Lathyrus japonicus Willd.

First published in Sp. Pl., ed. 4. 3: 1092 (1802)
This species is accepted
The native range of this species is N. & NE. Europe, E. Siberia to China and Japan, Aleutian Islands to W. & N. U.S.A. It is a climbing perennial and grows primarily in the temperate biome.


Native to:

Aleutian Is., Baltic States, Belgium, California, China North-Central, China Southeast, Connecticut, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Iceland, Illinois, Indiana, Ireland, Japan, Kamchatka, Khabarovsk, Korea, Kuril Is., Labrador, Magadan, Maine, Manchuria, Manitoba, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nansei-shoto, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Newfoundland, North Dakota, North European Russia, Northwest European Russia, Norway, Nunavut, Ohio, Ontario, Oregon, Poland, Primorye, Québec, Rhode I., Sakhalin, Sweden, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, Yakutskiya

Extinct in:


Introduced into:

Chile Central


Homotypic Synonyms


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POWO follows these authorities in accepting this name:

  • Chang, C.S., Kim, H. & Chang, K.S. (2014). Provisional checklist of vascular plants for the Korea peninsula flora (KPF): 1-660. DESIGNPOST.
  • Denisov, N. (2008). Addition to Vascular flora of the Kozlov island (Peter the Great Gulf, Japanese sea). Turczaninowia 11(4): 29-42.
  • Isely, D. (1998). Native and Naturalized Leguminosae (Fabaceae) of the United States: 1-1007. Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum. Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah.
  • Kenicer, G.J. & Parsons, R. (2021). Lathyrus: The Complete Guide: 1-511. RHS Media.
  • Kozhevnikov, A.E., Kozhevnikov, Z.V., Kwak, M. & Lee, B.Y. (2019). Illustrated flora of the Primorsky Territory, Russian Far East: 1-1124. National institute of biological resources.
  • Lee, W.T. (1996). Lineamenta Florae Koreae: 1-1688. Soul T'ukpyolsi: Ak'ademi Sojok.
  • Meades, S.J. & Brouillet, L. (2019). Annotated Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Porter, D.M., Murrell, G. & Parker, J. (2009). Some new Darwin vascular plant specimens from the Beagle voyage. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 159: 12-18.
  • Stace, C. (2019). New Flora of the British Isles ed. 4: 1-1266. C & M Floristics.
  • Tutin, T.G. & al. (eds.) (1968). Flora Europaea 2: 1-469. Cambridge University Press.
  • Wu, Z. & Raven, P.H. (eds.) (2010). Flora of China 10: 1-642. Science Press (Beijing) & Missouri Botanical Garden Press (St. Louis).
  • Yakovlev, G.P., Sytin, A.K. & Roskov, Y.R. (1996). Legumes of Northern Eurasia. A checklist: 1-724. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Zuloaga, F.O., Morrone, O. , Belgrano, M.J., Marticorena, C. & Marchesi, E. (eds.) (2008). Catálogo de las Plantas Vasculares del Cono Sur. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 107: 1-3348. Missouri Botanical Garden.

Kew Backbone Distributions

  • Denisov, N. (2008). Addition to Vascular flora of the Kozlov island (Peter the Great Gulf, Japanese sea). Turczaninowia 11(4): 29-42.
  • Isely, D. (1998). Native and Naturalized Leguminosae (Fabaceae) of the United States: 1-1007. Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum. Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah.
  • Iwatsuki, K., Boufford, D.E. & Ohba, H. (eds.) (2001). Flora of Japan IIb: 1-550. Kodansha Ltd., Tokyo.
  • Lambion, J., Delvosalle, L. & Duvigneaud, J. (2004). Nouvelle flore de la Belgique du G. D. de Luxembourg, du Nord de la France et des régions voisines, ed. 5: 1-1167. Edition du Patrimoine du Jardin botanique national de Belgique.
  • Lee, W.T. (1996). Lineamenta Florae Koreae: 1-1688. Soul T'ukpyolsi: Ak'ademi Sojok.
  • Meades, S.J. & Brouillet, L. (2019). Annotated Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Porter, D.M., Murrell, G. & Parker, J. (2009). Some new Darwin vascular plant specimens from the Beagle voyage. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 159: 12-18.
  • Tutin, T.G. & al. (eds.) (1968). Flora Europaea 2: 1-469. Cambridge University Press.
  • Wu, Z. & Raven, P.H. (eds.) (2010). Flora of China 10: 1-642. Science Press (Beijing) & Missouri Botanical Garden Press (St. Louis).
  • Yakovlev, G.P., Sytin, A.K. & Roskov, Y.R. (1996). Legumes of Northern Eurasia. A checklist: 1-724. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Zuloaga, F.O., Morrone, O. , Belgrano, M.J., Marticorena, C. & Marchesi, E. (eds.) (2008). Catálogo de las Plantas Vasculares del Cono Sur. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 107: 1-3348. Missouri Botanical Garden.

International Legume Database and Information Service

  • Bailey, L. H. (1928). The Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. Macmillan
  • Cheffings, C. (2004). New Plt. Status Lists for G. B. BSBI News 95: 36-43.
  • Mitsuhashi, H (1988). Illustrated Medicinal Plants of the World. Hokuryukan. Tokyo.
  • Ohwi, J. (1965). Flora of Japan. Washington: Smithsonian Institution
  • Paris F. & al. (1976). Guide des fleurs sauvages. Neuchatel, Paris. (Fr)
  • Pavlova, N. S. (1989). Fabaceae. In Plantae... Orientis Extremi. Vol. 4. Leningrad(Rus)
  • Rothmaler W. & al. (1988). Exkursionsflora fur die Gebiete der DDR und der BRD. Bd. 2.
  • Sokolov, P. D. (1987). Rastitelnye resursy SSR. (Vol 4). Leningrad(Rus.)
  • Stace, C. (1991). New Flora of the British Isles. Cambridge Univ. Press
  • Uphof, J. C. Th. (1968). Dictionary of economic Plants. 2nd ed. Verlag von Cramer, Lehre
  • Voss, E. G. (1985). Bull. Cranbrook Inst. Sci. 59. Michigan Flora. Part II

Other Data

Other Kew resources that provide information on this taxon:

Date Reference Identified As Barcode Type Status Has image?
Lewis, G.P.; Klitgård, B.B.; Klitgård, O. [3935] Denmark K001905122 Yes
Bruce, E.A. United Kingdom K:SPC-16414.000 No


  • Angiosperm Extinction Risk Predictions v1

    • Angiosperm Threat Predictions
  • Herbarium Catalogue Specimens

    • 'The Herbarium Catalogue, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the Internet [accessed on Day Month Year]'. Please enter the date on which you consulted the system.
    • Digital Image © Board of Trustees, RBG Kew
  • IUCN Categories

    • IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
  • International Legume Database and Information Service

    • International Legume Database and Information Service (ILDIS) V10.39 Nov 2011
  • Kew Backbone Distributions

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2024. Published on the Internet at and
    • © Copyright 2023 World Checklist of Vascular Plants.
  • Kew Living Collection Database

    • Common Names from Plants and People Africa
  • Kew Names and Taxonomic Backbone

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2024. Published on the Internet at and
    • © Copyright 2023 International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants.
  • Legumes of the World Online

    • Digital Image © Board of Trustees, RBG Kew