Cyperus imbricatus Retz.

First published in Observ. Bot. 5: 12 (1788)
This species is accepted
The native range of this species is Tropics & Subtropics. It is a perennial or rhizomatous geophyte and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome. It is used as animal food.


Doubtfully present in:


Native to:

Afghanistan, Angola, Assam, Bangladesh, Belize, Benin, Bolivia, Borneo, Botswana, Brazil North, Brazil Northeast, Brazil West-Central, Burkina, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, China Southeast, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guyana, Hainan, Haiti, Honduras, India, Iran, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Jawa, KwaZulu-Natal, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaya, Mali, Maluku, Mauritania, Mexico Gulf, Mexico Southeast, Mexico Southwest, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, New Guinea, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Northern Provinces, Pakistan, Panamá, Peru, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Swaziland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad-Tobago, Uganda, Venezuela, Vietnam, Windward Is., Zambia, Zaïre, Zimbabwe

Introduced into:

Germany, Palestine


Heterotypic Synonyms


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POWO follows these authorities in accepting this name:

  • Acevedo-Rodríguez, P. & Strong, M.T. (2005). Monocotyledons and Gymnosperms of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 52: 1-415.
  • Akoègninou, A., van der Burg, W.J. & van der Maesen, L.J.G. (eds.) (2006). Flore Analytique du Bénin: 1-1034. Backhuys Publishers.
  • Barry, J. P. & Celles, J.S. (1991). Flore de Mauritanie 2: 360-550. Centre Regional de Documentation Pedagogique, Nice.
  • Boulos, L. (2005). Flora of Egypt 4: 1-617. Al Hadara Publishing, Cairo.
  • Boulvert, Y. (1977). Catalogue de la Flore de Centrafrique 2(2): 1-94. ORSTOM, Bangui.
  • Browning, J. & al. (2020). Flora Zambesiaca 14: 1-455. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Brunel, J.F., Hiepo, P. & Scholz, H. (eds.) (1984). Flore Analytique du Togo Phanérogames: 1-751. GTZ, Eschborn.
  • Darbyshire, I., Kordofani, M., Farag, I., Candiga, R. & Pickering, H. (eds.) (2015). The Plants of Sudan and South Sudan: 1-400. Kew publishing, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Dobignard, D. & Chatelain, C. (2010). Index synonymique de la flore d'Afrique du nord 1: 1-455. Éditions des conservatoire et jardin botaniques, Genève.
  • Dufour-Dror, J.M. & Fragman-Sapir, O. in Dufour-Dror, J.M. (2019). Alien Plant Species in Natural & Disturbed Areas in Israel. Alien Invasive Plants in Israel, ed. 2: 1-246. Dan Perry Pub., Nature & Parks Authority, Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection.
  • Figueiredo, E. & Smith, G.F. (2008). Plants of Angola. Strelitzia 22: 1-279. National Botanical Institute, Pretoria.
  • Gosline, G., Bidault, E., van der Burgt, X., Cahen, D., Challen, G., Condé, N., Couch, C., Couvreur, T.L.P., Dagallier, L.M.J., Darbyshire, I., Dawson, S., Doré, T.S., Goyder, D., Grall, A., Haba, P., Haba, P., Harris, D., Hind, D.J.N., Jongkind, & al. (2023). A Taxonomically-verified and Vouchered Checklist of the Vascular Plants of the Republic of Guinea. Nature, scientific data 10, Article number: 327: [1]-[12].
  • Govaerts, R. & Simpson, D.A. (2007). World Checklist of Cyperaceae. Sedges: 1-765. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Govaerts, R. (1999). World Checklist of Seed Plants 3(1, 2a & 2b): 1-1532. MIM, Deurne.
  • Hammel, B.E. & al. (2003). Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica 2: 1-694. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis.
  • Hassler, M. & Muer, T. (2022). Flora Germanica: alle Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands in Text und Bild 1: 1-864. Verlag Regionalkultur, Uberstadt-Weiher.
  • Hoenselaar, K., Verdcourt, B. & Beentje, H. (2010). Cyperaceae. Flora of Tropical East Africa: 1-466.
  • Hokche, O., Berry, P.E. & Huber, O. (eds.) (2008). Nuevo Catálogo de la Flora Vascular de Venezuela: 1-859. Fundación Instituto Botánico de Venezuela.
  • Kotiya, A., Solanki, Y. & Reddy, G.V. (2020). Flora of Rajasthan: 1-769. Rajasthan state biodiversity board.
  • Lejoy, J., Ndjele, M.-B. & Geerinck, D. (2010). Catalogue-flore des plantes vasculaires des districts de Kisangani et de la Tshopo (RD Congo). Taxonomania. Revue de Taxonomie et de Nomenclature Botaniques 30: 1-307.
  • Lye, K.A. & Thery, P. (2012). Flore du Gabon 44: 1-230. Muséum National D'Histoire Naturelle, Paris; Margraf Publishers, Weikersheim; Meise Botanic Garden.
  • Mesterházy, A., Browning, J. & Verloove, F. (2022). Cyperaceae of tropical West Africa: 1-532. Meise Botanic Garden.
  • Middleton, D.J. & al. (eds.) (2019). Flora of Singapore 7: 1-525. Singapore Botanic Gardens.
  • Nelson Sutherland, C.H. (2008). Catálogo de las plantes vasculares de Honduras. Espermatofitas: 1-1576. SERNA/Guaymuras, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
  • Pereira-Silva, L., Larridon, I., de Oliveira Ribeiro, A.R., Santos, V.M. & Trevisan, R. (2022). Diversity and taxonomy of Cyperus (Cyperaceae) in the Central-West region of Brazil. Annals from the Missouri Botanical Garden 107: 480-545. MBG press.
  • Shaheen, H., Qureshi, R., Akram, A., Gulfraz, M. & Potter, D. (2014). A preliminary floristic checklist of Thal desert Punjab, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany 46: 13-18.
  • Sosef, M.S.M. & al. (2006). Check-list des plantes vasculaires du Gabon. Scripta Botanica Belgica 35: 1-438.
  • Walker, E.H. (1976). Flora of Okinawa and the southern Ryukyu islands: 1-1159. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
  • Wu, Z. & Raven, P.H. (eds.) (2010). Flora of China 23: 1-515. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis.

Catálogo de Plantas y Líquenes de Colombia

  • Bernal, R., Gradstein, S.R. & Celis, M. (eds.). 2015. Catálogo de plantas y líquenes de Colombia. Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá.

Flora of West Tropical Africa

  • Berhaut, Fl. Sén. ed. 2, 383 (1967).
  • Kük. in Engl., Pflanzenr. Cyper. 69 (1936)
  • Nelmes & Baldwin in Amer. J. Bot. 39: 379 (1962)
  • Observ. 5: 12 (1789)

Flora Zambesiaca

  • Gordon-Gray in Strelitzia 2: 58, fig.21H,K (1995)
  • Haines & Lye, Sedges & Rushes E. Afr.: 180, figs.346,347 (1983).
  • Hoenselaar in F.T.E.A. Cyperaceae: 251 (2010).
  • Kükenthal in Engler, Pflanzenr. 4, 20(101): 69 (1935).
  • Retz., Observ. Bot. 5: 12 (1788).

Kew Backbone Distributions

  • Acevedo-Rodríguez, P. & Strong, M.T. (2012). Catalogue of seed plants of the West Indies. Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 98: 1-1192.
  • Barry, J. P. & Celles, J.S. (1991). Flore de Mauritanie 2: 360-550. Centre Regional de Documentation Pedagogique, Nice.
  • Boulos, L. (2005). Flora of Egypt 4: 1-617. Al Hadara Publishing, Cairo.
  • Boulvert, Y. (1977). Catalogue de la Flore de Centrafrique 2(2): 1-94. ORSTOM, Bangui.
  • Browning, J. & al. (2020). Flora Zambesiaca 14: 1-455. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Brunel, J.F., Hiepo, P. & Scholz, H. (eds.) (1984). Flore Analytique du Togo Phanérogames: 1-751. GTZ, Eschborn.
  • Dufour-Dror, J.M. & Fragman-Sapir, O. in Dufour-Dror, J.M. (2019). Alien Plant Species in Natural & Disturbed Areas in Israel. Alien Invasive Plants in Israel, ed. 2: 1-246. Dan Perry Pub., Nature & Parks Authority, Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection.
  • Figueiredo, E. & Smith, G.F. (2008). Plants of Angola. Strelitzia 22: 1-279. National Botanical Institute, Pretoria.
  • Hassler, M. & Muer, T. (2022). Flora Germanica: alle Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands in Text und Bild 1: 1-864. Verlag Regionalkultur, Uberstadt-Weiher.
  • Kotiya, A., Solanki, Y. & Reddy, G.V. (2020). Flora of Rajasthan: 1-769. Rajasthan state biodiversity board.
  • Mesterházy, A., Browning, J. & Verloove, F. (2022). Cyperaceae of tropical West Africa: 1-532. Meise Botanic Garden.
  • Pereira-Silva, L., Larridon, I., de Oliveira Ribeiro, A.R., Santos, V.M. & Trevisan, R. (2022). Diversity and taxonomy of Cyperus (Cyperaceae) in the Central-West region of Brazil. Annals from the Missouri Botanical Garden 107: 480-545. MBG press.
  • Shaheen, H., Qureshi, R., Akram, A., Gulfraz, M. & Potter, D. (2014). A preliminary floristic checklist of Thal desert Punjab, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany 46: 13-18.
  • Sosef, M.S.M. & al. (2006). Check-list des plantes vasculaires du Gabon. Scripta Botanica Belgica 35: 1-438.
  • Walker, E.H. (1976). Flora of Okinawa and the southern Ryukyu islands: 1-1159. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
  • Wu, Z. & Raven, P.H. (eds.) (2010). Flora of China 23: 1-515. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis.

Flora of Tropical East Africa

  • E.P. 4, 20 (101): 69 (1936)
  • Fl. Eth. 6: 445 (1997).
  • Haines & Lye, Sedges & Rushes E. Afr.: 180, figs. 346, 347 (1983)
  • Observ. Bot. 5: 12 (1788)

Useful Plants and Fungi of Colombia

  • Bernal, R., Gradstein, S.R., & Celis, M. (eds.). (2020). Catálogo de Plantas y Líquenes de Colombia. v1.1. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Dataset/Checklist.
  • Burkill HM. (1995). The useful plants of west tropical Africa, Vols. 1-3. The useful plants of west tropical Africa, Vols 1-3.
  • Cámara-Leret, R., & Dennehy, Z. (2019). Information gaps in indigenous and local knowledge for science-policy assessments. Nature Sustainability 2:736-741.
  • Diazgranados et al. (2021). Catalogue of plants of Colombia. Useful Plants and Fungi of Colombia project. In prep.
  • Diazgranados, M., Allkin, B., Black N., Cámara-Leret, R., Canteiro C., Carretero J., Eastwood R., Hargreaves S., Hudson A., Milliken W., Nesbitt, M., Ondo, I., Patmore, K., Pironon, S., Turner, R., Ulian, T. (2020). World Checklist of Useful Plant Species. Produced by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity.
  • IUCN (2021). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2021-2.
  • Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (2019). Lista de especies vedadas por la resolución 213 de 1977. 8256 especies.
  • Willis, K.J. (ed.) (2017). State of the World’s Plants 2017. Report. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Other Data

Other Kew resources that provide information on this taxon:

Date Reference Identified As Barcode Type Status Has image?
Aug 28, 1996 Marcan, A. [1939] Thailand K000434893 Yes
Aug 1, 1996 Parnell; Pendry; Jeb; Boonthavikoon, T. [95-637] Thailand K000434886 Yes
Jan 1, 1985 Davidse, G.; Ramamoorthy, T.P.; Vital, D.M. [12009] Brazil K000188706 Yes
Jan 1, 1967 Smitnand, T. [5821] Thailand K000434888 Yes
Jan 1, 1967 Kerr, A.F.G. [3642] Thailand K000434887 Yes
Sep 1, 1953 Loher, A. [727] Philippines K000290902 Isotype Yes
Sep 1, 1953 Cuming, H. [537] Philippines K000290901 Isotype Yes
Gamble, J.S. [12082] India K003065622 Yes
Shaw, J. [1] China K001572796 Yes
Koechlin, J. [1116] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002358069 Yes
Pedersen, T.M. [9096] Argentina K003728470 Yes
Dorsey, C.H. [89] Ghana K002355401 Yes
Van Rensburg, H.J. [KBS2803] Zambia K003722028 Yes
s.coll. [5760] Madagascar K002955278 Yes
Pedersen, T.M. [8226] Argentina K003728471 Yes
Astle, W.L. [4507] Zambia K003722026 Yes
[Opayeni] [X39] Nigeria K002355425 Yes
Fendler, A. [895] Trinidad and Tobago K003726448 Yes
Schlechter, R. [12439] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002358062 Yes
Meikle, R.D. [1378] Nigeria K002355415 Yes
Wheeler Haines, R. [55] Nigeria K002355419 Yes
s.coll. [6142] India K003065616 Yes
Smith, J.D. [1851] Guatemala K003725662 Yes
Hall, J.B. [GC 40426] Ghana K002355407 Yes
s.coll. [4434] Chad K002358044 Yes
[F]. Gaston [1515] Cameroon K002358048 Yes
Dalziel, J.M. [466] Nigeria K002355422 Yes
Sintenis, P. [1213] Puerto Rico K003726444 Yes
Sampson, T. [s.n.] China K002479632 Yes
s.coll. [8897] Gabon K002358050 Yes
Simpson, N.D.; Abd el Khalek [4025] Egypt K002477619 Yes
Brunet; Warman [067] Seychelles K002955281 Yes
Barbosa, L.A.G.; Carvalho, M. [3175] Mozambique K003722009 Yes
Deighton, F.C. [3164] Sierra Leone K002355397 Yes
Astle, W.L. [4128] Zambia K003722025 Yes
Wallich [s.n.] India K003065628 Yes
[M. Gay] [s.n.] Senegal K002355379 Yes
J.K. [5345] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002358071 Yes
Enti, A.A. [FE-2084] Ghana K002355402 Yes
Howard, A.J. [14] Thailand K000434882 Yes
Howard, A.J. [14] Thailand K000434881 Yes
Bosser, J. [867] Seychelles K002955280 Yes
Richards, H.M. (Mrs) [11844] Zambia K003722033 Yes
Hooker, J.D.; Thomson, J. [s.n.] India K003065623 Yes
Lean, O.B. [35] Niger K002355387 Yes
Hooker, J.D.; Thomson, T. [400] India K003065617 Yes
de Wailly, M. [4782] K002355388 Yes
Pedersen, T.M. [10023] Argentina K003728469 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Jamaica K003726443 Yes
Tisserant, R.P. [2225] Central African Republic K002358054 Yes
Hinton, G.B. [5818] Mexico K003725659 Yes
{Hinton; et al.} [5818] Mexico K003725657 Yes
Koyama, T.; Jayasuriya, A.H.M. [13965] Sri Lanka K003065629 Yes
Sampson, T. [268] China K002479631 Yes
Onochie, C.F. [FHI 7521] Nigeria K002355428 Yes
Deighton, F.C. [4298] Sierra Leone K002355395 Yes
s.coll. [4418] Cameroon K002358046 Yes
Robinson, E.A. [1054] Zambia K003722034 Yes
Louis [2581] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002358056 Yes
Hall, J.B. [2722] Ghana K002355405 Yes
Batty, M. [706] Tanzania K003151851 Yes
Robertson, V.C. [16] Malawi K003722016 Yes
Troupin, G. [531] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002358075 Yes
[7067] Guyana K003727125 Yes
Verboom, W.C. [1793] Zambia K003722027 Yes
Shaw, J.C. [897] Hong Kong K002479628 Yes
Anderson, B. [1003] Tanzania K003151840 Yes
s.coll. [26478 B] India K003065625 Yes
Dalziel, J.M. [816] Nigeria K002355430 Yes
Ekman, E.L. [H 6569] Haiti K003726450 Yes
Sintenis, P. [126] Puerto Rico K003726451 Yes
Vanderyst, H. [3708] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002358059 Yes
Björnstad, A. [AB1996] Tanzania K003151848 Yes
Eggers [682] Puerto Rico K003726445 Yes
Bally [B7523] Tanzania K003151850 Yes
Scott, M.L. [s.n.] Malawi K003722011 Yes
Deighton, F.C. [3157] Sierra Leone K002355389 Yes
Eimunjeze; Adebusuyi; Macauley [FHI 66416] Nigeria K002355434 Yes
Gledhill, D. [D9621] Sierra Leone K002355392 Yes
MacDonald, A.S. [2] Sierra Leone K002355396 Yes
Dalziel, J.M. [466] Nigeria K002355421 Yes
Brain, C.K. [8687] Zimbabwe K003722017 Yes
Vollesen, K.B. [MRC3953] Tanzania K003151852 Yes
Hens, F. [11] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002358074 Yes
Rogers, F.A. [5574] Zimbabwe K003722018 Yes
Henry, A. [1819] Taiwan K002479633 Yes
{Merrill} [429] Philippines K002292049 Yes
Wild, H.; Drummond, R.B. [7142] Botswana K003722037 Yes
Leeuwenberg, A.J.M. [3222] Cote d'Ivoire K002355399 Yes
Richards, H.M. (Mrs) [21266] Tanzania K003151845 Yes
Thomson, T.; Hooker, J.D. [130] India K003065618 Yes
Schinini, A. [16113] Argentina K003728468 Yes
Blum, J. [2458] Nigeria K002355433 Yes
de Winter, B. [3979] Namibia K002956256 No
Meikle, R.D. [1417] Nigeria K002355420 Yes
de Wailly, M. [5092] Sudan K002355383 Yes
Azancot de Menezes [1668] Angola K003722042 Yes
Smith, P.A. [1907] Botswana K003722041 Yes
Scholz [s.n.] K002355398 Yes
s.coll. [6148] India K003065614 Yes
Wallich [s.n.] India K003065626 Yes
Schlechter, R. [12513] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002358076 Yes
Hall, J.B.; [VB [1253] Ghana K002355406 Yes
Fénix, E. [4] Philippines K002292048 Yes
Beukes [312] Mexico K003725656 Yes
Musk, H. [158] Tanzania K003151849 Yes
Milne-Redhead, E.; Taylor, P.G. [7364] Tanzania K003151842 Yes
Fay, J.M. [2603] Central African Republic K002358052 Yes
McDonald; Ismail [4820] Indonesia K002291467 Yes
[7105] Guyana K003727127 Yes
Masens, B. [279] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002358063 Yes
Anderson, B. [988] Tanzania K003151843 Yes
Kerr, A.F.G. [21391] Thailand K000434890 Yes
Richards, M. [17364] Tanzania K003151844 Yes
Morton, J.K. [ GC 295] Ghana K002355408 Yes
Gilges [G893] Zambia K003722032 Yes
Bourne [1253] India K003065619 Yes
Van Rensburg, H.J. [2834] Zambia K003722029 Yes
Meikle, R.D. [1274] Nigeria K002355423 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] India K003065611 Yes
Bertrand, R.P. [2654] K002355385 Yes
Killick; Leistner [3369] Namibia K002956254 Yes
[WF] [1159] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002358073 Yes
[[244]] Guyana K003727128 Yes
Merrill, E.D. [s.n.] Philippines K002292046 Yes
{Aug. Chevalier} [8837] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002358068 Yes
s.coll. [5373] Madagascar K002955279 Yes
Vanderyst, H. [3805] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002358060 Yes
Harley, R.M. [9463] Tanzania K003151841 Yes
Gibbs Russell, G.E. [2564] Zimbabwe K003722023 Yes
s.coll. [4599] Chad K002358045 Yes
{Dick Van der Ben} [1205] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002358072 Yes
Tressens, S.G.; Maruñak, V.; Krapovickas, A.; Cristóbal, C.L. [3452] Argentina K003728475 Yes
Morton, J.K. [GC 8772] Ghana K002355409 Yes
Luke, P.A.; Luke, Q. [4293] Tanzania K003151853 Yes
Richards, H.M. (Mrs) [25854] Tanzania K003151854 Yes
Lean, O.B. [19] Niger K002355386 Yes
Deighton, F.C. [3926] Sierra Leone K002355393 Yes
Hall, J.B. [1223] Nigeria K002355437 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Nigeria K002355414 Yes
Burkart, A.; Gamerro, J.C. [s.n.] Argentina K003728473 Yes
Haines, R.W. [4228] Uganda K003151838 Yes
s.coll. [6218/1] India K003065615 Yes
Buwalda, P. [3350] Indonesia K002291468 Yes
Gautier, L.; Rakotomamonjy, T.; Wohlhauser, S. [LG3787] Madagascar K002955282 Yes
Berhaut [7723] Senegal K002355382 Yes
Grosvenor, R.K. [564] Zimbabwe K003722022 Yes
Anton-Smith, J.; Davies, J.N. [319] Gabon K002358051 Yes
Henderson, N.R. [38243] Malaysia K003068074 Yes
Wheeler Haines, R. [46] Nigeria K002355417 Yes
Raynal, A. [15631] Trinidad and Tobago K003726449 Yes
Burkart, A.; Troncoso, N.S.; Guaglianone, E.R.; Palacios, R.A. [s.n.] Argentina K003728472 Yes
Broadway, W.E. [6417] Trinidad and Tobago K003726447 Yes
Richards, H.M. (Mrs) [12357] Zambia K003722031 Yes
Richards, H.M. (Mrs) [18721] Zambia K003722030 Yes
Marcan, A. [2699] Thailand K000434892 Yes
Deighton, F.C. [2898] Sierra Leone K002355394 Yes
Larridon, I.; Darbyshire, I.; Gosline, G.; Protase; Samuel [112] Uganda K003151837 Yes
Langlasse, E. [203] Mexico K003725660 Yes
Trochain, J. [3404] K002355384 Yes
Koenig [s.n.] India K003065621 Yes
Richards, H.M. (Mrs) [3525] Zambia K003722036 Yes
Phipps, J.B. [2618] Malawi K003722015 Yes
Scholz, U.; Koumassi, P.; Kühn, H.; Peuker, H. [089] Togo K002355412 Yes
Kerr, A.F.G. [1921] Thailand K000434891 Yes
Gledhill, D. [1003] Nigeria K002355432 Yes
Smith, P.A. [1527] Botswana K003722038 Yes
[Verdermann] [16] Indonesia K002291469 Yes
[7100] Guyana K003727126 Yes
Smith, P.A. [2712] Botswana K003722040 Yes
Vanderyst, H. [2617] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002358061 Yes
de Koning, J. [7275] Mozambique K003722010 Yes
Compère, P. [324] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002358064 Yes
Eggers [725] Puerto Rico K003726446 Yes
Eyerdam, W.J.; Beetle, A.A. [23002] Argentina K003728474 Yes
Elmer, A.D.E. [17019] Philippines K002292044 Yes
Brain, C.K. [8687] Zimbabwe K003722019 Yes
Latilo; Odewo [s.n.] Nigeria K002355424 Yes
Hall, J.B. [3069] Ghana K002355403 Yes
Killick; Leistner [3369] Namibia K002956255 Yes
Morton, J.K. [GC 7535] Ghana K002355410 Yes
Smith, P.A. [1854] Botswana K003722039 Yes
Félix, J. [3697] Cameroon K002358067 Yes
Sampson, T. [1460] China K002479630 Yes
Shaw, J. [79] Hong Kong K002479627 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] India K003065620 Yes
Dalziel, J.M. [1296] Nigeria K002355416 Yes
Heckman, C.W. [141] Thailand K000434885 Yes
Robertson, V.C. [16] Malawi K003722014 Yes
Morton, J.K. [A3918] Ghana K002355411 Yes
Kerr, A.F.G. [21387] Thailand K000434889 Yes
[414] Paraguay K003727129 Yes
s.coll. [700] Mexico K003725658 Yes
[27700] Paraguay K003727130 Yes
Thomas, N.W. [10461] Sierra Leone K002355391 Yes
Kerr, A.F.G. [4495] Thailand K000434880 Yes
Lowe, J.L. [3532] Cameroon K002358049 Yes
Robertson, V.C. [16] Malawi K003722013 Yes
Thomson, T.; Hooker, J.D. [s.n.] India K003065613 Yes
Richards, H.M. (Mrs) [13341] Zambia K003722035 Yes
Dalton, J.J. [s.n.] Nigeria K002355426 Yes
Le Testu, G. [2921] Central African Republic K002358053 Yes
Louis [15995] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002358057 Yes
Noirfalise, A. [191] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002358066 Yes
Chipp, T.F. [503] Ghana K002355404 Yes
Baikie, W.B. [s.n.] Niger K002355429 Yes
Bloembergen, S. [3518] K002291470 Yes
Richards, H.M. (Mrs) [21008] Tanzania K003151846 Yes
de Saeger, H. [1151] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002358065 Yes
Leistner, O.A.; Oliver, D.; Steenkamp; Vorster; [256] Namibia K002956257 Yes
s.coll. [[2881]] India K003065624 Yes
Robinson, E.A. [5508] Zambia K003722024 Yes
Tagawa, M.; Iwatsuki, k. [T268] Thailand K000434884 Yes
Hoed, G.den; Kostermans, A. [697] Thailand K000434883 Yes
Hooker; Jenkins; Nelmes, E. [194] India K003065627 Yes
Perrottet, M. [879] Senegal K002355381 Yes
Onochie [FHI 40247] Nigeria K002355427 Yes
{Aug. Chevalier} [8837] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002358077 Yes
Thomas, D.W. [322] Cameroon K002358047 Yes
Amico, A.; Bavazzano, R. [s.n.] Mozambique K003722007 Yes
Deighton, F.C. [3959] Sierra Leone K002355390 Yes
Vanderyst [2221] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002358055 Yes
Schäfer, P.A. [8588] Togo K002355413 Yes
s.coll. [14365] Philippines K002292045 Yes
Luke, P.A.; Luke, Q. [4295] K003151839 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K002291471 Yes
Phipps, J.B. [1405] Zimbabwe K003722020 Yes
Callens [2122] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002358058 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Madagascar K002955277 Yes
Chow, K.S. [78150] China K002479629 Yes
Compere [324] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002358070 Yes
s.coll. [14118b] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002358078 Yes
Weber, C.M. [1068] Philippines K002292047 Yes
[illegible] [211] K002355380 Yes
Kershaw, K.A. [900650] Nigeria K002355418 Yes
s.coll. [258] Mexico K003725661 Yes
s.coll. [[268]] K003065612 Yes
Meel, V. [987] Tanzania K003151847 Yes
Kirk (Dr.) [s.n.] Mozambique K003722008 Yes
Guile, D.P.M. [133] Nigeria K002355431 Yes
Fitzgerald, D.V. [3013] Malawi K003722012 Yes
Mitchell, D.S. [1023] Zimbabwe K003722021 Yes
Sebald, O. [2137] Ethiopia Cyperus digitatus K003150200 Yes
Sebald, O. [2552] Ethiopia Cyperus digitatus K003150203 Yes
Sebald, O. [2137] Ethiopia Cyperus digitatus K003150201 Yes
Sebald, O. [143] Ethiopia Cyperus digitatus K003150202 Yes
Heudelot [522] Senegal Cyperus imbricatus var. capitatus K002355439 Yes
Hall, J.B. [VBS 1300] Nigeria Cyperus imbricatus var. capitatus K002355440 Yes
Sieber [s.n.] Senegal Cyperus imbricatus var. capitatus K002355438 Yes
Rusby; Squires [344] Venezuela Cyperus radiatus K003727685 Yes
Greenway, P.J. [10745] Tanzania Cyperus involucratus K003153402 Yes
Lovett, J.C.; Kayombo, C.J. [4778] Tanzania Cyperus involucratus K003153401 Yes
Metele, P. [164] Tanzania Cyperus involucratus K003153407 Yes
Frontier-Tanzania [2643] Tanzania Cyperus involucratus K003153408 Yes
Batty, M. (Mrs.) [236] Tanzania Cyperus involucratus K003153416 Yes
Archbold, M.E. (Miss) [2939] Tanzania Cyperus involucratus K003153414 Yes
Jefford, T.G.; Juniper, B.E.; Newbould, J. [112] Tanzania Cyperus involucratus K003153399 Yes
Koritzschoner, H. [953] Tanzania Cyperus involucratus K003153410 Yes
Tanner, R. [2299] Tanzania Cyperus involucratus K003153406 Yes
Tanner, R. [1728] Tanzania Cyperus involucratus K003153405 Yes
Peter, G.A. [17801] South Africa Cyperus involucratus K003153413 Yes
Raynal, J. [19278] Tanzania Cyperus involucratus K003153415 Yes
Greenway, P.J.; Kanuri [12230] Tanzania Cyperus involucratus K003153400 Yes
Greenway, P.J.; Kanuri [11865] Tanzania Cyperus involucratus K003153412 Yes
Frontier-Tanzania [2427] Tanzania Cyperus involucratus K003153403 Yes
Peter, G.A. [12249] South Africa Cyperus involucratus K003153404 Yes
Gillman, H. [926] Tanzania Cyperus involucratus K003153411 Yes
Koritzschoner, H. [3052] Tanzania Cyperus involucratus K003153409 Yes


  • Angiosperm Extinction Risk Predictions v1

    • Angiosperm Threat Predictions
  • Catálogo de Plantas y Líquenes de Colombia

  • Flora Zambesiaca

    • Flora Zambesiaca
  • Flora of Tropical East Africa

    • Flora of Tropical East Africa
  • Flora of West Tropical Africa

    • Flora of West Tropical Africa
  • Herbarium Catalogue Specimens

    • 'The Herbarium Catalogue, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the Internet [accessed on Day Month Year]'. Please enter the date on which you consulted the system.
    • Digital Image © Board of Trustees, RBG Kew
  • IUCN Categories

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  • Kew Backbone Distributions

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2024. Published on the Internet at and
    • © Copyright 2023 World Checklist of Vascular Plants.
  • Kew Names and Taxonomic Backbone

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2024. Published on the Internet at and
    • © Copyright 2023 International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants.
  • Useful Plants and Fungi of Colombia
