Prunus armeniaca L.

First published in Sp. Pl.: 474 (1753)
This species is accepted
The native range of this species is Central Asia to N. & Central China. It is a shrub or tree and grows primarily in the temperate biome.


Native to:

China North-Central, China South-Central, Inner Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Kriti, Manchuria, Qinghai, Uzbekistan, Xinjiang

Introduced into:

Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Bulgaria, California, Central European Russia, Colorado, Corse, Cyprus, East European Russia, East Himalaya, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Iran, Italy, Kansas, Korea, Krym, Lebanon-Syria, Libya, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Morocco, New Mexico, New South Wales, North Caucasus, North European Russia, Oregon, Pakistan, Pennsylvania, Portugal, Queensland, Romania, Sardegna, South Australia, South European Russia, Spain, Tadzhikistan, Transcaucasus, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkey-in-Europe, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Himalaya, Yugoslavia


Homotypic Synonyms


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POWO follows these authorities in accepting this name:

  • Ackerfield, J. (2015). Flora of Colorado: 1-818. BRIT Press.
  • Allred, K.W. (2012). Flora Neomexicana, ed. 2, 1: 1-599. Range Science Herbarium, Las Cruces, New Mexico.
  • Berendsohn, W.G., Gruber, A.K., Rodríguez Delcid, D. & Olmedo Galán, P. (2016). Nova Silva Cuscatlantica. Parte 3: Angiospermae - Familias R a Z y Gymnospermae. Englera 29(3): 1-356.
  • Chang, C.S., Kim, H. & Chang, K.S. (2014). Provisional checklist of vascular plants for the Korea peninsula flora (KPF): 1-660. DESIGNPOST.
  • Dobignard, A. & Chatelain, C. (2013). Index synonymique de la flore d'Afrique du nord 5: 1-451. Éditions des conservatoire et jardin botaniques, Genève.
  • Flora of North America Editorial Committee (2014). Flora of North America North of Mexico 9: 1-713. Oxford University Press, New York, Oxford.
  • Grierson, A.J.C. & Long, D.G. (1987). Flora of Bhutan 1(3): 466-834. Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh.
  • Hassler, M. & Muer, T. (2022). Flora Germanica: alle Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands in Text und Bild 1: 1-864. Verlag Regionalkultur, Uberstadt-Weiher.
  • Hnatiuk, R.J. (1990). Census of Australian vascular plants. Australian Flora and Fauna Series 11: 1-650.
  • Komiljon, T., Natalya, B., Avazbek, B., Dilnoza, A., Ziyoviddin, Y., Deng, T. & Sun, H. (2020). Flora of the Dzhizak Province, Uzbekistan: 1-523. China Forestry Publishing House.
  • Kurtto, A., Sennikov, A.N. & Lampinen, R. (2013). Atlas Florae Europaeae. Distribution of vascular plants in Europe 16: 1-168.
  • Landrein, S. & al. (2017). Flora of Pakistan 221: 1-161. Department of Botany, University of Karachi, Karachi.
  • Mao, A.A. & Dash, S.S. (2020). Flowering Plants of India an Annotated Checklist (Dicotyledons) 1: 1-970. Botanical Survey of India.
  • Meikle, R.D. (1977). Flora of Cyprus 1: 1-832. The Bentham-Moxon Trust Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Mohlenbrock, R.H. (2014). Vascular Flora of Illinois. A Field Guide, ed. 4: 1-536. Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale.
  • Pankhurst, R. in Pankhurst, R. (2007-2013). Rosaceae database [IOPI].
  • Seregin, A.P. (2014). Flora of Vladimir Oblast, Russia: grid data analysis: 1-441. KMK schientific press, Moscow.
  • Townsend, C.C. & Guest, E. (1966). Flora of Iraq 2: 1-184. Ministry of Agriculture & Agrarian Reform, Baghdad.

An alternative taxonomy had been proposed by the following authorities:

  • Wu, Z. & Raven, P.H. (eds.) (2003). Flora of China 9: 1-494. Science Press (Beijing) & Missouri Botanical Garden Press (St. Louis). [Cited as Armeniaca vulgaris.]

Kew Backbone Distributions

  • (2022). epublication.
  • (2023). epublication.
  • Browicz, K. & al. (1969). Rosaceae I. Flora Iranica 66: 1-217. Naturhistorisches Museums Wien.
  • Chang, C.S., Kim, H. & Chang, K.S. (2014). Provisional checklist of vascular plants for the Korea peninsula flora (KPF): 1-660. DESIGNPOST.
  • Davis, P.H. (ed.) (1972). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands 4: 1-657. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
  • Flora of North America Editorial Committee (2014). Flora of North America North of Mexico 9: 1-713. Oxford University Press, New York, Oxford.
  • Grierson, A.J.C. & Long, D.G. (1987). Flora of Bhutan 1(3): 466-834. Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh.
  • Hnatiuk, R.J. (1990). Census of Australian vascular plants. Australian Flora and Fauna Series 11: 1-650.
  • Korovin, E.P. & Vvedensky, A.I. (eds.) (1955). Flora Uzbekistana 3: 1-824. Izd-va Akademii nauk Uzbekskoi SSR, Tashkent.
  • Kurtto, A., Sennikov, A.N. & Lampinen, R. (2013). Atlas Florae Europaeae. Distribution of vascular plants in Europe 16: 1-168.
  • Lazkov, G.A. & Sultanova, B.A. (2011). Checklist of vascular plants of Kyrgyzstan. Norrlinia 24: 1-166.
  • Litvinskaya, S.A. & Murtazaliev, R.A. (2013). Flora of the Northern Caucasus: An Atlas and Identification Book: 1-688. Fiton XXI.
  • Mohlenbrock, R.H. (2014). Vascular Flora of Illinois. A Field Guide, ed. 4: 1-536. Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale.
  • Mouterde, P. in Mouterde, P. (1986). Nouvelle flore du Liban se de la Syrie 2: 1-727. Dar El-Machreq Sarl, Beyrouth, Liban.
  • Nikitin, V.V. (ed.) (1949). Flora Turkmenii 4: 1-364. Turkmenskoe gosudarstvennoe izd., Ashkhabad.
  • Ovczinnikov, P.N. (ed.) (1975). Flora Tadzhikskoi SSR 4: 1-576. Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, Moskva.
  • Paelov, N.V. (ed.) in Pavlov, N.V. (ed.) (1961). Flora Kazakhstana 4: 1-546. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Akademii nauk Kazakhskoi SSR.
  • Ri͡abinina, Z.N. & Kni͡azev, M.S. (2009). Opredelitel sosudistykh rastenii Orenburgskoi oblasti: 1-757. Moskva: KMK.
  • Seregin, A.P. (2014). Flora of Vladimir Oblast, Russia: grid data analysis: 1-441. KMK schientific press, Moscow.
  • Shevtsov, V. (2022). Personal Communication on South European Russia. 1.
  • Wu, Z. & Raven, P.H. (eds.) (2003). Flora of China 9: 1-494. Science Press (Beijing) & Missouri Botanical Garden Press (St. Louis).

Other Data

Other Kew resources that provide information on this taxon:

Date Reference Identified As Barcode Type Status Has image?
K:SPC-39247.000 No
Leon, C.J. & Lin Y-L. [TCMK 0864] China K001873621 No
United Kingdom K:SPC-70000.575 No


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