Silene rubella L.

First published in Sp. Pl.: 419 (1753), nom. utique rej.
This name is a synonym of Silene diversifolia subsp. bergiana

POWO follows these authorities in synonymising this name:

  • Ghazanfar, S.A. & Edmandson, J.R. (eds.) (2016). Flora of Iraq 5(1): 1-284. Ministry of Agriculture & Agrarian Reform, Baghdad. [Cited as Silene diversifolia.]

This name was accepted following an alternative taxonomy by these authorities:

  • Bosser, J., Cadet, T., Julien, H.R. & Marais, W. (eds.) (1980). Flore des Mascareignes 31-50: 1. IRD Éditions, MSIRI, RBG-Kew, Paris. [Cited as Silene rubella.]
  • Boulos, L. (1999). Flora of Egypt 1: 1-419. Al Hadara Publishing, Cairo. [Cited as Silene rubella.]
  • Dimopoulos, P., Raus, T., Bergmeier, E., Constantinidis, T., Iatrou, G., Kokkini, S., Strid, A., & Tzanoudakis, D. (2013). Vascular plants of Greece. An annotated checklist: 1-372. Botanic gardens and botanical museum Berlin-Dahlem, Berlin and Hellenic botanical society, Athens. [Cited as Silene rubella.]
  • Dobignard, A. & Chatelain, C. (2011). Index synonymique de la flore d'Afrique du nord 3: 1-449. Éditions des conservatoire et jardin botaniques, Genève. [Cited as Silene rubella.]
  • Dobignard, A. & Chatelain, C. (2013). Index synonymique de la flore d'Afrique du nord 5: 1-451. Éditions des conservatoire et jardin botaniques, Genève. [Cited as Silene rubella.]
  • Dobignard, A., Jacquemoud, F. & Jordan, D. (1992). Matériaux pour la conaissance floristique du Sahara occidental et l'Anti-Atlas méridional. I. Pteridophyta à Rosaceae. Candollea 47: 113-179. [Cited as Silene rubella.]
  • Meikle, R.D. (1977). Flora of Cyprus 1: 1-832. The Bentham-Moxon Trust Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. [Cited as Silene rubella.]
  • Musselman, L.J. (2011). Checklist of Plants of Lebanon and Syria [Cited as Silene rubella.]
  • Rechinger, K.H., Melzheimer, V., Möschl, W. & Schiman-Czeika, H. (1988). Flora Iranica 163: 1-528. Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, Graz. [Cited as Silene rubella.]

Other Data

Other Kew resources that provide information on this taxon:


  • Kew Names and Taxonomic Backbone

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2025. Published on the Internet at and
    • © Copyright 2023 International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants.