Asparagus horridus L.

First published in J.A.Murray (ed.), Syst. Veg., ed. 13.: 274 (1774)
This species is accepted
The native range of this species is Canary Islands, Medit. to Arabian Peninsula. It is a shrub and grows primarily in the subtropical biome.


Native to:

Algeria, Baleares, Canary Is., Cyprus, East Aegean Is., Egypt, Greece, Gulf States, Italy, Kriti, Lebanon-Syria, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Sardegna, Saudi Arabia, Sicilia, Sinai, Spain, Tunisia


Heterotypic Synonyms


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POWO follows these authorities in accepting this name:

  • Bergmeier, E., Blockeel, T., Böhling, N., Fournaraki, C., Gotsiou, P., Jahn, R., Lansdown, R. & Turland, N. (2011). An inventory of the vascular plants and bryophytes of Gavdopoula island (S Aegean, Greece) and its phytogeographical significance. Willdenowia 41: 179-190.
  • Dobignard, D. & Chatelain, C. (2010). Index synonymique de la flore d'Afrique du nord 1: 1-455. Éditions des conservatoire et jardin botaniques, Genève.
  • Urbani, M., Becca, G. & Ledda, M.G. (2007). Notes on systematics and chorology of Asparagus L. (Asparagaceae) in Sardinia (Italy). Bocconea 21: 267-271.

An alternative taxonomy had been proposed by the following authorities:

  • Authier, P. & Covillot, J. (2011). Catalogue actualisé des plantes de l'île de Rhodes (Grèce). Saussurea; Travaux de la Société Botanique de Genève 41: 131-170. [Cited as Asparagus stipularis.]

Kew Backbone Distributions

  • Boulos, L. (1995). Flora of Egypt Checklist: i-xii, 1-287. Al Hadara Publishing, Cairo.
  • Chaudhary, S.A. (2001). Flora of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 3: 1-368. Ministry of Agriculture & Water, Riyadh.
  • Hassler, M. (2012). Flora of Rhodes. Systematic list of flora of Rhodes
  • Maire, R. (1958). Flore de l'Afrique du Nord 5: 1-307. Paul Lechevalier, Paris.
  • Rico, E. & al. (eds.) in Castroviejo, S. & al. (eds.) (2013). Flora Iberica 20: 1-651. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Madrid.

Other Data

Other Kew resources that provide information on this taxon:

Date Reference Identified As Barcode Type Status Has image?
Jan 1, 1974 Tadmor, N. [22017-22024] Egypt Asparagus stipularis K000809338 Yes
May 4, 1963 Gillett, J.B. [16043] Jordan Asparagus stipularis K000809337 Yes
Lascelles, A.G.; Lascelles, M.E. [s.n.] Cyprus Asparagus stipularis K002974344 Yes
Simpson, N.D. [53049] Jordan Asparagus stipularis K000318514 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Algeria Asparagus stipularis K002974514 Yes
Davis, P.H. [4000] West Bank Asparagus stipularis K002974301 No
Rein; v. Fritsch (Baron) [384] Morocco Asparagus stipularis K001738242 Yes
Lindberg, H. [s.n.] Cyprus Asparagus stipularis K002974361 Yes
Chapman, E. [EC22 ] Cyprus Asparagus stipularis K002974347 Yes
Edmonds, M.E. [90] Spain Asparagus stipularis K002973782 Yes
Sintenis; Rigo [169] Cyprus Asparagus stipularis K002974342 Yes
Gandoger, M. [199] Tunisia Asparagus stipularis K002974526 Yes
Gandoger, M. [85] Tunisia Asparagus stipularis K001738245 Yes
Hooker [s.n.] Morocco Asparagus stipularis K001738243 Yes
Chapman, E. [383] Cyprus Asparagus stipularis K002974349 Yes
Schweinfurth, G. [383] Egypt Asparagus stipularis K002974319 Yes
Davis, P.H. [5109] Italy Asparagus stipularis K002974303 No
Trethewy, A.W. [181] Morocco Asparagus stipularis K002974521 Yes
Davis, P.H. [4368] West Bank Asparagus stipularis K002974313 Yes
Shabetai, J.R. [61] West Bank Asparagus stipularis K002974315 Yes
Whiting, M.M.; Richmond, K. [64/60] Morocco Asparagus stipularis K002974523 Yes
Meyers, F.S.; Dinsmore, J.E. [8253] Jordan Asparagus stipularis K002974310 No
Lowne, B.T. [s.n.] Israel Asparagus stipularis K002974307 No
Davis, D.H. [6460B] Egypt Asparagus stipularis K002974528 Yes
Syngrassides, A. [407] Cyprus Asparagus stipularis K002974360 Yes
Whiting, M.M.; Richmond, K. [45] Morocco Asparagus stipularis K002974522 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Italy Asparagus stipularis K002973788 Yes
Hooker, J.D.; Hanbury, D. [s.n.] Syria Asparagus stipularis K002974334 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] France Asparagus stipularis K002973789 Yes
Maitland, T.D. [123] Israel Asparagus stipularis K002974306 No
Ellman, E.; Sandwith, N.Y. [385] Spain Asparagus stipularis K002973773 Yes
Willkommii, H.M. [865] Spain Asparagus stipularis K002973778 Yes
s.coll. [111a] Asparagus stipularis K002974338 Yes
I. [illegible]. Hecker [17] Cyprus Asparagus stipularis K002974346 Yes
{Ph. Jolles} [105] Israel Asparagus stipularis K002974311 No
Sintenis, P.E.E.; Rigo, G. [169] Cyprus Asparagus stipularis K002974362 Yes
Hooker [s.n.] Spain Asparagus stipularis K002973771 Yes
Martindale, G.E. [201] Spain Asparagus stipularis K002973784 Yes
Davis, P.H. [3865] West Bank Asparagus stipularis K002974314 Yes
Sintenis, P.E.E.; Rigo, G. [169] Cyprus Asparagus stipularis K002974343 Yes
Davis, P.H. [18113] Greece Asparagus stipularis K002973786 Yes
Gandoger, M. [120] Tunisia Asparagus stipularis K001738246 Yes
Pampanini, R. [1397] Libya Asparagus stipularis K002974513 Yes
Heath, I.B. [337] Morocco Asparagus stipularis K002974519 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Asparagus stipularis K002974516 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Spain Asparagus stipularis K002973780 Yes
Davis, P.H. [8279] Egypt Asparagus stipularis K002974318 Yes
Economides, S. [s.n.] Cyprus Asparagus stipularis K002974348 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Spain Asparagus stipularis K002973779 Yes
s.coll. [136] Spain Asparagus stipularis K002973781 Yes
Shabetai, J.R. [s.n.] Egypt Asparagus stipularis K002974335 Yes
Bové [389] West Bank Asparagus stipularis K002974308 No
Harding, L.H. [109] West Bank Asparagus stipularis K002974305 No
s.coll. [s.n.] Algeria Asparagus stipularis K002974517 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Algeria Asparagus stipularis K002974515 Yes
Collett, H. [s.n.] Spain Asparagus stipularis K002973772 Yes
Bornmüller, J. [1535] Syria Asparagus stipularis K002974300 No
Trethewy, A.W. [124] Morocco Asparagus stipularis K002974520 Yes
Edmonds, M. [89] Spain Asparagus stipularis K002973785 Yes
Thomas, P. [s.n.] Italy Asparagus stipularis K002973787 Yes
Collenette, I.S. [507] Saudi Arabia Asparagus stipularis K002974339 Yes
Simpson, N.D. [5540] Egypt Asparagus stipularis K002974320 Yes
Porta; Rigo [s.n.] Spain Asparagus stipularis K002973776 Yes
Trethewy, A.W. [78A] Morocco Asparagus stipularis K002974527 Yes
Simpson, N.D. [53019] Jordan Asparagus stipularis K002974330 Yes
McDonald [s.n.] Asparagus stipularis K002974336 Yes
Sinnott, N.H. [528] Libya Asparagus stipularis K002974525 Yes
Hooker [s.n.] Morocco Asparagus stipularis K001738244 Yes
Porta; Rigo [72] Spain Asparagus stipularis K002973775 Yes
Winkler, M. [s.n.] Spain Asparagus stipularis K002973774 Yes
Dinsmore, J.E. [B 6253] Israel Asparagus stipularis K002974304 No
Hooker [s.n.] Morocco Asparagus stipularis K002974518 Yes
[Lanza] [100] Asparagus stipularis K002974510 Yes
Collenette, S. [392] Saudi Arabia Asparagus stipularis K002974337 Yes
Winkler, M. [[952-3]] Spain Asparagus stipularis K002973777 Yes
Davis, P.H. [4944A] West Bank Asparagus stipularis K002974302 No
Miller, A.G. [2571] Oman Asparagus stipularis K002974340 Yes
Syngrassides, A.I. [401] Cyprus Asparagus stipularis K002974359 Yes
Bové, N. [389] West Bank Asparagus stipularis K002974309 No
s.coll. [53] Cyprus Asparagus stipularis K002974345 Yes
Sintenis, P. [169] Cyprus Asparagus stipularis K002974341 Yes
Davis, P.H. [5021] West Bank Asparagus stipularis K002974312 Yes


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