Cyperaceae Juss.

First published in Gen. Pl. [Jussieu] 26. 1789 [4 Aug 1789] (1789)nom. cons.
This family is accepted


Milliken, W., Klitgard, B. and Baracat, A. (2009 onwards), Neotropikey - Interactive key and information resources for flowering plants of the Neotropics.

Morphology General Habit
Perennial or annual herbs, terrestrial, rarely submerged aquatics, or scandent; perennial species rhizomatous, stoloniferous, bulbous, or subbulbous; annual species generally caespitose
Morphology Stem Caudex
Some genera have a caudex (e.g. Bulbostylis)
Morphology Culms
Culms usually trigonous to triquetrous, less often terete, flattened or irregular, formed by prominent ribs
Morphology Leaves
Leaves basal or basal and cauline, generally tristichous with a closed sheath; blade usually linear, glabrous, scabrous, hairy, hispid, with central midrib prominent, sometimes with an expanded, 3-veined blade (Hypolytrum, Mapania); ligules usually absent (but present in Scleria, Fimbristylis, Fuirena and Carex).  Involucral bracts usually present, leaf-like or glume-like
Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences
Spikelets few to many, sometimes reduced to a single spikelet (Eleocharis), terminal or lateral comprising 1-many scales, usually spirally arranged, or sometimes distichous; flowers bisexual, unisexual, or both types present; spicoids few to many, terminal, with 2-12 membranous scales on a much reduced axis, the lowest 2 scales opposite, keeled, the spicoid subtended and usually hidden by a larger scale-like bract; flowers unisexual-Perianth absent or of 1-many bristles or scales Inflorescence simple to compound, lax to condensed and usually highly branched, paniculate, corymbose, spicate, or capitate, comprising 1 to many ultimate inflorescence units, these either indeterminate (= spikelets) or, in a few genera, determinate (= spicoids)
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers Androecium Stamens
Stamens 1-3
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers Gynoecium Ovary
Ovary superior, carpels usually 2-3, locule 1, ovule 1; style short to elongate, base thickened and sometimes persistent; stigma usually 2-3-branched
Morphology Reproductive morphology Fruits
Fruit a nutlet, nutlet-like or a nutlet protected by a utricle.
Rhynchospora - Style-base persistent on the nutlet, often forming a beak; scales spirally arranged. Carex - Spikes unisexual or with staminate and pistillate flowers; pistillate flowers enclosed  by a utricle. Cyperus - Inflorescence terminal; spikelets several to many per inflorescence; scales distichous; flowers bisexual; nutlet lenticular or trigonous; stigmas 2-3. Bulbostylis - Trichomes in the leaf sheath apex and stylopodium thickened and persistent in the nutlet apex. Eleocharis - Leaves reduced to sheath, scales generally imbricate, inflorescence  unispicate, bisexual flowers with perianth reduced to bristles or absent and the style base persistent, dilated and articulated with ovary. Scleria - Spikelets unisexual, nutlet usually globose with hypogynium adnate to the base. Key differences from similar families: Cyperaceae are sometimes confused with Poaceae and Juncaceae.  These, however, differ from Cyperaceae in the following characters: Poaceae - leaves alternate, distichous, with open sheath and a ligule present at the blade insertion; flowers with perianth reduced to 2 scales (lodicules), protected by a series of bracts (glumes, lemma, palea); fruit a caryopsis. Juncaceae - leaves spirally arranged, sheath open or closed; flowers trimerous; perianth of tepals; fruit capsular. Distinguishing characters (always present): Herbs. Flowers grouped in spikelets. Ovarysuperior, 2-3-carpellate, locule 1, ovule 1. Fruit a nutlet. Tristichous leaves; Ligule; Silica; Persistentstyle base (stylopodium) in some genera (Bulbostylis, Eleocharis, Rhynchospora).
Native. Cyperaceae have high species diversity in the Neotropics. Of the 5,400 species described in 106 genera (Govaerts et al. 2007), 43 genera and approximately 1,000 species occur in the Neotropics. Brazil has 622 species in 43 genera (Alves et al. 2007).
Cosmopolitan, occupying diverse habitats, with a preference for open and wetland environments. The third largest family of monocotyledons and the seventh largest in the Angiosperms. Because of their great morphological similarity, Cyperaceae and Poaceae were, for a long time, considered to be closely related families. DNA studies have shown that Juncaceae (along with Thurniaceae) are the sister group of Cyperaceae, rather than Poaceae. Cyperaceae are divided into two subfamilies (Simpson et al. 2007): Cyperoideae and Mapanioideae: Cyperoideae - the most diverse subfamily.  Members of this subfamily have spikelet-type inflorescence units with unisexual or biesexual flowers (Androtrichum, Ascolepis, Becquerelia, Bisboeckelera, Bulbostylis, Calyptrocarya, Carex, Cephalocarpus, Cladium, Cyperus, Didimiandrum, Diplacrum, Egleria, Eleocharis, Everardia, Exochogyne, Fimbristylis, Fuirena, Kyllinga, Lagenocarpus, Lipocarpha, Oreobolus, Pleurostachys, Remirea, Rhynchospora, Scirpus, Scleria, Trilepis, Uncinia); and Mapanioideae - members of this subfamily have spicoid-type inflorescence units with unisexual flowers. Many species occur in the herb layer of tropical rainforests (e.g. the Amazonian and Atlantic coastal forests) (Diplasia, Hypolytrum and Mapania). Number of genera: 43 genera and approximately 1,000 species.  Larger genera in Neotropics: Rhynchospora (250 spp.), Carex (200 spp.), Cyperus (150 spp.), Bulbostylis (70 spp.), Eleocharis (60 spp.) and Scleria (60 spp.). Abildgaardia Vahl Androtrichum (Brongn.) Brongn. Ascolepis Nees ex Steud. Becquerelia Brongn. Bisboeckelera Kuntze Bolboschoenus (Asch.) Palla Bulbostylis Kunth Calyptrocarya Nees Carex L. Cephalocarpus Nees Cladium P. Browne Cryptangium Schrad. ex. Nees Cyperus L. Diplacrum R. Br. Diplasia Rich. Egleria Eiten Eleocharis R. Br. Everardia Ridl. ex Thurn. Exochogyne C.B. Clarke Fimbristylis Vahl Fuirena Rottb. Hypolytrum Rich. Isolepis R. Br. Koyamaea W. Thomas & Davidse. Kyllinga Rottb. Lagenocarpus Nees Lipocarpha R. Br. Mapania Aubl. Machaerina Vahl. Oreobolus R. Br Oxycaryum Nees Pleurostachys Brongn. Pycreus P. Beauv. Remirea Aubl. Rhynchocladium T. Koyama Rhynchospora Vahl Schoenoplectus (Reichb.) Palla Schoenus L. Scirpus L. Scleria P. Bergius Trilepis Nees Uncinia Pers. Websteria S.H. Wright

Gemma Bramley, Anna Trias-Blasi & Richard Wilford (2023). The Kew Temperate Plant Families Identification Handbook. Kew Publishing Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Characters of similar families: Juncaceae: stems rounded, flowers mostly hermaphrodite, minute and regular, perianth of 6 tepals, fruit a capsule with 3–many seeds. Poaceae: culms rounded or flattened and always hollow and noded, leaves 2-ranked, lemma and palea present in floret, fruit a caryopsis. Restionaceae: plants mostly dioecious, leaves usually reduced to sheaths, flowers mostly unisexual, minute and regular, perianth of 6 tepals, fruit a 1–3-locular capsule or nutlet.
Morphology General Habit
Herbs, rhizomatous to stoloniferous, or annual-Culms mostly 3-sided, solid, rarely noded
Morphology Leaves
Leaves, mostly 3-ranked toward base of culm, usually linear, grass-like, sometimes broader with a pseudopetiole, sometimes reduced to a sheath; ligule often present
Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences Bracts Involucre
Involucral bracts 1–several, leaf-like or glume-like
Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences
Inflorescence terminal, sometimes pseudolateral, simple or branched, umbel-like or paniculate, with 1–many partial inflorescence units (spikelets or spicoids)
Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences Spikelets
Spikelets comprising 1–many, spiral or 2-ranked glumes, each subtending 1 minute flower or sterile; spicoids comprising a female flower, 2–12 scale-like bracts, the outermost 2 bracts opposite and keeled, the spicoid subtended and usually hidden by a glume-like bract
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers Perianth
Perianth absent or bristle- or scale-like
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers Gynoecium Stigma
Stigmas 2–3
Morphology Reproductive morphology Fruits
Fruit a hard, 1-seeded, 2–3-sided nutlet, smooth or patterned, sometimes enclosed by a sac-like utricle (perigynium) or with a basal cup-like disk.
91 genera and c. 5,500 species. Worldwide except Antarctica. Carex is the largest temperate genus.
Particularly common in open wetlands but also found in a range of other habitats, including grasslands and forests.
Rhizomatous, stoloniferous, or annual herbs. Culms 3-sided. Leaves grass-like. Inflorescence with 1–many partial inflorescences (spikelets or spicoids). Flowers minute. Fruit a hard, 1-seeded, nutlet, sometimes enclosed by a sac-like utricle.
Description Author
David A. Simpson & Martin Xanthos

Cyperaceae, Miss S.S. Hooper. Flora of West Tropical Africa 3:2. 1972

Morphology General Habit
Annuals or caespitose (tufted), rhizomatous, occasionally tuberiferous perennials (Microdracoides is pseudo-arborescent); underground stems bearing scales which grade into the culm leaves; culms generally leafy only at, or towards the base and generally unbranched below the inflorescence, solid, triquetrous, round, flattened or 5-angled; leaves with a distinct cylindrical sheath, closed (except in Coleochloa), generally without a ligule, prolonged at the apex on the side opposite the blade (antiligule) in species of Scleria and Afrotrilepis, and a generally linear blade (reduced to an apiculus in Eleocharis and elsewhere), not articulated with the sheath as in grasses, though deciduous in Coleochloa
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers
Flowers small, simple, often consisting only of stamens or pistil or both within a subtending glume, sometimes with accompanying hypogynous bristles, hairs or squamellae, arranged in bisexual or unisexual (Microdracoides, Carex, some Sclerieae) spikelets
Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences
Spikelets sometimes solitary (always so in Eleocharis), more often aggregated into capitula, spikes or glomerules which in turn may be solitary or variously arranged, often in 1–3 times compound, unequally rayed umbels, subtended by 1-several, more or less leaf-like, bracts
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers Androecium
Stamens 1-numerous, often 3, anthers basifixed with two pollen sacs often with sterile tips and crest, opening lengthwise by a slit, often protandrous
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers Gynoecium
Ovary superior with one erect anatropous ovule, and generally 2–3 branched style
Morphology Reproductive morphology Fruits
Fruit indehiscent, nut-like (achene) generally lenticular or trigonous
Morphology Reproductive morphology Seeds
Seed erect with a small embryo and abundant mealy or fleshy endosperm

J. Browning, K.D. Gordon-Gray†, M. Lock, H. Beentje, K. Vollesen, K. Bauters, C. Archer, I. Larridon, M. Xanthos, P. Vorster, J. Bruhl, K. Wilson and X. Zhang (2020). Flora Zambesiaca Volume: 14: Cyperaceae. M.Á. García, J.R. Timberlake (Eds). Kew Publish

Morphology General Habit
Annual or perennial herbs, usually tufted with rhizomes or stolons; monoecious or hermaphrodite, rarely dioecious (in Scirpoides)
Morphology Culms
Culms solid or hollow, triangular or less often rounded, 4–6 angular or flattened, sometimes with transverse septa
Morphology Leaves
Leaves basal or cauline, usually 3-ranked with a closed sheath, rarely 2-ranked with an open sheath (in Coloeochloa); blade linear when present
Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences
Inflorescence terminal or pseudolateral, umbellate, anthelate, capitate, spicate, paniculate, corymbose (or combinations thereof); with few to many spikelets, sometimes reduced to a solitary spikelet, or with spikelets aggregating into pseudo-spikelets often surrounded by conspicuous leafy bracts
Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences Spikelets
Spikelets consisting of few to many inconspicuous unisexual or bisexual flowers each subtended by a glume (bract)
Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences Bracts Glume
Glumes spirally or distichously arranged, usually all fertile (occasionally only uppermost glume fertile)
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers Androecium Stamens
Stamens 1–3(6); filaments free, sometimes strongly elongating after anthesis; anthers basifixed, opening lengthwise by a slit
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers Gynoecium Ovary
Ovary solitary and superior, 1-locular, of 2–3 joined carpels; hypogynous scales or bristles absent or 3–6; style 2–3-branched, rarely unbranched
Morphology Reproductive morphology Fruits
Fruit an indehiscent 1-seeded nutlet, sessile or nearly so, sometimes (in Carex, Schoenoxiphium) surrounded by a sac-like utricle.
A family of 104 genera and 5000 species, particularly in the tropics and subtropics but with the large genus Carex well-represented in temperate zones.
Often found in moist conditions and can be the dominant plants in wetlands.
Recently the genera Alinula, Ascolepis, Kyllinga, Lipocarpha, Pycreus, Sphaerocyperus and Volkiella have been subsumed into the genus Cyperus sensu lato (Larridon et al. in Phytotaxa 166: 33–48, 2014; in Pl. Ecol. Evol. 144: 327–356, 2011; Bauters et al. in Phytotaxa 166: 1–32, 2014). In light of the recent nature of this change, and to ensure consistency with F.T.E.A., we are retaining the original genera here. Larridon et al. (2011, 2014) and Bauters et al. (2014) provided the necessary taxonomic changes to subsume the listed genera into Cyperus. The order of genera below follows that in F.T.E.A., based on Goetghebeur in Kubitzki (1998).

George R. Proctor (2012). Flora of the Cayman Isands (Second Edition). Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Morphology General Habit
Grass-like or rush-like herbs (rarely somewhat woody), annual or perennial, often with more or less elongate rhizomes
Morphology Culms
Culms usually erect, solid (rarely hollow), more or less 3-angled (rarely terete)
Morphology Leaves
Leaves linear or nearly so, 3-ranked, with closed sheaths at base, this lacking a ligule or the ligule very small; sometimes lacking a blade, the entire leaf then consisting of a tubular sheath
Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences
Inflorescences simple in heads, or variously compound; flowers bi-sexual or unisexual, arranged in dense or loose spikelets, the individual flowers always solitary in the axils of deciduous or persistent papery scale- like glumes
Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences Spikelets
Spikelets 1–many-flowered, clustered or numerous, rarely solitary
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers Perianth
Perianth composed of bristles or small scales, rarely calyx-like, sometimes lacking
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers Androecium Stamens
Stamens usually 1–3, the anthers 2-celled
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers Gynoecium Ovary
Ovary superior, 1-celled, with a single erect ovule; style usually 2- or 3-cleft (rarely more divided)
Morphology Reproductive morphology Fruits
Fruit an achene.
A large, world-wide family of about 106 genera and over 5,000 species, some of which are of economic importance.
Members of this family are often mistaken for grasses.
Most are wind-pollinated; exceptions include the white-bracted species of Rhynchospora; one of these (R. stellata) commonly occurs in Grand Cayman.

Cyperaceae, K Hoenselaar, B. Verdcourt & H. Beentje. Hypolytrum, D Simpson. Fuirena, M Muasya. Flora of Tropical East Africa. 2010

Morphology General Habit
Herbs, often tufted and with rhizomes or stolons, sometimes at base with very short internodes forming a tuber or corm
Morphology Stem
Stems solid or hollow, triangular or less often rounded or 4–6-angular or flattened, sometimes with transverse septa
Morphology Leaves
Leaves (sub)basal or with a few cauline, usually in 3 ranks, with a usually closed sheath and a linear blade, the lowermost often reduced to a sheath
Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences
Inflorescence terminal (rarely pseudolateral), paniculate, spicate, anthelate or capitate or combinations thereof, with few to many spikelets, sometimes much reduced; often subtended by leafy involucral bracts
Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences Spikelets
Spikelets with few to many flowers, each subtended by a glume (bract).
Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences Bracts Glume
Glumes spirally arranged or distichous.
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers
Flowers unisexual or bisexual
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers Androecium Stamens
Stamens 1–3(–6).
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers Androecium Stamens Anthers
Anthers basifixed, introrse
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers Gynoecium Ovary
Ovary solitary and superior, 1-locular, of (2–)3 joined carpels; hypogynous scales or bristles absent or 3–6.
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers Gynoecium Style
Style most often with 2–3 branches
Morphology Reproductive morphology Fruits
Fruit a 1-seeded nutlet, sessile or nearly so, sometimes (in Carex, Schoenoxiphium) surrounded by a sac-like utricle.
Often in moist conditions, and can be the dominant plants in wetlands.

Timothy Utteridge & Gemma Bramley (2020). The Kew Tropical Plant Families Identification Handbook, Second Edition. Kew Publishing Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Rhizomatous, stoloniferous or annual herbs; culms 3-sided. Leaves grass-like. Inflorescence with 1–many partial inflorescences (spikelets or spicoids). Flowers minute. Fruit a hard, 1-seeded, nutlet, sometimes enclosed by a sac-like utricle.
Characters of similar families: Poaceae: culms rounded or flattened, hollow, noded, leaves 2-ranked, lemma and palea present in floret. Juncaceae: flowers minute, regular, with perianth of 6 tepals, fruit a capsule with 3–many seeds. Pandanaceae: leaves with spines along the lower midrib all the way down to the leaf-base.
Morphology General Habit
Herbs, rhizomatous to stoloniferous, or annual-Culms mostly 3-sided, solid, rarely noded
Morphology Leaves
Leaves, mostly 3-ranked, usually linear, grass-like, sometimes broader with a pseudopetiole, sometimes a sheath only; ligule often present
Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences Bracts Involucre
Involucral bracts 1–several, leaf- or glume-like
Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences
Inflorescence simple or branched and umbel-like, or paniculate, with 1–many partial inflorescence units (spikelets or spicoids)
Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences Spikelets
Spikelets comprising 1–many spiral or 2-ranked glumes, each subtending 1 minute flower or sterile; spicoids comprising a female flower, 2–12 scale-like bracts, the outermost 2 bracts opposite and keeled, the spicoid subtended and usually hidden by a glume-like bract; perianth absent or bristle- or scale-like; stigmas 2–3
Morphology Reproductive morphology Fruits
Fruit a hard, 1-seeded, 2–3-sided nutlet, smooth or patterned, sometimes enclosed by a sac-like utricle (perigynium) or with a basal cup-like disk.
106 genera and c. 5,500 species. Worldwide except Antarctica. The greatest generic diversity occurs in the tropics.
Particularly common in open wetlands but also found in a range of other habitats including savannahs and forests, up to 5,000 m altitude.
Description Author
David Simpson


Uses include basketry, construction, food, matting and medicine; some species are grown as ornamentals.

Cyperaceae are of economic importance, especially in the tropics; some species are pantropical weeds. Uses include basketry, construction, food, matting, medicine and as ornamentals.


  • Flora Zambesiaca

    • Flora Zambesiaca
  • Flora of Tropical East Africa

    • Flora of Tropical East Africa
  • Flora of West Tropical Africa

    • Flora of West Tropical Africa
  • Flora of the Cayman Islands

    • Flora of the Cayman Islands
  • Herbarium Catalogue Specimens

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  • Kew Names and Taxonomic Backbone

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2025. Published on the Internet at and
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  • Neotropikey

    • Milliken, W., Klitgard, B. and Baracat, A. (2009 onwards), Neotropikey - Interactive key and information resources for flowering plants of the Neotropics.
  • The Kew Temperate Plant Families Identification Handbook

    • The Kew Temperate Plant Families Identification Handbook
  • The Kew Tropical Plant Families Identification Handbook

    • The Kew Tropical Plant Families Identification Handbook