Alphitonia excelsa (Fenzl) Reissek ex T.Mitch.

First published in J. Exped. Trop. Australia: 201 (1848)
This species is accepted
The native range of this species is S. New Guinea to N. & E. Australia. It is a tree and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome.


Native to:

New Guinea, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, Western Australia


Homotypic Synonyms

Heterotypic Synonyms


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POWO follows these authorities in accepting this name:

  • Bean, A.R. (2010). A revision of Alphitonia (Rhamnaceae) for Australia. Muelleria 28: 3-17.

An alternative taxonomy had been proposed by the following authorities:

  • Govaerts, R. (1995). World Checklist of Seed Plants 1(1, 2): 1-483, 529. MIM, Deurne. [Cited as Alphitonia zizyphoides.]
  • Wu, Z., Raven, P.H. & Hong, D. (eds.) (2007). Flora of China 12: 1-534. Science Press (Beijing) & Missouri Botanical Garden Press (St. Louis). [Cited as Alphitonia incana.]

Kew Backbone Distributions

  • Bean, A.R. (2010). A revision of Alphitonia (Rhamnaceae) for Australia. Muelleria 28: 3-17.

Other Data

Other Kew resources that provide information on this taxon:

Date Reference Identified As Barcode Type Status Has image?
Jun 1, 2008 Malcom, D.; Hazlinah, S.; Shalih, R.; Nur Azraidah, I.; Jen, L.J. [S 99091] Malaysia K001905436 No
Jan 1, 2001 Richards, H.L. [11] Australia K000729494 Unknown Type Material Yes
Lorence Lugas [1098] Malaysia K004719331 Yes
Riswan, S.; Afriastini, J.J.; Nurdin [B-80] K004719307 Yes
Kessler; Arbainsyah; Adriansyah; Berau [80] Indonesia K004719309 Yes
Kenneally, K.F. [4331] Australia K004719713 Yes
Ambri; Arifin; Arbainsyah [AA1212] Indonesia K004719311 Yes
George, A.S. [12841] Australia K004719712 Yes
Chai, P.P.K.; Ilias Paie [S30676] Malaysia K004719326 Yes
Kenneally, K.F. [2132] Australia K004719714 Yes
Alviana, D.; Pius, G.; Mohd. Adzwan, S.; Braham, B.; Malda, S.; Nur Fatini, R. [SAN 158971] Malaysia K001577962 Yes
Takeuchi, W.; Ama, D. [24216] Papua New Guinea K001490942 Yes
Takeuchi, W.; Ama, D.; Towati, A. [15374] Papua New Guinea K001490941 Yes
Rena George [S43065] Malaysia K004719330 Yes
Dius Tadong [804] Malaysia K004719336 Yes
Ilias; Munting [S48651] Malaysia K004719322 No
Ilias Paie [S16005] Malaysia K004719329 Yes
Lorence Lugas [1358] Malaysia K004719340 Yes
Sani Sambuling [555] Malaysia K004719333 Yes
Kessler, P.J.A.; et al. [PK867] Indonesia K004719316 Yes
Lomudin Tadong [78] Malaysia K004719339 Yes
Mohizah; Jegong; et al [S. 66871] Malaysia K001905425 No
Kessler; Arbainsyah; Adriansyah; Goverse, E.; Arifin; Inhutani staff; et al [Berau305] Indonesia K001871570 Yes
Kessler, P.; Ambriansyah; Adriansyah [PK 1982] Indonesia K001871574 Yes
Goverse, E.; Adriansyah [Berau438] Indonesia K001871575 Yes
Simaga, J.M. [800] Papua New Guinea K001871648 Yes
Sidiyasa, K.; Ambriansyah [2503] Indonesia K001871644 Yes
Ambriansyah; et al. [AA.3099] Indonesia K001871647 Yes
Sands, M.J.S. [SANDS4511] Australia K004719709 Yes
Kinsun Bakia [297] Malaysia K004719332 Yes
Sani Sambuling [605] Malaysia K004719338 Yes
Lee, B. [S44551] Malaysia K004719327 Yes
Sani Sambuling [56] Malaysia K004719334 Yes
Hj. Othman; Munting [S54311] Malaysia K004719324 Yes
Sands, M.J.S. [SANDS4511] Australia K004719708 Yes
Kessler, P.J.A.; et al. [PK746] Indonesia K004719313 Yes
Arifin; Insyah; Kessler [AA1064] Indonesia K004719312 Yes
Arifin; Insyah; Kessler [AA1095] Indonesia K004719315 Yes
Native Collector [185] Malaysia K004719328 Yes
Kinsun Bakia [254] Malaysia K004719337 Yes
Kessler, P.J.A.; et al. [PK867] Indonesia K004719310 Yes
Lorence Lugas [911] Malaysia K004719341 Yes
Said, I.M. [BRUN15916] Brunei K004719308 Yes
[Lingán] [s.n.] Malaysia K004719325 Yes
Gardner, C.A. [9671] Australia K004719711 Yes
Ilias; Munting [S48651] Malaysia K004719323 Yes
Goble-Garratt, E.M. [659] Australia K004719710 Yes
Sani Sambuling [460] Malaysia K004719335 Yes
Kessler, P.J.A.; et al. [PK746] Indonesia K004719314 Yes
Jan 2, 1924 Singleton, G. [12] Australia Alphitonia excelsa var. acutifolia K000729495 Unknown Type Material Yes


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