Carex elata All.

First published in Fl. Pedem. 2: 272 (1785)
This species is accepted
The native range of this species is Europe to Central Asia. It is a perennial or rhizomatous geophyte and grows primarily in the temperate biome.


Native to:

Algeria, Altay, Austria, Baltic States, Belarus, Belgium, Central European Russia, Corse, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, East European Russia, Finland, France, Føroyar, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Morocco, Netherlands, North Caucasus, North European Russia, Northwest European Russia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sardegna, Sicilia, South European Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Transcaucasus, Turkey, Turkey-in-Europe, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, West Siberia, Yugoslavia


Homotypic Synonyms

Accepted Infraspecifics


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POWO follows these authorities in accepting this name:

  • Castroviejo, S. & al. (eds.) (2008). Flora Iberica 18: 1-420. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Madrid.
  • Dimopoulos, P., Raus, T., Bergmeier, E., Constantinidis, T., Iatrou, G., Kokkini, S., Strid, A., & Tzanoudakis, D. (2013). Vascular plants of Greece. An annotated checklist: 1-372. Botanic gardens and botanical museum Berlin-Dahlem, Berlin and Hellenic botanical society, Athens.
  • Dobignard, D. & Chatelain, C. (2010). Index synonymique de la flore d'Afrique du nord 1: 1-455. Éditions des conservatoire et jardin botaniques, Genève.
  • Govaerts, R. & Simpson, D.A. (2007). World Checklist of Cyperaceae. Sedges: 1-765. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Govaerts, R. (1999). World Checklist of Seed Plants 3(1, 2a & 2b): 1-1532. MIM, Deurne.
  • Hassler, M. & Muer, T. (2022). Flora Germanica: alle Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands in Text und Bild 1: 1-864. Verlag Regionalkultur, Uberstadt-Weiher.
  • Jeanmonod, D. & Schlüssel, A. (2006). Notes et contributions à la flore de Corse, XXI. Candollea 61: 93-134.
  • Jermy, C., Simpson, D., Foley, M. & Porter, M. (2007). Sedges of the British Isles. B.S.B.I. Handbook No. 1, ed. 3: 1-554. Botanical Society of the British Isles, London.
  • Jiménez-Mejías, P., Escudero, M., Guerra-Cárdenas, S., Lye, K.A. & Luceño, M. (2011). Taxonomic delimination and drivers of speciation in the Ibero-North African Carex sect. Phacosystis river-shore group (Cyperaceae). American journal of botany 98: 1855-1867.
  • Koopman, J. (2011). Carex Europaea. The Genus Carex L. (Cyperaceae) in Europe 1: 1-726. Margraf publishers,Weikersheim, Germany.
  • Mirek, Z., Piękoś-Mirkowa, H., Zając, A. & Zając, M (2020). Vascular plants of Poland an annotated checklist: 1-526. W. Szafer institute of botany, Polish academy of sciences, Krakow, Poland.
  • Stace, C. (2019). New Flora of the British Isles ed. 4: 1-1266. C & M Floristics.
  • Takhtajan, A.L. (ed.) (2006). Konspekt Flora Kavkaza 2: 1-466. Editio Universitatis Petropolitanae.

Kew Backbone Distributions

  • Jiménez-Mejías, P., Escudero, M., Guerra-Cárdenas, S., Lye, K.A. & Luceño, M. (2011). Taxonomic delimination and drivers of speciation in the Ibero-North African Carex sect. Phacosystis river-shore group (Cyperaceae). American journal of botany 98: 1855-1867.
  • Koopman, J. (2011). Carex Europaea. The Genus Carex L. (Cyperaceae) in Europe 1: 1-726. Margraf publishers,Weikersheim, Germany.
  • Stace, C. (2019). New Flora of the British Isles ed. 4: 1-1266. C & M Floristics.

Other Data

Other Kew resources that provide information on this taxon:

Date Reference Identified As Barcode Type Status Has image?
Christenhusz, M.J.M.; Marquez-Corro, J.I; Larridon, I.; Toral, C.G. [MC9440] United Kingdom K001527089 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [5161] United Kingdom K002688255 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688139 Yes
Tutin, T.G. [S76] United Kingdom K002688144 Yes
Gibbons, J. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688152 Yes
Grenier [s.n.] France K002688323 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [4636] United Kingdom K002688245 Yes
Sandwith, N.Y. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688136 Yes
Zetterstedt, J.E.; Gorthe, C.G. [188] Sweden K002688264 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Poland K002688314 Yes
Ganders [188] Austria K002688291 Yes
Reverchon, E. [188] France K002688325 Yes
Gamble, J.S. [19928] Ireland K002688230 Yes
Sandwith, C.I. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688193 Yes
Bucknall, C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688182 Yes
Favrat [s.n.] Switzerland K002688305 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [4631] United Kingdom K002688203 Yes
Lousley, J.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688147 Yes
s.coll. [2289] Eswatini K002688306 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M.; Horo, F.B. [6524] United Kingdom K002688114 Yes
Meikle, R.D. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688223 Yes
s.coll. [925] Germany K002688285 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [4630] United Kingdom K002688204 Yes
Hall, P.M. [3355] United Kingdom K002688132 Yes
Swann, E.L. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688167 Yes
Rydén, C.M. [s.n.] Sweden K002688281 Yes
Nannfeldt, J.A. [14059] Sweden K002688271 Yes
Bentham, G. [1] France K002688328 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688351 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K000960438 Unknown Type Material Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688117 Yes
Carrothers, E.N. [s.n.] Ireland K002688209 Yes
Kneucker, A. [249] Germany K002688290 Yes
Nelmes, E. [422] United Kingdom K002688133 Yes
C.I.; Sandwith, N.Y. [3371] United Kingdom K002688178 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [s.n.] Germany K002688286 Yes
s.coll. [1194] France K002688319 Yes
Lousley, J.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688164 Yes
Little, J.E. [[590]] United Kingdom K002688140 Yes
Crackles, F.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688238 Yes
[Grel] [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688123 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [5158] United Kingdom K002688237 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Switzerland K001731936 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Sweden K002688279 Yes
Gilbert, C. [[238]] France K002688334 Yes
[S. Almgiust] [s.n.] Sweden K002688277 Yes
Neuman, L.M. [s.n.] Sweden K002688266 Yes
Hall, W. [1400] K002688358 Yes
Ganders [s.n.] Austria K002688292 Yes
Carrothers, E.N. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688214 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [4207] United Kingdom K002688194 Yes
Carrothers, E.N. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688213 Yes
Crackles, E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688240 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [[5159]] United Kingdom K002688250 Yes
Kertland, P.H. [289] Ireland K002688212 Yes
Meikle, R.D. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688217 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M.; Simpson, N.D. [4969] United Kingdom K002688234 Yes
Étangs, D. [s.n.] France K002688322 Yes
Carrothers, E.N. [s.n.] Ireland K002688210 Yes
Whellan, J.A. [D3] United Kingdom K002688128 Yes
Clarke, C.B.; Bentham, G. [s.n.] France K002688329 Yes
Pin, C. [s.n.] France K002688331 Yes
Fries, E. [s.n.] Sweden K002688270 Yes
[?] [s.n.] Eswatini K002688304 Yes
s.coll. [196] Austria K002688295 Yes
Munchen [s.n.] Germany K002688288 Yes
J.K. [s.n.] Netherlands K002688316 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [4203] United Kingdom K002688196 Yes
Willmott, E.A.; Pin, C. [s.n.] France K002688340 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [s.n.] Switzerland K001731937 Yes
Britton, C.E.; Cryer, J. [1700] United Kingdom K002688143 Yes
Gibbons, J. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688151 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [4206] United Kingdom K002688195 Yes
Neuman, L.M. [s.n.] Sweden K002688263 Yes
Rechinger, K. [s.n.] Luxembourg K002688317 Yes
Summerhayes, V.S. [36[7]2] United Kingdom K002688120 Yes
Burle, E.A. [s.n.] France K002688318 Yes
Klotzsch [3] Eswatini K002688303 Yes
Savatier, P.A.L.; Willmott, E.A. [s.n.] France K002688343 Yes
s.coll. [196] Austria K002688294 Yes
Neuman, L.M. [s.n.] Sweden K002686787 Yes
Townsend, C.C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688177 Yes
Pearsall, W.H. [S.N.] United Kingdom K002688149 Yes
Roellebot [s.n.] France K002688320 Yes
Brenan, J.P. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688138 Yes
Hooker [[2]] United Kingdom K002688119 Yes
McCallum-Webster, M. [3750] United Kingdom K002688348 Yes
[W. A. S] [[3]] United Kingdom K002688262 Yes
Samuelsson, G. [s.n.] Sweden K002688280 Yes
Crackles, F.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688239 Yes
Mc Callum Webster, M.M. [7708] United Kingdom K002688231 Yes
[Abndge Somerset] [1474] United Kingdom K002688180 Yes
Ahlberg, F. [s.n.] Sweden K002688268 Yes
Nelmes, E. [235] United Kingdom K002688191 Yes
M.B. [338] France K002688335 Yes
Lewis, R.; Taylor, J.M.; Rowlands, S.P.; Taylor, M.; [Cnf. E. Zelmes] [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688154 Yes
Reverchon, E. [188] France K002688326 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [5158] United Kingdom K002688236 Yes
M.R. [s.n.] France K002688339 Yes
Andersson [s.n.] Sweden K002688267 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K002800862 Yes
Lousley, J.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688113 Yes
Fedtschenko, O.A.; Fedtschenko, B.A. [s.n.] K002688296 Yes
Lousley, J.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688142 Yes
Ausserdorfer [s.n.] Austria K002688293 Yes
Carrothen, E.N. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688218 Yes
{Miss Joan Gibbons} [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688150 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688161 Yes
MacKechnie, R. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688226 Yes
Meikle, R.D. [s.n.] Ireland K002688219 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [5156] United Kingdom K002688252 Yes
Torges; Kneucker, A. [225] Germany K002688289 Yes
Lousley, J.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688171 Yes
C.I.; Sandwith, N.Y. [887] United Kingdom K002688185 Yes
Drummond, R.B. [633] Ireland K002688227 Yes
Nelmes, E.; Hall, P.M.; Wallace, E.C.; Jermy, A.C. [423] United Kingdom K002687616 Yes
Marshall, E.S. [1936] United Kingdom K002688206 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688199 Yes
Meikle, R.D. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688215 Yes
Willmott, E.A.; Pin, C. [s.n.] France K002688332 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Germany K002688287 Yes
Baker, J.G. [1231] United Kingdom K002688247 Yes
Drejer [925] Germany K002688284 Yes
s.coll. [K5783] K002800863 Yes
s.coll. [[188]] United Kingdom K002688125 Yes
Pearsall, W.H. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688148 Yes
Townsend, C.C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688115 Yes
Meikle, R.D. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688216 Yes
s.coll. [[1552]] United Kingdom K002688257 Yes
[H. Rachl] [110] Hungary K002688353 Yes
Willmott, E.A.; Pin, C. [s.n.] France K002688347 Yes
Swann, E.L. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688158 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688126 Yes
s.coll. [725] K002688297 Yes
Rostan, E. [210] K002217345 Yes
Nelmes, E. [396] United Kingdom K002688192 Yes
Swann, E.L. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688168 Yes
Lousley, J.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688197 Yes
[H. F. D] [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688122 Yes
Thomas [186] France K002688327 Yes
Otruba, J.; Domin, K. [353] Slovenia K002688310 Yes
Boott, F.; Clarke, C.B. [s.n.] K002688355 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688163 Yes
Neuman, L.M. [289] Sweden K002688265 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688258 Yes
Willmott, E.A.; Pin, C. [s.n.] France K002688344 Yes
M.R. [s.n.] France K002688338 Yes
Hjalmar Nilsson, N. [s.n.] Sweden K002688274 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [s.n.] Sweden K002688282 Yes
Lousley, J.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688188 Yes
{White, J.; Clifton; Bristol} [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688183 Yes
Gouppinger, A. [s.n.] Germany K002688283 Yes
M.B. [s.n.] France K002688336 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688233 Yes
Willmott, E.A.; Pin, C. [s.n.] France K002688342 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [5154] United Kingdom K002688254 Yes
Druce, G.C. [2600] United Kingdom K002688175 Yes
Hall, P.M. [3018] United Kingdom K002688198 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688145 Yes
Lousley, J.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688189 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [s.n.] Switzerland K002688300 Yes
Otruba, J. [s.n.] K002688311 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688207 Yes
Sandwith, C.I. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688172 Yes
Fries; Gooden. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688160 Yes
[J. P. H. Brenars] [1877] United Kingdom K002688187 Yes
Boott, F. [s.n.] Sweden K002688273 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [4628] United Kingdom K002688146 Yes
Rigo [s.n.] Italy K002688352 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [5159] United Kingdom K002688235 Yes
Milne-Redhead, E. [2420] United Kingdom K002688208 Yes
Boott, F.; Clarke, C.B. [s.n.] Sweden K002688349 Yes
Swann, E.L. [1042] United Kingdom K002688174 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K002217344 Yes
Willmott, E.A.; Bonnet, E. [s.n.] France K002688341 Yes
Prodan, I. [271] Hungary K002688313 No
[W. A. S] [[3]] K002688261 Yes
Ahlberg, F. [s.n.] Sweden K002688269 Yes
Bonnet, E.; Willmott, E.A. [s.n.] France K002688345 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688259 Yes
Townsend, C.C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688116 Yes
s.coll. [188] Poland K002688312 Yes
[J. P. H. Brenars] [1877] United Kingdom K002688186 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K002800861 Yes
Little, J.E. [[590]] United Kingdom K002688141 Yes
{Dobrescu; Att. Kovács} [3384] Moldova K002688315 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K001731938 Yes
Otruba, J. [572] Slovenia K002688309 Yes
Otruba, J. [145] Slovenia K002688308 Yes
Meikle, D. [20] United Kingdom K002688221 Yes
Drummond, R.B. [780] Ireland K002688232 Yes
C.I.; Sandwith, N.Y. [887] United Kingdom K002688184 Yes
Gregor, A.G. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688350 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688170 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Switzerland K002688299 Yes
Nelmes, E. [235] United Kingdom K002688190 Yes
Meikle, R.D. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688222 Yes
Dixon, G.B. [[1681]] United Kingdom K002688121 Yes
Taylor, N.P. [0827] United Kingdom K002688156 Yes
{E. Th. Fries} [s.n.] Sweden K002688278 Yes
Sandwith, C.I.; Sandwith, N.Y. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688244 Yes
C.I.; Sandwith, N.Y. [3372] United Kingdom K002688179 Yes
Turner, D. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688159 Yes
Lewis, R. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688153 Yes
Hooper, S. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688137 Yes
Druce, G.C.; Britton, C.E. [2600] United Kingdom K002688176 Yes
Drummond, R.B. [632] Ireland K002688228 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [5160] United Kingdom K002688256 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [5157] United Kingdom K002688251 Yes
Meikle, R.D. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688224 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [5155] United Kingdom K002688253 Yes
[Abndges Somerset] [[1474]] United Kingdom K002688181 Yes
Britton, C.E.; Wilson, A. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002687618 Yes
Clark, W.A. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688205 Yes
Lambert, L. [s.n.] France K002688330 Yes
Hall, P.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688130 Yes
Meikle, R.D. [21] United Kingdom K002688220 Yes
Swann, E.L. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688157 Yes
Lousley, J.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688229 Yes
Bonnet, E.; Willmott, E.A. [s.n.] France K002688346 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [s.n.] Switzerland K001731935 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [5529] United Kingdom K002688248 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688162 Yes
Boott, F. [40] K002688354 Yes
Carrothers, E.N. [39] United Kingdom K002688211 Yes
Swann, E.L. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688166 Yes
Salmon, C.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688165 Yes
M.B. [s.n.] France K002688324 Yes
Whellan, J.A. [D2] United Kingdom K002688129 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [s.n.] K002688356 Yes
Nelmes, E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688200 Yes
Little, J.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688173 Yes
M.B. [s.n.] France K002688321 Yes
Boott, F.; Lemann, C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688118 Yes
{Hall}; Boott, F.; Schleicher, J.C. [1400] Switzerland K002688301 Yes
M.B. [s.n.] France K002688337 Yes
Hall, P.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688135 Yes
Jackson, A.B. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688134 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [4634] United Kingdom K002688202 Yes
[W. A. S] [[3]] United Kingdom K002688260 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] France K002688333 Yes
McCallum Webite, M. [5405] United Kingdom K002688225 Yes
Nelmes, E. [423] United Kingdom K002687617 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [5153] United Kingdom K002688249 Yes
s.coll. [289] Eswatini K002688298 Yes
Nelmes, E. [422] United Kingdom K002688131 Yes
Gibbons, J. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688155 Yes
Wilkinson, H.J. [1438] United Kingdom K002688246 Yes
Rowland, S.P. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688201 Yes
Creklen, E. [C/29/51] United Kingdom K002688241 Yes
Taylor, J.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688127 No
Aellen, P. [s.n.] Switzerland K002688307 Yes
Ellis, E.V. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688169 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [s.n.] Sweden K002688272 Yes
Clarke, C.B.; Thuillier, J.L. [2] Switzerland K002688302 Yes
Waterfall, C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002688124 Yes


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