Philippines (Luzon & Negros); sea-level to 1400 m altitude.
General Description
A terrestrial, lithophytic or rarely epiphytic herb. Leaves 6–7, linear-ligulate, obtuse or rounded at tricuspidate apex, 22–45 cm long, 5 cm wide, mid-green. Inflorescence spreading-arcuate to suberect, 3–4-flowered; peduncle 18–51 cm long, purple, shaggily white-villose; bracts oblonglanceolate, obtuse, apiculate, 2.7–4.6 cm long. Flowers 10–12.5 cm across; dorsal sepal creamy white, flushed purple on side, green or yellow in centre and heavily spotted with maroon in basal half; synsepalum pale green, spotted with maroon at base; petals green or yellow spotted with maroon in basal half, purple above; lip ochre-green with darker veins, purple-pubescent within; staminode pale green, dotted with white; pedicel and ovary 3.2–6 cm long, green, heavily mottled with purple, villose. Dorsal sepal obovate-elliptic, subacute and cucullate at apex, 3.5–6.2 cm long, 1.5–2.6 cm wide, with recurved basal margin. Synsepal elliptic, bidenticulate, 2.5–4.5 cm long, 2–2.5 cm wide. Petals arcuate, spathulate, acute or obtuse, half-twisted, 5.8–8 cm long, 1–1.4 cm wide, ciliolate. Lip 3.5–4.5 cm long, 2–2.3 cm wide. Staminode obovate, incised at apex, 12 mm long, 8 mm wide, with a short pubescent protuberance at base. 2n = 26.