Capillipedium assimile (Steud.) A.Camus

First published in H.Lecomte, Fl. Indo-Chine 7: 314 (1922)
This species is accepted
The native range of this species is Tropical & Subtropical Asia. It is a perennial and grows primarily in the wet tropical biome.


Native to:

Bangladesh, Cambodia, China North-Central, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Hainan, India, Jawa, Lesser Sunda Is., Malaya, Myanmar, Nansei-shoto, Nepal, Nicobar Is., Pakistan, Philippines, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Taiwan, Thailand, Tibet, Vietnam, West Himalaya

Introduced into:



Homotypic Synonyms

Heterotypic Synonyms


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POWO follows these authorities in accepting this name:

  • Ahmed, Z.U. (ed.) (2008). Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh 12: 1-505. Asiatic Society of Bangladesh.
  • Clayton, W.D. & Snow, N. (2010). A key to Pacific Grasses: 1-107. Kew Publishing, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Clayton, W.D., Harman, K.T. & Williamson, H. (2006). World Grass Species - Synonymy database The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Cope, T.A. (1982). Flora of Pakistan 143: 1-678. Department of Botany, University of Karachi, Karachi.
  • Kandwal, M.K. & Gupta, B.K. (2009). An update on grass flora of Uttarkhand. Indian Journal of Forestry 32: 657-668.
  • Karthikeyan, S., Jain, S.K., Nayar, M.P. & Sanjappa, M. (1989). Florae Indicae Enumeratio: Monocotyledonae: 1-435. Botanical Survey of India, Calcutta.
  • Kress, W.J., DeFilipps, R.A., Farr, E. & Kyi, D.Y.Y. (2003). A Checklist of the Trees, Shrubs, Herbs and Climbers of Myanmar. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 45: 1-590.
  • Noltie, H.J. (2000). Flora of Bhutan 3(2): 457-883. Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh.
  • Pandey, R.P. & Dilwakar, P.G. (2008). An integrated check-list flora of Andaman and Nicobar islands, India. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 32: 403-500.
  • Press, J.R. et al. (2000). Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal: i-x, 1-430. Natural History Museum, London.
  • Wu, Z. & Raven, P.H. (eds.) (2006). Poaceae. Flora of China 22: 1-733. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis.

Kew Backbone Distributions

  • Ahmed, Z.U. (ed.) (2008). Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh 12: 1-505. Asiatic Society of Bangladesh.
  • Chou, S., Chhnang, P. & Kim, Y. (2016). A Checklist for the Seed Plants of Cambodia: 1-272. National Institute of Biological Resources, Korea.
  • Clayton, W.D. & Snow, N. (2010). A key to Pacific Grasses: 1-107. Kew Publishing, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Cope, T.A. (1982). Flora of Pakistan 143: 1-678. Department of Botany, University of Karachi, Karachi.
  • Kandwal, M.K. & Gupta, B.K. (2009). An update on grass flora of Uttarkhand. Indian Journal of Forestry 32: 657-668.
  • Karthikeyan, S., Jain, S.K., Nayar, M.P. & Sanjappa, M. (1989). Florae Indicae Enumeratio: Monocotyledonae: 1-435. Botanical Survey of India, Calcutta.
  • Pandey, R.P. & Dilwakar, P.G. (2008). An integrated check-list flora of Andaman and Nicobar islands, India. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 32: 403-500.
  • Press, J.R. et al. (2000). Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal: i-x, 1-430. Natural History Museum, London.
  • Walker, E.H. (1976). Flora of Okinawa and the southern Ryukyu islands: 1-1159. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
  • Wu, Z. & Raven, P.H. (eds.) (2006). Poaceae. Flora of China 22: 1-733. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis.

Other Data

Other Kew resources that provide information on this taxon:

Date Reference Identified As Barcode Type Status Has image?
Clarke, C.B. [34153] India K003164407 Yes
Kurz, S. [2747] Burma K003164505 Yes
Zimmermann, A. [2090] Nepal K001739967 No
Thomson, T. [1122] India K003164473 Yes
Smitinand, T. [2099] Thailand K000688677 Yes
Rup Chand, T. [8050] India K003164438 Yes
Parry, N.E. (Mrs) [801A] India K003164442 Yes
Kerr, A.F.G. [1982] Thailand K000620522 Yes
van Beusekom, C.F.; et al. [3653] Thailand K000688681 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [21206] India K003164408 Yes
Gamble, J.S. [23957] India K003164472 Yes
Rup Chand, T. [8007] India K003164432 Yes
s.coll. [8786] Nepal K001057421 Type Yes
Rup Chand, T. [3829] India K003164434 Yes
[H., T.D.] [s.n.] Nepal K003164380 Yes
Khassah [s.n.] K001739968 Yes
Khassah [s.n.] K001770390 Yes
Khassah [s.n.] K001770389 Yes
T.T. [s.n.] India K001770392 Yes
H., T.D. [s.n.] K001770391 Yes
Koelz, W.N. [28771] India K003164440 Yes
Blatter, E. [2551] India K003164399 Yes
s.coll. [[CN1077]] Bhutan K003164449 Yes
Hooker, J.D. [672] India K003164391 Yes
Gamble, J.S. [8694] India K003164480 Yes
Duthie, J.F. [6762] India K003164403 Yes
Mooney, H.F. [631] India K003164478 Yes
Rup Chand, T. [8111] India K003164439 Yes
Ploenchit [83] Thailand K000688675 Yes
Smitinand, T.; Abbe, E.C. [6181] Thailand K000688679 Yes
Cummins, H.A. [s.n.] India K003164461 Yes
Haines, H.H. [481] India K003164386 Yes
s.coll [s.n.] K001770388 Yes
s.coll [6820] India K003164428 Yes
H., J.D. [s.n.] India K003164421 Yes
H., J.D. ; T.T. [s.n.] India K001770387 Yes
T.T. [s.n.] K001770386 Yes
s.coll [s.n.] K001739969 Yes
s.coll. [8786] Nepal K001057420 Type Yes
Ridley, H.N. [s.n.] Indonesia K000290072 Type Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] India K003164476 Yes
Hooker, J.D.; Thompson, T. [148] India K003164411 Yes
Drummond, J.R. [21246] India K003164488 Yes
Koelz, W.N. [33360] India K003164430 Yes
Kermode, C.W.D. [K/5/52] Burma K003164503 Yes
Duthie, J.F. [s.n.] India K003164470 Yes
Mooney, H.F. [3733] India K003164481 Yes
Wallich, N. [8787] Burma K001057417 Type Yes
Wallich [s.n.] India K003164397 Yes
Laurie, A. [76] Nepal K003164381 Yes
King, G. [[88]] India K003164389 Yes
s.coll. [5090] India K003164495 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] India K003164426 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [[18854A]] India K003164425 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [33701 C] India K003164406 Yes
Koelz, W.N. [19287] India K003164400 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [43541A] India K003164435 Yes
Rup Chand, T. [3796] India K003164441 Yes
s.coll. [3351A] India K003164463 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [[40526A]] India K003164433 Yes
Kingdon-Ward, F. [21659] Burma K003164501 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [33701] India K003164394 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [33701] India K003164396 Yes
Bor, N.L. [s.n.] India K003164417 Yes
Woodrow [29] India K003164392 Yes
[Keke] [224A] Nepal K003164448 Yes
Gamble, J.S. [27409] India K003164468 Yes
Stewart, R.R. [11467] India K003164467 Yes
Kurz, S. [1190] Burma K003164497 Yes
Polunin, O.; Sykes, W.R.; Williams, L.H.J. [5902] Nepal K003164377 Yes
Blatter, E. [2616] India K003164465 Yes
s.coll. [5317] India K003164388 Yes
s.coll. [31] India K003164418 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [9492] Bhutan K003164453 Yes
s.coll. [6819] India K003164447 Yes
Gamble, J.S. [13725] India K003164493 Yes
Stainton; Sykes; Williams [420] Nepal K003164383 Yes
Thomson, T. [s.n.] India K003164395 Yes
Blatter, E. [2679] India K003164491 Yes
[Swachner Ghat] [29] India K003164393 Yes
[F. Kergdon Warn] [20073] India K003164419 Yes
s.coll. [6820] India K003164401 Yes
s.coll. [24885] India K003164460 Yes
Bor, N.L. [2468 A] India K003164443 Yes
Blatter, E. [2596] India K003164466 Yes
[Rup Chand] [2406] India K003164437 Yes
Sinclair, I.W.J.; Long, D.G. [5615] Bhutan K003164464 Yes
Gamble, J.S. [22339] India K003164469 Yes
Koelz, W.N. [21899] India K003164485 Yes
Hooker, J.D.; Thompson, T. [[1407]] India K003164423 Yes
Sen Gupta, G. [1084] Bhutan K003164457 Yes
Miehe, G.; Miehe, S. [9716] Nepal K003164378 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] India K003164486 Yes
Kermode, C.W.D. [s.n.] Burma K003164502 Yes
Mooney, H.F. [28] India K003164477 Yes
Levinge, H.C. [11701C] Pakistan K003164445 Yes
Kermode, C.W.D. [K/11/52] Burma K003164504 Yes
s.coll. [9] India K003164496 Yes
Koelz, W.N. [23774] India K003164431 Yes
s.coll. [7] India K003164474 Yes
Hooker, J.D.; Thompson, T. [[7976]] India K003164429 Yes
Gamble, J.S. [21632] India K003164492 Yes
Iwatsuki, k.; Koyama, H.; Fukuoka, N. [T 9434] Thailand K000688682 Yes
Mooney, H.F. [319] India K003164483 Yes
s.coll. [[6819]] India K003164402 Yes
Subba Rao, G.V. [61] India K003164456 Yes
Watt, G. [7159] India K003164450 Yes
Kerr, A.F.G. [2803] Thailand K000620523 Yes
Bor, N.L. [6184] India K003164415 Yes
Parry, N.E. (Mrs) [1047] India K003164444 Yes
Sorensen, Th.; Larsen, K.; Hansen, B. [5331] Thailand K000688684 Yes
Gamble, J.S. [7475] India K003164455 Yes
Lace, J.H. [4381] Burma K003164499 Yes
Bor, N.L. [5346] India K003164414 Yes
Blatter, E. [2680] India K003164489 Yes
Smitinand, T. [3942] Thailand K000688678 Yes
Stainton; Sykes; Williams [9268] Nepal K003164379 Yes
Hooker, J.D.; Thompson, T. [s.n.] India K003164422 Yes
Gamble, J.S. [21011] India K003164385 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Burma K003164500 Yes
s.coll. [[18835B]] India K003164405 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [20771] India K003164390 Yes
Bor, N.L. [2929] India K003164416 Yes
s.coll. [8790] Nepal K001057419 Type Yes
Gamble, J.S. [24243] India K003164482 Yes
Janaki, E.K. [s.n.] Nepal K003164382 Yes
Bors [630] India K003164462 Yes
Blatter, E. [2521] India K003164479 Yes
Duthie, J.F.; Inayat [s.n.] Pakistan K003164446 Yes
Gamble, J.S. [24012] India K003164471 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [18835D] India K003164427 Yes
Blatter, E. [2632] India K003164490 Yes
Hooker, J.D.; Thompson, T. [s.n.] India K003164424 Yes
Haines, H.H. [481] India K003164387 Yes
Koelz, W.N. [19517] India K003164484 Yes
Bourdillon, T.F. [466] India K003164494 Yes
s.coll. [8787] Burma K001057418 Type Yes
s.coll. [310A] Bhutan K003164454 Yes
s.coll. [[6820]] India K003164404 Yes
Put [4435] Thailand K000620526 Yes
Put [4435] Thailand K000620525 Yes
Put [4435] Thailand K000620524 Yes
Sangkachan, B. [48] Thailand K000688630 Yes
Smitinand, T. [2029] Thailand K000688676 Yes
Mooney, H.F. [4141] India K003164409 Yes
Kurz, J. [1190] Burma K003164498 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [40526H] India K003164436 Yes
Jacquemont, V. [903] India K003164475 Yes
Chantaranothai, P.; et al. [90/594] Thailand K000688685 Yes
Blatter, E. [2713] India K003164398 Yes
s.coll. [962] India K003164451 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Nepal K003164376 Yes
Smitinand, T. [9547] Thailand K000688680 Yes
Mooney, H.F. [4141] India K003164410 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [9505] Bhutan K003164452 Yes
Bor, N.L. [2618] India K003164413 Yes
Mooney, H.F. [847] India K003164384 Yes
Hooker, J.D. [s.n.] India K003164458 Yes
Gamble, J.S. [8818] India K003164412 Yes
Iwatsuki, k.; Koyama, H.; Fukuoka, N. [T 10471] Thailand K000688683 Yes
Hooker, J.D. [s.n.] India K003164459 Yes
Talbot, W.A. [s.n.] India K003164487 Yes


  • Angiosperm Extinction Risk Predictions v1

    • Angiosperm Threat Predictions
  • GrassBase - The Online World Grass Flora

    • Clayton, W.D., Vorontsova, M.S., Harman, K.T. and Williamson, H. (2006 onwards). GrassBase - The Online World Grass Flora.
  • Herbarium Catalogue Specimens

    • 'The Herbarium Catalogue, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the Internet [accessed on Day Month Year]'. Please enter the date on which you consulted the system.
    • Digital Image © Board of Trustees, RBG Kew
  • Kew Backbone Distributions

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2025. Published on the Internet at and
    • © Copyright 2023 World Checklist of Vascular Plants.
  • Kew Names and Taxonomic Backbone

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2025. Published on the Internet at and
    • © Copyright 2023 International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants.