Setaria verticillata (L.) P.Beauv.

First published in Ess. Agrostogr.: 51 (1812)
This species is accepted
The native range of this species is Tropical & Subtropical Old World. It is an annual and grows primarily in the subtropical biome. It is used as animal food, a poison and a medicine, has social uses and for food.


Native to:

Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andaman Is., Angola, Azores, Baleares, Bangladesh, Belarus, Benin, Botswana, Bulgaria, Burkina, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Provinces, Cape Verde, Central European Russia, Chad, China South-Central, Comoros, Corse, Cyprus, Djibouti, East Himalaya, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, France, Free State, Gambia, Ghana, Greece, Gulf States, India, Inner Mongolia, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Ivory Coast, Jawa, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kirgizstan, Kriti, Krym, Kuwait, KwaZulu-Natal, Laccadive Is., Laos, Lebanon-Syria, Lesotho, Lesser Sunda Is., Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, New South Wales, Nicobar Is., Niger, Nigeria, North Caucasus, Northern Provinces, Northern Territory, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Portugal, Queensland, Romania, Rwanda, Sardegna, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sicilia, Sinai, Socotra, Somalia, South Australia, South European Russia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sulawesi, Swaziland, Tadzhikistan, Taiwan, Tanzania, Tasmania, Thailand, Togo, Transcaucasus, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkey-in-Europe, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Victoria, Vietnam, West Himalaya, Western Australia, Western Sahara, Yemen, Yugoslavia, Zambia, Zaïre, Zimbabwe

Introduced into:

Alabama, Argentina Northeast, Argentina Northwest, Argentina South, Arizona, Arkansas, Ascension, Austria, Bahamas, Baltic States, Belgium, Bermuda, Brazil Northeast, Brazil South, Brazil Southeast, British Columbia, California, Chatham Is., Chile Central, Chile North, Colombia, Colorado, Connecticut, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Delaware, District of Columbia, Dominican Republic, East Aegean Is., Ecuador, Florida, Germany, Great Britain, Guatemala, Haiti, Hawaii, Hungary, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Japan, Kansas, Kentucky, Korea, Krasnoyarsk, Louisiana, Madeira, Maine, Manitoba, Marianas, Marquesas, Marshall Is., Maryland, Massachusetts, Mauritius, Mexico Central, Mexico Gulf, Mexico Northeast, Mexico Northwest, Mexico Southeast, Mexico Southwest, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nansei-shoto, Nebraska, Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles, Nevada, New Caledonia, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, New Zealand North, New Zealand South, Norfolk Is., North Dakota, Northwest Territories, Ohio, Oklahoma, Ontario, Oregon, Palestine, Paraguay, Pennsylvania, Peru, Pitcairn Is., Poland, Primorye, Québec, Rhode I., Réunion, South Dakota, St.Helena, Switzerland, Texas, Uruguay, Utah, Venezuela, Vermont, Virginia, Wake I., Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming

Recorded in error in:



Homotypic Synonyms

Heterotypic Synonyms


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POWO follows these authorities in accepting this name:

  • Ahmed, Z.U. (ed.) (2008). Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh 12: 1-505. Asiatic Society of Bangladesh.
  • Akoègninou, A., van der Burg, W.J. & van der Maesen, L.J.G. (eds.) (2006). Flore Analytique du Bénin: 1-1034. Backhuys Publishers.
  • Aké Assi, L. (2002). Flore de la Côte-d'Ivoire: catalogue systématique, biogéographie et écologie. II. Boissiera 58: 1-401.
  • Audru, J., Cesar, J. & Lebrun, J.-P. (1993). Les Plantes Vasculaires de la République de Djibouti. Flore Illustrée 2(2): 433-968. CIRAD, Départerment d'Elevage et de Médecine vétérinaire, Djibouti.
  • Barry, J. P. & Celles, J.S. (1991). Flore de Mauritanie 2: 360-550. Centre Regional de Documentation Pedagogique, Nice.
  • Bor, N.L. (1968). Flora of Iraq 9: 1-588. Ministry of Agriculture & Agrarian Reform, Baghdad.
  • Bor, N.L. (1970). Flora Iranica 70: 1-573. Naturhistorisches Museums Wien.
  • Bosser, J. & Renvoize, S.A. (2018). Flore des Mascareignes 203: 1-276. IRD Éditions, MSIRI, RBG-Kew, Paris.
  • Bosser, J. (1969). Gramiées des pasturages et des cultures a Madagascar: 1-440. ORSTOM, Paris.
  • Boudet, G., Lebrun, J.P. & Demange, R. (1986). Catalogue des plantes vasculaires du Mali: 1-465. Etudes d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux.
  • Boulos, L. (2005). Flora of Egypt 4: 1-617. Al Hadara Publishing, Cairo.
  • Brako, L. & Zarucchi, J.L. (1993). Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Gymnosperms of Peru. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 45: i-xl, 1-1286. Missouri Botanical Garden.
  • Brunel, J.F., Hiepo, P. & Scholz, H. (eds.) (1984). Flore Analytique du Togo Phanérogames: 1-751. GTZ, Eschborn.
  • Chang, C.S., Kim, H. & Chang, K.S. (2014). Provisional checklist of vascular plants for the Korea peninsula flora (KPF): 1-660. DESIGNPOST.
  • Clayton, W.D. & Renvoize, S.A. (1982). Gramineae. Flora of Tropical East Africa 3: 451-898.
  • Clayton, W.D. & Snow, N. (2010). A key to Pacific Grasses: 1-107. Kew Publishing, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Clayton, W.D. (1989). Flora Zambesiaca 10(3): 1-231. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Clayton, W.D., Harman, K.T. & Williamson, H. (2006). World Grass Species - Synonymy database The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Cope, T.A. (1982). Flora of Pakistan 143: 1-678. Department of Botany, University of Karachi, Karachi.
  • Cope, T.A., Knees, S.G. & Miller, A.G. (2007). Flora of the Arabian peninsula and Socotra 5(1): 1-387. Edinburgh University Press.
  • Cossu, T.A, Camarda, I. & Brundu, G. (2014). A catalogue of non-native weeds in irrigated crops in Sardinia (Italy). Webbia; Raccolta de Scritti Botanici 69: 145-156.
  • Danin, A. (2004). Distribution Atlas of Plants in the Flora Palaestina area: 1-517. The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem.
  • Darbyshire, I., Kordofani, M., Farag, I., Candiga, R. & Pickering, H. (eds.) (2015). The Plants of Sudan and South Sudan: 1-400. Kew publishing, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Dassanayake (ed.) (1994). A Revised Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon 8: 1-458. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. PVT. LTD., New Delhi, Calcutta.
  • Davis, P.H. (ed.) (1985). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands 9: 1-724. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
  • Dobignard, D. & Chatelain, C. (2010). Index synonymique de la flore d'Afrique du nord 1: 1-455. Éditions des conservatoire et jardin botaniques, Genève.
  • Dávila, P., Mejia-Saulés, M.T., Gómez-Sánchez, N., Valdés-Reyna, J., Ortíz, J.J., Morín, C., Castrejón, J. & Ocampo, A. (2006). Catálogo de las Gramíneas de México: 1-671. CONABIO, México city.
  • Edgar, E & Connor, H.E. (2010). Flora of New Zealand, ed. 2, 5: 1-650. R.E.Owen, Government Printer, Wellington.
  • Faccenda, K. (2023). Updates to the Hawaiian grass flora and selected keys to species: Part 2. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 155: 83-156.
  • Fedorov, A.A. (ed.) (1999). Flora of Russia. The European part and bordering regions 1: 1-546. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Broekfield.
  • Figueiredo, E. & Smith, G.F. (2008). Plants of Angola. Strelitzia 22: 1-279. National Botanical Institute, Pretoria.
  • Flora of North America Editorial Committee (2003). Flora of North America North of Mexico 25: 1-781. Oxford University Press, New York, Oxford.
  • Germishuizen, G. & Meyer, N.L. (eds.) (2003). Plants of Southern Africa: an annotated checklist. Strelitzia 14.: i-vi, 1-1231. National Botanical Institute, Pretoria.
  • Ghazanfar, S.A. (1992). An Annotated Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Oman and their Vernacular names. Scripta Botanica Belgica 2: 1-153.
  • Gillet, H. (1968). Le peuplement végétal du massif de l'Ennedi (Tchad). Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Serie B. Botanique 17: 1-206.
  • Hall, D.W. (2019). Grasses of Florida: 1-353. University press of Florida.
  • Hand, R. (ed.) (2015). Supplementary notes to the flora of Cyprus VIII. Willdenowia 45: 245-259.
  • Hassler, M. & Muer, T. (2022). Flora Germanica: alle Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands in Text und Bild 1: 1-864. Verlag Regionalkultur, Uberstadt-Weiher.
  • Hedberg, I. & Edwards, S. (eds.) (1995). Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea 7: 1-430. The National Herbarium, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia & The Department of Systematic Botany, Upps.
  • Hepper, F.N. (ed.) (1972). Flora of West Tropical Africa, ed. 2, 3(2): 277-574.
  • Hokche, O., Berry, P.E. & Huber, O. (eds.) (2008). Nuevo Catálogo de la Flora Vascular de Venezuela: 1-859. Fundación Instituto Botánico de Venezuela.
  • Iwatsuki, K., Boufford, D.E. & Ohba, H. (eds.) (2020). Flora of Japan IVa: 1-430. Kodansha Ltd., Tokyo.
  • Jongbloed, M., Western, R.A. & Boer, B. (2000). Annotated Check-list for plants in the U.A.E.: 1-90. Zodiac Publishing, Dubai.
  • Jørgensen, P.M. & León-Yánez, S. (eds.) (1999). Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Ecuador. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 75: i-viii, 1-1181. Missouri Botanical Garden.
  • Kandwal, M.K. & Gupta, B.K. (2009). An update on grass flora of Uttarkhand. Indian Journal of Forestry 32: 657-668.
  • Karthikeyan, S., Jain, S.K., Nayar, M.P. & Sanjappa, M. (1989). Florae Indicae Enumeratio: Monocotyledonae: 1-435. Botanical Survey of India, Calcutta.
  • Kharkevich, S.S., Probatova, N.S. & Novikov, V.S. (1985). Sosudistye rasteniia sovetskogo Dal'nego Vostoka 1: 1-383. Izd-vo "Nauka," Leningradskoe otd-nie, Leningrad.
  • Knapp, W.M. & Naczi, R.F.C. (2021). Vascular plants of Maryland, USA. A comprehensive account of the state's botanical diversity. Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 113: 1-151.
  • Komiljon, T., Natalya, B., Avazbek, B., Dilnoza, A., Ziyoviddin, Y., Deng, T. & Sun, H. (2020). Flora of the Dzhizak Province, Uzbekistan: 1-523. China Forestry Publishing House.
  • Kotiya, A., Solanki, Y. & Reddy, G.V. (2020). Flora of Rajasthan: 1-769. Rajasthan state biodiversity board.
  • Koyama, T. (1987). Grasses of Japan and its neighboring regions: an identification manual: 1-570. Kodansha, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Kozhevnikov, A.E., Kozhevnikov, Z.V., Kwak, M. & Lee, B.Y. (2019). Illustrated flora of the Primorsky Territory, Russian Far East: 1-1124. National institute of biological resources.
  • Kress, W.J., DeFilipps, R.A., Farr, E. & Kyi, D.Y.Y. (2003). A Checklist of the Trees, Shrubs, Herbs and Climbers of Myanmar. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 45: 1-590.
  • Layton, D.J. & Kellogg, E.A. (2014). Morphological, phylogenetic, and ecological diversity of the new model species Setaria viridis (Poaceae: Paniceae) and its close relatives.. American journal of botany 101: 539-557.
  • Lebrun, J.P. (1973). Énumération des plantes vasculaires du Sénégal: 1-209. Maisons Alfort: Institut d'élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux.
  • Maliya, S.D. & Datt, B. (2010). A contribution to the flora of Katarniyaghat wildlife sanctuary, Baharaich district, Uttar Pradesh. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 34: 42-68.
  • Meikle, R.D. (1985). Flora of Cyprus 2: 833-1970. The Bentham-Moxon Trust Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Miller, A.G. & Morris, M. (2004). Ethnoflora of Soqotra Archipelago: 1-759. The Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh.
  • Mirek, Z., Piękoś-Mirkowa, H., Zając, A. & Zając, M (2020). Vascular plants of Poland an annotated checklist: 1-526. W. Szafer institute of botany, Polish academy of sciences, Krakow, Poland.
  • Muer, T., Sauerbier, H. & Cabrara Calixto, F. (2020). Die Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Madeiras: 1-792. Verlag und Versandbuchhandlung Andreas Kleinsteuber.
  • Ndabaneze, P. (1989). Catalogue des Graminées du Burundi. Lejeunia; Revue de Botanique, n.s., 132: 1-127.
  • Noltie, H.J. (2000). Flora of Bhutan 3(2): 457-883. Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh.
  • Nowak, A. & Nobis, M. (eds.) (2020). Illustrated Flora of Tajikistan and adjacent areas 2: 367-766. PAN, Polish academy of sciences.
  • Onana, J.M. (2011). The vascular plants of Cameroon a taxonomic checklist with IUCN assessments: 1-195. National herbarium of Cameroon, Yaoundé.
  • Orchard, A.E. (ed.) (1994). Oceanic Islands 1. Flora of Australia 49: 1-681. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
  • Pandey, R.P. (2009). Floristic diversity of Ferrargunj forest area in South Andaman. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 33: 747-768.
  • Parslow, R. & Bennallick, I. (2017). The new flora of the Isles of Scilly: 1-539. Parslow Press.
  • Peyre de Fabregues, B. & Lebrun, J.-P. (1976). Catalogue des Plantes Vascularies du Niger: 1-433. Institut d' Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, Maisons Alfort.
  • Powell, A.M. & Worthington, R.D. (2018). Flowering plants of Trans-Pecos Texas and adjacent areas: 1-1444. BRIT Press.
  • Press, J.R. et al. (2000). Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal: i-x, 1-430. Natural History Museum, London.
  • Stace, C. (2019). New Flora of the British Isles ed. 4: 1-1266. C & M Floristics.
  • Takhtajan, A.L. (ed.) (2006). Konspekt Flora Kavkaza 2: 1-466. Editio Universitatis Petropolitanae.
  • Thulin, M. (ed.) (1995). Flora of Somalia 4: i-ii, 1-298. The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Troupin, G. (ed.) (1988). Flora du Rwanda 4: I-X, 1-651. Musee Royal de l'Afrique Centrale.
  • Tutin, T.G. & al. (eds.) (1980). Flora Europaea 5: 1-452. Cambridge University Press.
  • Walker, E.H. (1976). Flora of Okinawa and the southern Ryukyu islands: 1-1159. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
  • Wood, J.R.I. (1997). A Handbook of the Yemen Flora: 1-434. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Wu, Z. & Raven, P.H. (eds.) (2006). Poaceae. Flora of China 22: 1-733. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis.
  • Zhao, Y.Z., Zhao, L.Q. & Rui, C. (eds.) (2019). Flora Intramongolica, edition 3, 6: 1-619. Typis Intramongolicae popularis, Huhhot.
  • Zuloaga, F.O., Morrone, O. & Pensiero, J.F. (2014). Gramineae VI. Flora del Paraguay 45: 1-392. Editions des Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la ville de Genève.
  • Zuloaga, F.O., Morrone, O. , Belgrano, M.J., Marticorena, C. & Marchesi, E. (eds.) (2008). Catálogo de las Plantas Vasculares del Cono Sur. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 107: 1-3348. Missouri Botanical Garden.
  • de Salas, MF, Baker, ML (2022). A Census of the Vascular Plants of Tasmania, including Macquarie Island: 1-161. Tasmanian Herbarium, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart.

Catálogo de Plantas y Líquenes de Colombia

  • Bernal, R., Gradstein, S.R. & Celis, M. (eds.). 2015. Catálogo de plantas y líquenes de Colombia. Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá.

Flora of West Tropical Africa

  • Berhaut, Fl. Sén. ed. 2, 393
  • Chev. Bot. 734
  • De Miré & Gillet in J. Agric. Trop. 3: 735.
  • Ess Agrost. 51, 178 (1812)
  • F.T.A. 9: 824
  • in Rev. Bot. Appliq. 14: 31

Kew Backbone Distributions

  • Acevedo-Rodríguez, P. & Strong, M.T. (2012). Catalogue of seed plants of the West Indies. Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 98: 1-1192.
  • Ahmed, Z.U. (ed.) (2008). Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh 12: 1-505. Asiatic Society of Bangladesh.
  • Akoègninou, A., van der Burg, W.J. & van der Maesen, L.J.G. (eds.) (2006). Flore Analytique du Bénin: 1-1034. Backhuys Publishers.
  • Aké Assi, L. (2002). Flore de la Côte-d'Ivoire: catalogue systématique, biogéographie et écologie. II. Boissiera 58: 1-401.
  • Ananda Rao, T. & Ellis, J.L. (1995). Flora of Lakshadweep islands off the Malabar coast, peninsular India, with emphasis on phytogeographical distribution of plants. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 19: 235-250.
  • Audru, J., Cesar, J. & Lebrun, J.-P. (1993). Les Plantes Vasculaires de la République de Djibouti. Flore Illustrée 2(2): 433-968. CIRAD, Départerment d'Elevage et de Médecine vétérinaire, Djibouti.
  • Barthelat, F. (2019). La flore illustrée de Mayotte: 1-687. Biotope éditions.
  • Bor, N.L. (1968). Flora of Iraq 9: 1-588. Ministry of Agriculture & Agrarian Reform, Baghdad.
  • Bor, N.L. (1970). Flora Iranica 70: 1-573. Naturhistorisches Museums Wien.
  • Bosser, J. & Renvoize, S.A. (2018). Flore des Mascareignes 203: 1-276. IRD Éditions, MSIRI, RBG-Kew, Paris.
  • Bosser, J. (1969). Gramiées des pasturages et des cultures a Madagascar: 1-440. ORSTOM, Paris.
  • Boudet, G., Lebrun, J.P. & Demange, R. (1986). Catalogue des plantes vasculaires du Mali: 1-465. Etudes d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux.
  • Boulos, L. (2005). Flora of Egypt 4: 1-617. Al Hadara Publishing, Cairo.
  • Brako, L. & Zarucchi, J.L. (1993). Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Gymnosperms of Peru. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 45: i-xl, 1-1286. Missouri Botanical Garden.
  • Brown, L.C. (1982). The Flora and Fauna of St Helena: 1-88. Land Resources Development Centre, Surbiton, England.
  • Brunel, J.F., Hiepo, P. & Scholz, H. (eds.) (1984). Flore Analytique du Togo Phanérogames: 1-751. GTZ, Eschborn.
  • Camus, E.G. & Camus, A. in H. Lecomte (1922). Flore Générale de l'indo-Chine 1(3): 193-336.
  • Chang, C.S., Kim, H. & Chang, K.S. (2014). Provisional checklist of vascular plants for the Korea peninsula flora (KPF): 1-660. DESIGNPOST.
  • Clayton, W.D. & Renvoize, S.A. (1982). Gramineae. Flora of Tropical East Africa 3: 451-898.
  • Clayton, W.D. & Snow, N. (2010). A key to Pacific Grasses: 1-107. Kew Publishing, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Clayton, W.D. (1989). Flora Zambesiaca 10(3): 1-231. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Cope, T.A., Knees, S.G. & Miller, A.G. (2007). Flora of the Arabian peninsula and Socotra 5(1): 1-387. Edinburgh University Press.
  • Dassanayake (ed.) (1994). A Revised Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon 8: 1-458. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. PVT. LTD., New Delhi, Calcutta.
  • Davidse, G. & al. (eds.) (1994). Flora Mesoamericana 6: 1-543. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, D.F.
  • Davis, P.H. (ed.) (1985). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands 9: 1-724. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
  • Dobignard, A., Jacquemoud, F. & Jordan, D. (1992). Matériaux pour la conaissance floristique du Sahara occidental et l'Anti-Atlas méridional. I. Pteridophyta à Rosaceae. Candollea 47: 113-179.
  • Dobignard, D. & Chatelain, C. (2010). Index synonymique de la flore d'Afrique du nord 1: 1-455. Éditions des conservatoire et jardin botaniques, Genève.
  • Dávila, P., Mejia-Saulés, M.T., Gómez-Sánchez, N., Valdés-Reyna, J., Ortíz, J.J., Morín, C., Castrejón, J. & Ocampo, A. (2006). Catálogo de las Gramíneas de México: 1-671. CONABIO, México city.
  • Edgar, E & Connor, H.E. (2010). Flora of New Zealand, ed. 2, 5: 1-650. R.E.Owen, Government Printer, Wellington.
  • Faccenda, K. (2023). Updates to the Hawaiian grass flora and selected keys to species: Part 2. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 155: 83-156.
  • Fedorov, A.A. (ed.) (1999). Flora of Russia. The European part and bordering regions 1: 1-546. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Broekfield.
  • Fedtschenko, B.A. & al. (1932). Flora Turkmenii 1: 1-340. Turkmenskoe gosudarstvennoe izd., Ashkhabad.
  • Figueiredo, E. & Smith, G.F. (2008). Plants of Angola. Strelitzia 22: 1-279. National Botanical Institute, Pretoria.
  • Flora of North America Editorial Committee (2003). Flora of North America North of Mexico 25: 1-781. Oxford University Press, New York, Oxford.
  • Forzza, R.C. & al. (2013). Lista de Espécies da Flora do Brasil
  • Germishuizen, G. & Meyer, N.L. (eds.) (2003). Plants of Southern Africa: an annotated checklist. Strelitzia 14.: i-vi, 1-1231. National Botanical Institute, Pretoria.
  • Gillet, H. (1968). Le peuplement végétal du massif de l'Ennedi (Tchad). Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Serie B. Botanique 17: 1-206.
  • Giraldo-Cañas, D. (2011). Catálogo de la familia Poaceae en Colombia. Darwiniana 49: 139-247.
  • Hall, D.W. (2019). Grasses of Florida: 1-353. University press of Florida.
  • Hansen, A. & Sunding, P. (1993). Flora of Macaronesia. Checklist of vascular plants. 4. revised edition. Sommerfeltia 17: 1-295.
  • Hassler, M. (2012). Flora of Rhodes. Systematic list of flora of Rhodes
  • Hedberg, I. & Edwards, S. (eds.) (1995). Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea 7: 1-430. The National Herbarium, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia & The Department of Systematic Botany, Upps.
  • Hepper, F.N. (ed.) (1972). Flora of West Tropical Africa, ed. 2, 3(2): 277-574.
  • Hokche, O., Berry, P.E. & Huber, O. (eds.) (2008). Nuevo Catálogo de la Flora Vascular de Venezuela: 1-859. Fundación Instituto Botánico de Venezuela.
  • Hubbard, C.E. & Vaughan, R.E. (1940). Grasses of Mauritius and Rodriguez: 1-128. Crown Agents for the Colonies, London.
  • Iwatsuki, K., Boufford, D.E. & Ohba, H. (eds.) (2020). Flora of Japan IVa: 1-430. Kodansha Ltd., Tokyo.
  • Jongbloed, M., Western, R.A. & Boer, B. (2000). Annotated Check-list for plants in the U.A.E.: 1-90. Zodiac Publishing, Dubai.
  • Jørgensen, P.M. & León-Yánez, S. (eds.) (1999). Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Ecuador. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 75: i-viii, 1-1181. Missouri Botanical Garden.
  • Kandwal, M.K. & Gupta, B.K. (2009). An update on grass flora of Uttarkhand. Indian Journal of Forestry 32: 657-668.
  • Kharkevich, S.S., Probatova, N.S. & Novikov, V.S. (1985). Sosudistye rasteniia sovetskogo Dal'nego Vostoka 1: 1-383. Izd-vo "Nauka," Leningradskoe otd-nie, Leningrad.
  • Kress, W.J., DeFilipps, R.A., Farr, E. & Kyi, D.Y.Y. (2003). A Checklist of the Trees, Shrubs, Herbs and Climbers of Myanmar. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 45: 1-590.
  • Maliya, S.D. & Datt, B. (2010). A contribution to the flora of Katarniyaghat wildlife sanctuary, Baharaich district, Uttar Pradesh. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 34: 42-68.
  • Marhold, K. (ed.) (2012). IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 14. Taxon 61: 1336-1345.
  • Meikle, R.D. (1985). Flora of Cyprus 2: 833-1970. The Bentham-Moxon Trust Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Merkodovich, N.A. (ed.) (1941). Flora Uzbekistana 1: 1-566. Izd-va Akademii nauk Uzbekskoi SSR, Tashkent.
  • Miller, A.G. & Morris, M. (2004). Ethnoflora of Soqotra Archipelago: 1-759. The Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh.
  • Muer, T., Sauerbier, H. & Cabrara Calixto, F. (2020). Die Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Madeiras: 1-792. Verlag und Versandbuchhandlung Andreas Kleinsteuber.
  • Noltie, H.J. (2000). Flora of Bhutan 3(2): 457-883. Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh.
  • Onana, J.M. (2011). The vascular plants of Cameroon a taxonomic checklist with IUCN assessments: 1-195. National herbarium of Cameroon, Yaoundé.
  • Orchard, A.E. (ed.) (1994). Oceanic Islands 1. Flora of Australia 49: 1-681. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
  • Ovczinnikov, P.N. (ed.) (1957). Flora Tadzhikskoi SSR 1: 1-547. Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, Moskva.
  • Packer, J.E. (1974). Ascension Handbook. A concise guide to Ascension Island South Atlantic ed. 2 Packer, Georgetown.
  • Pandey, R.P. & Dilwakar, P.G. (2008). An integrated check-list flora of Andaman and Nicobar islands, India. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 32: 403-500.
  • Pandey, R.P. (2009). Floristic diversity of Ferrargunj forest area in South Andaman. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 33: 747-768.
  • Parslow, R. & Bennallick, I. (2017). The new flora of the Isles of Scilly: 1-539. Parslow Press.
  • Press, J.R. et al. (2000). Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal: i-x, 1-430. Natural History Museum, London.
  • Robyns, W. (1934). Flore Agrostologique du Congo Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi 2: 9-386. Goemaere, Bruxelles.
  • Roshevitz, R.J. & al. (eds.) (1950). Flora Kirgizskoi SSR 2: 1-315. Frunze : Izd-vo KirgizFAN SSSR.
  • Takhtajan, A.L. (ed.) (2006). Konspekt Flora Kavkaza 2: 1-466. Editio Universitatis Petropolitanae.
  • Thulin, M. (ed.) (1995). Flora of Somalia 4: i-ii, 1-298. The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Troupin, G. (ed.) (1988). Flora du Rwanda 4: I-X, 1-651. Musee Royal de l'Afrique Centrale.
  • Tutin, T.G. & al. (eds.) (1980). Flora Europaea 5: 1-452. Cambridge University Press.
  • Walker, E.H. (1976). Flora of Okinawa and the southern Ryukyu islands: 1-1159. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
  • Wu, Z. & Raven, P.H. (eds.) (2006). Poaceae. Flora of China 22: 1-733. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis.
  • Zuloaga, F.O., Morrone, O. & Pensiero, J.F. (2014). Gramineae VI. Flora del Paraguay 45: 1-392. Editions des Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la ville de Genève.
  • Zuloaga, F.O., Morrone, O. , Belgrano, M.J., Marticorena, C. & Marchesi, E. (eds.) (2008). Catálogo de las Plantas Vasculares del Cono Sur. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 107: 1-3348. Missouri Botanical Garden.

Flora of Somalia

  • Flora Somalia, Vol 4, (1995) Author: by T. A. Cope [updated by M. Thulin 2008]

Flora of Tropical East Africa

  • A.V. Bogdan, A Revised List of Kenya Grasses p. 40 (1958).
  • Clayton in Flora of West Tropical Africa, ed. 2, 3: 421 (1972).
  • D.M. Napper, Grasses of Tanganyika: 85 (1965).
  • Eggeling, Ann. list grasses Ug.: 43 (1947).
  • F. W. Andr., The Flowering Plants of the Sudan 3: 535 (1956).
  • Hubbard, E.A. Pasture Plants 2: 28 (1927).
  • Jackson & Wiehe, Ann. list Nyasaland grasses: 60 (1958).
  • K.W. Harker & D.M. Napper, An Illustrated Guide to the Grasses of Uganda p. 53 (1960).
  • P. Beauv., Ess. Agrost.: 51, 178 (1812).
  • Robyns, Fl. Agrost. Congo Belge 2: 273 (1934).
  • Robyns, Flore des Spermatophytes du Parc National Albert 3: 114 (1955).
  • Stapf & C. E. Hubbard in Flora of Tropical Africa 9: 824 (1930).

Useful Plants and Fungi of Colombia

  • Bernal, R., Gradstein, S.R., & Celis, M. (eds.). (2020). Catálogo de Plantas y Líquenes de Colombia. v1.1. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Dataset/Checklist.
  • Burkill HM. (1995). The useful plants of west tropical Africa, Vols. 1-3. The useful plants of west tropical Africa, Vols 1-3.
  • Dempewolf, H., Eastwood, R. J., Guarino, L., Khoury, C. K., Müller, J. V. & Toll, J. (2014). Adapting agriculture to climate change: a global initiative to collect, conserve, and use crop wild relatives. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 38, 369-377.
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  • Diazgranados, M., Allkin, B., Black N., Cámara-Leret, R., Canteiro C., Carretero J., Eastwood R., Hargreaves S., Hudson A., Milliken W., Nesbitt, M., Ondo, I., Patmore, K., Pironon, S., Turner, R., Ulian, T. (2020). World Checklist of Useful Plant Species. Produced by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity.
  • FPI (2021). Food Plants International.
  • GRIN (2021). Germplasm Resources Information Network from the United States Department of Agriculture.
  • Jansen, P., Lemmens, R., Oyen, L., Siemonsma, J., Stavast, F. & Van Valkenburg, J. (1991) Plant Resources of South-East Asia. Basic list of species and commodity grouping. Final version. Pudoc, Wageningen.
  • Medicinal Plant Names Services (MPNS) v.10 (2021);
  • PROTA (2021). Plants Resources of Tropical Africa.
  • Willis, K.J. (ed.) (2017). State of the World’s Plants 2017. Report. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Other Data

Other Kew resources that provide information on this taxon:

Date Reference Identified As Barcode Type Status Has image?
Jan 1, 2016 Hooker, J.D. [97] Cabo Verde K001134322 Yes
Oct 27, 2008 Crawford, F. [87] Namibia K000450385 No
Jan 1, 1999 Laegaard, S. [19709] Ecuador K001469533 Yes
May 12, 1983 Ecuador K001469536 Yes
Jan 1, 1972 Grey-Wilson, C.; Hewer, T.F. [1338] Afghanistan K000731597 Yes
Nov 25, 1931 s.coll. [s.n.] India K000245331 Isotype Yes
Gilbert, M.G. [2035] Ethiopia K002826455 Yes
Hemming, C.F. [2215] Somalia K002826475 Yes
C.P.; B.S.; B.N. [2915] Thailand K000688238 Yes
Smith, A.R.; Lavranos, J. [122] Yemen K003338278 Yes
Guile, D.P.M. [5469] Hong Kong K003338864 No
Jongbloed, M. [983] Oman K003338282 Yes
El-Gazzar, A.; Boulos, L. [s.n.] Egypt K003338317 Yes
s.coll. [1312] West Bank K003338231 Yes
Hohenacker, H. [s.n.] Saudi Arabia K003338261 Yes
[JHS] [s.n.] United Kingdom K003337644 Yes
Brockman, D. [171] Somalia K002826473 Yes
Schäfer, P.A. [5359] K003485693 Yes
Ruxton, J.P. [140] Gambia, The K003486002 Yes
Michell, W.A.R. [s.n.] Australia K003485520 Yes
Tengwall, T.A. [30] Türkiye K003338203 Yes
[Heassan] [s.n.] K003337675 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003337698 Yes
Blakely, W.F. [9025] Australia K003485541 Yes
Bonnet, E. [s.n.] K003337660 Yes
[K. G. Ogborn] [s.n.] Yemen K003338272 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Egypt K003338340 Yes
Chevalier, A. [24871] Sudan K003486006 Yes
Simpson, N.D. [6037] Egypt K003338332 Yes
Clement, E. [s.n.] Australia K003485521 Yes
Wheeler Haines, R. [W1851] Iraq K003338244 Yes
Pierce, G. [s.n.] India K003339471 No
Omar, S. [34483] Iraq K003338248 Yes
Martin, C. [123] Zimbabwe K002861486 Yes
s.coll. [571] Yemen K003338280 Yes
Eagleton, G. [35] Somalia K002826478 Yes
Cambridge University Expedition [S50] K003337715 Yes
Wickens, G.E. [2308] Sudan K002826444 Yes
Skarpe, C. [S275] Botswana K002861515 No
Vaughan, R.E. [A49] Mauritius K002862027 Yes
Maly [s.n.] K003337689 Yes
Gould, F.W. [13365] Sri Lanka K003339541 No
Adams, C.D.; Shafeeg, A. [15045] Maldives K003339544 No
Casey, E.C. [25] Cyprus K003338222 Yes
Nusker, J.D. [1172] India K003339486 No
Perrottet, G.S. [1372] India K003339518 No
Furuse, M. [13432] Japan K003338855 No
Waring, J. [s.n.] Yemen K003338273 Yes
Winterbottom, J.E. [914] India K003339459 No
Favrat [s.n.] K003337684 Yes
Harvey, M.J. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003337615 Yes
Atherton, G.E. [53] Cyprus K003338221 Yes
Wood, J.R.I. [S/73/12] Somalia K002826467 Yes
Gooch, G.G. [315] Australia K003485523 Yes
Kotschyi [s.n.] Sudan K002826443 Yes
Drummond, J. [234] Australia K000885883 Unknown Type Material Yes
[J. W.] [667] Chile K002863885 No
Jennings, E.A. [28] Yemen K003338270 Yes
Kasapligil, B. [84] Türkiye K003338208 Yes
Smith, L.C. [s.n.] Australia K003485534 Yes
Hansen, A.A. [D46] K003337668 Yes
Furuse, M. [4878] Japan K003338856 No
Meebold, A. [s.n.] K003337677 Yes
Jennings, E.A. [59] Yemen K003338268 Yes
Pettet, A. [s.n.] Sudan K002826428 Yes
U Thein Lwin [423] Burma K003339527 No
Smith, P.P.; Kemoreile, K.; Mafokate, D.; Mathibidi, K.; Mosimanyana, E.; Dickson, S. [80] Botswana K002861507 No
s.coll. [s.n.] K003337688 Yes
King, G. [s.n.] India K003339498 No
Germain, R. [1043] Ethiopia K002826459 Yes
Kennedy, E.W. [1540] Cyprus K003338224 Yes
Clement, E. [s.n.] Australia K003485528 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [22215A] India K003339495 No
Monier Abd El Ghani [3776] Egypt K003338326 Yes
Richards, H.M. (Mrs) [9076] Zambia K002861482 Yes
Laegaard, S. [21888] Thailand K000688235 Yes
Thomas [s.n.] K003337664 Yes
Gay, J. [1654] India K003339501 No
Guest, E.R. [3751] Iraq K003338251 Yes
[R. M. Ly] [s.n.] Australia K003485544 Yes
Bryan Jr., E.H. [s.n.] K003485699 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] India K003339524 No
Put [2628] Thailand K000621118 Yes
Put [2628] Thailand K000621119 Yes
W. J. J. O. de Wilde; J. J. F. E. de Wilde; de Wilde-Duyfjes, B.E.E. [5627] Sudan K002826425 Yes
Laegaard, S. [15838] Zimbabwe K002861484 Yes
Barbosa, G.; Correia, R. [9039] Angola K002861526 No
s.coll. [s.n.] K003337700 Yes
Mooney, H.F. [5605] Ethiopia K002826461 Yes
Virgo, K. [64] Somalia K002826480 Yes
s.coll. [Cat. no. 8642] K001128373 Unknown Type Material Yes
Jennings, E.A. [41] Yemen K003338271 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] India K003339519 No
Harrison, M.N. [1030] Sudan K002826433 Yes
Wickens, G.E. [2096] Sudan K002826449 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003337654 Yes
Davidse, G.; Sumithraarachchi, D.B. [8818] Sri Lanka K003339532 No
Gilliat-Smith, B. [2143] Iran K003338256 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003337705 Yes
Lowne, B.T. [756/4] United Kingdom K003337610 Yes
Copley, B. [1065] Australia K003485537 Yes
Maxwell; Darling, R.C [411] Oman K000731595 Yes
s.coll. [1150] India K003339506 No
Wilson, S.G. [201] Malawi K002861471 Yes
Wheeler Haines, R. [W1014] Iraq K003338240 Yes
Boulos, L. [s.n.] Sudan K002826427 Yes
Backer [30762] K003339970 Yes
Robertson, F.J. [609] Botswana K002861513 No
Meinertzhagen [s.n.] Egypt K003338343 Yes
Aellen, P. [2037] Iran K003338253 Yes
Wyatt, C.H. [25] K003337667 Yes
s.coll. [25] K003337706 Yes
Clement, E. [s.n.] Australia K003485527 Yes
Bredemann, G.; Nieser, O. [4] K003337680 Yes
Harrison, M.N. [110] Sudan K002826436 Yes
Willis, J.H. [s.n.] Australia K003485542 Yes
von Degen, A. [6] K003337693 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Egypt K003338342 Yes
Norlindh, N.T.; Weimarck, H. [5111] Zimbabwe K002861495 Yes
Schweinfurth, G. [556] Sudan K002826431 Yes
s.coll. [Cat. no. 8642] K001131095 Unknown Type Material Yes
Jennings, E.A. [63] Yemen K003338267 Yes
Matthew, K.M.; Perumal; Manoharan [RHT16614] India K003339475 No
[J Rominger] [s.n.] Australia K003485535 Yes
[H. Wile]; Wickens, G.E. [s.n.] Sudan K002826423 Yes
Simon, B.K. [133] Zimbabwe K002861491 Yes
Monier Abd El Ghani [4887] Egypt K003338325 Yes
Boulos, L.; El-Gharib, R.E. [s.n.] Egypt K003338330 Yes
Milne [s.n.] Cabo Verde K001134326 Yes
Maconochie, J.R. [3747] Somalia K002826468 Yes
Sandwith, C.I. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003337635 Yes
McCallum-Webster, M. [3976] United Kingdom K003337647 Yes
s.coll. [5] United Kingdom K003337652 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Australia K003485517 Yes
Larsen, K. [8028] Thailand K000688236 Yes
Quantin-Dillon; Petit [s.n.] Ethiopia K002826457 Yes
Holland, F.W. [s.n.] Egypt K003338321 Yes
Boulos, L. [s.n.] Qatar K003338312 Yes
Bor, N.L. [H67] K003485701 Yes
Tedd, H.G. [1231] K003337717 Yes
Vaughan, R.E. [A79] Mauritius K002862029 Yes
Furuse, M. [5423] Japan K003338859 No
Davis; Dodds; Cetik [19819] Türkiye K003338206 Yes
Drummond, J.R. [14543] India K003339470 No
Hooper, D. [39611] India K003339523 No
Polunin, O.; Sykes, W.R.; Williams, L.H.J. [1970] Nepal K003339472 No
Brain, C.K. [2652] Zimbabwe K002861497 Yes
Herb Griffith [6482] India K004030647 No
[J. Coales] [1268] United Kingdom K003337616 Yes
R.J.L. [s.n.] K003485995 Yes
Lazarides, M. [7335] Sri Lanka K003339534 No
Newbould, J.G.B. [801] Somalia K002826476 Yes
Gallagher, M.D. [7990/11] Oman K003338299 Yes
Couto, C. [157] Angola K002861524 No
Astle, W.L. [2212] Zambia K002861473 Yes
Omar, S.; Sahira [34835] Iraq K003338242 Yes
Smith, P.A. [568] Botswana K002861512 No
Wallich [8642] India K003339482 No
Rodriguez [521] Argentina K002863883 No
Dony, J.G. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003337620 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Australia K003485529 Yes
Ridley; Lea and Ramage [156] Brazil K000004503 Yes
Terry, J.; Cook, F.E.M.; Sydes, C.L. [206] Botswana K002861523 No
Moller, A. [662] K003337709 Yes
Allen, A. [283] Botswana K002861520 No
Venturi, S. [769] Argentina K002863887 No
Laegaard, S. [21750] Thailand K000688234 Yes
Winter, J. [2294] Zimbabwe K002861501 Yes
Collenette, I.S. [3774] Saudi Arabia K003338258 Yes
Myers, J.G. [7536] Sudan K002826432 Yes
[Scholz] [s.n.] Burkina Faso K003486007 Yes
[Brügger] [541] Switzerland K003337687 Yes
Van Rensburg, H.J. [1588KBS] Zambia K002861472 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003337662 Yes
[W. H. Yohnson] [1022] Australia K003486009 Yes
Sandeman, C.A.W. [4695] Chile K002863882 No
Gould, F.W. [13217] Sri Lanka K003339531 No
s.coll. [58] Botswana K002861508 No
Robinson, E.A. [[III]] Zambia K002861475 Yes
Matthew, K.M. [RHT43749] India K003339473 No
Degener, O. [20,672] United States K001873670 No
Verboom, W.C. [1377] Zambia K002861483 Yes
s.coll. [B 8242] Botswana K001625408 Yes
Guillaumet, J.L. [3031] Ethiopia K001639442 Yes
Schimper [1654] Ethiopia K000281906 Syntype Yes
Schimper [1654] Ethiopia K000281905 Type Yes
Sandwith, C.I. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003337649 Yes
Simpson, N.D. [1450] Egypt K003338336 Yes
Chaudhary, S. [RAWRC6344] Saudi Arabia K003338264 Yes
[W. Movner] [s.n.] K003337666 Yes
Gallagher, M.D. [8055/2] Oman K003338292 Yes
Monier Abd El Ghani [935] Egypt K003338327 Yes
Lonaczevsky, A. [s.n.] Russia K003338513 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003337702 Yes
Bourne [1923] India K003339516 No
s.coll. [Cat. no. 8642] India K001131090 Unknown Type Material Yes
Atherton, G.E. [415] Cyprus K003338216 Yes
Shabetai, J.R. [(F1811)] Egypt K003338338 Yes
s.coll. [[150]] Senegal K003486001 Yes
Balansa, B. [167] Paraguay K002863612 No
Zorab, M. [455] Türkiye K003338204 Yes
Zunguze, D.; Boane, C.; Dungo, J. [598] Mozambique K002861462 Yes
Mahlangu, Z. [2032] Zimbabwe K002861488 Yes
Naegelé, A. [[DJI/75-130]] Djibouti K002826483 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M. [3758] United Kingdom K003337612 Yes
[Toneard] [s.n.] Egypt K003338331 Yes
Smith, R.L.; Melville, R. [756/4] United Kingdom K003337638 Yes
Boulos, L. [s.n.] Qatar K003338311 Yes
Biegel; Muller; Russell, G. [5040] Botswana K002861511 No
Bouly de Lesdain, M. [s.n.] France K000885922 Type Yes
Bouly de Lesdain, M. [s.n.] France K000885923 Type Yes
Davis [47639] Türkiye K003338207 Yes
{Agric. Dept.} [17] Australia K003486011 Yes
R.J.L. [s.n.] K004006161 Yes
Perrottet, G.S. [124] India K003339522 No
[RIE] [[7564]] United Kingdom K003337618 Yes
[Walker] [s.n.] Sri Lanka K003339535 No
Omar, S.; Hamad, K. [50408] Iraq K003338250 Yes
Kirk, J. [s.n.] Mozambique K002861461 Yes
Cope, T.A. [180] Oman K003338281 Yes
Smith, K.G. [KGS46] Saudi Arabia K000731591 Yes
Galander, C. [[56]] Argentina K002863884 No
Syngrassides, A.I. [796] Cyprus K003338218 Yes
Shuter [s.n.] India K003339503 No
Lousley, J.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003337641 Yes
Gardner, C.A. [3024] Australia K003485530 Yes
[G. Ferrandez] [901] Oman K003338296 Yes
Verlot, J.B. [s.n.] K003337656 Yes
Waisbecker [s.n.] K003337690 Yes
[B. de Hausmann]; [C. Huter] [s.n.] K003337681 Yes
Smith, R.L.; Sandwith, C.I. [756/4] United Kingdom K003337604 Yes
Pin, C. [s.n.] K003337659 Yes
Nusker, J.D. [1233] India K003339487 No
[T.D.M] [3] Lebanon K003338237 Yes
Rogers, F.A. [6700] Botswana K002861519 No
Charles Phillips, D. [95] Bahrain K003338315 Yes
Welwitsch [454] K003337710 Yes
Trott, A.C. [1246] Saudi Arabia K003338259 Yes
s.coll. [649] Pakistan K003339463 No
Hennipman, E.; Nijhoff, P.; Swennen, C.; Tulp, A.S.; Vader, W.J.M.; De Wilde, W.J.J. [1326] Türkiye K003338201 Yes
Khattab; Simpson, N.D. [135] Egypt K003338319 Yes
Simpson, N.D. [1163] Egypt K003338337 Yes
Andrews, F.W. [A5] Sudan K002826437 Yes
Florence, J. [4393] French Polynesia K003485692 Yes
Lewis, G.P. [503] K003337714 Yes
s.coll. [[GB874]] United Kingdom K003337651 Yes
Maconochie, J.R. [3666] Oman K000731594 Yes
Billups, C.R. [1731] United Kingdom K003337624 Yes
s.coll. [4] Egypt K003338328 Yes
Fischer, C.E.C. [753] India K003339513 No
Rawi [34171] Iraq K003338245 Yes
Heath, A.; Heath, R. [151] Botswana K002861506 No
McLeish, I. [3201] Oman K003338288 Yes
Gould, F.W. [13480] Sri Lanka K003339539 No
s.coll. [8176] Israel K003338230 Yes
Hanson, C.G. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003337648 Yes
Townsend, C.C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003337627 Yes
Platt, J.W.O. [619] K003337719 Yes
Fiori, A.; Béguinot, A. [s.n.] K003337703 Yes
W. J. J. O. de Wilde; J. J. F. E. de Wilde; de Wilde-Duyfjes, B.E.E. [5730] Sudan K002826424 Yes
Vaughan, R.E. [A79a] Mauritius K002862028 Yes
[Sukoe] [7849] Burma K003339526 No
[Kilitzer] [s.n.] K003337678 Yes
Hagerup, O. [579] Niger K003486014 Yes
Meyers, F.S.; Dinsmore, J.E. [B176] West Bank K003338229 Yes
Kotte, W. [29] Türkiye K003338209 Yes
Christopher, J. [G436] India K003339479 No
[T.D.M] [8] Lebanon K003338232 Yes
Cooray, R.G. [69111737R] Sri Lanka K003339538 No
Simpson, N.D. [2250] Egypt K003338335 Yes
Cope, T.A. [RBG 498] United Kingdom K000914563 Yes
McCallum-Webster, M. [1256] United Kingdom K003337598 Yes
Koelz, W.N. [16607] Iran K003338254 Yes
Gossweiler, J. [1663] Angola K002861529 No
Brenan, J.P.M. [5317] United Kingdom K003337623 Yes
Woods, D.V.G. [157] New Zealand K003485595 Yes
Herlocker, D. [H442] Somalia K002826477 Yes
Hemming, C.F. [1036] Eritrea K002826465 Yes
Norris, J.J. [75] Pakistan K003339461 No
Joseph, F.C. [16] India K003339514 No
Nesbitt, R.M.A.; Samuel, D.J. [RMN4544] Türkiye K003338199 Yes
Kennedy, E.W. [139] K003337711 Yes
Shaw, C.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003337642 Yes
Imp. Coll. Agric [B-20] Ethiopia K002826453 Yes
[H. G. Mearo] [313] Australia K003485522 Yes
Vogel, T. [59] Cabo Verde K001134323 Yes
Cope, T.A. [347] Oman K003338294 Yes
Rattray, J.M. [1671] Zimbabwe K002861496 Yes
Cryer, J. [1838] United Kingdom K003337643 Yes
Perry, R.A. [2561] Australia K003485518 Yes
de Wilde, W.J.J.O. [8458] Ethiopia K002826460 Yes
Macaulay [68] Zambia K002861481 Yes
Glanville, G. [2] Botswana K002861518 No
Kirk, J. [s.n.] Zambia K002861465 Yes
Jackson, J. [400] Malawi K002861466 Yes
Böcker, R. [ALP618] K003337672 Yes
Kneucker, A.; Geisenheyner, L. [s.n.] K003337673 Yes
Cribs [[830]] New Caledonia K003485696 Yes
{Dr. Meyer} [s.n.] K003339969 Yes
[F. Fettners] [s.n.] K003337679 Yes
Fayed, A. [1354] Saudi Arabia K003338295 Yes
Venturi, S. [769] Argentina K002863886 No
Marcan, A. [1049] Thailand K000621120 Yes
Welwitsch [2979] Angola K002861527 No
Farquharson, R.A. [15] Somalia K002826469 Yes
MacGillivray, J. [137] Cabo Verde K001134327 Yes
Meebold, A. [10481] India K003339517 No
Coleman, M. [75] Botswana K002861510 No
Vogel, T. [60] Cabo Verde K001134324 Yes
Drummond, J.R. [14454] Pakistan K003339469 No
Eyles, F. [619] Zimbabwe K002861485 Yes
Platt, J.W.O. [619] K003337720 Yes
Parry, D.E. [1] Thailand K000688240 Yes
Siddiqi [1491] Pakistan K003339460 No
Colenso, W. [s.n.] New Zealand K003485596 Yes
Boulos, L.; Ali, T. [s.n.] Egypt K003338329 Yes
Cormack, A.B. [464] Malawi K002861467 Yes
Khatib, A.; Boulos, L. [s.n.] Syria K003338238 Yes
McKinnon, A.S. [S39] Somalia K002826474 Yes
Jäggi [s.n.] K003337685 Yes
Kerr, A.F.G. [3822] Thailand K000621117 Yes
Cope, T.A. [91] Oman K003338297 Yes
Sandwith, C.I. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003337602 Yes
Blake, S.T. [9266] Australia K003485532 Yes
s.coll. [Cat. no. 8642] K001131092 Unknown Type Material Yes
Davey, J.T. [83] Sudan K003486004 Yes
Lowne, B.T. [54] Syria K003338235 Yes
Chiparawasha, O. [291] Zimbabwe K002861489 Yes
Chedeville, E. [2119] Somalia K002826481 Yes
Naguib, M. [73] Bahrain K003338314 Yes
Barta, T. [2002-275] K003337691 Yes
Smith, R.L.; Melville, R. [756/4] United Kingdom K003337640 Yes
Kurz, S. [2786] Burma K003339529 No
Azancot de Menezes, O.J. [269] Angola K002861525 No
Narayanaswami, V. [4652] India K003339505 No
Fosberg, F.R.; Evans, E.C. [58829] K003485694 Yes
Gilbert, M.G.; Gilbert, S.B. [1723] Ethiopia K002826456 Yes
Glaziou [6938] Brazil K001102760 Yes
s.coll. [Cat. no. 8642] K001131089 Unknown Type Material Yes
Bökman, K. [s.n.] K003337671 Yes
s.coll. [8642] India K003339508 No
Miller, C.B. [5061] Zimbabwe K002861498 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003337695 Yes
Leslie, A. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003337605 Yes
Blair, I.J. [139] Sudan K002826445 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Russia K003338515 Yes
s.coll. [2211] K003337712 Yes
Baker, J.G. [1486] United Kingdom K003337614 Yes
Dony, J.G. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003337630 Yes
Rowaished, A.K.; Saeed, W.A.; Hussein, M.A.; Salman, B. [s.n.] Yemen K003338276 Yes
Barclay, C. [3181] K003337718 Yes
Litwinow, D. [2271] Turkmenistan K003338512 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] India K003339480 No
Assi, A. [10757] Burkina Faso K003486008 Yes
Baron Ferd. Von Mueller [s.n.] Australia K003485516 Yes
s.coll. [6426] India K003339512 No
Khattab; Douglas, N. [F3988] Egypt K003338320 Yes
Laegaard, S.; Traore, S. [17780] Senegal K003486000 Yes
Amin, A.; Mahdi; Sisi; Aziz, A. [s.n.] Egypt K003338324 Yes
Wise, F.J. [K235] Australia K003485524 Yes
Torre, A.R. [1753] Mozambique K002861463 Yes
Rama Rao, M. [2115] India K003339520 No
Dony, J.G. [1946] United Kingdom K003337626 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003337665 Yes
[Miss Bingley]; McComish, J. [9] Australia K003485545 Yes
Guest, E. [172] Iraq K003338246 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003337682 Yes
Furuse, M. [43339] Japan K003338863 No
Sandwith, C.I. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003337603 Yes
Wheeler Haines, R. [W956] Iraq K003338241 Yes
Shabetai, J.R. [21] Egypt K003338339 Yes
Peterson, P.M.; Soreng, R.J.; Rosenberg, G. [14422] Australia K003485515 Yes
Alizzi, H.; Omar, S. [34660] Iraq K003338247 Yes
s.coll. [Cat. no. 8642] India K001131091 Unknown Type Material Yes
Lousley, J.E. [1360] United Kingdom K003337608 Yes
Gillett, J.B. [3916] Somalia K002826470 Yes
Wallich, N. [Cat. no. 8642] Burma K001131094 Unknown Type Material Yes
Simpson, N.D. [5716] Egypt K003338333 Yes
Glover, P.E.; Gilliland, H. [1001] Somalia K002826472 Yes
Raynal, J.; Raynal, A. [6394] Senegal K003485998 Yes
Wood, J.J. [13-4] India K003339483 No
Godefroy [93] Cambodia K003339842 Yes
s.coll. [1646b] India K003339515 No
s.coll. [831] India K003339509 No
s.coll. [s.n.] Iraq K003338239 Yes
Miller, N. [856] Türkiye K003338202 Yes
Merton, L.F.H. [s.n.] Cyprus K003338214 Yes
Simpson, N.D. [7288] Sudan K002826430 Yes
McLeish, I. [[2895]] Oman K003338290 Yes
Carpenter, T. [21A] Bahrain K003338313 Yes
Drummond, J.R. [21176] India K003339481 No
Anderson, T. [s.n.] Yemen K003338275 Yes
Rabson Phiri [190] Zambia K002861477 Yes
Furuse, M. [1473] Japan K003338860 No
Townsend, C.C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003337628 Yes
s.coll. [53] Yemen K003338279 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Zimbabwe K002861493 Yes
Wickens, G.E. [1045] Sudan K002826447 Yes
Helbaek, H. [24] Lebanon K003338234 Yes
Schweinfurth, G.; Riva, D. [346] Ethiopia K002826464 Yes
Blatter, E. [2607] India K003339489 No
s.coll. [3246] Sri Lanka K003339536 No
Gamble, J.S. [25112] India K003339494 No
s.coll. [s.n.] Egypt K003338341 Yes
Maxwell; Darling, R.C [207] Yemen K000731592 Yes
s.coll. [235] Saudi Arabia K003338260 Yes
Trapnell, C.G. [817] Zambia K002861478 Yes
Baldrati, I. [960] Eritrea K002826463 Yes
Junge, A. [s.n.] Russia K003338516 Yes
Atherton, G.E. [676] Cyprus K003338223 Yes
Hassan, A.B.; Awale, A.I.; Barkworth, M. [16] Somalia K002826466 Yes
[Thome Pires] [27] K004006159 Yes
Burger, W.; Getahun, A. [354] Ethiopia K002826458 Yes
Wickens, G.E. [1779] Sudan K002826448 No
Lynes, H. [632] Sudan K002826446 Yes
Mansell (Mrs) [s.n.] Guernsey K003337645 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Armenia K003338518 Yes
Gandoger, M. [s.n.] Syria K003338236 Yes
Imp. Coll. Agric [A-86] Ethiopia K002826454 Yes
Bourne [4761] India K003339521 No
Davey, J.T. [063] Sudan K003486003 Yes
Sandwith, N.Y. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003337619 Yes
Roy, G.P. [2727] India K003339474 No
s.coll. [s.n.] Cambodia K003339840 Yes
Waisbecker, A. [7] K003337694 Yes
Sandwith, N.Y. [5943] K003337708 Yes
s.coll. [Cat. no. 8642] K001131093 Unknown Type Material Yes
Behboudi, E.; Aellen, P. [1941] Iran K003338255 Yes
Rechinger, K. [s.n.] K003337674 Yes
Hunziker, J.H. [2024] Argentina K002863888 No
Cowan, R.S. [548] K003485695 Yes
Radcliffe-Smith, A. [3875] Oman K003338300 Yes
Chedeville, E. [2114] Somalia K002826482 Yes
McLeish, I. [3336] Oman K003338287 Yes
Alizzi; Omar, S. [35353] Iraq K003338249 Yes
[B. W. B. Vancuy Lenberg] [Gt-89] Sri Lanka K003339543 No
Brenan, J.P.M. [2852] United Kingdom K003337617 Yes
Atchley, S.C. [1781] K003337716 Yes
Furuse, M. [1639] Japan K003338862 No
Stocks, J.E. [649] Pakistan K003339462 No
s.coll. [s.n.] France K003337658 Yes
[S. Ecoyomides] [978] Cyprus K003338217 Yes
Batanouny, K.H. [2882] Qatar K003338277 Yes
Mooney, H.F. [1108] India K003339491 No
Lousley, J.E. [1623] United Kingdom K003337611 Yes
Furuse, M. [1797] Japan K003338857 No
Blatter, E. [2650] India K003339488 No
Sousa, G. [1302] Mozambique K002861464 Yes
Smith, L.C. [s.n.] Australia K003485533 Yes
Platt, J.W.O. [619] Greece K003338200 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] India K003339476 No
s.coll. [s.n.] Ethiopia K002826451 Yes
Perry, R.A. [2271] Australia K003485531 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003337701 Yes
Long, D.G.; Rae, D.A.H. [423] Botswana K002861521 No
Kennedy, E.W. [1539] Cyprus K003338220 Yes
{per Municipal Council} [9026] Australia K003485540 Yes
Terry, J.; Cook, F.E.M.; Sydes, C.; Kalake, E. [112] Botswana K002861522 No
Gould, F.W. [13482] Sri Lanka K003339540 No
Coleman, M. [5] Botswana K002861517 No
s.coll. [3246] Sri Lanka K003339537 No
Vesey-Fitzgerald, D. [1232/9] Oman K003338303 Yes
Junge, A. [s.n.] Russia K003338517 Yes
Jennings, E.A. [52] Yemen K003338269 Yes
Radcliffe-Smith, A. [5079] Oman K003338301 Yes
Alber, A. [A] United Kingdom K003337625 Yes
Kennedy, E.W. [90] Cyprus K003338212 Yes
Wickens, G.E. [s.n.] Sudan K002826429 Yes
Lindberg, H. [s.n.] Cyprus K003338219 Yes
Angus, A. [1330] Zambia K002861479 Yes
Thomson, T. [s.n.] India K003339467 No
[R. L. Smith] [7564] United Kingdom K003337637 Yes
Cleland, J.B. [H284] Australia K003485538 Yes
Lonaczevsky, A. [s.n.] Russia K003338511 Yes
Furuse, M. [1601] Japan K003338861 No
Masters [156] India K003339492 No
Rose Innes, R. [32672] Ghana K003485996 Yes
Kurz, S. [s.n.] India K003339484 No
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003337650 Yes
s.coll. [[Jolen] 80] Sudan K002826435 No
Drummond, J.R. [14543] India K003339468 No
Papov; Tillin; Gilliard [4244] Saudi Arabia K003338274 Yes
Vesey-Fitzgerald, D. [12774/8] Oman K003338302 Yes
Blake, S.T. [7900] Australia K003485536 Yes
{Monod de Froideville} [1475] K003339971 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003337670 Yes
Goddard, A. [s.n.] Saudi Arabia K003338263 Yes
Rattray, J.M. [1484] Zimbabwe K002861502 Yes
[M. Drar Eiff] [42234] Egypt K003338322 Yes
Hume, A.O. [s.n.] India K003339502 No
Rhind, D. [963] Burma K003339530 No
Armstrong, J.A. [69] Iran K003338252 Yes
Larsen, K. [8325] Thailand K000688237 Yes
[R. Sheusmann] [s.n.] K003337676 Yes
Boulos, L.; Hegazy, A.; Safwat 'Azer [s.n.] Egypt K003338318 Yes
Therold, C.A. [286] Ghana K003486013 Yes
Hodd, K.T.B. [262] India K003339477 No
Miller, A.G. [234] Yemen K003338266 Yes
Wheeler Haines, R. [W2155] Iraq K003338243 Yes
Vicente, S. [s.n.] K004006160 Yes
Wickens, G.E. [s.n.] Sudan K002826434 Yes
Skarpe, C. [S407] Botswana K002861516 No
Perrottet, G.S. [1341] India K004030649 No
s.coll. [s.n.] Zimbabwe K002861487 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003337696 Yes
Welw [7266] Angola K002861528 No
Heller, T.M.; Keogh, N.J.; El-Keblawy, A. [TMH310] United Arab Emirates K000731596 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003337663 Yes
Laegaard, S.; Traoré, S.A. [17082] Senegal K003485999 Yes
Lousley, J.E. [s.n.] Guernsey K003337646 Yes
Collenette, I.S. [4444] Saudi Arabia K003338262 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M. [2826] United Kingdom K003337633 Yes
Barta, T. [2004-182] K003337692 Yes
McLeish, I. [3796] Oman K003338286 Yes
Vetter, J.J. [s.n.] K003337683 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] India K003339485 No
Gossweiler [8384] Angola K002861530 No
Robinson, E.A. [605] Zambia K002861476 Yes
Ricketts (Miss) [s.n.] United Kingdom K003337600 Yes
Ricketts, V. (Mrs) [s.n.] United Kingdom K003337601 Yes
Bohnstedt, A.R. [s.n.] K003337661 Yes
s.coll. [F/9/43] United Kingdom K003337613 Yes
McLeish, I. [3963] Oman K003338285 Yes
Gallagher, M.D. [8609/x] Oman K003338284 Yes
Podpera, J.; Svestka, F. [s.n.] K003337697 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Sudan K002826426 Yes
Boulos, L. [s.n.] Kuwait K003338316 Yes
Bolland, B.G.C. [B26] Egypt K003338323 Yes
Brown, R.C. [8242] Botswana K002861509 No
Hinds, A.J. [73] Zambia K002861480 Yes
Brown, F.B.H.; Brown, E.D.W. [802] K003485697 Yes
Gallagher, M.D. [7759/4] Oman K003338298 Yes
Qaiser, M.; Ghafoor, A.; [Abrar] Hussain [[3628]] Pakistan K003339465 No
Santapau, H. [16457] India K003339493 No
Hepper, F.N. [3650] Mauritania K003485997 Yes
Goldsmith, B. [48846] Zimbabwe K002861499 Yes
[Saheti] [10258E] Iran K003338257 Yes
Qaiser, M.; Ghafoor, A. [1508] Pakistan K003339466 No
Blom, C. [s.n.] K003337669 Yes
Hennen, J. [s.n.] K003337657 Yes
McLeish, I. [3200] Oman K003338289 Yes
Smith, R.L.; Melville, R. [756/4] United Kingdom K003337639 Yes
Qaiser, M.; Ghafoor, A.; [Abrar] Hussain [4098] Pakistan K003339464 No
[Recble] [s.n.] K003337704 Yes
[Stocks]; [Law c/o] [327] India K003339500 No
Owens, M. [7] Botswana K002861514 No
s.coll. [[FV]110] K003485994 Yes
Syngrassides, A.I. [796] Cyprus K003338215 Yes
Barthelat, F.; Mouly, A.; Mchangama, M.; Ali Silfari, B.; Andhumou, A. [1751] Mayotte K002862030 Yes
Craster, W. [38] Zimbabwe K002861490 Yes
Simpson, N.D. [[(M99)]] Egypt K003338334 Yes
Merton, L.F.H. [15] Cyprus K003338213 Yes
McCallum-Webster, M. [7079] United Kingdom K003337607 Yes
Thomson, T. [286] India K003339497 No
Dony, J.G. [1936] United Kingdom K003337631 Yes
Gallagher, M.D. [8055/3] Oman K003338291 Yes
Barney, R.W. [s.n.] Sri Lanka K003339533 No
Kennedy, E.W. [1540] Cyprus K003338211 Yes
Mundy, H.G. [2169] Zimbabwe K002861500 Yes
Hemming, C.F.; Deshmukh, I. [Jess296-302] Somalia K002826479 Yes
Cormack, A.B. [278] Malawi K002861468 Yes
McCallum-Webster, M. [1257] United Kingdom K003337599 Yes
Gardner, C.A. [K231] Australia K003485525 Yes
Rose Innes, R. [s.n.] Ghana K003486012 Yes
U Thein Lwin [339] Burma K003339528 No
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003337653 Yes
Schneider, C.K. [1433] K003337713 Yes
Fenner, J.E.L. [201] Malawi K002861469 Yes
Holub, J. [s.n.] Cyprus K003338210 Yes
Blair, I.J. [17] Sudan K002826450 No
Robinson, E.A. [1436] Zambia K002861474 Yes
White, A.; Johnston, H.H. [s.n.] Malawi K002861470 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003337655 Yes
Black, R.A. [s.n.] Australia K003485539 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Switzerland K003337686 Yes
Irvine, F.R. [829] Ghana K003486010 Yes
Lousley, J.E. [445] United Kingdom K003337636 Yes
Furuse, M. [45141] Japan K003338858 No
Sandwith, C.I. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003337634 Yes
Iecama [H-5] Ethiopia K002826452 Yes
Perrottet, M. [s.n.] India K003339511 No
Dony, J.G.; Dony, C. [21] United Kingdom K003337629 Yes
Smith, E. [786] Thailand K000688241 Yes
Collenette, I.S. [8074] Oman K003338293 Yes
Gamble, J.S.; [J. H. Moygham] [s.n.] India K003339510 No
s.coll. [112] Australia K003485526 Yes
Norlindh, N.T.; Weimarck, H. [4939] Zimbabwe K002861494 Yes
Larsen, K.; Santisuk, T.; Warncke, E. [2386] Thailand K000688239 Yes
Dony, J.G. [1368] United Kingdom K003337632 Yes
Clayton, D. [5918] Sri Lanka K003339542 No
Moss, N. [s.n.] Oman K003338283 Yes
Ryding, O.; Ermias, K. [1525] Ethiopia K002826462 Yes
Hitchcock, A.S. [s.n.] K003485700 Yes
Balansa, B. [4381] Vietnam K003339841 Yes
Starr, F.; {Starr, K.; et al.} [060228-11] K003485691 Yes
s.coll. [1646b] India K003339499 No
[G. Burvill] [K232] Australia K003485519 Yes
Glover, P.E.; Gilliland, H. [4] Somalia K002826471 Yes
Kalaschnikova, E. [s.n.] Ukraine K003338514 Yes
Boivin [s.n.] Comoros K002862031 Yes
McLeish, I. [2339] Oman K000731593 Yes
Allen [688] Zimbabwe K002861492 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] India K003339525 No
Eaden, J.D. [s.n.] New Zealand K003485594 Yes
Peru K000326065 Yes
Venezuela K001469532 Yes
Laegaard, S. [19709], Ecuador K001469533 Yes
Ecuador K001469534 Yes
Ecuador K001469535 Yes
Ecuador K001469537 Yes
Peru K001469538 Yes
Peru K001469539 Yes
Peru K001469540 Yes
Peru K001469541 Yes
Peru K001469542 Yes
Peru K001469543 Yes
Peru K001469544 Yes
Nerth. Ant K001469545 Yes
von Linsingen [551] Brazil Panicum rude K003376937 Yes
von Linsingen [551] Brazil Panicum rude K003376936 Yes
[H. M. Broun]; Broun, A.F. [65089[V]] Sudan Setaria verticilliformis K002826439 Yes
Smeds, H. [1130] Ethiopia Setaria verticilliformis K002826442 Yes
Andrews, F.W. [K35] Sudan Setaria verticilliformis K002826441 Yes
Andrews, F.W. [3604] Sudan Setaria verticilliformis K002826440 Yes


  • Angiosperm Extinction Risk Predictions v1

    • Angiosperm Threat Predictions
  • Catálogo de Plantas y Líquenes de Colombia

  • Flora Zambesiaca

    • Flora Zambesiaca
  • Flora of Somalia

    • Flora of Somalia
  • Flora of Tropical East Africa

    • Flora of Tropical East Africa
  • Flora of West Tropical Africa

    • Flora of West Tropical Africa
  • GrassBase - The Online World Grass Flora

    • Clayton, W.D., Vorontsova, M.S., Harman, K.T. and Williamson, H. (2006 onwards). GrassBase - The Online World Grass Flora.
  • Herbarium Catalogue Specimens

    • 'The Herbarium Catalogue, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the Internet [accessed on Day Month Year]'. Please enter the date on which you consulted the system.
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    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2025. Published on the Internet at and
    • © Copyright 2023 World Checklist of Vascular Plants.
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    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2025. Published on the Internet at and
    • © Copyright 2023 International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants.
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