Persea Mill.

First published in Gard. Dict. Abr., ed. 4.: [s.p.] (1754)
This genus is accepted
The native range of this genus is Tropical & Subtropical America to S. South America, Macaronesia.


Native to:

Argentina Northeast, Argentina South, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil North, Brazil Northeast, Brazil South, Brazil Southeast, Brazil West-Central, Canary Is., Chile Central, Chile South, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Leeward Is., Madeira, Mexico Central, Mexico Gulf, Mexico Northeast, Mexico Northwest, Mexico Southeast, Mexico Southwest, Nicaragua, Panamá, Peru, Puerto Rico, Suriname, Trinidad-Tobago, Venezuela, Windward Is.

Introduced into:

Argentina Northwest, Assam, Azores, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Burkina, Cameroon, Caroline Is., Cayman Is., Central African Republic, Central American Pacific Is., China South-Central, China Southeast, Comoros, Congo, Cook Is., Cyprus, East Himalaya, Easter Is., Fiji, Florida, Galápagos, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Gulf of Guinea Is., Hainan, Hawaii, India, Kenya, Laos, Marianas, Marquesas, Marshall Is., Mauritius, New York, New Zealand North, Pitcairn Is., Rodrigues, Réunion, Society Is., Solomon Is., Sudan, Taiwan, Tuamotu, Tubuai Is., Vanuatu, Venezuelan Antilles, Vietnam, Zaïre


Heterotypic Synonyms

Accepted Species


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POWO follows these authorities in accepting this name:

  • Rodrigues de Moraes, P.L. (2012). The Lauraceae collected in Brazil by Ludwig Riedel - I. Harvard Papers in Botany 17: 185-216.

Other Data

Other Kew resources that provide information on this taxon:

Date Reference Identified As Barcode Type Status Has image?
Jan 1, 2013 de Kok, Rogier; Seda Sengun, Weng, Feng [1567] China K000734489 Yes
Jun 23, 2009 Nguyen et al. [HNK 1480] Vietnam K000605325 Yes
Jan 1, 2005 Middleton, D. [3016] Thailand K000610674 Yes
Sep 17, 2003 Castro et al. [22089] Philippines K000009419 Yes
Jan 1, 1972 Lei, C.I. [1029] Hong Kong K000778775 Unknown Type Material Yes
Jan 1, 1957 Purdie [s.n.] Colombia K000602066 Type Yes
Jan 1, 1957 Glaziou, A.F.M. [17182] Brazil K000512721 Type Yes
Feb 23, 1945 Bang, M. [1733] Bolivia K000602056 Unknown Type Material Yes
Dec 20, 1944 Bar, N.L. [2662] India K000778801 Type Yes
Dec 20, 1944 Bar, N.L. [5082] India K000778800 Unknown Type Material Yes
Meyer, F.N. [430] China K002235976 Yes
Cavalerie, J. [4465] China K000778774 Isotype Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11569] Hong Kong K002236011 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11565(K23)] Hong Kong K002236016 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11518(K13)] Hong Kong K002236027 Yes
Chung, H.H. [6381] China K002235983 Yes
Wilson, E.H. [10265] Taiwan K002235990 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11549(K20)] Hong Kong K002236003 Yes
Chang, R.E. [2467] China K002235975 Yes
Henry, A. [10330] China K002235971 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11572] Hong Kong K002236017 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11480] Hong Kong K002236009 Yes
Vriese, [s.n.] Indonesia K000778820 Unknown Type Material Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11507(K2)] Hong Kong K002236025 Yes
Tso, C.L. [1806] China K002235974 Yes
s.coll. [1129] China K002235982 Yes
Henry, A. [12356] China K002235972 Yes
Henry, A. [664] Taiwan K002235994 Yes
Sellow [s.n.] Brazil K000512718 Type Yes
Forrest, G. [10978] China K002235969 Yes
Bang, M. [1657] Bolivia K000602055 Unknown Type Material Yes
Bang, M. [1657] Bolivia K000602054 Unknown Type Material Yes
Henry, A. [197] Taiwan K002235992 Yes
Wilson, E.H. [10003] Taiwan K002236001 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11571(K29)] Hong Kong K002236010 Yes
Forrest, G. [17175] China K002235970 Yes
{Rogier de Kok; Seda Sengun; Fang, W.} [1593] China K002235967 Yes
{Rogier de Kok; Seda Sengun; Fang, W.} [1587] China K002235966 Yes
Henry, A. [11669] China K002235973 Yes
Tsang, W.T. [20967] China K002235986 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11468] Hong Kong K002236006 Yes
Wen, H.Q. [W093] China K002235981 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11520(K15)] Hong Kong K002236030 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Taiwan K002236000 Yes
Henry, A. [2055] Taiwan K002235995 Yes
Niyomdham, C. [879] Thailand K001870225 Yes
Thorel, Dr. [1178] Vietnam K001870120 Yes
Wong, K.M.; Jangarun, E. [WKM 3349] Brunei K001639177 Yes
Poilane, M.E. [15827] Laos K001625220 Yes
Poilane, M.E. [19107] Vietnam K001625222 Yes
Eberhardt [4027] Vietnam K001625241 Yes
Henry, A. [423] Taiwan K002235996 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11521(K16)] Hong Kong K002236028 Yes
Ching, R.C. [2368] China K002235979 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11566(K24)] Hong Kong K002236005 Yes
Delavay, M. l'abbé [s.n.] China K001572888 Yes
Poilane, E. [19000] Vietnam K001572866 Yes
Poilane, E. [19133] Vietnam K001572874 Yes
Ramirez, J.; Arias, J.; Alvarez, O.; Munoz, G.; Pipoly, J.; et al [18577] Colombia K001560742 Yes
Poilane, M.E. [24597] Vietnam K001572829 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11570(K28)] Hong Kong K002236007 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11250] Hong Kong K002236022 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11509(K4)] Hong Kong K002236015 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11482] Hong Kong K002236008 Yes
Henry, A. [208] Taiwan K002235991 Yes
Price, W.R. [9] Taiwan K002235989 Yes
Junghuhn, F.W. [559] Indonesia K000778819 Unknown Type Material Yes
{Rogier de Kok; Seda Sengun; Fang, W.} [1586] China K002235968 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11558(k22)] Hong Kong K002236012 Yes
Lamb, A. [MTED 187] Malaysia K:SPC-61184.000 No
Hu, S.Y. [11567(K25)] Hong Kong K002236031 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11517(K12)] Hong Kong K002236024 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11522(K17)] Hong Kong K002236014 Yes
Wilson, E.H. [10227] Taiwan K002235987 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11510(K5)] Hong Kong K002236033 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [13569] Hong Kong K002236002 Yes
Hu, H.H. [s.n.] China K002235977 Yes
Ching, R.C. [2467] China K002235980 Yes
Price, W.R. [9] Taiwan K002235988 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11548(K19)] Hong Kong K002236013 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11616] Hong Kong K002236019 Yes
Drummond, T. [285] United States K000778826 Unknown Type Material Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11508(K3)] Hong Kong K002236029 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11547(K18)] Hong Kong K002236004 Yes
{Rogier de Kok} [1538] China K002235965 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11519(K14)] Hong Kong K002236026 Yes
Ip, N.K. [s.n.] China K002235985 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11481] Hong Kong K002236020 Yes
Chung, H.H. [6087] China K002235984 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United States K000778824 Unknown Type Material Yes
Henry, A. [119A] Taiwan K002235993 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11506(K1)] Hong Kong K002236032 Yes
Henry, A. [671] Taiwan K002235998 Yes
Oldham, R. [449] Taiwan K002235999 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11557(K21)] Hong Kong K002236021 Yes
Steward, A.N. [s.n.] China K002235978 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11514(K9)] Hong Kong K002236018 Yes
Hu, S.Y. [11512(k7)] Hong Kong K002236023 Yes
Drummond, T. [285] United States K000778825 Unknown Type Material Yes
Henry, A. [663] Taiwan K002235997 Yes


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