Hirtella L.

First published in Sp. Pl.: 34 (1753)
This genus is accepted
The native range of this genus is Tropical & Subtropical America, E. & S. Tropical Africa, Madagascar.


Native to:

Belize, Bolivia, Brazil North, Brazil Northeast, Brazil South, Brazil Southeast, Brazil West-Central, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Kenya, Leeward Is., Madagascar, Malawi, Mexico Central, Mexico Gulf, Mexico Southeast, Mexico Southwest, Mozambique, Netherlands Antilles, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Suriname, Tanzania, Trinidad-Tobago, Venezuela, Windward Is., Zambia


Heterotypic Synonyms

Accepted Species


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POWO follows these authorities in accepting this name:

  • Prance, G.T. & Sothers, C.A. (2003). Chrysobalanaceae 1 & 2. Species Plantarum: Flora of the World 9, 10: 1-319, 1-268. Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra.

Flora of West Tropical Africa

  • A. Chev. in Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Sér. 2, 3: 192–195 (1931).
  • Sp. Pl. 1: 34 (1753)

Flora Zambesiaca

  • Gen. Pl. ed. 5: 20 (1754).
  • Sp. Pl. 1: 34(1753)

Flora of Tropical East Africa

  • L., Gen. Pl., ed. 5: 20 (1754)
  • Sp. Pl.: 34 (1753)

Other Data

Other Kew resources that provide information on this taxon:

Date Reference Identified As Barcode Type Status Has image?
Dec 1, 2008 Homeier, J., et al. [2919] Ecuador K000396820 No
Jan 1, 2008 Sasaki, D.; Henicka, G.S.; Piva, J.H. [1741] Brazil K000447846 Yes
Jan 1, 1997 Castillo, A. [3335] Venezuela K000220860 Type Yes
Aug 28, 1930 Vitorio [s.n.] Brazil K001241762 Yes
Zak, V.; Rubio, D. [4221] Ecuador K004433790 Yes
Sobrevila, C. [1766] Bolivia K001925475 No
Braga, J.M.A. [6367] Brazil K001905828 No
Redden, K.M.; Wurdack, K.; Perry, C.; Zimmerman, E.; Hunter, D.; Hunter, T.; Roland, V. [6420] Guyana K001635933 No
Stergios, B.; Stergios, P. [11410] Venezuela K004432984 Yes
Smith, A.C. [2660] Guyana K004432517 Yes
Rosales, J.; Flores, F.; Tovar, L. [639] Venezuela K004433004 Yes
s.coll. [Cat. no. s.n.] Burma K001132771 Unknown Type Material Yes
Basset Maguire; Fanshawe, D.B. [23515] Guyana K004432527 Yes
Nuñez, P.; Terborgh, J.; et al. [14501] Peru K004433792 Yes
Ducke, A. [15057] Brazil K000220896 Unknown Type Material Yes
López, R.; Pabón, A. [1043] Colombia K004433788 Yes
Tutin, T.G. [30] Guyana K004432526 Yes
Delgado, L. [641] Venezuela K004432996 Yes
Gardner [3708] Brazil K001241341 No
Fernandez, A. [7777] Venezuela K004432992 Yes
Harrison, S.G. (Mr.) [1145] Guyana K004432530 Yes
Wilson-Browne, S.J. [WB203] Guyana K004432529 Yes
Collenette, C.L. [145] Brazil K001241337 No
Clarke, H.D. [1606] Guyana K001590306 Yes
Thomas, E.; Berdeja, R. [1994] Bolivia K004433789 Yes
Cruz, A.; Isita, G. [170] Bolivia K004433786 Yes
Phillips, O.; Nunez, P.; Jaramillo, N. [525] Peru K004433791 Yes
s.coll. [F505] Guyana K004432522 Yes
Persaud, R. [1617] Guyana K004432528 Yes
Cárdenas, D.; Martínez, H. [5381] Colombia K004433793 Yes
s.coll. [21111] Brazil K001241340 No
{Miss Dorrien Smith} [132] Brazil K001241339 No
Pennington, T.D.; Veloz, L. [13915] Ecuador K:SPC-57130.000 No
Queiroz, L.P.; Rapini, A.; Carneiro-Torres, D.; Oliveira, F.F. [10887] Brazil K000373037 No
Vasquez, R.; Phillips, O.; Rojas, R.; Pena, A. [23648] Peru K004433785 Yes
Smith, A.C. [3625] Guyana K004432519 Yes
Maguire, B.; Fanshawe, D.B. [23364] Guyana K004432524 Yes
Maguire, B.; Cowan, R.S. [39357] Guyana K004432520 Yes
Maguire, B.; Cowan, R.S. [39357] Guyana K004432521 Yes
Vasquez, R.; Phillips, O.; Rojas, R.; Pena, A. [23105] Peru K004433794 Yes
Pennington, R.T.; Rowe, E.C.; et al. [54] Bolivia K:SPC-53786.000 No
Wurdack, J.J.; Adderley, L.S. [43621] Venezuela K004432988 Yes
Spruce, R. [2268] Brazil K000220884 Type Yes
Clark, J.L.; Berg, K.; Leffingwell, J. [2402] Ecuador K004433784 Yes
Collenette, C.L. [145] Brazil K001241338 No
Spruce, R. [s.n.] K000220883 Unknown Type Material Yes
Maguire, B.; Fanshawe, D.B. [s.n.] Guyana K004432518 Yes
Gardner; [Peanly] [2565] Brazil K001241342 No
Sandeman, C.A.W. [2148] Brazil K001241336 No
s.coll. [CAP116] Guyana K004432523 Yes
Gentry, A.; Vasquez, R.; Jaramillo, N.; Watson, R.; Soria, B. [56439] Peru K004433787 Yes


  • Flora Zambesiaca

    • Flora Zambesiaca
    • http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0
  • Flora of Tropical East Africa

    • Flora of Tropical East Africa
    • http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0
  • Herbarium Catalogue Specimens

    • 'The Herbarium Catalogue, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the Internet http://www.kew.org/herbcat [accessed on Day Month Year]'. Please enter the date on which you consulted the system.
  • Kew Backbone Distributions

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2025. Published on the Internet at http://www.ipni.org and https://powo.science.kew.org/
    • © Copyright 2023 World Checklist of Vascular Plants. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0
  • Kew Names and Taxonomic Backbone

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2025. Published on the Internet at http://www.ipni.org and https://powo.science.kew.org/
    • © Copyright 2023 International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0
  • Kew Science Photographs

    • Copyright applied to individual images