Meliaceae Juss.

First published in Gen. Pl. [Jussieu] 263. 1789 [4 Aug 1789] (1789)nom. cons.
This family is accepted


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POWO follows these authorities in accepting this name:

  • APG IV (2016)

The Kew Tropical Plant Families Identification Handbook

  • Gentry, A. H. (1996). Anacardiaceae, pp. 219–225; Burseraceae, pp. 299–304; Euphorbiaceae, pp. 403–424; Meliaceae, pp. 613–617; Rutaceae, pp. 749–758; Sapindaceae, pp. 762–771; Simaroubaceae, pp. 783–786. In: A. H. Gentry, A Field Guide to the Families and Genera of Northwest South America (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru). The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
  • Mabberley, D. J., Pannell, C. M. & Sing, A. M. (1995). Meliaceae. Flora Malesiana, Ser. I, 12: 1–407. National Herbarium of the Netherlands, Leiden.
  • Pennington, T. D. & Styles, B. T. (1975). A generic monograph of the Meliaceae. Blumea 22: 419–540.
  • Pennington, T. D., Styles, B. T. & Taylor, D. A. H. (1981). Meliaceae. Flora Neotropica, Monograph 28. New York Botanical Garden, New York.
  • Styles, B. T. & White, F. (1991). Meliaceae. In R. M. Polhill (ed.), Flora of Tropical East Africa, A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam.


  • APG (Angiosperm Phylogeny Group). (1998). An ordinal classification for the families of flowering plants. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 85(4): 531-553.
  • Clausing, G. & Renner, S.S. (2001). Molecular phylogenetics of Melastomataceae and Memecylaceae: implications for character evolution. Amer. J. Bot. 88(3): 486-498.
  • Cronquist, A. (1988). An integrated system of the classification of flowering plants. Colombia University Press, New York.
  • Morley, T. (1976). Memecyleae (Melastomataceae). Flora Neotropica Monograph No. 15: 1-295.
  • Morley, T. (1993). Memecyloideae. In: A.R.A. Görts-Van Rijn (ed.), Flora of the Guianas, Ser. A, 99: 302-336. Koeltz, Koenigstein.
  • Palacios, W.A. (2007). In: Harling, G. & Persson, C. (eds.), Fam. 98 Meliaceae, Fl. Ecuador No. 82, pp. 1-90. Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg.
  • Pennington, T.D. & Biggs, N. (in press). Meliaceae. In: Jansen-Jacobs, M.J. (ed.). Flora of the Guianas. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Pennington, T.D. & Edwards, K.S. (2001). In: Berry, P.E., Yatskievych, K. and Holst, B.K. (eds.), Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana vol. 4, pp. 528-549. Missouri Botanical Garden, Press, St. Louis.
  • Pennington, T.D. & Gorts-van Rijn, A.R.A. (1984). Meliaceae, pp. 519-569. In: Stoffers, A.L. & Lindeman, J.C. (eds.), Fl. Suriname. Van Eedenfonds, Utrecht.
  • Pennington, T.D. (2002). Meliaceae. In: Mori, S.A., Cremers, G., Gracie, C.A., de Granville, J.J., Heald, S.V., Hoff, M. & Mitchell, J.D. (eds.), Guide to the Vascular Plants of Central French Guiana vol. 2, pp. 465-472. New York Botanical Garden Press, New York.
  • Pennington, T.D. (2004). Meliaceae In: Smith, N., Mori, S.A., Henderson, A., Stevenson, D.W. & Heald, S.V. (eds.), Flowering Plants of the Neotropics, pp. 243-246. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton.
  • Pennington, T.D. (2006). Flora da Reserva Ducke, Brasil, Meliaceae. Rodriguesia 57(2): 209-246.
  • Pennington, T.D. (in prep.). Revision of the Genus Trichilia. $Pennington, T.D. (in prep.). Revision of the Genus Guarea.
  • Renner, S.S. (1993). Phylogeny and classification of the Melastomataceae and Memecylaceae. Nord. J. Bot. 13: 519-540.
  • Stone, R.D. (2006). Phylogeny of major lineages in Melastomataceae subfamily Olisbeoideae: Utility of nuclear glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GapC) gene sequences. Syst. Bot. 31(1): 107-121.

Trees of New Guinea

  • Laura V.S. Jennings (2022). Trees of New Guinea. Timothy M. A. Utteridge and Laura V. S. Jennings (Eds) Kew Publishing. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
  • Mabberley, D.J., Pannell, C.M. & Sing, A.M. (1995). Meliaceae. Fl. Males., Ser. I, Spermat. 12: 1–388.
  • Stevens, P.F. (1978). Meliaceae [Chisocheton only]. In: Womersley, J.S. (ed.) Handbooks of the Flora of Papua New Guinea, Volume 1, pp 135–174. Melbourne University Press.

Other Data

Other Kew resources that provide information on this taxon:

Date Reference Identified As Barcode Type Status Has image?
Nov 1, 2014 s.coll. [Cat. no. s.n.] K001132746 Unknown Type Material Yes
Dec 1, 2003 Etuge, M. [4807] Cameroon K000746688 No
Maitland, T.D. [700] Cameroon K000094096 No
Osborne, J.; Banze, A.; Datizua, C.; Mamba, A.; Mucaleque, P.; Rachide, T.; Magido, A. (guide); Ndala, B. (guide) [JO1761] Mozambique K000569921 No
Clarke, H.D.; Williams, R.; Perry, C.; Tripp, E.; Kelly, J.; Gittens, D.; Stern, S.R. [10422] Guyana K001577048 Yes
Jemree, S.; et al. [S 90069] Malaysia K001590236 Yes
Gardner, S.; Tippayasri, P. [ST1429] Thailand K001590140 Yes
Gardner, S.; Tippayasri, P. [ST1429] Thailand K001590139 Yes
Pierre, L. [438] Vietnam K001590153 Yes
Gardner, S.; Sidisunthorn, P. [ST2337] Thailand K001590151 Yes
Gardner, S. [ST2396] Thailand K001590149 Yes
Poilane [18923] Vietnam K001590155 Yes
George John Meadows; Bodo Mbolatahialia, Rosey Jarvis, Jonathon Dabo, Nina Davies, Amy Junnonen, Fran [GJM006] Madagascar K001600430 No
Wallich, N. [Cat. no. 9120] Burma K001132239 Unknown Type Material Yes
Johns, R.J. [9263] K:SPC-70625.000 No
Tekwe, C.F. [28] Cameroon K001422799 Yes
Lai, C.J.; Yii, P.C.; et al. [S.72570] Malaysia K001925989 No
Lai, C.J.; Yii, P.C.; et al. [S.72566] Malaysia K001925987 No
Mohizah, M.; Yahud; et al [S 73860] Malaysia K001925996 No
Yii, P.C. [S.66910] Malaysia K001906800 No
Teo, S.; Jamree; et al. [S. 75678] Malaysia K001906782 No
Lawton, R.M. [2169] Tanzania K001636222 Yes
Lawton, R.M. [2169] Tanzania K001636223 Yes
Veldkamp [8278] Indonesia K001636212 No
Ghana K:SPC-66614.000 No
Utteridge, T.M.A. [392] K:SPC-64377.000 No
Utteridge, T.M.A. [319] K:SPC-70650.000 No
Johns, R.J. [10457] K:SPC-64416.000 No
Coode, M.J.E. [8128] Indonesia K:SPC-72463.000 No
Porter, G. [Cat. no. 4889] Malaysia K001104162 Unknown Type Material Yes
Wallich, N. [Cat. no. 4891] Malaysia K001104164 Unknown Type Material Yes
Utteridge, T.M.A. [318] K:SPC-70647.000 No
Patel, H. [7259] Mozambique K000545220 No
s.coll. [Cat. no. 4888] India K001104160 Unknown Type Material Yes
Wallich, N. [Cat. no. 4887] Singapore K001104159 Unknown Type Material Yes
Maitland, T.D. [700] Cameroon K000094095 No
Porter, G. [Cat. no. 4889] Malaysia K001104161 Unknown Type Material Yes
Andrews, S. [847] Malaysia K:SPC-72092.000 No


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  • Herbarium Catalogue Specimens

    • 'The Herbarium Catalogue, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the Internet [accessed on Day Month Year]'. Please enter the date on which you consulted the system.
  • Kew Names and Taxonomic Backbone

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2024. Published on the Internet at and
    • © Copyright 2023 International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants.
  • Neotropikey

    • Milliken, W., Klitgard, B. and Baracat, A. (2009 onwards), Neotropikey - Interactive key and information resources for flowering plants of the Neotropics.
  • Trees of New Guinea

    • Trees of New Guinea
  • The Kew Tropical Plant Families Identification Handbook

    • The Kew Tropical Plant Families Identification Handbook