Bellevalia flexuosa Boiss.

First published in Diagn. Pl. Orient. 13: 36 (1854)
This species is accepted
The native range of this species is Syria to Egypt. It is a bulbous geophyte and grows primarily in the subtropical biome.


Native to:

Egypt, Kuwait, Lebanon-Syria, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Sinai


Homotypic Synonyms

Accepted Infraspecifics


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POWO follows these authorities in accepting this name:

  • Al-Rawi, A. (1987). Flora of Kuwait 2: 1-455. Alden Press Ltd., U.K.
  • Boulos, L. (2005). Flora of Egypt 4: 1-617. Al Hadara Publishing, Cairo.
  • Chaudhary, S.A. (2001). Flora of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 3: 1-368. Ministry of Agriculture & Water, Riyadh.
  • Danin, A. (2004). Distribution Atlas of Plants in the Flora Palaestina area: 1-517. The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem.
  • Dobignard, D. & Chatelain, C. (2010). Index synonymique de la flore d'Afrique du nord 1: 1-455. Éditions des conservatoire et jardin botaniques, Genève.
  • Govaerts, R. (1996). World Checklist of Seed Plants 2(1, 2): 1-492. MIM, Deurne.

Kew Backbone Distributions

  • Al-Rawi, A. (1987). Flora of Kuwait 2: 1-455. Alden Press Ltd., U.K.
  • Chaudhary, S.A. (2001). Flora of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 3: 1-368. Ministry of Agriculture & Water, Riyadh.

Other Data

Other Kew resources that provide information on this taxon:

Date Reference Identified As Barcode Type Status Has image?
s.coll. [6004A] Lebanon K002924562 Yes
Hart, H.C. [s.n.] Israel K002924809 Yes
Dickson, V. (Mrs) [181c] Saudi Arabia K002924821 Yes
Collenette, I.S. [6503] Saudi Arabia K002924824 Yes
Meyers, F.S.; Dinsmore, J.E. [B6416] Israel K002924804 Yes
Karim, F.; Al-Qaran, S.A. [254] Jordan K002924569 Yes
Davis [5796] Lebanon K002924560 Yes
Ogilvie, G.H. [s.n.] West Bank K002924812 Yes
Rogers, F.A. [0649] Syria K002924550 Yes
Meyers, F.S.; Dinsmore, J.E. [B2416] Israel K002924813 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Egypt K002924819 Yes
David, B. [s.n.] Lebanon K002924558 Yes
Collenette, I.S. [7810] Saudi Arabia K002924825 Yes
Lowne, B.T. [s.n.] Syria K002924815 Yes
Meyers, F.S.; Dinsmore, J.E. [8457] Jordan K002924567 Yes
Simpson, N.D. [s.n.] Egypt K002924816 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Egypt K002924818 Yes
Davis, D.H. [5047] Israel K002924803 Yes
Simpson, N.D. [2737] Egypt K002924820 Yes
Davis, P.H. [6063A] Lebanon K002924559 Yes
Meyers, F.S.; Dinsmore, J.E. [6457] Israel K002924814 Yes
{Mr. D. C. Heath} [s.n.] Syria K002924552 Yes
[A. C. Tastt] [2082] Lebanon K002924563 Yes
Aslet, W.K. [s.n.] Lebanon K002924557 Yes
Polunin, O. [5341] Lebanon K002924564 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] West Bank K002924806 Yes
Simpson, N.D.; Simpson, N.D. [53198] Jordan K002924568 Yes
Collenette, I.S. [3422] Saudi Arabia K002924823 Yes
{Buxton, Miss V. E.} [60] Jordan K002924570 Yes
Osborn [178] Syria K002924551 Yes
Hayne, W.A. [s.n.] Lebanon K002924808 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Israel K002924811 Yes
Lowne, B.T. [s.n.] Syria K002924810 Yes
Collenette, I.S. [9301] Saudi Arabia K002924822 Yes
Dinsmore, J.E. [3620] Israel K002924805 Yes
[C. L. Paluz] [162] Egypt K002924817 Yes
Paine, J.A. [s.n.] Jordan K002924807 Yes
Polunin, O. [5249] Lebanon K002924565 Yes


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