Rourea minor (Gaertn.) Merr.

First published in Interpr. Herb. Amboin.: 413, 588 (1917)
This species is accepted
The native range of this species is Tropical Africa, Madagascar, Tropical & Subtropical Asia to SW. Pacific. It is a climbing shrub or liana and grows primarily in the wet tropical biome.


Native to:

Andaman Is., Angola, Assam, Bangladesh, Benin, Borneo, Burkina, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, China South-Central, China Southeast, Congo, East Himalaya, Fiji, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, India, Ivory Coast, Jawa, Kenya, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Liberia, Madagascar, Malaya, Mali, Maluku, Myanmar, New Caledonia, New Guinea, Nicobar Is., Nigeria, Niue, Philippines, Samoa, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Is., Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tonga, Uganda, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Wallis-Futuna Is., Zambia, Zaïre


Homotypic Synonyms

Heterotypic Synonyms


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POWO follows these authorities in accepting this name:

  • Akoègninou, A., van der Burg, W.J. & van der Maesen, L.J.G. (eds.) (2006). Flore Analytique du Bénin: 1-1034. Backhuys Publishers.
  • Barooah, C. & Ahmed, I. (2014). Plant diversity of Assam. A checklist of Angiosperms and Gymnosperms: 1-599. Assam science technology and environment council, India.
  • Choudhary, R.K., Srivastava, R.C., Das, A.K. & Lee, J. (2012). Floristic diversity assessment and vegetation analysis of Upper Siang district of eastern Himalaya in North East India. Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 42: 222-246.
  • Darbyshire, I., Kordofani, M., Farag, I., Candiga, R. & Pickering, H. (eds.) (2015). The Plants of Sudan and South Sudan: 1-400. Kew publishing, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Dassanayake (ed.) (1980). A Revised Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon 1: 1-508. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. PVT. LTD., New Delhi, Calcutta.
  • Gardner, R.O. (2011). Trees and shrubs of Niue: an identification guide to the island's indigenous and naturalised woody plants: 1-244. R.O. Gardner, Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Girmansyah, D. & al. (eds.) (2013). Flora of Bali an annotated checklist: 1-158. Herbarium Bogorensis, Indonesia.
  • Gosline, G., Bidault, E., van der Burgt, X., Cahen, D., Challen, G., Condé, N., Couch, C., Couvreur, T.L.P., Dagallier, L.M.J., Darbyshire, I., Dawson, S., Doré, T.S., Goyder, D., Grall, A., Haba, P., Haba, P., Harris, D., Hind, D.J.N., Jongkind, & al. (2023). A Taxonomically-verified and Vouchered Checklist of the Vascular Plants of the Republic of Guinea. Nature, scientific data 10, Article number: 327: [1]-[12].
  • Hancock, I.R. & Henderson, C.P. (1988). Flora of the Solomon Islands. Research Bulletin Dodo Creek Research Station 7: 1-203.
  • Lejoy, J., Ndjele, M.-B. & Geerinck, D. (2010). Catalogue-flore des plantes vasculaires des districts de Kisangani et de la Tshopo (RD Congo). Taxonomania 30: 1-307.
  • Lê, T.C. (2003). Danh lục các loài thực vật Việt Nam 2: 1-1203. Hà Nội : Nhà xuất bản Nông nghiệp.
  • Mao, A.A. & Dash, S.S. (2020). Flowering Plants of India an Annotated Checklist (Dicotyledons) 1: 1-970. Botanical Survey of India.
  • Newman, M., Ketphanh, S., Svengsuksa, B., Thomas, P., Sengdala, K., Lamxay, V. & Armstrong, K. (2007). A checklist of the vascular plants of Lao PDR: 1-394. Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh.
  • Onana, J.M. (2011). The vascular plants of Cameroon a taxonomic checklist with IUCN assessments: 1-195. National herbarium of Cameroon, Yaoundé.
  • Pandey, R.P. & Dilwakar, P.G. (2008). An integrated check-list flora of Andaman and Nicobar islands, India. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 32: 403-500.
  • Pasha, M.K. & Uddin, S.B. (2013). Dictionary of plant names of Bangladesh, Vasc. Pl.: 1-434. Janokalyan Prokashani, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
  • Plunkett, G.M., Ranker, T.A., Sam, C. & Balick, M.J. (2022). Towards a checklist of the vascular flora of Vanuatu. Candollea 77: 105-118.
  • Sita, P. & Moutsambote, J.-M. (2005). Catalogue des plantes vasculaires du Congo, ed. sept. 2005: 1-158. ORSTOM, Centre de Brazzaville.
  • Smith, A.C. (1985). Flora Vitiensis Nova. A new flora for Fiji (Spermatophytes only) 3: 1-758. Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden, Lawai.
  • Sosef, M.S.M. & al. (2006). Check-list des plantes vasculaires du Gabon. Scripta Botanica Belgica 35: 1-438.
  • Thiombiano, A., Schmidt, M., Dressler, S., Ouédraogo, A., Hahn, K. & Zizka, G. (2012). Catalogue des plantes vasculaires du Burkina Faso. Boissiera 65: 1-391.
  • Toyama, H. & al. (2013). Inventory of the woody flora in Permanent plats of Kampong Thom and Kompong Chhnang provinces, Cambodia. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 64: 45-105.
  • Turner, I.M. (1995). A catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Malaya. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 47(1): 1-346.
  • Tutin, T.G. & al. (eds.) (1993). Flora Europaea ed. 2, 1: 1-581. Cambridge University Press.
  • Van Steenis, C.G.G.J. (ed.) (1955-1958). Flora Malesiana 5: 1-595. Noordhoff-Kolff N.V., Djakarta.
  • Wu, Z. & Raven, P.H. (eds.) (2003). Flora of China 9: 1-494. Science Press (Beijing) & Missouri Botanical Garden Press (St. Louis).

Kew Backbone Distributions

  • Akoègninou, A., van der Burg, W.J. & van der Maesen, L.J.G. (eds.) (2006). Flore Analytique du Bénin: 1-1034. Backhuys Publishers.
  • Barooah, C. & Ahmed, I. (2014). Plant diversity of Assam. A checklist of Angiosperms and Gymnosperms: 1-599. Assam science technology and environment council, India.
  • Boudet, G., Lebrun, J.P. & Demange, R. (1986). Catalogue des plantes vasculaires du Mali: 1-465. Etudes d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux.
  • Boulvert, Y. (1977). Catalogue de la Flore de Centrafrique 1: 1-114. ORSTROM, Bangui.
  • Choudhary, R.K., Srivastava, R.C., Das, A.K. & Lee, J. (2012). Floristic diversity assessment and vegetation analysis of Upper Siang district of eastern Himalaya in North East India. Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 42: 222-246.
  • Dassanayake (ed.) (1980). A Revised Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon 1: 1-508. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. PVT. LTD., New Delhi, Calcutta.
  • Exell, A.W., Fernandes, A. & Wild, H. (eds.) (1966). Flora Zambesiaca 2(2): 353-653. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Gardner, R.O. (2011). Trees and shrubs of Niue: an identification guide to the island's indigenous and naturalised woody plants: 1-244. R.O. Gardner, Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Girmansyah, D. & al. (eds.) (2013). Flora of Bali an annotated checklist: 1-158. Herbarium Bogorensis, Indonesia.
  • Guillaumin, A. (1948). Compendium de la Flore Phanérogamique des Nouvelles Hébrides. Annales de l'Institut Botanico-Geologique de Marseille, VI, 5-6: 1-56.
  • Hancock, I.R. & Henderson, C.P. (1988). Flora of the Solomon Islands. Research Bulletin Dodo Creek Research Station 7: 1-203.
  • Hemsley, J.H. (1956). Flora of Tropical East Africa, Connaraceae: 1-26.
  • Hutchinson, J., Dalziel, J.M. & Keay, R.W.J. (1954-1958). Flora of West Tropical Africa, ed. 2, 1: 1-828.
  • Lejoy, J., Ndjele, M.-B. & Geerinck, D. (2010). Catalogue-flore des plantes vasculaires des districts de Kisangani et de la Tshopo (RD Congo). Taxonomania 30: 1-307.
  • Lewalle, J. (1970). Liste floristique et répartition altitudinale de la flore du Burundi occidental: 1-84. Université officielle de Bujumbura.
  • Onana, J.M. (2011). The vascular plants of Cameroon a taxonomic checklist with IUCN assessments: 1-195. National herbarium of Cameroon, Yaoundé.
  • Pandey, R.P. & Dilwakar, P.G. (2008). An integrated check-list flora of Andaman and Nicobar islands, India. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 32: 403-500.
  • Pasha, M.K. & Uddin, S.B. (2013). Dictionary of plant names of Bangladesh, Vasc. Pl.: 1-434. Janokalyan Prokashani, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
  • Sita, P. & Moutsambote, J.-M. (2005). Catalogue des plantes vasculaires du Congo, ed. sept. 2005: 1-158. ORSTOM, Centre de Brazzaville.
  • Sosef, M.S.M. & al. (2006). Check-list des plantes vasculaires du Gabon. Scripta Botanica Belgica 35: 1-438.
  • Thiombiano, A., Schmidt, M., Dressler, S., Ouédraogo, A., Hahn, K. & Zizka, G. (2012). Catalogue des plantes vasculaires du Burkina Faso. Boissiera 65: 1-391.
  • Toyama, H. & al. (2013). Inventory of the woody flora in Permanent plats of Kampong Thom and Kompong Chhnang provinces, Cambodia. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 64: 45-105.
  • Turner, I.M. (1995). A catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Malaya. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 47(1): 1-346.
  • Tutin, T.G. & al. (eds.) (1993). Flora Europaea ed. 2, 1: 1-581. Cambridge University Press.
  • Van Steenis, C.G.G.J. (ed.) (1955-1958). Flora Malesiana 5: 1-595. Noordhoff-Kolff N.V., Djakarta.
  • Wu, Z. & Raven, P.H. (eds.) (2003). Flora of China 9: 1-494. Science Press (Beijing) & Missouri Botanical Garden Press (St. Louis).

Other Data

Other Kew resources that provide information on this taxon:

Date Reference Identified As Barcode Type Status Has image?
Jan 1, 2022 Rieder, C.; Camara, M. [3] Guinea K000010628 No
Jun 1, 2007 Madulid; Gaerlan et al. [23920] Philippines K000442781 No
Jan 1, 2000 Etuge, M. [4437] Cameroon K000198312 No
Jan 1, 2000 Onana, J.-M. [592] Cameroon K000198310 No
Jan 1, 1986 de Kruif, A.P.M. [455] Cote d'Ivoire K001562580 Yes
Corner, E.J.H.; Holttum, R.E. [25969] K004821106 Yes
Ridsdale, C.E.; Reynoso, E. [1379] Philippines K004821494 Yes
Chai, P. [S37368] Malaysia K004821321 Yes
Sibat ak Luang [S24434] Malaysia K004821322 Yes
s.coll. [17587] Philippines K004821508 Yes
Wright, E. [S27963] Malaysia K004821336 Yes
Corner, E.J.H. [SFN30541] Malaysia K004821091 Yes
s.coll. [2562] Philippines K004821505 Yes
Meijer, W. [SAN23513] Malaysia K004821348 Yes
Jean Louis [15763] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K004822199 Yes
Loher, A. [2103] Philippines K004821512 Yes
Chan, Y.C. [FRI13205] Malaysia K004821090 Yes
Chevalier, A.J.B. K004822169 Yes
[Flory Bufo] [634] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K004822188 Yes
s.coll. [1234] Philippines K004821507 Yes
Antilahimena, P.; Edmond, F. [4960] Madagascar K004822997 Yes
Garrett, H.B.G. [370] Thailand K004821203 Yes
Sigin, G. [SAN95035] Malaysia K004821364 Yes
Sinanggul, H. [57139] Malaysia K004821363 Yes
Kerr, A.F.G. [15444] Thailand K004821204 Yes
Muin Chai, F.R. [SAN29789] Malaysia K004821343 Yes
Ilias Paie [S17880] Malaysia K004821329 Yes
Loher [2105] Philippines K004821515 Yes
Loher, A. [2100] Philippines K004821524 Yes
Kostermans, A. [10321] Indonesia K004821312 Yes
s.coll. K004822157 Yes
s.coll. [8113] Philippines K004821517 Yes
Ilias Paie [S15835] Malaysia K004821330 Yes
Ahmad Talip [54959] Malaysia K004821362 Yes
Loher, A. [5139] Philippines K004821502 Yes
Baldwin Jr., J.T. Congo, Democratic Republic of the K004822181 Yes
[H.N Ridley] [2645] Malaysia K004821094 Yes
Merritt, M.L. [4118] Philippines K004821499 Yes
Germain, R. Congo, Democratic Republic of the K004822156 Yes
Hallier, H.G. [1362] Indonesia K004821306 Yes
Kostermans, A. [21211] Indonesia K004821307 Yes
Fénix, E. [12966] Philippines K004821488 Yes
s.coll. [1235] Philippines K004821506 Yes
Tsang, W.T. [29222] Vietnam K004821217 Yes
Louis, J. (Dr.) Congo, Democratic Republic of the K004822175 Yes
s.coll. [15865] Philippines K004821487 Yes
Burley, J.S.; Tukirin; et al. [836] Indonesia K004821305 Yes
Chevalier, A.J.B. K004822170 Yes
Cheek, M., Konomou, G. [19020] Guinea K001310130 Yes
Breteler, F.J.; Jongkind, C.; Dibata, J.J. [8973] Gabon K004822189 Yes
Bray, P.S. [FRI11771] Malaysia K004821095 Yes
Ashton, P.S. [BRUN3326] Brunei K004821314 No
[S.N. Wilson] [2713] K004821207 Yes
Hallé, N. Gabon K004822167 Yes
Collins, E.E. [733] Thailand K004821213 Yes
Loher, A. [2090] Philippines K004821503 Yes
Reekmans, M. Burundi K004822168 Yes
Ilias Paie [13597] Malaysia K004821326 Yes
Leopold; Ismail [SAN108875] Malaysia K004821351 Yes
Ridsdale, C.E. [PBU96] Indonesia K004821303 Yes
Kostermans, A. [10239] Indonesia K004821308 Yes
Kerr, A.F.G. [3109] Thailand K004821202 Yes
Clemens, J.; Clemens, M.S. [40851] Malaysia K004821346 Yes
Lack, A.; Grimes, J. [1662] Indonesia K004821378 Yes
Evrard, C. Congo, Democratic Republic of the K004822178 Yes
Jean Louis [14300] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K004822191 Yes
s.coll. [967] Philippines K004821480 Yes
Bernard Lee Meng Hock [S53835] Malaysia K004821325 Yes
Breteler, F.J.; Moussavou, J.M.; Nang-Essouma, G.; Pascal, O. [14430] Gabon K004822185 Yes
Fidilis; Sumbing [SAN113989] Malaysia K004821352 Yes
Clemens, J.; Clemens, M.S. [3141] Vietnam K004821205 Yes
Kalantas, A. [SAN91653] Malaysia K004821347 Yes
Merrill, E.D. [2520] Philippines K004116563 Yes
Kostermans, A. [797] Indonesia K004821372 Yes
Kochummen, K.M. [93487] Malaysia K004821097 Yes
Tisserant, R.P. [s.n.] Gabon K004822187 Yes
Jean Louis [16594] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K004822194 Yes
Sumbing, J. [SAN130040] Malaysia K004821361 Yes
Laman, T.G.; Ismail A. Rachman; Mirmanto, E. [TL1417] Indonesia K004821300 Yes
Ridsdale, C.E. [SMHI1838] K004821496 Yes
Loher, A. [2101] Philippines K004116562 Yes
Krispinus, F. [SAN91924] Malaysia K004821369 Yes
Ramos, M.; Edano, G. [26239] Philippines K004821485 Yes
Merrill, E.D. [1678] Philippines K004116561 Yes
Louis, J. (Dr.) Congo, Democratic Republic of the K004822173 Yes
Lee, B. [S45471] Malaysia K004821327 Yes
Haron, O. [S29981] Malaysia K004821319 Yes
Meijer, W. [SAN23584] Malaysia K004821359 Yes
Barbon; Romero; Fuentes [PPI8165] Philippines K004821479 Yes
Dubois, L. [990] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K004822198 Yes
Saikeh [SAN68072] Malaysia K004821353 Yes
Gibot, A. [41638] Malaysia K004821360 Yes
Burley, J.S.; Turkirin; et al. [4128] Indonesia K004821376 Yes
Tsang, W.T. [27064] Vietnam K004821216 Yes
[F.Gd. Meab] [3193] Malaysia K004821093 Yes
Evrard, C. [4350] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K004822202 Yes
s.coll. [[1827B]] Malaysia K004821104 Yes
Coode, M.J.E.; Nangkat, N.; et al. [6778] Brunei K004821316 Yes
Breteler, F.J. [585] Cameroon K004822197 Yes
Wieringa, J.J.; Nzabi, T. Gabon K004822165 Yes
Singh, J.; Ahmad Talip; Nordin [48996] Malaysia K004821365 Yes
Reillo, J. [16283] Philippines K004821500 Yes
Kostermans, A. [5150] Indonesia K004821311 Yes
Beccari, O. [3043] Malaysia K004116559 Yes
s.coll. [1238] Philippines K004821497 Yes
Burley, J.S.; Turkirin; et al. [4052] Indonesia K004821374 Yes
Merrill, E.D. [2828] Philippines K004821521 Yes
Puasa [4638] Malaysia K004821340 Yes
Zenker, G.A. Cameroon K004822159 Yes
Kostermans [7642] Indonesia K004821309 Yes
Mildbraed [9547] Cameroon K004822182 Yes
Van Beusekom, C.F.; Phengkhlai, C. [1195] Thailand K004821198 Yes
Fanshawe, D.B. [3591] Zambia K004822789 Yes
Leopold; Taha [San83586] Malaysia K004821368 Yes
Yii Puan Ching [S43444] Malaysia K004821323 Yes
Jimpin, S. [SAN96391] Malaysia K004821356 Yes
Gadoh anak Umbai [[KL1666]] Malaysia K004821096 Yes
Dr King's Collector [4271] Malaysia K004821088 Yes
Pierre, M. [3354pp] Vietnam K004821208 Yes
s.coll. [8112] Philippines K004821516 Yes
Burley, J.S.; Turkirin; et al. [4199] Indonesia K004821375 Yes
s.coll. [1237] Philippines K004821523 Yes
s.coll. [1052] Philippines K004116564 Yes
Louis, J. [13755] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K004822196 Yes
Clemens, J.; Clemens, M.S. [22297] Malaysia K004821334 Yes
M. le Thorel (Dr.) [972] Vietnam K004821209 Yes
Shea, G. [San75086] Malaysia K004821354 Yes
Kadir [A2586] Malaysia K004821350 Yes
Jean Louis [15622] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K004822193 Yes
s.coll. [1244] Philippines K004821522 Yes
s.coll. [1176] Malaysia K004821108 Yes
Lassan, P.; Fox, C. [San72802] Malaysia K004821367 Yes
Kiah [s.n.] Singapore K004821112 Yes
Kostermans, A. [7809] Indonesia K004821371 Yes
Kostermans [4202] Indonesia K004821310 Yes
Louis, J. Congo, Democratic Republic of the K004822179 Yes
Le Testu, G. Gabon K004822166 Yes
Muas, A. [13459] Malaysia K004821331 Yes
Singh, J. [SAN31124] Malaysia K004821342 Yes
Kadir [A2586] Malaysia K004821349 Yes
Breteler, F.J.; Jongkind, C.C.H.; Nzabi, T.; Wieringa, J.J. Gabon K004822163 Yes
s.coll. [11057] Philippines K004821509 Yes
Corner, E.J.H. [31459] Malaysia K004821107 Yes
s.coll. [723] Malaysia K004821333 Yes
Muin Chai [SAN31674] Malaysia K004821344 Yes
Gossweiler, J. [7602] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K004822201 Yes
Kerr, A.F.G. (Dr) [1771] Thailand K004821201 Yes
Haron, O. [S29981] Malaysia K004821320 Yes
Haniff, M.; Md. Nur [2465] Malaysia K004821089 Yes
s.coll. [1451] Cameroon K004822184 Yes
Cisserand, R.P. K004822172 Yes
Collins, E.E. [818] Thailand K004821214 Yes
Reekmans, M. Burundi K004822158 Yes
Lewis, G.P. [127] Malaysia K004821098 Yes
Ridsdale; Baquiran; et al. [ISU577] Philippines K004821492 Yes
Edaño, G.E. [s.n.] Philippines K004821495 Yes
Edano, G. [41692] Philippines K004821511 Yes
Kasin [393] Thailand K004821215 Yes
Majawat, G.; et al [SAN102442] Malaysia K004821357 Yes
Ridley, H.N. [11345] Malaysia K004821105 Yes
s.coll. [18251] Philippines K004821484 Yes
Soejarto, D.D.; Madulid, D.A. [6149] Philippines K004821493 Yes
Donis, C. Congo, Democratic Republic of the K004822176 Yes
Co, L. [3062] Philippines K004821491 Yes
Bundaling, D. [SAN93129] Malaysia K004821370 Yes
Loher, A. [2102] Philippines K004821501 Yes
Ramos, M. [1133] Philippines K004821498 Yes
Fanshawe, D.B. [F3591] Zambia K004822790 Yes
llias; Azahari [S35664] Malaysia K004821337 Yes
Zenker, G.A. Cameroon K004822155 Yes
Letouzey, R. [2478] Cameroon K004822190 Yes
Buwalda, P. [4990] Indonesia K004821373 Yes
s.coll. [1073] Philippines K004821482 Yes
Wieringa, J.J.; Haegens, R.M.A.P. [2456] Gabon K004822186 Yes
Chin, S.C.; Mustafa [3299] Malaysia K004821099 No
White, F. [3604] Zambia K004822791 Yes
Othman; Yii; et al [S48825] Malaysia K004821328 Yes
Adduru, M. [45] Philippines K004821518 Yes
[C. Charington] [SAN27098] Malaysia K004821341 Yes
s.coll. [1327A] Malaysia K004821102 Yes
Aban, G. [SAN99271] Malaysia K004821324 Yes
Merrill, E.D. [2645] Philippines K004821513 Yes
Sinclair, J. [SF40684] Singapore K004821111 Yes
Gibot, A. [SAN37059] Malaysia K004821339 Yes
Dr King's Collector [10599] Malaysia K004821086 Yes
Liben, L. Congo, Democratic Republic of the K004822177 Yes
Razafimandimbison, S.G. [132] Madagascar K004822998 Yes
Ashton, P.S. [s7825] Brunei K004821315 Yes
Sadau, F. [49484] Malaysia K004821366 Yes
Laman, T.G.; Ismail A. Rachman; Mirmanto, E. [TL1164] Indonesia K004821301 Yes
Luke; Robertson [2722] Kenya K004822568 Yes
Merrill [s.n.] Philippines K004821489 Yes
Louis, J. (Dr.) Congo, Democratic Republic of the K004822174 Yes
Cisserand, R.P. K004822171 Yes
Jean Louis [6553] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K004822200 Yes
Wenzel, C.A. [3131] Philippines K004821486 Yes
Clemens, J.; Clemens, M.S. [4011] Vietnam K004821206 Yes
Bos, J.J. Cameroon K004822154 Yes
Evrard, C. [4145] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K004822203 Yes
Shea, G.; Madani, L. [San74867] Malaysia K004821355 Yes
M. le Thorel (Dr.) [1182] Vietnam K004821211 Yes
Burley, J.S.; Tukirin; et al. [2716] Indonesia K004821304 Yes
Jean Louis [12785] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K004822192 Yes
Sharbini Mohidin [BRUN15372] Brunei K004821313 Yes
s.coll. [17742] Philippines K004821510 Yes
Zenker, G.A. Cameroon K004822160 Yes
s.coll. [18438] Philippines K004821483 Yes
Laman, T.G.; Ismail A. Rachman; Mirmanto, E. [TL1079] Indonesia K004821302 Yes
Dr King's Collector [11677] Malaysia K004821087 Yes
Jacques-Félix, H. [8851] Cameroon K004822183 Yes
[S. Sathaphon]; et al. [358] Thailand K004821200 Yes
s.coll. [2563] Philippines K004116560 Yes
Kiah [32196] Malaysia K004821109 Yes
Rena George; et al [S43021] Malaysia K004821318 Yes
Burley, J.S.; Turkirin; et al. [4016] Indonesia K004821377 Yes
Borden, T.E. [1967] Philippines K004821481 Yes
Zenker, G.A. Cameroon K004822161 Yes
Chai, P. [S36731] Malaysia K004821338 Yes
Clemens, J.; Clemens, M.S. [40205] Malaysia K004821345 Yes
Korthals, P.W. [s.n.] Indonesia K000691088 Unknown Type Material Yes
Ridley, H.N. [9511] Singapore K004821113 Yes
Ibrahim [3447] Malaysia K004821358 Yes
Schoenwetter, J. Gabon K004822164 Yes
[Luxen] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K004822180 Yes
Elmer, A.D.E. [9317] Philippines K004821490 Yes
Coode, M.J.E.; Meng, W.K.; et al. [6739] Brunei K004821317 Yes
Griffith [s.n.] Malaysia K004821101 Yes
Ridley, H.N. [s.n.] K004821100 Yes
s.coll. [15948] Philippines K004821525 Yes
Ilias Paie [S16999] Malaysia K004821335 Yes
Poilane, M. [4651] Vietnam K004821212 Yes
Bujang, F.R. (Hj.) [S13443] Malaysia K004821332 Yes
Mullenders, W. [1259] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K004822195 Yes
M. le Thorel (Dr.) [[972]] Vietnam K004821210 Yes
Merrill, E.D. [974] Philippines K004821520 Yes
Geesink, R.; Hiepko, P.; Phengklai, C. [8120] Thailand K004821199 Yes
Hepper, F.N. Central African Republic K004822162 Yes
s.coll. [501] Malaysia K004821103 Yes
Loher, A. [2104] Philippines K004821514 Yes
Merrill [s.n.] Philippines K004821519 Yes
Ridsdale, C.E. [PBU11] Indonesia K004821298 Yes
Mangubat, L. [450] Philippines K004821504 Yes
Kiah [37124] Singapore K004821114 Yes
de Vogel, E.F. [2098] Indonesia K004821299 Yes
Whitmore, T.C. [FRI3350] Malaysia K004821092 Yes
Holttum, R.E. [25860] Singapore K004821110 Yes
Jan 1, 1929 Elmer, A.D.E. [21666] Malaysia Santaloides discolor K000691074 Type Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] India Rourea commutata K000695989 Unknown Type Material Yes
Silva,; Gomez, W. [s.n.] India Rourea commutata K000695988 Unknown Type Material Yes
Silva,; Gomez, W. [s.n.] India Rourea commutata K000695990 Unknown Type Material Yes
Kerr, A.F.G. [7521] Thailand Rourea santaloides K004821281 Yes
s.coll. [32483] Vietnam Rourea santaloides K004821280 Yes
Poilane, M. [P943] Vietnam Rourea santaloides K004821276 Yes
Beechey, F.W. [s.n.] China Rourea santaloides K000695999 Type Yes
Fleury, J.F. [37657] Vietnam Rourea santaloides K004821279 Yes
Fleury, J.F. [37657] Thailand Rourea santaloides K004821278 Yes
Millett, C. [s.n.] China Rourea santaloides K000696000 Unknown Type Material Yes
Poilane, M.E. [20997] Vietnam Rourea santaloides K004821277 Yes
Ralimanana, H.; Rivers, M.; Maegher, T.; Razafindraibe, H.; Rajaonarison, R. [RLI1065] Madagascar Rourea platysepala K000663099 Yes
Decary [18478] Madagascar Rourea platysepala K004823027 Yes
Humbert, H. [20582] Madagascar Rourea platysepala K004823025 Yes
Baron, R. (Rev.) [6412] Madagascar Rourea platysepala K004823028 Yes
Humbert, H. [I3979] Madagascar Rourea platysepala K004823026 Yes
Drummond, R.B.; Hemsley, J.H. [4034A] Kenya Santaloides splendida K:SPC-11427.000 No
Drummond, R.B.; Hemsley, J.H. [3427] Tanzania Santaloides splendida K:SPC-16433.000 No
Andrews, F.W. Sudan Rourea splendida K004822515 Yes
Drummond, R.B.; Hemsley, J.H. [3427] Tanzania Rourea splendida K004822744 Yes
Harley, R.M. [9262] Tanzania Rourea splendida K004822748 Yes
Sillitoe, F. Sudan Rourea splendida K004822514 Yes
B. Mhoro [366] Tanzania Rourea splendida K004822745 Yes
Andrews, F.W. Sudan Rourea splendida K004822516 Yes
Jefford, T.G.; Juniper, B.E.; Newbould, J. [2342] Tanzania Rourea splendida K004822747 Yes
Drummond, R.B.; Hemsley, J.H. [4034A] Kenya Rourea splendida K004822742 Yes
Harley, W.J. [1471] Liberia Rourea splendida K004821582 Yes
Eggeling, W.J. [1835] Uganda Rourea splendida K004822741 Yes
Baldwin, J.T. [10154] Liberia Rourea splendida K004821583 Yes
Tutin, C.E.G. [172] Senegal Rourea splendida K004821584 Yes
Drummond, R.B.; Hemsley, J.H. [3427] Tanzania Rourea splendida K004822743 Yes
Drummond, R.B.; Hemsley, J.H. [3427] Tanzania Rourea splendida K004822746 Yes
Deighton, F.C. [4230] Sierra Leone Rourea afzelii K004821597 Yes
Magaji, S.O.; Tuley, P. [1746] Nigeria Rourea afzelii K004821610 Yes
Ogbeni; Obiora [FHI21692] Nigeria Rourea afzelii K004821609 Yes
Lisowski, S. [10318] Guinea Rourea afzelii K004821589 Yes
Espirito Santo [2860] Guinea-Bissau Rourea afzelii K004821586 Yes
Scott Elliot, G.F. [s.n.] Niger Rourea afzelii K004821594 Yes
Small, D. [283] Sierra Leone Rourea afzelii K004821596 Yes
Pobeguin, M. [820] Guinea Rourea afzelii K004821592 Yes
Jackson, J.A.D. [192] Nigeria Rourea afzelii K004821608 Yes
Lisowski, S. [10316] Guinea Rourea afzelii K004821590 Yes
Hall; Abbiw [44830GC] Ghana Rourea afzelii K004821602 Yes
Floret, J.J. [1402] Mali Rourea afzelii K004821585 Yes
Keay, R.W.J. [FHI21124] Nigeria Rourea afzelii K004821606 Yes
Pobeguin, M. [820] Guinea Rourea afzelii K004821591 Yes
Latilo, M.G. [FHI47136] Nigeria Rourea afzelii K004821607 Yes
Deighton, F.C. [4802] Sierra Leone Rourea afzelii K004821598 Yes
Lisowski, S. [10316] Guinea Rourea afzelii K004821588 Yes
Geerling, C.; Bokdam, J. [1458] Burkina Faso Rourea afzelii K004821600 Yes
Scott Elliot, G.F. [s.n.] Sierra Leone Rourea afzelii K004821595 Yes
Tuley, P. [2207] Nigeria Rourea afzelii K004821604 Yes
Hakki, M.; Leuenberger, B.; Schiers, C. [259] Togo Rourea afzelii K004821603 Yes
Vigne, C. [FH3530] Ghana Rourea afzelii K004821601 Yes
Lisowski, S. [51507] Guinea Rourea afzelii K004821593 Yes
Espirito Santo [2674] Guinea-Bissau Rourea afzelii K004821587 Yes
Deighton, F.C. [4230] Sierra Leone Rourea afzelii K004821599 Yes
Olorunfemi, J. [FHI55112] Nigeria Rourea afzelii K004821605 Yes


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