua New Guinea K001392817 No
Feb 1, 2020 Klappa, S. [88] Papua New Guinea K001392821 No
Feb 1, 2020 Leong-Skornickova et al. [2676] Vietnam K001392823 No
Oct 12, 2007 Philcox, D.; Fereira, A. [3834] Brazil K001077408 Yes
Oct 11, 2007 Ratter, J.A.; Fonseca, S.G.; Fonsêca-Filho, J.; Ribeiro, J.R.; Silva, J.G.S. [4130] Brazil K001077421 Yes
May 1, 2007 Hamilton, W.D. [369] Brazil K000277057 Yes
May 1, 2007 Hamilton, W.D. [12] Brazil K000277058 Yes
Feb 1, 1997 Pott, V.J.; Bueno, N.C. [863] Brazil K001077418 Yes
Jan 1, 1993 Nee, M.H. [42906] Brazil K001077420 Yes
Jan 1, 1991 Oldenburger, F.H.F.; Mecenas, V.V. [1688] Brazil K001077425 Yes
Jan 1, 1987 Davidson, C.; Martinelli, G. [CD 10670] Brazil K001077419 Yes
Jan 1, 1986 Pirani, J.R.; Yano, O.; Santos, D.P. [152] Brazil K001077422 Yes
Jan 1, 1978 Gardner, G. [3711] Brazil K001077409 Yes
Jan 1, 1978 Harley, R.M.; Souza, R. [11113] Brazil K001077410 Yes
Jan 1, 1977 Barrett, S.C.H.; Hill, R.A.; Stilwell, M.R. [s.n.] Brazil K001077429 Yes
Jan 1, 1975 Anderson, W.R.; Fryxell, P.A.; Hill, S.R.; Santos, R.R.; Souza, R. [8336] Brazil K001077434 Yes
Jan 1, 1974 Prance, G.T.; Coelho, L.F.; Harley, R.M.; Kubitzki, K.; Maas, P.J.M.; Sastre, C.; Smith, G.L. [11670] Brazil K001077435 Yes
Jan 1, 1974 Prance, G.T.; Coelho, L.F.; Kubitzki, K.; Maas, P.J.M. [11544] Brazil K001077428 Yes
Jan 1, 1973 Irwin, H.S.; Onishi, E.; Fonseca, S.F., da; Souza, R.; Santos, R.R.; Ramos, J. [26060] Brazil K001077433 Yes
Jan 1, 1971 Silva, M.; Souza, R. [2597] Brazil K001077413 Yes
Jan 1, 1965 Irwin, H.S.; Egler, W.A. [47542] Brazil K001077436 Yes
Jan 1, 1965 Irwin, H.S.; Pires, J.M.; Westra, L.Y.T. [47956] French Guiana K001077437 Yes
Jan 1, 1965 Irwin, H.S.; Prance, G.T.; Soderstrom, T.R.; Holmgren, N.H. [55944] Suriname K001077440 Yes
Jan 1, 1965 Irwin, H.S.; Prance, G.T.; Soderstrom, T.R.; Holmgren, N.H. [55405] Suriname K001077411 Yes
Jan 1, 1965 Irwin, H.S.; Soderstrom, T.R. [5858] Brazil K001077438 Yes
Oct 6, 1930 Royle, J.F. [s.n.] India K000357866 Type Yes
Reinecke [523] Samoa K003852115 Yes
Krapovickas, A.; Schinini, A. [39204] Bolivia K003856250 Yes
Burchell, W.J. [7679] Brazil K001077405 Yes
Keller, C.J. [10804] Argentina K003856251 Yes
Wright, C. [159] Cuba K000975307 Type Yes
Philcox, D.; Ferreira, A. [4469] Brazil K001077406 Yes
Maitland, T.D. [1593] Cameroon K000050351 Yes
Walker, E.H.; Tawada, S. [7292] China K003851082 Yes
Torre, A.R.; Correia, M.F. [15156] Mozambique K003853965 Yes
Womersley, J.S. [NGF14185] Papua New Guinea K003851826 Yes
Eyma, P.J. [5322] Indonesia K003851860 Yes
Schweickerdt; Verdoorn [559A] South Africa K003854488 Yes
Jeffrey, C.; Trujillo, B.; Condon, M.A. [2208] Venezuela K003856013 Yes
Moseley [s.n.] K003851805 Yes
Jansen-Jacobs, M.J.; B. J. H. ter Welle; Simmons, C.; Jacobs-Brouwer, A.; James, V. [4484] Guyana K003855617 Yes
Lindheimer, F.J. [806] United States K003854599 Yes
Glaziou, A.F.M. [8346] Brazil K001077374 Yes
Asik Mantor [SAN 115774] Malaysia K003851637 Yes
Macrae [s.n.] United States K003852064 Yes
Harley, R.M.; Mayo, S.J.; Storr, R.M.; Santos, T.S., dos; Pinheiro, R.S. [20033] Brazil K001077416 Yes
Collenette, J.S. [5590] Saudi Arabia K003851001 Yes
Gardner, G. [997] Brazil K001077388 Yes
Croat, T.B. [32092] Madagascar K003854352 Yes
Takeuchi, W.; Ama, D. [24106] Papua New Guinea K003851834 Yes
Glaziou, A.F.M. [10745] Brazil K001077360 Yes
Balgooy, V. [3458] Indonesia K003851639 Yes
Friis, I.; Awas, T.; Gibre-Hiwot, G. [8166] Ethiopia K003853137 Yes
Glaziou, A.F.M. [6710] Brazil K001077392 Yes
Lam [508] Indonesia K003851804 Yes
Hoff, M. [4307] Wallis and Futuna K003852120 Yes
Leeuwenberg, A.J.M.; Berg, C.C. [9731] Cameroon K003852853 Yes
Madani, L. [SAN90846] Malaysia K003851640 Yes
Keller, H.A.; Paredes, N.G. [10850] Argentina K003856252 Yes
Maitland, T.D. [55] Cameroon K000050350 Yes
Mhoro, B.; Backeus, I. [2332] Tanzania K003853451 Yes
Beals, E. [B208] Ethiopia K003853140 Yes
Dorr, L.J. [3082] Madagascar K003854351 Yes
Boog, W. [s.n.] Brazil K001077363 Yes
Amdjah [21] Indonesia K003851603 Yes
Nation, W. [92] Peru K003856022 Yes
Koroiveibau, D. [10691] Fiji K003852080 Yes
Costa, M.A.S. [152] Brazil K003855668 Yes
Harley, R.M.; Mayo, S.J.; Storr, R.M.; Santos, T.S.; Pinheiro, R.S. [20036] Brazil K003855652 Yes
Griffith [s.n.] K003851459 Yes
Gardner [311] Sri Lanka K003852065 Yes
Briggs, B.G. [7274] Australia K003851922 Yes
Jéremie, J. [786] Barbados K003855292 Yes
André, É. [K1052] Guadeloupe K003855284 Yes
Simpson, J.H. [381] United States K003854602 Yes
Reserves Naturelles de Madagascar [7261RN] Madagascar K003854322 Yes
Raynal, A. [15581] Trinidad and Tobago K003855289 Yes
St. John, H.; Fosberg, F.R. [13526] United States K003852057 Yes
Ping, T.K. [1861] China K003851061 Yes
Razafitsalama, L.J.; Randrianarivony, T. [1271] Madagascar K003854344 Yes
Vachell, G.H. [183] China K003851094 Yes
França, F.; Lughadha, E.N.; Gasson, P.; Harley, R. [PCD6006] Brazil K003855645 Yes
Cock, M.J.W. [4] Fiji K003852079 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Brazil K001077377 Yes
Prony [537] New Caledonia K003852048 Yes
Irwin, H.S.; Prance, G.T.; Soderstrom, T.R.; Holmgren, N.H. [55937] Suriname K001077439 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United States K003854583 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Peru K003856021 Yes
Moldenke, H.N. [344] United States K003854600 Yes
Spare, G.H. [s.n.] K003851471 Yes
[A. M.] [s.n.] United States K003852063 Yes
Luke, W.R.Q. [17352] Kenya K001872750 No
Chang, T.K. [1861] China K003851071 Yes
Boden-Kloss, C. [14097] Malaysia K003851598 Yes
Mauriasi, R. [BSIP 13648] Solomon Islands K003852034 Yes
Zak, V.; Jaramillo, J. [2998] Ecuador K003856031 Yes
Soto, A.; González, F.; Rodríguez, A. [848] Costa Rica K001609402 Yes
Kami, E.; Cheek, M.; Harrig, C. [4252] Congo, Republic of the K000581494 Yes
Lorence, D. [DL1478] Mauritius K003854336 Yes
McKean, J. [B608] Australia K003851932 Yes
Barclay [s.n.] United States K003852069 Yes
Takamatsu, M. [887] K003852055 Yes
Gardner, G. [31] Brazil K001077366 Yes
Hooker, W.J. [s.n.] India K003851091 Yes
Gardner, G. [997] Brazil K001077391 Yes
Sette Silva, E.L. [654] Brazil K003855664 Yes
Costa, M.B.; Silva [203] Brazil K003855671 Yes
Lorence Lugas [1340] Malaysia K003851634 Yes
Leeuwenberg, A.J.M.; Berg, C.C. [9795] Cameroon K003852852 Yes
Koroiveiban, D. [11143] Fiji K003852083 Yes
St. John, H. [11658] United States K003852060 Yes
Heller, A.A.; Halbach, E.G. [385] Puerto Rico K003855275 Yes
Pullea, A. [155] Indonesia K003851831 Yes
Salzmann, P. [s.n.] Brazil K001077387 Yes
Burchell, W.J. [8709] Brazil K001077397 Yes
Maries [s.n.] Taiwan K003851098 Yes
Harley, R.M.; Bromley, G.L.; DeCarvalho, A.M.; Hage, J.L.; Brito, H.S. [21691A] Brazil K003855661 Yes
s.coll. [152] K003851078 Yes
Ncube, M. [51] Zimbabwe K003853943 Yes
Koroiveibau, D. [10691] Fiji K003852078 Yes
Kessler, P.J.A.; et al. [PK1261] Indonesia K003851638 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Guadeloupe K003855283 Yes
Irwin, H.S.; Souza, R.; Grear, J.W.; Santos, R.R. [17584] Brazil K001077412 Yes
Wood, J.R.I. [9712] Bolivia K003856016 Yes
Burchell, W.J. [2593] Brazil K001077398 Yes
Dibata [174] Gabon K003852796 Yes
Simpson, J.H. [381] United States K003854601 Yes
Streimann, H.; Leach, G. [NGF28568] Papua New Guinea K003851839 Yes
Hatschbach, G. [47868] Brazil K003855658 Yes
Moss, C.E. [s.n.] South Africa K003854486 Yes
Maitland, T.D. [0s.n.34] Cameroon K000050353 Yes
Versteegh; van Royen; Floyd, A. [5769] Papua New Guinea K003851858 Yes
Takeuchi, W. [11751] Papua New Guinea K003851828 Yes
Eyerdam, W.J.; Beetle, A.A. [22952] Argentina K003856253 Yes
Curtiss, A.H. [415] Cuba K003855295 Yes
Tucker, J.M. [1164] El Salvador K003855045 Yes
Billy Bau [LAE82801] Papua New Guinea K003851827 Yes
Florence, J. [7411] French Polynesia K003852128 Yes
Kinsun Bakia [280] Malaysia K003851633 Yes
Prance, G.T.; Forero, E.; Pena, B.S.; Ramos, J.F. [4237] Brazil K001077414 Yes
Shafer, J.A. [8574] Cuba K003855282 Yes
Dorr, L.J. [2839] Madagascar K003854350 Yes
Mitchell, T.L. [s.n.] Australia K003851919 Yes
Manjato, N.; Faranirina, L.; Razanatsoa, H. [24] Madagascar K003854348 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [9800] Hong Kong K003851075 Yes
Mogg, A.O.D. [31697] Mozambique K003853933 Yes
Martius [408] Brazil K001077389 Yes
Badcock, W.J. [127] Bolivia K003856015 Yes
Mrs. R. S. Shepard [279] Chile K003856248 Yes
Pohl, J.B.E. [949] Brazil K001077395 Yes
Schäfer, P.A. [5173] K003852129 Yes
Sintenis, P. [5896] Puerto Rico K003855276 Yes
Gautier, L.; Be, S.T. [LG2952] Madagascar K003854349 Yes
Burchell, W.J. [1595] Brazil K001077369 Yes
Anderson, W.R.; Stieber, M.T.; Kirkbride, J.H., Jr. [36010] Brazil K001077424 Yes
Rogers, F.A. [20263] South Africa K003854484 Yes
s.coll. [7965] Madagascar K003854346 Yes
Rico, L.; Windsor-Shaw, T.; McRobb, A.; Arroyo, L.; Roth, C. [1489] Bolivia K000295438 Yes
Macbride, J.F. [3233] Peru K003856026 Yes
Jacquemont, V. [s.n.] K003855286 Yes
Lorence, D. [1851] Mauritius K003854335 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003851605 Yes
Whistler, W.A. [W1496] Samoa K003852110 Yes
Maas, P.J.M.; Mass, H. [344] Brazil K003855669 Yes
de Kruif, A.P.M. [380] Cote d'Ivoire K003852260 Yes
Zak, V. [1218] Ecuador K003856014 Yes
Wood, J.R.I.; Villarroel, D.; Martinez, M.T.; Clegg, R. [28702] Bolivia K001572670 Yes
Rodríguez, A.; Santamaría, D.; González, F. [10362] Costa Rica K001572634 Yes
Bidgood, S.; Merrett, L. & Vollesen, K. [8720] Zambia K001567217 Yes
Yasuda, K. [0698] Japan K003851081 Yes
Vaupel, F. [62] Samoa K003852116 Yes
Henry, A. [8024] China K003851079 Yes
Friis, I.; Abebe, W.; Ermias Getachew [13583] Ethiopia K003853136 Yes
Carvalho [4509] Equatorial Guinea K003852813 Yes
Glaziou, A.F.M. [8347] Brazil K001077373 Yes
Bryan Jr., E.H. [59] Samoa K003852113 Yes
Isles, S.; Vinas, N.A. [NGF33900] Papua New Guinea K003851823 Yes
Hiepko, P.; Schultze-Motel, J. [213] Togo K003852333 Yes
Maas, P.J.M.; Mennega, E.A.; B. J. H. ter Welle [5899] Guyana K003855616 Yes
Cock, M.J.W. [5] Fiji K003852082 Yes
Lorence Lugas [150] Malaysia K003851632 Yes
Friis, I.; Bidgood, S.; Host, P.; Wondafrash, M.; Kebede, S. [6813] Ethiopia K003853139 Yes
Brass, L.J. [6026] Papua New Guinea K003851830 Yes
Guile, D.P.M. [7812] Hong Kong K003851073 Yes
Richards, H.M. (Mrs) [25962] Tanzania K003853456 Yes
Preston, T.A. [s.n.] Brazil K001077426 Yes
Anta [35] Indonesia K003851847 Yes
Barros, F., de [758] Brazil K001077423 Yes
Beccari, O. [3244] Malaysia K003851601 Yes
Harley, R.M.; Renvoize, S.A.; Erskine, C.M.; Brighton, C.A.; Pinheiro, R. [16941] Brazil K003855647 Yes
Niga Nangkat [NN311] Brunei K003851610 Yes
Anderson, D.J. [s.n.] China K003851076 Yes
Giulietti, A.M.; Harley, R.M. [1912] Brazil K003855655 Yes
van Steenis, C.G.G.J. [7891] Indonesia K003851606 Yes
McGillivray, J. [321] Brazil K001077375 Yes
Streimann, H.; Kairo, A. [NGF44596] Papua New Guinea K003851859 Yes
Lowry, P.P.; Rakotozafy, A.; Nicoll, M.F. [4156] Madagascar K003854319 Yes
Carrick, J. [923] Trinidad and Tobago K003855288 Yes
Harley, R.M.; Mayo, S.J.; Storr, R.M.; Santos, T.S.; Pinheiro, R.S. [20034] Brazil K003855654 Yes
Wood, H.A. [7636] Jamaica K003855279 Yes
Evans, D. [3790] Australia K003851949 Yes
Ferrucci, M.S.; Dematteis, M.; Meza Torres, E.I.; Avalos, A.A. [3449] Argentina K003856249 Yes
Glaziou, A.F.M. [12670] Brazil K001077386 Yes
Trail, J.W.H. [324] Brazil K001077399 Yes
Henry, A. [s.n.] China K003851096 Yes
Van Hermann, H.A. [606] Cuba K003855296 Yes
Harley, R.M.; Bromley, G.L.; Santana, S.C.; Hage, J.L.; dosSantos, E.B. [22155] Brazil K003855659 Yes
Burchell, W.J. [1176] Brazil K001077396 Yes
Boog, W. [s.n.] Brazil K001077382 Yes
Dennis, G.F.C. [BSIP7943] Solomon Islands K003852084 Yes
Combs, R. [157] Cuba K003855290 Yes
Waterhouse, J.H.L. [655-B] Solomon Islands K003852037 Yes
Baca, V.P.; Dejaviso, C. [179] Peru K003856027 Yes
Rakotovao, C.; Andriamiarisoa, R.I.; Rabenarivo, V.C.; Rafitiavanjanahary, H.S.; Tojiny [2227] Madagascar K003854347 Yes
Florence, J. [4439] French Polynesia K003852132 Yes
Amin; Mansus; et al. [SAN118974] Malaysia K003851635 Yes
[Mohd. Kasim] [681] K003851467 Yes
Torre, A.R. [s.n.] Mozambique K003853964 Yes
Codd, L.E. [5355] South Africa K003854478 Yes
Takeuchi, W. [8741] Papua New Guinea K003851833 Yes
Riedel, L. [537] Brazil K001077372 Yes
Hahn, M. [761] Martinique K003855293 Yes
Zunguze, D.; Boane, C. [299] Mozambique K003853966 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Brazil K001077393 Yes
Gay, J. [s.n.] Brazil K001077364 Yes
Rafidah, A.R.; Imin, K.; Syahida Emiza, S. [FRI75950] K003851474 Yes
Nihei, C. [s.n.] United States K003852066 Yes
Fosberg, F.R. [52116] Seychelles K003854378 Yes
Friis, I.; Bidgood, S.; Host, P.; Desissa, D.; Kebede, S. [7247] Ethiopia K003853142 Yes
Davies, R.M. [2093] Zimbabwe K003853944 Yes
Carr, C.E. [11460] Papua New Guinea K003851824 Yes
Friis, I.; Woldu, Z.; Vollesen, K.B. [2547] Ethiopia K003853141 Yes
s.coll. [15978] China K003851093 Yes
Fendler, A. [448] Venezuela K003856030 Yes
Burkill, H.M.; Shah, M. [HMB2506] K003851460 Yes
Taubert, P.H.W. [s.n.] Brazil K001077390 Yes
Heringer, E.P.; Filgueiras, T.S.; Mendonça, R.C.; Pereira, B.A.S.; Heringer Salles, A.E.; Chagas e Silva F. [4271] Brazil K001077431 Yes
Tucker, J.M. [579] El Salvador K003855046 Yes
Shea, G.; Aban [San77111] Malaysia K003851636 Yes
Schlieben, H.J. [11728] Seychelles K003854379 Yes
Glaziou, A.F.M. [12669] Brazil K001077358 Yes
Sledge, W.A. [1636] Samoa K003852111 Yes
Miller, J.S. [3670] Madagascar K003854323 Yes
Jack, J.G. [7157] Cuba K003855285 Yes
s.coll. [[A1782]] Saint Lucia K003855294 Yes
Oldham, R. [120] Taiwan K003851077 Yes
Takeuchi, W.; Wiakabu, J.; Gorrez, M.; Towati, A. [14025] Papua New Guinea K003851829 Yes
Salzmann, P. [s.n.] Brazil K001077367 Yes
Docters van Leeuwen, W.M. [10075] Indonesia K003851807 Yes
Wright, C. [83] K003851101 Yes
Wiriadinata, H. [1316] Indonesia K003851629 Yes
Blanchet, J.S. [s.n.] Brazil K001077359 Yes
Miers, J. [3631] Brazil K001077365 Yes
Glaziou, A.F.M. [13817] Brazil K001077361 Yes
Guile, D.P.M. [7811] Hong Kong K003851072 Yes
Boane, C. [35] Mozambique K003853961 Yes
Pott, A.; Pott, V.J. [1736] Brazil K003855676 Yes
s.coll. [203] China K003851065 Yes
s.coll. [751] K003851465 Yes
Beaman, J.H.; Sheldon, F. [6980] Malaysia K003851594 Yes
Wallich [s.n.] K003851470 Yes
Griffith [s.n.] K003851457 Yes
Chase, N.C. [7519] Mozambique K003853896 Yes
Fosberg, F.R. [41406] Marshall Islands K003852056 Yes
s.coll. [900] Jamaica K003855272 Yes
Henry, A. [11281] China K003851068 Yes
Humbert, H. [23141] Madagascar K003854321 Yes
Spruce, R. [s.n.] Ecuador K000006286 Yes
Whistler, W.A. [W5276] United States K003852058 Yes
Harley, R.M.; Renvoize, S.A.; Erskine, C.M.; Brighton, C.A.; Pinheiro, R. [15485] Brazil K003855648 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Brazil K001077380 Yes
Takeuchi, W. [8741] Papua New Guinea K003851832 Yes
Schlieben, H.J. [7418] South Africa K003854481 Yes
Simaga, J.M. [720] Papua New Guinea K003851837 Yes
Chase, N.C. [7519] Mozambique K003853897 Yes
Richards, H.M. (Mrs) [22044] Tanzania K003853454 Yes
Cushing, M.V. [358] K003852053 Yes
Frontier-Tanzania [1225] Tanzania K003853439 Yes
Fuertes, P.M. [226] Dominican Republic K003855278 Yes
Whistler, W.A. [W4643] Samoa K003852109 Yes
Burchell, W.J. [933] Brazil K001077356 Yes
Yamazaki, T. [222] Japan K003851085 Yes
Gosweiller, J. [221] Angola K003853935 Yes
Jansen-Jacobs, M.J.; ter Welle, B.J.H.; Gustafsson, C.; James, V.; Andrew, R. [4052] Guyana K003855618 Yes
Raad, H.J. [95] South Sudan K003853143 Yes
Leonard, E.C.; Leonard, G.M. [14110] Haiti K003855274 Yes
Maas, P.J.M.; Westra, L.Y.T. [3807] Guyana K003855621 Yes
Spruce, R. [2413] Brazil K001077394 Yes
Clemens, M.S. [s.n.] Australia K003851926 Yes
Werdermann, E. [2574] Bolivia K003856017 Yes
Wood, H.A. [7636] Jamaica K003855280 Yes
Harley, R.M.; Renvoize, S.A.; Erskine, C.M.; Brighton, C.A.; Pinheiro, R.S. [16281] Brazil K001077432 Yes
Sales, M.; Andrade, K. [235] Brazil K003855673 Yes
Gilliland, H.B. [1383] Zimbabwe K003853949 Yes
Boog, W. [s.n.] Brazil K001077368 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Brazil K001077384 Yes
Burchell, W.J. [2376] Brazil K001077376 Yes
Lorence, D. [2719] Reunion K003854334 Yes
Turner, H. [133] Indonesia K003851604 Yes
Curtiss, A.H. [198] Bahamas, The K003855271 Yes
Philcox, D.; Ferreira, A. [4473] Brazil K001077407 Yes
Pohl, J.B.E. [949] Brazil K001077402 Yes
[Georgeslsil] [s.n.] Bolivia K003856018 Yes
Ridley, H.N. [s.n.] K003851468 Yes
Eyma, P.J. [4530] Indonesia K003851857 Yes
Davis, D.H. [275] Guyana K003855615 Yes
Anderson, R.W. [s.n.] United States K003854596 Yes
Swainson, W. [s.n.] Brazil K001077379 Yes
Wright, C. [163] Hong Kong K003851102 Yes
Cid, C.A. [4156] Brazil K003855670 Yes
Seidel, R.; Vargas, E. [2370] Bolivia K003856019 Yes
Gay, J. [484] Brazil K001077381 Yes
Brass, L.J. [8329] Papua New Guinea K003851845 Yes
Harley, R.M.; Renvoize, S.A.; Erskine, C.M.; Brighton, C.A.; Pinheiro, R. [17147] Brazil K003855649 Yes
Glaziou, A.F.M. [8673] Brazil K001077383 Yes
Schneider, C. [2557] China K003851067 Yes
Callery, M. [245] China K003851099 Yes
s.coll. [399] Hong Kong K003851064 Yes
Ridley, H.N. [s.n.] K003851469 Yes
s.coll. [2003] Sierra Leone K003852795 Yes
Chippendale, G. [7929] Australia K003851925 Yes
Hinds [s.n.] Peru K003856023 Yes
Maas, P.J.M.; Koek-Noorman, J.; Lall, H.; ter Welle, B.J.H; Westra, L.Y.T. [7622] Guyana K003855624 Yes
Frontier-Tanzania [902] Tanzania K003853438 Yes
Richardson, W.D. [2006] Trinidad and Tobago K003855287 Yes
s.coll. [897] Jamaica K003855297 Yes
Friis, I.; Bidgood, S.; Host, P.; Wondafrash, M.; Kebede, S. [6813] Ethiopia K003853138 Yes
Revell, R.J. [59] Tanzania K003853450 Yes
Costa, M.B.; Silva [203] Brazil K003855675 Yes
Gay, H. [557] Papua New Guinea K003851808 Yes
Gorts-van Rijn, A.R.A.; Brandbyge, J.; De Granville, J.J.; Poncy, O.; Sipman, H.J.M. [354] Guyana K003855623 Yes
Milliken, W. [M214] Brazil K003855666 Yes
Jibrin Sibil [174] Malaysia K003851596 Yes
Sintenis, P. [1190] Puerto Rico K003855270 Yes
Fryar, D. [3618] Papua New Guinea K003851803 Yes
Ganev, W. [2372] Brazil K003855656 Yes
Schäfer, P.A. [8577] Togo K003852336 Yes
Champion [05914] Hong Kong K003851074 Yes
Lee, S.; Leong, P.; Gwee, A.T.; Yang, S. [SING 2007-203] K003851466 Yes
Menezes, E. [19] Brazil K003855672 Yes
Baba; Yumiko [7] Belize K003855115 Yes
Ern, H.; Hein, B.; Pircher, A. [90] Togo K003852335 Yes
Florence, J. [3167] French Polynesia K003852131 Yes
Bjornstad, A. [AB1173] Tanzania K003853457 Yes
Harley, R.M.; Longhi-Wagner, H.M.; Lewis, G.P.; Giulietti, A.M.; Stannard, B. [SPF36778] Brazil K003855650 Yes
Jansen-Jacobs, M.J.; Simmons, C.; Jacobs-Brouwer, A.; James, V.; Andrew, R. [4619] Guyana K003855620 Yes
McGillivray [[B152]] Australia K003851917 Yes
Jéremie, J. [786] Barbados K003855291 Yes
Takeuchi, W. [6694] Papua New Guinea K003851838 Yes
Daly, D.C.; Callejas, R.; Silva, M.G.; Taylor, E.L.; Rosario, C.; dos Santos, M.R. [1994] Brazil K003855663 Yes
van der Schijff, H.P. [3108] South Africa K003854480 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Brazil K001077378 Yes
Stafford, D. (Miss) [1187] Peru K003856024 Yes
Wood, J.R.I. [17180] Bolivia K003856032 Yes
Must, J. [1049] Australia K003851933 Yes
Vélez, I. [3242] Grenada K003855267 Yes
Groht, B.H.A. [196] United States K003854597 Yes
Carvalho [2671] Equatorial Guinea K003852812 Yes
Glaziou, A.F.M. [12670] Brazil K001077357 Yes
Eyma, P.J. [5099] Indonesia K003851856 Yes
Richards, H.M. (Mrs) [20545] Tanzania K003853453 Yes
Collenette, J.S. [9222] Saudi Arabia K003851000 Yes
Harris, S.A. [TP512] Guyana K003855614 Yes
Simaga, J. [682] Papua New Guinea K003851836 Yes
Robertson, E.T. [3354] Jamaica K003855266 Yes
Zappi, D.C.; Milliken, W.; Lucas, E.; Frisby, S.; Forte, A.F. [3114] Brazil K003855646 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003851462 Yes
Bunnemeyer [3806] Indonesia K003851600 Yes
Rogers, F.A. [15018] South Africa K003854485 Yes
Borle, J. [443] Mozambique K003854479 Yes
Tan, J.P.C.; Saw, L.G.; Angan, A. [FRI81791] K003851472 Yes
Maingay, A.C. [19] China K003851097 Yes
Curtiss, A.H. [5918] United States K003854598 Yes
Lau, S.K. [517] China K003851084 Yes
Evans, D. [3812] Australia K003851948 Yes
Quayle, E.H. [8] French Polynesia K003852130 Yes
Jacobs, M. [4597] Indonesia K003851599 Yes
Carr, G.W.; Beauglehole, A.C. [3124] Australia K003851903 Yes
Mori, S.A. [11605] Brazil K003855660 Yes
Mogg, A.O.D. [31944] Mozambique K003853932 Yes
Noel, A.R.A. [2420] Zimbabwe K003853950 Yes
Darwin, S.P. [1147] United States K003852059 Yes
Chinese Collector [356] China K003851092 Yes
T.; P. [133] K003851473 Yes
Greenway, P.J.; Brenan, J.P.M. (Prof.) [8020] Zimbabwe K003853946 Yes
Hall, J.B. [330] South Africa K003854477 Yes
Burchell, W.J. [1738] Brazil K001077370 Yes
Wilson, I.B. [261] Australia K003851924 Yes
Burchell, W.J. [6023] Brazil K001077404 Yes
Eggers [4237] Bahamas, The K003855277 Yes
Hind [s.n.] Hong Kong K003851090 Yes
Lorence Lugas [96] Malaysia K003851631 Yes
Guile, D.P.M. [0542] Hong Kong K003851089 Yes
Fortune, R. [48] China K003851063 Yes
Schlechter, R. [14900] New Caledonia K003852049 Yes
Tucker, J.M. [826] El Salvador K003855044 Yes
Martius [992] Brazil K001077355 Yes
Argent, G.C.G.; Ramos, J.; Richards, P.W.; Souza, R. [6367] Brazil K001077415 Yes
Badcock, W.J. [140] Bolivia K003856020 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [7258] Hong Kong K003851083 Yes
Ridley, H.N. [s.n.] K003851463 Yes
Halliday, T.A. [484] Australia K003851923 Yes
Burchell, W.J. [1620] Brazil K001077403 Yes
Ilias; Munting [S48659] Malaysia K003851597 Yes
Tsang; Fung [430] China K003851087 Yes
s.coll. [173] K003851100 Yes
Seemann [2285] United States K003852062 Yes
Sampson, T. [s.n.] China K003851069 Yes
Burchell, W.J. [1734] Brazil K001077400 Yes
Amdjah [21] Malaysia K003851595 Yes
W. [s.n.] K001077385 Yes
[Clarena Nihei] [s.n.] United States K003852067 Yes
Edwards, P.J. [2507] Brazil K003855665 Yes
Whiting, M.M.; Stewart, K.J. [181] China K003851086 Yes
Luis J. Cumana C.; Lampe, W. [0524] Venezuela K003856012 Yes
Randrianarivelo, C.; Randriantiavina, J.; Torize [454] Madagascar K003854345 Yes
Janowski [431] Indonesia K003851806 Yes
Hunt, P.F. [RSS2006] Solomon Islands K003852035 Yes
Stafford, D. (Miss) [1187] Peru K003856025 Yes
Sales, M.; Andrade, K. [235] Brazil K003855674 Yes
Hooker [s.n.] Brazil K001077362 Yes
Kanehira, R. [2030] K003852054 Yes
Clarkson, J.R. [2734] Australia K003851921 Yes
Spare, G. [F805] K003851461 Yes
Miller, O.B. [2462] Zimbabwe K003853945 Yes
Mahyar, U.W. [937] Indonesia K003851602 Yes
Harley, R.M.; Bromley, G.L.; DeCarvalho, A.M.; Hage, J.L.; Brito, H.S. [21848] Brazil K003855653 Yes
s.coll. [8063] Zimbabwe K003853947 Yes
McClure, F.A. [7735] China K003851088 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] China K003851070 Yes
Schäfer, P.A. [8861] Togo K003852332 Yes
Chapman, J.W.F. [404] Solomon Islands K003852036 Yes
Fortune, R. [48] China K003851066 Yes
Aban, G.; Dewol, S. [SAN95194] Malaysia K003851627 Yes
Jansen-Jacobs, M.J.; ter Welle, B.J.H.; Gustafsson, C.; James, V.; Andrew, R. [4167] Guyana K003855619 Yes
Pius, G.; Joel, D.; Maidil, A.; Aloysius, L.; Junaidi, P. [SAN148858] Malaysia K003851628 Yes
Brass, L.J. [26005] Papua New Guinea K003851846 No
Powell, T. [342] Samoa K003852114 Yes
van Royen, P.; Sleumer, H.O. [6792] Papua New Guinea K003851825 Yes
Bogner [1215] Brazil K003855662 Yes
Lowe, J. [4016] Brazil K003855667 Yes
Rothery, H.C. [122] Guyana K003855273 Yes
Sani Sambuling [436] Malaysia K003851630 Yes
Forrest, G. [F1100] China K003851062 Yes
Wilson-Browne, S.J. [WB143] Guyana K003855622 Yes
Schweickerdt; Verdoorn [559A] South Africa K003854487 Yes
Smith, H.H.; Smith, G.W. [439] K003855268 Yes
Gjellerup, K. [232] Indonesia K003851835 No
Dewol, S.; et al. [SAN99353] Malaysia K003851593 Yes
Eiten, G.; Clayton, W.D. [6208] Brazil K001077430 Yes
Parham, J.W. [10097] Fiji K003852081 Yes
Sintensis, P. [6795] Puerto Rico K003855269 Yes
[Hun] [10699] K003851464 Yes
Diell, J. [77] United States K003852068 Yes
Gossweiler, J. [s.n.] Angola K003853934 Yes
Spruce, R. [2413] Brazil K001077401 Yes
Mckee, H.S. [3443] New Caledonia K003852047 Yes
{E. H. Bryan, Jr.; Suehiro, A.; Fukuda, M.} [s.n.] United States K003852061 Yes
Golding, J.S.; Timberlake, J.; Clarke, P. [159] Mozambique K003853962 Yes
Wright, C. [159] Cuba K000975308 Type Yes
Rogers, F.A. [21441] South Africa K003854483 Yes
Hind, D.J.N.; Harley, R.M.; Nic Lughadha, E.; Souza, V.C.; Sakuragui, C.M.; Ganev, W. [H50453] Brazil K003855657 Yes
Torre, A.R.; Paiva, J. [9525] Mozambique K003853963 Yes
Burchell, W.J. [1067] Brazil K001077371 Yes
Phipps, J.B. [1431] Zimbabwe K003853948 Yes
B. Mhoro [613] Tanzania K003853452 Yes
s.coll. [2321] Tanzania K003853437 Yes
Ern, H.; Hein, B.; Pircher, A. [862] Togo K003852334 Yes
Harley, R.M.; Mayo, S.J.; Storr, R.M.; Santos, T.S.; Pinheiro, R.S. [19392] Brazil K003855651 Yes
Richards, H.M. (Mrs); Arasululu, S. [26272] Tanzania K003853455 Yes
Cuttwell, N.E.G. [16] K003851809 Yes


  • Angiosperm Extinction Risk Predictions v1

    • Angiosperm Threat Predictions
  • Catálogo de Plantas y Líquenes de Colombia

  • Flora Zambesiaca

    • Flora Zambesiaca
  • Flora of the Cayman Islands

    • Flora of the Cayman Islands
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