Carex flacca Schreb.

First published in Spic. Fl. Lips., App.: 178 (1771)
This species is accepted
The native range of this species is Europe, Medit to Pakistan. It is a perennial or rhizomatous geophyte and grows primarily in the temperate biome.


Native to:

Albania, Algeria, Austria, Baleares, Baltic States, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Central European Russia, Corse, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, East Aegean Is., East European Russia, Finland, France, Føroyar, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Kriti, Krym, Lebanon-Syria, Libya, Morocco, Netherlands, North Caucasus, Northwest European Russia, Norway, Pakistan, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sardegna, Sicilia, South European Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Transcaucasus, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkey-in-Europe, Ukraine, Yugoslavia

Introduced into:

Argentina South, Falkland Is., Michigan, New York, New Zealand North, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Québec, Tasmania, Vermont

Accepted Infraspecifics


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POWO follows these authorities in accepting this name:

  • Castroviejo, S. & al. (eds.) (2008). Flora Iberica 18: 1-420. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Madrid.
  • Gilman, A.V. (2015). New flora of Vermont. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 110: 1-614.
  • Govaerts, R. & Simpson, D.A. (2007). World Checklist of Cyperaceae. Sedges: 1-765. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Govaerts, R. (1999). World Checklist of Seed Plants 3(1, 2a & 2b): 1-1532. MIM, Deurne.
  • Hassler, M. & Muer, T. (2022). Flora Germanica: alle Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands in Text und Bild 1: 1-864. Verlag Regionalkultur, Uberstadt-Weiher.
  • Jermy, C., Simpson, D., Foley, M. & Porter, M. (2007). Sedges of the British Isles. B.S.B.I. Handbook No. 1, ed. 3: 1-554. Botanical Society of the British Isles, London.
  • Koopman, J. (2011). Carex Europaea. The Genus Carex L. (Cyperaceae) in Europe 1: 1-726. Margraf publishers,Weikersheim, Germany.
  • Mirek, Z., Piękoś-Mirkowa, H., Zając, A. & Zając, M (2020). Vascular plants of Poland an annotated checklist: 1-526. W. Szafer institute of botany, Polish academy of sciences, Krakow, Poland.
  • Stace, C. (2019). New Flora of the British Isles ed. 4: 1-1266. C & M Floristics.
  • de Salas, MF, Baker, ML (2022). A Census of the Vascular Plants of Tasmania, including Macquarie Island: 1-161. Tasmanian Herbarium, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart.

Kew Backbone Distributions

  • Gilman, A.V. (2015). New flora of Vermont. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 110: 1-614.
  • Meades, S.J. & Brouillet, L. (2019). Annotated Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Stace, C. (2019). New Flora of the British Isles ed. 4: 1-1266. C & M Floristics.

Other Data

Other Kew resources that provide information on this taxon:

Date Reference Identified As Barcode Type Status Has image?
May 28, 1902 s.coll. [32] K000960488 Unknown Type Material Yes
Boott, F.; Sharpe, D. [1] Portugal K002689758 Yes
Alston, A.H.G.; Sandwith, N.Y. [1734] Albania K002689879 Yes
Stelfox, A.W. [17] United Kingdom K002689497 Yes
McCallum-Webster, M. [3933] United Kingdom K002689414 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M. [5865] Ireland K002689458 Yes
Alm, C.G.; Smith, H. [428] Sweden K002689526 Yes
Hill, A.W.; Sandwith, N.Y.; Turrill, W.B. [2438] Greece K002689790 Yes
Kükenthal, G. [s.n.] Italy K002689869 Yes
Meebold, A. [s.n.] Italy K002689711 Yes
Hayne, W.A. [s.n.] Israel K002216558 Yes
Hunt, D.R. [s.n.] France K002689688 Yes
Gamble, J.S. [27957] United Kingdom K002689245 Yes
Nelmes, E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689235 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [11124] United Kingdom K002689173 Yes
Merton, L.F.H. [235] Cyprus K002216529 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M.; Ipse [6284] United Kingdom K002689169 Yes
Merton, L.F.H. [3037] Cyprus K002216502 Yes
Milne-Redhead, R. [5299] United Kingdom K002689158 Yes
Davis [3632] Cyprus K002216528 Yes
Womersley, J.S. [E160] Germany K002689558 Yes
Baytop, A. [32305] Türkiye K002216551 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689389 Yes
Ross-Craig, S.; Sealy, J.R. [1321] Ireland K002689465 Yes
Sintenis, P.E.E.; Rigo, [946] Cyprus K002216504 Yes
Bonnet, E.; Willmott, E.A. [s.n.] France K002689672 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [[?]] United Kingdom K002689379 Yes
Townsend, C.C. [63/78] Greece K002689892 Yes
Dinsmore, J.E. [13643] Israel K002216565 Yes
Black, R.A. [s.n.] Australia K002808168 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Italy K002689866 Yes
Lowne, B.T. [1150] United Kingdom K002689263 Yes
Thompson, H.P. [776] Croatia K002689761 Yes
A.S.B. [S.n.] United Kingdom K002689401 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K002689700 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K002689637 Yes
Sillinger, P.; Domin, K.; Krajina, V. [235] Slovakia K002689622 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [12670] United Kingdom K002689296 Yes
Sowter, F.A. [2588] United Kingdom K002689238 Yes
Duthie, J.F. [s.n.] Malta K002689857 Yes
[?] [40] K002689698 Yes
Bordère [s.n.] France K002689635 Yes
Gander [s.n.] Austria K002689809 Yes
Franklin; [Gerveston] [s.n.] Australia K002808170 Yes
Hunt, P.F. [1584] France K002689690 Yes
Thompson, H.P. [776] Croatia K002689764 Yes
Heslop Harrison, J.W. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689419 Yes
Davis, P.H.; Coode, M.J. [37516] Türkiye K002216543 Yes
Haines, H.H. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689233 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Portugal K002689756 Yes
Stelfox, A.W. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689473 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M.; Ipse [5441] United Kingdom K002689168 Yes
Brunker, J.P. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689470 Yes
Luart, J.B. [60] Cyprus K002216520 Yes
Atchley, S.C. [496] Spain K002689730 Yes
Saville, D. [325] Ireland K002689467 Yes
McCallum-Webster, M. [5374] Ireland K002689460 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689285 Yes
H.S.T. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689201 Yes
Devez [s.n.] K002689665 Yes
Jermy, A.C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689227 Yes
Boott, F. [20] Switzerland K002689618 Yes
Baenitz, C. [s.n.] Italy K002689721 Yes
Asplund, E.; Samuelsson, G. [406] Sweden K002689532 Yes
Kneucker, A. [170] Germany K002689559 Yes
Black, R.A. [s.n.] Australia K002808169 Yes
Fries [3] Germany K002689556 Yes
HJR [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689157 Yes
Stelfox, A.W. [17] United Kingdom K002689480 Yes
Hooper, S.S. [20/60] North Macedonia K002689883 Yes
Trethewy, A.W. [162] Morocco K002217356 Yes
Davis [3440] Cyprus K002216515 Yes
Gamble, J.S. [29256] United Kingdom K002689247 Yes
Britton, C.E. [3966] United Kingdom K002689332 Yes
Hennipman, E.; Nijhoff, P.; Swennen, C.; Tulp, A.S.; Vader, W.J.M. [2100] Türkiye K002689798 Yes
Stelfox, A.W. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689405 Yes
Huter, R.; Porta, P.; Rigo, G. [581] Italy K002689865 Yes
Harris, G.W. [116] Greece K002689786 Yes
Kennedy, M. [1194] Cyprus K002216513 Yes
Willemet, S. [s.n.] K002689825 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M. [462] France K002689681 Yes
Edmonds, M.E. [10a] United Kingdom K002689308 Yes
Doğru-Koca, A. [2221] Türkiye K002216545 Yes
Waterfall, W.B. [1443] United Kingdom K002689193 Yes
Edmonds, M.E. [98] United Kingdom K002689305 Yes
Swann, E.L. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689283 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K002689543 Yes
Tedd, H.G. [911] Greece K002689783 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] France K002689655 Yes
Boott, F.; Ledebour [[1]] K002689538 Yes
Pratt, S. [2] Spain K002689738 Yes
Blytt, A.G. [s.n.] Norway K002689509 Yes
Sowter, F.A. [2588] United Kingdom K002689234 Yes
Milne-Redhead, R. [1285] United Kingdom K002689205 Yes
Hepper, F.N. [9264] France K002689633 Yes
Lousley, J.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689218 Yes
Nelmes, E. [96] United Kingdom K002689232 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689199 Yes
Dinsmore, J.E. [11643] Syria K002216564 Yes
s.coll. [2054] United Kingdom K002689273 Yes
Deyl [s.n.] France K002689663 Yes
Hooker, J.D. [s.n.] Morocco K002217358 Yes
Hall [1408] K002689802 Yes
Hoppe [s.n.] Austria K002689589 Yes
Jackson, A.K. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689288 Yes
Hooker, J.D. [s.n.] Morocco K002217352 Yes
[Fays] [s.n.] France K002689664 Yes
Thurston, E.; [Hsan Vengan] [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689177 Yes
Sealy, J.R.; Ross-Craig, S. [1349] Ireland K002689464 Yes
Davis, P.H.; Coode, M.J.E.; Yaltirik, F. [D37580] Türkiye K002216554 Yes
Laus, H. [s.n.] Austria K002689563 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Portugal K001732892 No
Noë [1505] K002689651 Yes
Gander [s.n.] Austria K002689576 Yes
Sintenis, P.E.E.; Rigo, [355] Cyprus K002216523 Yes
Rock [s.n.] Austria K002689572 Yes
Hakanson, J.W. [s.n.] Sweden K002689528 Yes
Thurston, E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689180 Yes
[H. Y. Evimp] [1122] United Kingdom K002689484 Yes
Richter, L.; Kneucker, A. [171] Austria K002689586 Yes
Townsend, C.C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689214 Yes
[Ghammara] [s.n.] Algeria K002217360 Yes
Joad [96] Spain K002689734 Yes
Atchley, S.C. [1345] Greece K002689787 Yes
Kennedy, E.W. [111] Cyprus K002216509 Yes
Bordère [184] France K002689648 Yes
s.coll. [1453] K002689708 Yes
s.coll. [257] Portugal K002689752 Yes
Ahlberg, F. [s.n.] Sweden K002689516 Yes
[Segmsza] [s.n.] Italy K002689867 Yes
McCallum-Webster, M. [3742] United Kingdom K002689417 Yes
Kükenthal, G. [307] Italy K002689695 Yes
Alm, C.G. [948] Sweden K002689523 Yes
Raez, J. [[17/18]] Spain K002689741 Yes
[M. Flittke]; Stigmon [3] Germany K002689550 Yes
Churchill, G.C. [s.n.] Austria K002689548 Yes
Tanker, N. [8643] Türkiye K002216542 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] France K002689639 Yes
Fraser, J. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689500 Yes
Milne, J. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689412 Yes
Price, W.R. [1206] Greece K002689780 Yes
Carnel, S. [s.n.] K002689724 Yes
s.coll. [242] United Kingdom K002689370 Yes
Edmondson, J.R.; McClintock, M.A.S. [E.2858] Cyprus K002216519 Yes
s.coll. [N19] Greece K002689774 Yes
Reclaire, A. [s.n.] Netherlands K002689629 Yes
Devis, H.F. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689322 Yes
{H. C. D. de Wit} [4444] France K002689677 Yes
Casey, E.C. [1775] Türkiye K002216550 Yes
Drejer [s.n.] Germany K002689552 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M. [9943] United Kingdom K002689449 Yes
Verdcourt, B. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689365 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [s.n.] Malta K002689727 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [9006] United Kingdom K002689167 Yes
Sintenis, P. [229] Greece K002689769 Yes
Alston, A.H.G.; Sandwith, N.Y. [2092] Albania K002689899 Yes
Nelmes, E. [96] United Kingdom K002689231 Yes
Favrat [s.n.] Switzerland K002689617 Yes
Alm, C.G. [853] Sweden K002689522 Yes
Boott, F. [s.n.] Germany K002689835 Yes
Edmonds, M.E. [39] Spain K002689746 Yes
N.; Bor [119] United Kingdom K002689474 Yes
Schneider [267] Bulgaria K002689882 Yes
Cheeseman, T.F. [s.n.] New Zealand K002808526 Yes
Lewis, R. [RL902] Falkland Islands K000676233 Yes
s.coll. [1] Jersey K002689499 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M. [2230] United Kingdom K002689260 Yes
Devis, H.F. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689315 Yes
{Wm. R. Megaw} [376] United Kingdom K002689491 Yes
Sterling, A. [3848] United Kingdom K002689424 Yes
Davis, P.H. [5488] Lebanon K002216557 Yes
Nelmes, E. [303] United Kingdom K002689281 Yes
Simpson, N.D. [38320] Tunisia K002217368 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M.; {ipse} [4821] United Kingdom K002689203 Yes
Hooker, J.D. [s.n.] Switzerland K002689606 Yes
Britton, C.E. [3964] United Kingdom K002689348 Yes
Davis, P.H. [752/63] United Kingdom K002689436 Yes
Tanker, N. [8074] Türkiye K002689797 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Malta K002689729 Yes
Meebold, A. [s.n.] Germany K002689560 Yes
Axelson, W.M. [128] Finland K002689536 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [11128] United Kingdom K002689171 Yes
Gabriel Strobl, P. [s.n.] K002689897 Yes
Hunt, P.F. [1604] United Kingdom K002689459 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689447 Yes
Woods [s.n.] Switzerland K002689605 Yes
Hunt, P.F. [1596] United Kingdom K002689355 Yes
Atchley, S.C. [1345] Greece K002689788 Yes
Riddelsdell, H.J. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689204 Yes
{V. S. summerhayes} [1009] United Kingdom K002689319 Yes
Hutchinson, J.; Matthews, J.R.; Riley, L.A.M. [42] France K002689676 Yes
Milne-Redhead, R. [1285] United Kingdom K002689207 Yes
Womersley, J.S. [E134] Sweden K002689520 Yes
Moggridge, J.T. [s.n.] France K002689644 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M.; B. E. C. [?] [4621] United Kingdom K002689392 Yes
Nelmes, E. [259] United Kingdom K002689211 Yes
Bourgeau, E. [294] France K002689668 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Ireland K002689485 Yes
Merton, L.F.H. [1856] Cyprus K002216531 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M. [462] France K002689657 Yes
{H G T edd} [311] Greece K002689889 Yes
Summerhayes, V.S. [s.n.] Norway K002689508 Yes
MJC [MJC 247] United Kingdom K002689166 Yes
[?] [s.n.] Greece K002689841 Yes
Gander; Huter, R. [s.n.] Austria K002689587 Yes
Maly, K. [s.n.] North Macedonia K002689762 Yes
[?] [s.n.] K002689834 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689262 Yes
Bolle [349] Switzerland K002689608 Yes
Skan, S.A. [s.n.] Norway K002689510 Yes
Milne-Redhead, E.; Airy Shaw, H.K. [5445] United Kingdom K002689441 Yes
Thomas, P. [s.n.] K002689826 Yes
Sandwith, N.Y. [4256] Spain K002689743 Yes
Richard, A. [s.n.] Italy K002689859 Yes
Trethewy, A.W. [425] Morocco K002217359 Yes
Rechinger, K.H. [s.n.] Austria K002689507 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689357 Yes
Gamble, J.S. [18827] United Kingdom K002689328 Yes
Clark, A. [721] Italy K002689720 Yes
Townsend, C.C. [74/114] Greece K002689893 Yes
Britton, C.E. [3318] United Kingdom K002689345 Yes
[Galenrecks] [8] K002689539 Yes
Fay, M.F. [MFF 271K] United Kingdom K002689442 Yes
Milne-Redhead, R. [1285] United Kingdom K002689208 Yes
[Truist] [196] K002689694 Yes
Merton, L.F.H. [1856] Cyprus K002216532 Yes
[?] [s.n.] Italy K002689699 Yes
Gamble, J.S. [28456] United Kingdom K002689246 Yes
Nelmes, E. [670] United Kingdom K002689215 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] France K002689649 Yes
Hill, A.W.; Sandwith, N.Y.; Turrill, W.B. [2438] Greece K002689789 Yes
Carmel, S. [s.n.] K002689723 Yes
Sowter, F.A. [2591] United Kingdom K002689272 Yes
Trethewy, A.W. [9] United Kingdom K002689309 Yes
Townsend, C.C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689223 Yes
Lagger [27] Switzerland K002689813 Yes
Maly, K. [s.n.] North Macedonia K002689898 Yes
Joad, G.C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689353 Yes
Townsend, D.W.H. [T514] Spain K002689751 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689337 Yes
Hemsley, J.H. [6715] Australia K002808166 Yes
Tutin, T.G. [S86] United Kingdom K002689269 Yes
Howell, W. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689253 Yes
Meikle, R.D. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689492 Yes
Sandwith, N.Y. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689439 Yes
s.coll. [309] Algeria K002217364 Yes
Hennipman, E.; Nijhoff, P.; Swennen, C.; Tulp, A.S.; Vader, W.J.M. [1817] Türkiye K002216544 Yes
s.coll. [1951] Spain K002689874 Yes
[?] [293] France K002689669 Yes
Talbot, H. [1145] New Zealand K002808528 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689336 Yes
Atchley, S.C. [1263] Greece K002689890 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Switzerland K002689599 Yes
Schuhwerk, F. [92/247] Germany K002689562 Yes
Davis [2968] Cyprus K002216526 Yes
Groves, H. [s.n.] Italy K002689858 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689390 Yes
Hill, A.W. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689361 Yes
[?] [574] France K002689652 Yes
Stelfox, A.W. [N37] United Kingdom K002689402 Yes
s.coll. [49125] United Kingdom K002689396 Yes
[Breck] [307] Italy K002689707 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M.; Ipse [3278] United Kingdom K002689164 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689271 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K002689638 Yes
Mabille, P. [401] K002689828 Yes
[?] [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689294 Yes
Tengwall, T.A. [582] Türkiye K002216548 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Austria K002689810 Yes
Duthie, J.F. [s.n.] Malta K002689839 Yes
Aellen, P. [s.n.] Germany K002689551 Yes
Christenhusz, M.J.M.; U.B.V. [160] France K002689659 Yes
Gander; Huter, R. [s.n.] Austria K002689588 Yes
Souster, J. [984] United Kingdom K002689343 Yes
Gander [s.n.] Austria K002689583 Yes
Willkomm, H.M. [596] Spain K002689735 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M. [2054 c] United Kingdom K002689423 Yes
Pin, C.; Willmott, E.A. [s.n.] France K002689661 Yes
Wordell, W.C.; Last, G.V.C. [753/33] United Kingdom K002689202 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689487 Yes
Dickson; Botte, F. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689438 Yes
Flippance, F. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689342 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K002689703 Yes
Alm, C.G.; Smith, H. [374] Sweden K002689525 Yes
Sandwith, N.Y. [4256] Spain K002689744 Yes
Verdcourt, B. [4260] France K002689686 Yes
Makins, F.K. [2054] United Kingdom K002689320 Yes
Young, D.P. [7354] Cyprus K002216507 Yes
Hanshaw E, D. [17] Austria K002689585 Yes
Boott, F. [4] Switzerland K002689614 Yes
Meikle, D. [31] United Kingdom K002689494 Yes
Hubbard, C.E.; Turrill, W.B. [11774] United Kingdom K002689295 Yes
Araújo, A.C. [1953] Austria K002689566 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K002689719 Yes
Whellan, J.A. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689445 Yes
Krummel, E. [s.n.] Germany K002689555 Yes
s.coll. [5] Switzerland K002689615 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M. [490] France K002689684 Yes
Huter [s.n.] Austria K002689808 Yes
Lyon [[7:13]] K002689666 Yes
Schimper, W. [s.n.] Algeria K002217370 Yes
Holmgren, B. [s.n.] Sweden K002689527 Yes
Stearn, W.T. [15] Sweden K002689514 Yes
Davis, P.H.; Coode, M.J.E.; Yaltirik, F. [D37617] Türkiye K002216546 Yes
Levet, M. [s.n.] K002689715 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M.; B. E. C. [?] [4661] United Kingdom K002689391 Yes
Hooper, S.S. [20/60] North Macedonia K002689884 Yes
Sherring, R.V. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689197 Yes
Milne-Redhead, G. [2212] United Kingdom K002689250 Yes
Britton, C.E. [3125] United Kingdom K002689347 Yes
Wright, C.H. [266a] United Kingdom K002689191 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689397 Yes
s.coll. [354] Portugal K002689754 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [5166] United Kingdom K002689375 Yes
Druce, G.C. [s.n.] Cyprus K002216538 Yes
[Roscodon] [s.n.] K002689667 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689282 Yes
Taylor, P.G. [0832] United Kingdom K002689287 Yes
Turrill, W.B. [146] Greece K002689888 Yes
Otruba, J. [s.n.] Slovenia K002689900 Yes
Whellan, J.A. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689444 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M. [406] France K002689680 Yes
Atchley, S.C. [496] Spain K002689732 Yes
[Mrojacono] [397] Italy K002689838 Yes
Abell, R.B. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689425 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689289 Yes
Trabut, D.L. [s.n.] Algeria K002217361 Yes
Gamble, J.S. [18827] United Kingdom K002689327 Yes
Hogberg, J.D.; Andersson [3] Sweden K002689511 Yes
Nelmes, E. [s.n.] K002689714 Yes
Tenore [s.n.] Italy K002689860 Yes
Levet, M. [s.n.] Italy K002689706 Yes
Thurston, E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689178 Yes
Nelmes, E. [670] United Kingdom K002689219 Yes
s.coll. [180] Austria K002689590 Yes
Turrill, W.B. [1586] Bulgaria K002689881 Yes
Molina, J.A. [s.n.] Malta K002689728 Yes
Lidman, G. [19/33] Sweden K002689530 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K002689505 Yes
Hoppe, J. [s.n.] Austria K002689591 Yes
Howell, W. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689254 Yes
Rican, G. [1294] Czech Republic K002689626 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] France K002689634 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Portugal K001732891 No
Litwinow, D. [s.n.] Russia K002689542 Yes
MacKechnie, R.; Wallace, E.C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689429 Yes
Borrer [242] United Kingdom K002689324 Yes
Derham, F.R. [10] Greece K002689891 Yes
Stelfox, A.W.; Meikle, R.D. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689427 Yes
Tedd, H.G. [911] Greece K002689785 Yes
Svestka, F. [582] Czech Republic K002689621 Yes
Brummitt, R.K. [5448] Italy K002689726 Yes
Merton, L.F.H. [2192] Cyprus K002216533 Yes
Turrill, W.B. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689298 Yes
Alm, C.G. [568] Sweden K002689533 Yes
Burbidge, N.T. [3126] Australia K002808167 Yes
Gamble, J.S. [19958] Ireland K002689488 Yes
Pearson, J.D.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689186 Yes
H. [Koesis]; Dr. A. de Degen [s.n.] Hungary K002689623 Yes
Casey, E.C. [1271] Cyprus K002216530 Yes
s.coll. [1076] United Kingdom K002689431 Yes
s.coll. [379] Switzerland K002689607 Yes
Atchley, S.C. [793] Greece K002689776 Yes
Elias, R. [657] Syria K002217372 Yes
[?] B [s.n.] Italy K002689840 Yes
Gilmour, J.S.L. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689454 Yes
Hooper, S.S.; Townsend, C.C. [1722] United Kingdom K002689407 Yes
Bariyes, A.L. [663/31] United Kingdom K002689200 Yes
N.; Bor [112] United Kingdom K002689475 Yes
Woods [127] Germany K002689549 Yes
[W. B.] [s.n.] Italy K002689847 Yes
Gander; Huter, R. [s.n.] Austria K002689581 Yes
Merton, L.F.H. [1918] Cyprus K002216521 Yes
Bor, N.L. [s.n.] Austria K002689580 Yes
Sprague, T.A. [ch10] United Kingdom K002689217 Yes
s.coll. [379] Jersey K002689498 Yes
Huter [740] Austria K002689569 Yes
Alston, A.H.G.; Sandwith, N.Y. [1734] Albania K002689878 Yes
Jermy, A.C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689225 Yes
Ross-Craig, S.; Burtt, B.L.; Sealy, J.R. [127] United Kingdom K002689335 Yes
Graf [s.n.] K002689693 Yes
Araújo, A.C. [1951] Austria K002689567 Yes
Lousley, J.E.; Ipse [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689174 Yes
Marcowicz, B. [38(171 aVI)] Georgia K002689540 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Italy K002689855 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M.; Ipse [6284] United Kingdom K002689163 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] New Zealand K002808529 Yes
Britton, C.E. [3309] United Kingdom K002689344 Yes
Townsend, C.C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689187 Yes
Meebold, A. [s.n.] K002689710 Yes
Pin, C. [s.n.] France K002689642 Yes
Stearn, W.T. [14] Sweden K002689515 Yes
Upson, R. [RU119] Falkland Islands K000676503 Yes
Dzewanowski, S. [s.n.] K002216578 Yes
Sprague, T.A. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689240 Yes
Fleischmann, A. [2007] K002689833 Yes
Sandwith, N.Y. [6376] Spain K002689747 Yes
J.K.; B.R. [s.n.] Netherlands K002689829 Yes
Wilson, K.L. [8400] Australia K002808172 Yes
Bor, N.L. [2] Austria K002689592 Yes
[Ereliq. Garedin] [s.n.] K002689824 Yes
[Lucy] [6] Switzerland K002689616 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K001732889 Yes
Maillard, A.; Willmott, E.A. [s.n.] K002689673 Yes
Ross-Craig, S.; Sealy, J.R. [1321] Ireland K002689466 Yes
Raimondo, F.M. [34/M] Italy K002689725 Yes
Ross-Craig, S.; Sealy, J.R.; Burtt, B.L. [248] United Kingdom K002689471 Yes
Phillips [3796] United Kingdom K002689313 Yes
Sprague, T.A. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689239 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M. [5437] United Kingdom K002689290 Yes
Sandwith, N.Y. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689358 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689265 Yes
Gander [s.n.] Austria K002689575 Yes
[Ft.] [s.n.] Switzerland K002689613 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M. [2230] United Kingdom K002689259 Yes
Kennedy, E.W. [110] Cyprus K002216508 Yes
Moggridge, J.T. [s.n.] France K002689645 Yes
Jamaica K000584665 Unknown Type Material Yes
Townsend, C.C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689222 Yes
Coll, R.; Ross, H.; Willmott, E.A. [195] France K002689641 Yes
Atchley, S.C. [1345] Greece K002689784 Yes
Clarke, C.B.; Boeck [307] United Kingdom K002689244 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Austria K002689595 Yes
[H. Alper] [s.n.] France K002689662 Yes
Gamble, J.S. [27623] United Kingdom K002689340 Yes
Huet du Pavillon, E.; Huet du Pavillon, A. [s.n.] Italy K002689852 Yes
Nelmes, E. [214] United Kingdom K002689321 Yes
Riddelsdell, H.J. [23] United Kingdom K002689300 Yes
Devis, H.F. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689362 Yes
Stainton, J.D.A. [7553] Greece K002689795 Yes
T.A.S. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689383 Yes
Burgess, J. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689368 Yes
Smith, N.J.G. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689433 Yes
McCallum-Webster, M. [5493] United Kingdom K002689190 Yes
Wood, J.J. [131] Cyprus K002216514 Yes
Milne-Redhead, R. [5305] United Kingdom K002689161 Yes
McCallum-Webster, M. [1078] United Kingdom K002689432 Yes
Last, G.V.C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689451 Yes
Davis [2895] Cyprus K002216525 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M. [553] France K002689683 Yes
s.coll. [889] Spain K002689895 Yes
s.coll. [379] United Kingdom K002689302 Yes
s.coll. [329] Italy K002689854 Yes
Trethewy, A.W. [20] United Kingdom K002689304 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689341 Yes
Drejer [s.n.] Portugal K002689753 Yes
Clarke, C.B.; [Boec [307] United Kingdom K002689243 Yes
Riley, L.A.M. [[P]] United Kingdom K002689249 Yes
W.J.A. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689400 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689213 Yes
{Mr Carrier} [s.n.] France K002689685 Yes
Clarke, C.B.; [Boec [307] United Kingdom K002689242 Yes
Thompson, W.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689286 Yes
Gander [740] Austria K002689573 Yes
Verdcourt; Wilmot- Dear [5354] France K002689679 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689399 Yes
Bullock, A.A. [617] United Kingdom K002689182 Yes
Bentham, G. [2] France K002689619 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Italy K002689863 Yes
s.coll. [596] Switzerland K001732890 Yes
Atherton, G.E. [608] Cyprus K002216506 Yes
Day, F.M. [[=769]] United Kingdom K002689256 Yes
Merton, L.F.H. [2127] Cyprus K002216500 Yes
Sealy, J.R.; Ross-Craig, S. [1349] Ireland K002689461 Yes
Sherring, R.V. [1797] United Kingdom K002689198 Yes
Stearn, W.T. [12] Sweden K002689512 Yes
Araújo, A.C. [1953] Austria K002689564 Yes
Aparicio, A.; Al [8172] Spain K002689876 Yes
Alm, C.G.; Smith, H. [878] Sweden K002689513 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689339 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M. [488] France K002689632 Yes
G.C.C. [s.n.] Austria K002689577 Yes
Boott, F. [s.n.] France K002689647 Yes
s.coll. [L289] Greece K002689773 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [5168] United Kingdom K002689377 Yes
Johnston, H.H. [204] United Kingdom K002689421 Yes
Kirk [1304] New Zealand K002808527 Yes
[Wm Stevens] [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689266 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689404 Yes
Tedd [589] Greece K002689768 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Austria K000960487 Unknown Type Material Yes
Woods [127] Switzerland K002689600 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M. [553] France K002689682 Yes
Nelmes, E. [670] United Kingdom K002689220 Yes
Russell, T.A. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689176 Yes
Baytop, A.; Baytop, T. [10828] Türkiye K002689800 Yes
Whiting, M.M. [127] Ireland K002689489 Yes
Merton, L.F.H. [2127] Cyprus K002216499 Yes
Maly, K. [s.n.] North Macedonia K002689763 Yes
Hooper, S. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689185 Yes
Heslop Harrison, J.W. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689418 Yes
[Bivour] [s.n.] Spain K002689733 Yes
Edmonds, M.E. [89 B] United Kingdom K002689311 Yes
Macoun, J. [s.n.] United States K002561085 Yes
F.B. [s.n.] Italy K002689842 Yes
Nelmes, E. [259] United Kingdom K002689216 Yes
Cake, W.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689251 Yes
Sowter, F.A. [2588] United Kingdom K002689189 Yes
Boott, F.; [W. B.] [[257]] K002689846 Yes
Pease, F.N. [s.n.] United States K002561086 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Austria K000960486 Unknown Type Material Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [11126] United Kingdom K002689172 Yes
Hooper, S. [65/62] Germany K002689546 Yes
Nelmes, E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689338 Yes
Croall, A. [155] United Kingdom K002689409 Yes
Roskeland, A.R. [s.n.] Norway K002689506 Yes
Riddelsdell, H.J. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689230 Yes
Gandoger, M. [s.n.] Greece K002689772 Yes
Bonnet, E.; Willmott, E.A. [s.n.] France K002689670 Yes
[Savi] [5] Italy K002689697 Yes
Lousley, J.E. [2054] United Kingdom K002689406 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K002689654 Yes
Gander [s.n.] Austria K002689811 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689224 Yes
s.coll. [3251] United Kingdom K002689359 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Austria K002689594 Yes
Edmonds, J.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689437 Yes
Bullock, A.A. [610] United Kingdom K002689183 Yes
Greenwood, W.F. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689229 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K002689701 Yes
Bowman, J.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689450 Yes
Trabut, D.L. [s.n.] Algeria K002217365 Yes
Nelmes, E. [465] United Kingdom K002689360 Yes
Ausserdorfer [s.n.] Austria K002689806 Yes
Mooney, H.F. [4662] Lebanon K002216556 Yes
Edmonds, M.E. [3A] United Kingdom K002689303 Yes
Pin, C.; Willmott, E.A. [s.n.] K002689658 Yes
Breek [307] K002689803 Yes
MacKechnie, R.; Wallace, E.C. [5023] United Kingdom K002689411 Yes
Edmonds, M.E. [54B] United Kingdom K002689312 Yes
Trethewy, A.W. [4] United Kingdom K002689310 Yes
s.coll. [379] Switzerland K002689610 Yes
Brummitt, R.K. [4514] Italy K002689713 Yes
Roivainen, H. [s.n.] Spain K002689875 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K002689704 Yes
Nelmes, E. [293] United Kingdom K002689278 Yes
{Zodda, G.; Béguinot, A.; Adr. Fiori; Pampanini, R.} [749] Italy K002689849 Yes
s.coll. [379] United Kingdom K002689301 Yes
Wilson, K.L. [6591] Australia K002808171 Yes
Maille [s.n.] Spain K002689736 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M.; [S. J. Chappli] [3362] United Kingdom K002689291 Yes
Townsend, C.C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689212 Yes
Hepper, F.N. [506] United Kingdom K002689364 Yes
Gregor, A.G. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689398 Yes
Dürbye [3328] Germany K002689544 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689316 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M.; Ipse [6285] United Kingdom K002689170 Yes
{v. Grabmayr; Huter, R.} [s.n.] Austria K002689579 Yes
Townsend, C.C. [s.n.] Greece K002689775 Yes
Davis [3039] Cyprus K002216527 Yes
s.coll. [18] United Kingdom K002689448 Yes
s.coll. [329] Italy K002689843 Yes
s.coll. [245] United Kingdom K002689490 Yes
Sandwith, N.Y. [3309] United Kingdom K002689430 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Italy K002689864 Yes
Woods [129] Switzerland K002689814 Yes
Sealy, J.R.; Ross-Craig, S. [1349] Ireland K002689463 Yes
Hepper, F.N. [9892] France K002689691 Yes
Joad, G.C. [[1882]] Switzerland K002689598 Yes
Alm, C.G.; Smith, H. [557] Sweden K002689524 Yes
{Fr. Hagström} [s.n.] Sweden K002689534 Yes
Davis, P.H.; Hedge, I. [D26884] Türkiye K002216553 Yes
Ridley, H.N. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689195 Yes
[W C. T] [[168]] Greece K002689770 Yes
Meebold, A. [s.n.] Germany K002689801 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Algeria K002217362 Yes
Gander [s.n.] Austria K002689574 Yes
Summerhayes, V.S.; Milne- Redhead, E. [647] United Kingdom K002689330 Yes
Ball, J. [1200] Italy K002689722 Yes
[?] Wight [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689241 Yes
Edmonds, M.E. [233] Spain K002689749 Yes
[?]Mert [782] Cyprus K002216537 Yes
Bullock, A.A. [617] United Kingdom K002689184 Yes
Meebold, A. [s.n.] Germany K002689561 Yes
Edmonds, M.E. [5] Spain K002689748 Yes
Ball [257] Italy K002689861 Yes
Meebold, A. [s.n.] Switzerland K002689596 Yes
Edmonds, M.E. [78] United Kingdom K002689307 Yes
Hooker, J.D. [s.n.] Morocco K002217353 Yes
s.coll. [1724] Spain K002689873 Yes
Milne-Redhead, E. (Mr.); C. [E.] Hubbard [5544] United Kingdom K002689159 Yes
Polunin, O. [5094] Iraq K002216566 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Sweden K002689517 Yes
Pitard, C.J. [1399] Morocco K002217354 Yes
Tedd, H.G. [1940] Greece K002689777 No
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689394 Yes
s.coll. [1639] United Kingdom K002689284 Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689257 Yes
Lousley, J.E. [2054] Ireland K002689478 Yes
Fay, M.F. [MFF139] United Kingdom K002689292 Yes
[Shuttl] [64] K002689896 Yes
Carriez, A. [s.n.] France K002689640 Yes
Brummitt, R.K. [6326] Greece K002689779 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M. [C361] France K002689631 Yes
Sintenis, P.E.E.; Rigo, [946] Cyprus K002216505 Yes
Summerhayes, V.S. [2153] United Kingdom K002689267 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689279 Yes
Sealy, J.R.; Ross-Craig, S.; Burtt, B.L. [156] United Kingdom K002689333 Yes
Peete, W.; Booth, F. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689264 Yes
Whiting, M.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689188 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M.; [i pse.] [3279] United Kingdom K002689162 Yes
Brenan, R.A.F.; Brenan, A.R.M. [48] United Kingdom K002689422 Yes
Milne-Redhead, R. [1285] United Kingdom K002689209 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689297 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [84] K002216560 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689486 Yes
Koch; Fleischmann [s.n.] K002689832 Yes
s.coll. [311] Algeria K002217366 Yes
Fauk, A. [s.n.] Sweden K002689535 Yes
MacKee, H.S. [30145] France K002689689 Yes
MacKechnie, R.; Wallace, E.C. [5958] United Kingdom K002689426 Yes
Lewis, R. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689280 Yes
Fay, M.F. [MFF211] United Kingdom K000696759 Yes
Meikle, R.D. [2794] Cyprus K002216517 Yes
Meikle, R.D. [2871] Cyprus K002216518 Yes
Taylor, P.G. [753/33] United Kingdom K002689160 Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689363 Yes
Clark, W.A. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689434 Yes
Merton, L.F.H. [2127] Cyprus K002216501 Yes
Jahandiez, E. [291] Morocco K002217351 Yes
Stainton, J.D.A. [7553] Greece K002689796 Yes
Hooper, S. [62/62] Germany K002689804 Yes
Townsend, C.C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689221 Yes
{W. H. tryce Jones} [379] K002689830 Yes
Milne-Redhead, E.; Airy Shaw, H.K. [5438] United Kingdom K002689440 Yes
Winkler, M. [s.n.] Spain K002689745 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689350 Yes
Turrill, W.B. [119] Greece K002689793 Yes
M.tii a Rainer; Prior, A. [s.n.] Italy K002689868 Yes
Britton, C.E. [3309] United Kingdom K002689346 Yes
Huter [740] Austria K002689807 Yes
Lesina; Alexander [s.n.] K002689709 Yes
s.coll. [813] France K002689675 Yes
Meikle, D. [30] United Kingdom K002689493 Yes
Grebenchivoff, O. [s.n.] Greece K002689766 Yes
Hartz, J.; Ostenfeld, C. [s.n.] Faroe Islands K002689504 Yes
Riddelsdell, H.J. [23] United Kingdom K002689299 Yes
Atchley, S.C. [1641] Greece K002689767 Yes
Milne-Redhead, E.; Airy Shaw, H.K. [1359] United Kingdom K002689367 Yes
s.coll. [740] France K002689678 Yes
Horwood, A.R. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689351 Yes
Wyatt, J.W. [225] United Kingdom K002689248 Yes
{Dav. M. Moore} [557] Falkland Islands K000367918 Yes
Davis [3152] Cyprus K002216512 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [5107] United Kingdom K002689378 Yes
s.coll. [1] K001732441 Yes
[Micheliana] [s.n.] Ireland K002689477 Yes
Hepper, F.N. [656] United Kingdom K002689196 Yes
Dobeš, C.; Vitek, E. [98-1709] Spain K002689739 Yes
Townsend, D.W.H. [T592] Spain K002689742 Yes
Edees, E.S. [3259] United Kingdom K002689323 Yes
MacKechnie, R. [s.n.] Ireland K002689468 Yes
Johansson, J. [s.n.] Sweden K002689521 Yes
Gabriel Strobl, P. [s.n.] K002689853 Yes
Hooker, J.D. [s.n.] Morocco K002217357 Yes
Goulmis, C.N. [s.n.] Greece K002689771 Yes
Kennedy, E.W. [112] Cyprus K002216510 Yes
[?] [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689314 Yes
Ross-Craig, S.; Sealy, J.R.; Burtt, B.L. [248] United Kingdom K002689472 Yes
Webb, D.A. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689482 Yes
Stearn, W.T. [12] Sweden K002689529 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689387 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689381 Yes
Davis [3249] Cyprus K002216498 Yes
Jackson, A.B. [1855] United Kingdom K002689380 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M. [6285] United Kingdom K002689165 Yes
[?] Merton [121] Cyprus K002216522 Yes
[Brione] [617-708] Italy K002689718 Yes
Nyárády, E.J. [525] Romania K002689625 Yes
[?] [152] Germany K002689554 Yes
Trethewy, A.W. [161] Morocco K002217355 Yes
Hooper, S. [28/62] Germany K002689805 Yes
Milne-Redhead, R. [1285] United Kingdom K002689206 Yes
Bullock, A. [199] United Kingdom K002689275 Yes
{E. J. hyarady} [525] Romania K002689624 Yes
Townsend, D.W.H. [s.n.] Spain K002689750 Yes
Gibbons, J. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689277 Yes
Murr [740] Austria K002689570 Yes
Imperial College [134] Greece K002689885 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689395 Yes
Levan, A. [s.n.] Sweden K002689519 Yes
Salmon, C.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689384 Yes
Lewis, R. [RL465] Falkland Islands K000299339 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Ireland K002689469 Yes
Ledebour [s.n.] Türkiye K002216552 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Switzerland K002689611 Yes
Chrtek, J.; Krisa, B. [66] Czech Republic K002689627 Yes
Wright, C.H. [266] United Kingdom K002689192 Yes
Hartz, J.; Ostenfeld, C. [s.n.] Faroe Islands K002689503 Yes
F.B. [79] Portugal K002689757 Yes
Collett, M.G. [E 7] United Kingdom K002689410 Yes
Milne-Redhead, E. [2226] Austria K002689571 Yes
[?] [s.n.] Isle of Man K002689268 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M. [490] France K002689656 Yes
Mabille, P. [401] K002689827 Yes
Gilmour, J.S.L. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689453 Yes
Britton, C.E. [3318] United Kingdom K002689393 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Switzerland K002689603 Yes
Thurston, E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689179 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Algeria K002217363 Yes
Brummitt, R.K. [6434] Greece K002689778 Yes
Sowter, F.A. [2588] United Kingdom K002689274 Yes
Britton, C.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689329 Yes
Meikle, R.D. [379] United Kingdom K002689483 Yes
Noë [s.n.] K002689894 Yes
Jackson, A.K.; Montford, H.; Turill, W.B. [272] North Macedonia K002689880 Yes
Meikle, R.D. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689495 Yes
Reclaire, A. [s.n.] Netherlands K002689630 Yes
Pin, C.; Willmott, E.A. [s.n.] France K002689643 Yes
Nelmes, E. [34] United Kingdom K002689334 Yes
Sealy, J.R.; Ross-Craig, S. [1349] Ireland K002689462 Yes
Milne-Redhead, G. [6390] United Kingdom K002689258 Yes
Taylor, P.G. [0339] United Kingdom K002689374 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M. [3508] United Kingdom K002689261 Yes
Hoppe [180] Austria K002689578 Yes
Cosson, M.M.E.; Doûmet-Adanson; Letourneux, A.; Keboud, V.; Barratte, G.; Bonnet, E. [s.n.] K002217371 Yes
Coode, M.J.E.; Jones, B.M.G. [395] Türkiye K002216555 Yes
Araújo, A.C. [1951] Austria K002689565 Yes
Schoepke, W. [s.n.] Germany K002689547 Yes
Jacobs, M. [2538] Netherlands K002689628 Yes
Todaro [424] Italy K002689836 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Spain K002689737 Yes
[W. B.] [s.n.] Italy K002689848 Yes
s.coll. [[307]] France K002689653 Yes
Gibbons, J. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689276 Yes
Philcox, D. [2106] United Kingdom K002689354 Yes
Shultl [s.n.] K002689837 Yes
s.coll. [[740]] Switzerland K002689597 Yes
Baytop, T. [3205] Türkiye K002689799 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M. [1762] United Kingdom K002689228 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Portugal K002689755 Yes
Jermy, A.C. [33] United Kingdom K002689226 Yes
Levet, M. [s.n.] K002689717 Yes
[?] [s.n.] France K002689687 Yes
Bullock, A.A.; Bullock, B.E. [144] United Kingdom K002689331 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Italy K002689862 Yes
Joad, G.C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689352 Yes
Atchley, S.C. [1345] Greece K002689791 Yes
Meikle, R.D. [2317] Cyprus K002216516 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689175 Yes
Sowter, F.A. [2588] United Kingdom K002689455 Yes
[G. F. Wolerl] [s.n.] Austria K002689584 Yes
Townsend, C.C. [87/19] Greece K002689794 Yes
Atchley, S.C. [496] Spain K002689731 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Switzerland K002689602 Yes
Balls, E.K. [B2107] Türkiye K002216549 Yes
Moricand [s.n.] Switzerland K002689604 Yes
Turrill, W.B. [63] Greece K002689792 Yes
Sandwith, C.I.; Sandwith, N.Y. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689408 Yes
[?] [s.n.] France K002689674 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689388 Yes
Huet du Pavillon, E.; Huet du Pavillon, A. [212] Italy K002689850 Yes
Shutt [s.n.] Switzerland K002689812 Yes
Harvey, W.H. [[276]] Switzerland K002689601 Yes
Townsend, C.C. [s.n.] Greece K002689765 Yes
Milne-Redhead, G. [2139] United Kingdom K002689236 Yes
Crosfield, A.J. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689382 Yes
Roffey, J. [s.n.] Morocco K002217350 Yes
Aletta [717] Italy K002689712 Yes
Lewis, R. [RL903] Falkland Islands K000676231 Yes
Atherton, G.E. [1234] Cyprus K002216536 Yes
Phipps, J.B. [1830] United Kingdom K002689356 Yes
Atherton, G.E. [278] Cyprus K002216535 Yes
Alston, A.H.G.; Simpson, N.D. [37505] Algeria K002217369 Yes
Levet, M. [s.n.] K002689716 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] France K002689636 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689349 Yes
[San Rewo] [s.n.] Italy K002689696 Yes
Steinheil [[18]] K002216559 Yes
Jongkind, C.C.H.; Nieuwenhuis, C.M.J. [6215] Spain K002689740 Yes
Turrill, W.B. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689428 Yes
Johnsson, N. [s.n.] Sweden K002689518 Yes
Summerhayes, V.S. [1968] United Kingdom K002689317 Yes
Fraser, J. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689502 Yes
Milne-Redhead, G.; Airy Shaw, H.K. [1521] United Kingdom K002689373 Yes
Kneucker, A. [199] Switzerland K002689612 Yes
Spence, M. [752] United Kingdom K002689420 Yes
Britton, C.E. [1956] United Kingdom K002689326 Yes
Meikle, R.D. [2132] Cyprus K002216503 Yes
Gamble, J.S. [[199]] Ireland K002689496 Yes
Hepper, F.N. [336] United Kingdom K002689456 Yes
Lami, R. [1688] United Kingdom K002689318 Yes
Favis, R.C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689476 Yes
Hooker [s.n.] Morocco K001731549 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689386 Yes
Titden, T. [216] Italy K002689856 Yes
Atchley, S.C. [374] Portugal K002689759 Yes
Syngrassides, A. [283] Cyprus K002216524 Yes
Edmonds, M.E. [89] United Kingdom K002689306 Yes
[Schoued] [2236] Italy K002689845 Yes
Ball, J. [s.n.] Ireland K002689479 Yes
s.coll. [1147] United Kingdom K002689376 Yes
Hoppe [5] Germany K002689557 Yes
MacKechnie, R.; Wallace, E.C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689413 Yes
Kupffer, K. [s.n.] K002689541 Yes
Stelfox, A.W. [N14] United Kingdom K002689403 Yes
Summerhayes, V.S. [1182] United Kingdom K002689293 Yes
Weihe [414] Germany K002689553 Yes
Carriez, A. [184] K002689646 Yes
Sandwith, N.Y. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689501 Yes
s.coll. [1250] United Kingdom K002689385 Yes
Worsdell, W.C. [753/33] United Kingdom K002689369 Yes
McCallum-Webster, M. [3300] United Kingdom K002689416 Yes
Stelfox, A.W. [15] United Kingdom K002689481 Yes
Price, W.R. [s.n.] Denmark K002689537 Yes
Cheeseman, T.F. [s.n.] New Zealand K002808525 Yes
Sprague, T.A.; Hubbard, C.E. [68] United Kingdom K002689252 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] France K002689650 Yes
Burgess, J. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689372 Yes
Edees, E.S. [H2575] United Kingdom K002689181 Yes
Fries [s.n.] Italy K002689844 Yes
Imperial College [137] Greece K002689886 Yes
Turrill, W.B. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689446 Yes
Trethewy, A.W. [446] Morocco K002217349 Yes
Baenitz, C. [s.n.] Greece K002689887 Yes
Nelmes, E. [331] United Kingdom K002689237 Yes
Bolle [E171] Switzerland K002689609 Yes
Fraser, G.J. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689194 Yes
Gandoger, M. [3560] Greece K002689781 Yes
Goulimy, C.N. [1110] Greece K002689782 Yes
Alston, A.H.G.; Sandwith, N.Y. [1748] Albania K002689877 Yes
[Koch] [s.n.] K002689831 Yes
MacGregor, A. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689415 Yes
Kennedy, E.W. [116] Cyprus K002216511 Yes
Horwood, A.R. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689325 Yes
Salisbury, E.J. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689255 Yes
s.coll. [379] Algeria K002217367 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689210 Yes
Clark, W.A. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689435 Yes
Zeyher [s.n.] Italy K002689851 Yes
{Sullivant} [s.n.] United States K002561087 Yes
Verdcourt, B. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689366 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Austria K002689593 Yes
J.K.; B.R. [s.n.] Netherlands K002689823 Yes
[Restadtin James] [s.n.] Austria K002689568 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Austria K002689582 Yes
Hooper, S. [31/62] Germany K002689545 Yes
Asplund, E. [s.n.] Sweden K002689531 Yes
Lagnesse; Willmott, E.A. [s.n.] France K002689671 Yes
Brown, J. [5] United Kingdom K002689371 Yes
Atherton, G.E. [35] Cyprus K002216534 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002689452 Yes
Davis; Coode [D36960] Türkiye K002216547 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [1505] United Kingdom K002689443 Yes
Ball, J. [739] Italy K002689705 Yes
Cisternas [s.n.] K002689702 Yes


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