Cyperus cyperoides (L.) Kuntze

First published in Revis. Gen. Pl. 3(3): 333 (1898)
This species is accepted
The native range of this species is Africa to Pacific. It is a perennial or rhizomatous geophyte and grows primarily in the wet tropical biome.


Native to:

Angola, Ascension, Assam, Bangladesh, Benin, Bismarck Archipelago, Borneo, Burkina, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, China North-Central, China South-Central, China Southeast, Comoros, Congo, Cook Is., East Himalaya, Easter Is., Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Gulf of Guinea Is., Hainan, India, Japan, Jawa, Kazan-retto, Kenya, Korea, KwaZulu-Natal, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaya, Mali, Maluku, Marianas, Mauritius, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nansei-shoto, Nepal, New Guinea, New South Wales, Nicobar Is., Nigeria, Niue, Northern Provinces, Ogasawara-shoto, Pakistan, Philippines, Queensland, Rwanda, Samoa, Senegal, Society Is., Socotra, Solomon Is., South China Sea, Sri Lanka, St.Helena, Sudan, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Swaziland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tibet, Togo, Tuamotu, Tubuai Is., Uganda, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Wallis-Futuna Is., West Himalaya, Zambia, Zaïre, Zimbabwe

Introduced into:

Christmas I., Cuba, Fiji, Honduras, Jamaica, Suriname, Tonga, Trinidad-Tobago, Venezuela, Windward Is.


Homotypic Synonyms

Heterotypic Synonyms


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POWO follows these authorities in accepting this name:

  • Acevedo-Rodríguez, P. & Strong, M.T. (2012). Catalogue of seed plants of the West Indies. Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 98: 1-1192.
  • Akoègninou, A., van der Burg, W.J. & van der Maesen, L.J.G. (eds.) (2006). Flore Analytique du Bénin: 1-1034. Backhuys Publishers.
  • Balkrishna, A. (2018). Flora of Morni Hills (Research & Possibilities): 1-581. Divya Yoga Mandir Trust.
  • Barthelat, F. (2019). La flore illustrée de Mayotte: 1-687. Biotope éditions.
  • Browning, J. & al. (2020). Flora Zambesiaca 14: 1-455. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Cabezas, F., Aedo, C. & Velayos, M. (2004). Checklist of the Cyperaceae of Equatorial Guinea (Annobón, Bioko, Río Muni). Belgian Journal of Botany 137: 3-26.
  • Caminho, J., Mutemba, L., Matusse, E., Osborne, J., Wursten, B., Burrows, J., Cianciullo, S., Malatesta, L. & Attorre, F. (2022). An updated checklist of Mozambique’s vascular plants. PhytoKeys 189: 61-80.
  • Chang, C.S., Kim, H. & Chang, K.S. (2014). Provisional checklist of vascular plants for the Korea peninsula flora (KPF): 1-660. DESIGNPOST.
  • Darbyshire, I., Kordofani, M., Farag, I., Candiga, R. & Pickering, H. (eds.) (2015). The Plants of Sudan and South Sudan: 1-400. Kew publishing, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Edwards, S., Demissew, S., & Hedberg, I. (eds.) (1997). Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea 6: i-xxviii, 1-586. The National Herbarium, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia & The Department of Systematic Botany, Upps.
  • Gosline, G., Bidault, E., van der Burgt, X., Cahen, D., Challen, G., Condé, N., Couch, C., Couvreur, T.L.P., Dagallier, L.M.J., Darbyshire, I., Dawson, S., Doré, T.S., Goyder, D., Grall, A., Haba, P., Haba, P., Harris, D., Hind, D.J.N., Jongkind, & al. (2023). A Taxonomically-verified and Vouchered Checklist of the Vascular Plants of the Republic of Guinea. Nature, scientific data 10, Article number: 327: [1]-[12].
  • Govaerts, R. & Simpson, D.A. (2007). World Checklist of Cyperaceae. Sedges: 1-765. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Govaerts, R. (1999). World Checklist of Seed Plants 3(1, 2a & 2b): 1-1532. MIM, Deurne.
  • Hoenselaar, K., Verdcourt, B. & Beentje, H. (2010). Cyperaceae. Flora of Tropical East Africa: 1-466.
  • Hokche, O., Berry, P.E. & Huber, O. (eds.) (2008). Nuevo Catálogo de la Flora Vascular de Venezuela: 1-859. Fundación Instituto Botánico de Venezuela.
  • Iwatsuki, K., Boufford, D.E. & Ohba, H. (eds.) (2020). Flora of Japan IVa: 1-430. Kodansha Ltd., Tokyo.
  • Lye, K.A. & Thery, P. (2012). Flore du Gabon 44: 1-230. Muséum National D'Histoire Naturelle, Paris; Margraf Publishers, Weikersheim; Meise Botanic Garden.
  • Marais, W. & Araujo, A.C. (2018). Flore des Mascareignes 202: 1-99. IRD Éditions, MSIRI, RBG-Kew, Paris.
  • Middleton, D.J. & al. (eds.) (2019). Flora of Singapore 7: 1-525. Singapore Botanic Gardens.
  • Miller, A.G. & Morris, M. (2004). Ethnoflora of Soqotra Archipelago: 1-759. The Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh.
  • Nelson Sutherland, C.H. (2008). Catálogo de las plantes vasculares de Honduras. Espermatofitas: 1-1576. SERNA/Guaymuras, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
  • Pandey, R.P. & Dilwakar, P.G. (2008). An integrated check-list flora of Andaman and Nicobar islands, India. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 32: 403-500.
  • Pasha, M.K. & Uddin, S.B. (2013). Dictionary of plant names of Bangladesh, Vasc. Pl.: 1-434. Janokalyan Prokashani, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
  • Plunkett, G.M., Ranker, T.A., Sam, C. & Balick, M.J. (2022). Towards a checklist of the vascular flora of Vanuatu. Candollea 77: 105-118.
  • Velayos, M., Aedo, C., Cabezas, F., de la Estrella, M., Barberá, P. & Fero, M. (eds.) (2014). Flora de Guinea Ecuatorial 11: 1-416. Consejo superior de investigaciones científicas, Real jardín botánico, Madrid.
  • Walker, E.H. (1976). Flora of Okinawa and the southern Ryukyu islands: 1-1159. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
  • Whistler, W.A. (2022). Flora of Samoa Flowering Plants: 1-930. National Tropical Botanicl Garden. Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.
  • Wu, Z. & Raven, P.H. (eds.) (2010). Flora of China 23: 1-515. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis.

Flora Zambesiaca

  • Clarke in F.T.A. 8: 404 (1902).
  • Haines & Lye, Sedges & Rushes E. Afr.: 204 (1983).
  • Hoenselaar in F.T.E.A., Cyperaceae: 223 (2010), in part.
  • Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 3(2): 333 (1898).
  • Kükenthal in Engler, Pflanzenr. 4, 20(101): 514 (1936).

Kew Backbone Distributions

  • Acevedo-Rodríguez, P. & Strong, M.T. (2012). Catalogue of seed plants of the West Indies. Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 98: 1-1192.
  • Akoègninou, A., van der Burg, W.J. & van der Maesen, L.J.G. (eds.) (2006). Flore Analytique du Bénin: 1-1034. Backhuys Publishers.
  • Berhaut, J. (1988). Flore illustrée du Sénégal 9: 1-522. Gouvernement du Sénégal, Ministère du développement rural direction des eaux et forêta, Dakar.
  • Boudet, G., Lebrun, J.P. & Demange, R. (1986). Catalogue des plantes vasculaires du Mali: 1-465. Etudes d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux.
  • Boulvert, Y. (1977). Catalogue de la Flore de Centrafrique 2(2): 1-94. ORSTOM, Bangui.
  • Browning, J. & al. (2020). Flora Zambesiaca 14: 1-455. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Brunel, J.F., Hiepo, P. & Scholz, H. (eds.) (1984). Flore Analytique du Togo Phanérogames: 1-751. GTZ, Eschborn.
  • Cabezas, F., Aedo, C. & Velayos, M. (2004). Checklist of the Cyperaceae of Equatorial Guinea (Annobón, Bioko, Río Muni). Belgian Journal of Botany 137: 3-26.
  • Caminho, J., Mutemba, L., Matusse, E., Osborne, J., Wursten, B., Burrows, J., Cianciullo, S., Malatesta, L. & Attorre, F. (2022). An updated checklist of Mozambique’s vascular plants. PhytoKeys 189: 61-80.
  • Catarino, L., Martins, E.S., Diniz, M.A. & Pinto-Basto, M.F. (2006). Check-list da flora vascular do parque natural das Lagos de Cufada (Guiné-Bissau). Garcia de Orta, Série de Botânica 17: 97-141.
  • Dy Phon, P. (2000). Dictionnaire des plantes utilisées au Cambodge: 1-915. Chez l'auteur, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
  • Edwards, S., Demissew, S., & Hedberg, I. (eds.) (1997). Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea 6: i-xxviii, 1-586. The National Herbarium, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia & The Department of Systematic Botany, Upps.
  • Hallé, N. (1980). Les Orchidees de Tubuai (archipel des Australes, Sud Polynesie), suivies d'un catalogue des plantes a fleurs et fougeres des iles Australes. Cahiers de l'Indo-Pacifique 2(3): 69-130.
  • Hokche, O., Berry, P.E. & Huber, O. (eds.) (2008). Nuevo Catálogo de la Flora Vascular de Venezuela: 1-859. Fundación Instituto Botánico de Venezuela.
  • Jones, M. (1991). A checklist of Gambian plants: 1-33. Michael Jones, The Gambia College.
  • Jongkind, C. (2014). Fauna & Flora of Liberia, flowering plant species list
  • Kotiya, A., Solanki, Y. & Reddy, G.V. (2020). Flora of Rajasthan: 1-769. Rajasthan state biodiversity board.
  • Lisowski, S. (2009). Flore (Angiospermes) de la République de Guinée. Scripta Botanica Belgica 41: 1-517.
  • Miller, A.G. & Morris, M. (2004). Ethnoflora of Soqotra Archipelago: 1-759. The Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh.
  • Morat, P. & Veillon, J.-M. (1985). Contributions à la conaissance de la végétation et de la flore de Wallis et Futuna. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Section B, Adansonia 7: 259-329.
  • Nelson Sutherland, C.H. (2008). Catálogo de las plantes vasculares de Honduras. Espermatofitas: 1-1576. SERNA/Guaymuras, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
  • Pandey, R.P. & Dilwakar, P.G. (2008). An integrated check-list flora of Andaman and Nicobar islands, India. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 32: 403-500.
  • Pasha, M.K. & Uddin, S.B. (2013). Dictionary of plant names of Bangladesh, Vasc. Pl.: 1-434. Janokalyan Prokashani, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
  • Plunkett, G.M., Ranker, T.A., Sam, C. & Balick, M.J. (2022). Towards a checklist of the vascular flora of Vanuatu. Candollea 77: 105-118.
  • Sosef, M.S.M. & al. (2006). Check-list des plantes vasculaires du Gabon. Scripta Botanica Belgica 35: 1-438.
  • Walker, E.H. (1976). Flora of Okinawa and the southern Ryukyu islands: 1-1159. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
  • Wu, Z. & Raven, P.H. (eds.) (2010). Flora of China 23: 1-515. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis.

Flora of Tropical East Africa

  • E.P. 4, 20 (101): 514 (1936)
  • F.T.A. 8: 404 (1902)
  • Haines & Lye, Sedges & Rushes E. Afr.: 204, figs. 408, 409 (1983).
  • Revis. Gen. Pl. 3(2): 333 (1898)

Other Data

Other Kew resources that provide information on this taxon:

Date Reference Identified As Barcode Type Status Has image?
May 2, 2023 Darbyshire, I. ; Baena, S. [6] Cameroon K001562733 Yes
Jan 1, 2023 Wightman, N. [NCW404] Zambia K001639573 Yes
Jan 1, 2011 Pollard, B.J. [307] Cameroon K000580381 Yes
May 1, 2001 Cable, S. [3516] Cameroon K000050689 Yes
May 1, 2001 Cable, S. [3517] Cameroon K000050687 Yes
May 1, 2001 Cheek, M. [8974] Cameroon K000050685 Yes
May 1, 2001 Etuge, M. [2586] Cameroon K000050688 Yes
May 1, 2001 Pollard, B.J. [108] Cameroon K000050686 Yes
May 1, 2001 Etuge, M. [1706] Cameroon K000050690 Yes
Aug 1, 1996 Parnell; Pendry; Jebb; Pooma [95-331] Thailand K000467918 No
Teixeira, J.B. [s.n.] Angola K003205023 Yes
Gereau, R.; Kayombo, C.J. [3680] Tanzania K003720930 Yes
Vorster, P. [2678] South Africa K003154396 Yes
s.coll. [82] India K003729782 No
Du, N.V.; Moore, A.; Chinh, V.T.; The, P.V.; de Kok, R.P.J.; Quang, B.H.; Xanthos, M.D.; Sinou, C.J.A.; Clark, R.P.; Little, P.I. [HNK3188] Vietnam K002291418 Yes
Millar, A.N. [NGF35323] Papua New Guinea K002292590 Yes
Iboet [67] Indonesia K002291968 Yes
Iversen, S.T.; Persson, E.; Pettersson, B. [87287] Tanzania K003720975 Yes
Wingfield, R. [2409] Tanzania K003721007 Yes
s.coll. [4327] Cameroon K003729803 No
Swynnerton, C.F.M. [460] Malawi K003724756 Yes
s.coll. [4392] Chad K003729802 No
Greenway, P.J.; Polhill, R.M. [11473] Tanzania K003729902 Yes
Drummond, R.B. [5301A] Botswana K003205017 Yes
Long, D.G.; Rae, D.A.H. [505] Botswana K003205019 Yes
Lindeman, H.A. [472] Tanzania K003729889 Yes
Whitford [485] Philippines K002292239 Yes
Leistner, O.A.; Oliver, D.; Steenkamp; Vorster [34] Namibia K003729984 Yes
Drummond, R.B. [5568] Zimbabwe K003205009 Yes
Scholz, U.; Koumassi, P.; Kühn, H.; Peuker, H. [461] Togo K002357636 Yes
s.coll. [8787] Nigeria K002357648 Yes
Phillipson, P. [1558] Madagascar K002956021 Yes
Kere, F. [BSIP 4920] K002355187 Yes
Whitmee, S.J. [20] Samoa K002355185 Yes
Wright, J.M. [212] Zambia K003724829 Yes
Wheeler Haines, R. [99] Nigeria K002357658 Yes
Lawlor, D.W.; Hall, J.B. [662] Nigeria K002357647 Yes
Boivin [s.n.] Madagascar K000362748 Unknown Type Material Yes
Coveny, R.G.; Hind, P. [10539] Australia K002294672 Yes
Richards, H.M. (Mrs.) [12249] Tanzania K003729903 Yes
Drummond, J.R. [24137] India K003067778 Yes
Mooney, H.F. [1879] India K003729785 No
Milne-Redhead, E. [3632] Zambia K003724823 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] India K003067818 Yes
Biegel, H.M. [1245] Zimbabwe K003205006 Yes
Gilbert, M.G.; Gilbert, S.B. [1329] Ethiopia K003151352 Yes
Couto, C. [91] Angola K003724812 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [44150A] India K003067814 Yes
Johnston, H.B. [1119] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002359928 Yes
Ash, J. [s.n.] Ethiopia K003151363 Yes
Zenker [1503] Cameroon K002359913 Yes
Menezes, A. [3292] Angola K003724810 Yes
Steenis, V. [7491] Indonesia K002291958 Yes
Mueller, F.W. [48] Australia K002294657 Yes
Rood, A.N. [64] Tanzania K003721011 Yes
Blake, S.T. [7195] Australia K002294662 Yes
Bakia, K. [519] Malaysia K002291975 No
Troupin, G. [1637] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002359927 Yes
Ayres, P.B. [s.n.] Mauritius K002956025 Yes
Christianson, S. [54] K002355188 Yes
Langdale-Brown, I. [1329] Uganda K003720822 Yes
Wilson, E.H. [1657] China K003065401 Yes
Lisowski, S. [501] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K003729805 No
Van Rensburg, H.J. [KBS2654] Zambia K003724834 Yes
Lye, K.A. [24537] Zimbabwe K003724782 Yes
Loher, A. [784] Philippines K002292241 Yes
s.coll. [11489] Zambia K003729939 Yes
Wallich [s.n.] Nepal K003067793 Yes
Kerr, A.F.G. [6989] Thailand K002291425 Yes
Richards, H.M. (Mrs.) [14921] Zambia K003729961 Yes
Gilliland, H.B. [1504] Zimbabwe K003724795 Yes
Henry, A. [13726] China K003065400 Yes
Bidgood, S.; Merrett, L.; K. Vollesen [8906] Zambia K003724797 Yes
Sykes, W.R. [1280] Tonga K002355175 Yes
Belcher, R.O. [258] India K003067822 Yes
U Thein Lwin [111] Burma K003067836 Yes
Areh, K. [905] Japan K003065387 Yes
Weber, O. [193] Zimbabwe K003724790 Yes
Lawrence, E. [221] Malawi K003724776 Yes
U Thein Lwin [620] Burma K003729788 No
U Thein Lwin [342] K003729786 No
s.coll. [401] Indonesia K002291960 Yes
s.coll. [1084] Burundi K002359954 Yes
Arnold, T.H. [401] South Africa K003729986 Yes
Schimper [1124] Ethiopia K000321389 Type Yes
Tessmann, G. [1083] Equatorial Guinea K002359920 Yes
Hooper, S.S.; Townsend, C.C.; Wingfield, R. [994] Tanzania K003721009 Yes
de Witte [5828] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K003729807 No
Turner, H. [46] Indonesia K001600465 No
Chantaranothai, P.; Parnell, J.; Simpson, D.; Skridit, K. [90/72] Thailand K000467911 No
Shaw, J. [456] Hong Kong K003065417 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] India K003067817 Yes
Klackenberg, J.; Lundin, R. [143] India K003067813 Yes
Schweickerdt, H.G. [2187] Namibia K003729993 Yes
s.coll. [9578] Zambia K003729952 Yes
Vorster, P. [2547] South Africa K003154390 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Australia K002294665 Yes
Mogg, A.O.D. [26750] Mozambique K003724748 Yes
Ridley, H.N. [s.n.] Indonesia K002291963 Yes
Reekmans, M. [5410] Burundi K002359952 Yes
Angus, A. [5970] Uganda K003720832 Yes
Ridley, H.N. [s.n.] Indonesia K002291954 Yes
Langdale-Brown, I. [1424] Uganda K003720821 Yes
Parker, C. [K83] Kenya K003720905 Yes
[Bakoto]; Henri Perrier, [s.n.] Madagascar K002956016 Yes
Furuse, M. [42732] Japan K003065380 Yes
Barbon; Alvarez; Fuentes [8629] Philippines K002292236 Yes
s.coll. [70] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K003729801 No
Vorster, P. [2527] South Africa K003154389 Yes
Cormack, A.B. [311] Malawi K003724764 Yes
Homble, H.A. [22] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002359945 Yes
Chandler, P. [1476] Uganda K003720825 Yes
Poilane, M. [26374] Laos K002291417 Yes
Gibbs Russell, G.E. [2846] Botswana K003205016 Yes
s.coll. [1853] India K003729775 No
de Vogel, E.F. [3412] Indonesia K002291981 No
Wheeler Haines, R. [72] Uganda K003720828 Yes
Gilbert, M.G.; Aweke, G. [3098] Ethiopia K003151355 Yes
Gbile; Daramola; Wit [1110] Nigeria K002357659 Yes
Schlechter, R. [4770] South Africa K003729990 Yes
s.coll. [3191] Burma K003067834 Yes
Myers, J.G. [6768] Sudan K003151340 Yes
Terry, P.J. [3047] Gambia, The K002357616 Yes
Weber, O. [68] Zimbabwe K003724791 Yes
[U Tin] [2320] K003729787 No
Bidgood, S.; Merrett, L.; K. Vollesen [9235] Zambia K003724799 Yes
Buchanan, J. (C.M.G.) [1427] Malawi K003724772 Yes
Gibbs Russell, G.E. [2532] Zimbabwe K003724785 Yes
Poilane, E. [27483] Vietnam K002291422 Yes
Salubeni, A.J.; Patel, I.H. [5105] Malawi K003729938 Yes
Asai, Y. [8348] Japan K003065412 Yes
Swynnerton, C.F.M. [411] Zimbabwe K003724792 Yes
Elmer, A.D.E. [22354] Philippines K002292246 Yes
Brummitt, R.K. [8496] Malawi K003724763 Yes
Peter, A. [35316] Tanzania K000321466 Type Yes
Walker, E.H.; Sonohara, S.; Tawada, S.; Amano, T. [6055] Japan K003065416 Yes
[G. C. O'Sonza] [2358] India K003067845 Yes
Thomerson, A.C.B. [473] Ethiopia K003151362 Yes
Mckee, H.S. [6266] Burma K003067832 Yes
Schmidt, A.F.W. [212] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002359931 Yes
Chung, H.H. [1592] China K003065405 Yes
Faulkner, H.G. [2949] Tanzania K003721006 Yes
Vaillant [885] Cameroon K002359914 Yes
Hubbard, C.E.; Winders, C.W. [6476] Australia K002294664 Yes
Perville, M. [501] Madagascar K002956029 Yes
Hollande, N.; Verrfaux, M. [C173] Australia K002294667 Yes
Boorman, J.L. [22708] Australia K002294669 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Madagascar K003729969 Yes
Cartwright, T. [32] Sudan K003151339 Yes
Cabalion, P. [1379] Vanuatu K002355179 Yes
Reekmans, M. [7387] Burundi K002359950 Yes
Whistler, W.A. [W 5361] Samoa K002355182 Yes
Camus, E.G. [s.n.] Vietnam K002291421 Yes
Davidson, H.C. [s.n.] India K003729757 No
Smith, K.A.H. [2414] China K003065407 Yes
Parker, C. [E156] Ethiopia K003151358 Yes
Humbert, H. [18859] Madagascar K002956019 Yes
Vorster, P. [2558] South Africa K003154391 Yes
Hooper, S.S.; Townsend, C.C.; Wingfield, R. [950] Tanzania K003721010 Yes
Hooker, W.J.; Jenkins [s.n.] India K003067819 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] India K003067809 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Indonesia K002291970 Yes
Gilbert, M.G.; Jefford, T.G. [4309] Ethiopia K003151365 Yes
s.coll. [1583] Nigeria K002357653 Yes
Pope, G. [663a] Zimbabwe K003205010 Yes
Richards, M.; Arasululu, S. [25918] Tanzania K003720928 Yes
Ridley, H.N. [s.n.] Indonesia K002291955 Yes
Hooper, S.S.; Townsend, C.C. [1483] Kenya K003720909 Yes
Bidgood, S.; Darbyshire, I.; Hoenselaar, K.; Leliyo, G.; Sanchez-Ken, G.; Vollesen, K. [5104] Tanzania K000190332 Yes
Oldham, R. [584] Taiwan K003065414 Yes
Reekmans, M. [6611] Burundi K002359951 Yes
Bedi, S.J. [1776] India K003729770 No
Wallace, G.B. [1031] Tanzania K003720947 Yes
Elmer, A.D.E. [6472] Philippines K002292243 Yes
Christenhusz, M.J.M. [5054] Chile K002355162 Yes
Lütjeharms, W.J. [5337] Indonesia K002291961 Yes
Collett, H. [[19]] India K003067791 Yes
Cameron, K.J. [16] Malawi K003724774 Yes
Verboom, W.C. [130 S] Malawi K003724762 Yes
Milne-Redhead, E.; Taylor, P.G. [8381] Tanzania K003720924 Yes
s.coll. [101] Uganda K003720826 Yes
Alston, A.H.G. [12604] Indonesia K002291957 Yes
s.coll. [8273 C] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002359941 Yes
Hallé, N. [6443 B] Vanuatu K002355177 Yes
Haniff; Nur [3639] Thailand K000467915 No
Motley, J. [17] K002291946 Yes
Vesey-Fitzgerald, L.D.E.F. [2722] Zambia K003729941 Yes
Azancot de Menezes [1075] Angola K003205024 Yes
Warburg, E.F.; Tutin, T.G. [H489] Portugal K002479550 Yes
MacKee, H.S. [7935] New Caledonia K002355167 Yes
{Manuel da Silva} [2692] Angola K003724811 Yes
PASCH [8630] Togo K002357639 Yes
Morton, J.K. [GC 7214] Ghana K002357622 Yes
Lukuesa [631] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K003729799 No
Richardson, J.; Livingstone, D.A. [102] Zambia K003724818 Yes
Angus, A. [5970] Uganda K003720834 Yes
Sillitoe, F. [84] Sudan K003151338 Yes
Heath, A.; Heath, R. [1724] Botswana K003205014 Yes
Friis, I.; Vollesen, K.B. [1009] Sudan K003151336 Yes
Pope, G. [663] Zimbabwe K003205011 Yes
Drake-Brockmann, R.E. [161] Ethiopia K003151343 Yes
{Abg. Mohtar; Ismawi, O.} [S49683] Malaysia K002291972 No
Suddee, S.; Paton, A.J.; Meade, C.; Chanplaeng, T. [858] Thailand K002291410 Yes
Muerllion, A. [1296] Cameroon K002359911 Yes
Migeod, F. [368] Cameroon K002357666 Yes
Hooper, S.S.; Saldanha, C. [18073] India K003729780 No
Vorster, P. [2669] South Africa K003154395 Yes
s.coll. [[11A]] India K003729781 No
Corby, H.D.L. [320] Zimbabwe K003724794 Yes
Luke, P.A.; Luke, Q. [4648] Tanzania K003729899 Yes
Vorster, P. [2433] South Africa K003154411 Yes
Peter, G.A. [23499] Tanzania K003720977 Yes
Greenway, P.J.; Kanuri [14444] Tanzania K003729887 Yes
van Rensburg, H.J. [2244KBS] Zambia K003729962 Yes
Magogo, F.; Glover, P. [307/B] Kenya K003720919 Yes
Bateson, E. [199] Malaysia K002291976 No
Barker, W.R.; Vinas, N.A. [LAE 66736] Papua New Guinea K002292594 Yes
Buchanan, J. [22] Malawi K003724752 Yes
Hazel, O. [602] Uganda K003720839 Yes
Purseglove, J.W. [P1575] Uganda K003720843 Yes
Robinson, E.A. [6549] Zambia K003729956 Yes
Hooper, S.S.; Townsend, C.C. [1602] Kenya K003720910 Yes
MacKee, H.S. [1161] Papua New Guinea K002292587 Yes
Siben, S. [1600] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002359936 Yes
Burbridge, F.W. [s.n.] K002291948 Yes
Drummond, R.B. [6066] Zimbabwe K003730000 Yes
Lauterbach, C. [6259] Indonesia K002291979 No
Whyte, A. [s.n.] Malawi K003724769 Yes
Poulsen, A.D.; Nkuutu, D.; Dumba, H. [s.n.] Uganda K003720819 Yes
Gereau, R.; Kayombo, C.J. [3958] Tanzania K003721013 Yes
Lemann; Griffiths, D. [s.n.] India K003067820 Yes
Parry, N.E. (Mrs) [772] India K003067821 Yes
van Rensburg, H.J. [1789 KBS] Zambia K003729953 Yes
Chantaranothai, P.; Simpson, D.; Simpson, R.; Thammathaworn, A. [1660] Thailand K000467909 No
s.coll. [6242] India K003067784 Yes
Lau, S.K. [351] China K003065406 Yes
Polhill, R.; Paulo, S. [2162] Tanzania K003729900 Yes
White, F. [7617] Zambia K003724835 Yes
Purves, J.M. [88] Malawi K003724759 Yes
Henry [1330] China K003065386 Yes
Drummond, J.R. [936] India K003067775 Yes
Drummond, J.R. [938] India K003067774 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K002355184 Yes
K000362749 Type Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Australia K002294666 Yes
Jackson, G. [340] Malawi K003724761 Yes
Richards, H.M. (Mrs.) [26270] Tanzania K003729888 Yes
Scarth-Johnson [108] Tonga K002355169 Yes
Kanuri Kibui [43] Kenya K003720912 Yes
Bruce, G.M. [581] Tanzania K003720948 Yes
{Larridon, I.; Darbyshire, I.; Downes, E.; Gosline, G.; Protase, guide station, UWA ranger} [102] Uganda K003720831 Yes
Furuse, M. [39497] Japan K003065381 Yes
Middleton, D,, J.; Sudee, S.; Davies, S.J.; Hemrat, C. [984] Thailand K000467916 No
Gamble, J.S. [8737] India K003729759 No
Raynal, J. [17000] Papua New Guinea K002292589 Yes
Humbert, H. [II299] Madagascar K003729966 Yes
Nash, G.V. [s.n.] United States K003725551 Yes
Schlechter, F.R.R. [4770] South Africa K003729991 Yes
Morrison, A. [s.n.] Vanuatu K002355178 Yes
Mitchell, B.L. [2741] Zambia K003729947 Yes
Tanner, R. [4487] Tanzania K003720949 Yes
Thompson, S.A.; Rawlins, J.E. [6039] Malawi K003724778 Yes
Richards, H.M. (Mrs.) [9369] Zambia K003724832 Yes
s.coll. [[1400]] India K003067851 Yes
Goodier, R.; Phipps, J.B. [256] Zimbabwe K003205007 Yes
Hall, J.B. [CC 194] Ghana K002357623 Yes
Chevalier, A. [811] Mali K000391908 Yes
[Kefamba]; [Nbatia] [30] Uganda K003720838 Yes
Cormack, A.B. [310] Malawi K003724768 Yes
Fénix, E. [s.n.] Philippines K002292245 Yes
Schlechter, R. [12137] Mozambique K003724749 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [14524] India K003729771 No
Gautier, L.; Ranirison, P.; Hanitrarivo, R.M.; Luino, I. [LG 5868] Madagascar K002956014 Yes
Batjeledik, J. [s.n.] Indonesia K002291982 No
Hakki, M.; Leuenberger, B.; Schiers, C. [212] Togo K002357637 Yes
Gamble, J.S. [8900] India K003729767 No
Deighton [5461] Sierra Leone K002357621 Yes
Clayton, W.D.; Weerasooriya, A. [6207] Sri Lanka K003067828 Yes
Tanner, R. [4857] Tanzania K003720968 Yes
Wright, J.M. [9] Tanzania K003720922 Yes
Hazel, C. [26] Uganda K003720841 Yes
Arnstein Lye, K.; Morrison, M. [1964] Uganda K003720833 Yes
Hooper, S.S.; Townsend, C.C.; Mwasumbi, L. [2011] Tanzania K003729904 Yes
Strey, R.G. [4553] South Africa K003154402 Yes
Smith, H.C. [13707] Burma K003067835 Yes
Maitland, T.W. [287] Uganda K003720848 Yes
Hakki, M.; Leuenberger, B.; Schiers, C. [499] Togo K002357635 Yes
Blake, S.T. [1215] Australia K002294661 Yes
Barberá, P.; Fero, M.; Esono, P. [277] Central African Republic K002359918 Yes
Meel, V. [567] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002359947 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [87] India K003067850 Yes
Gibbs Russell, G.E. [1257] Zimbabwe K003724784 Yes
Goodier, R. [457] Zimbabwe K003724787 Yes
Haines, H.H. [574] India K003729765 No
Renvoize, S.A. [5706] Zambia K003729965 Yes
Steward, A.N. [s.n.] China K003065398 Yes
Vorster, P. [2703] South Africa K003729994 Yes
Chantaranothai, P.; Parnell, J.; Simpson, D. [90/473] Thailand K000467910 No
Ramandimbisoa; Brigitte; Ramahefaharivelo, A.; Frasier; Cynthia, L.; Rajaonary, F.; Rabarimanarivo, M.; Razafindraibe, H.; Jacky [29] Madagascar K002956015 Yes
Luke, Q.; Sidibe, O. [15751] Mali K002357615 Yes
Dowson, W.J. [322] Kenya K003720915 Yes
Wightman, N.; Alfonsi, J.; Conradie, C.; Du Plessis, D.; Du Plessis, S.; O'Connor, N. [NCW672] Zambia K001634257 Yes
Luke, W.R.Q.; Kabuye, C.; Festo, L.; Ntore, S.; Bayona, W. [17871[illegible]] Tanzania K001639082 Yes
Todd, H. [52] Cameroon K001480216 Yes
Balslev, H.; Poopath, M.; Karaket, P.; Thaotawin, P.; Kladwong, P.; Rujichaipimon, W.; Brem Nøhr, N. [10176] Thailand K001767406 No
Balslev, H.; Poopath, M.; Karaket, P.; Thaotawin, P.; Kladwong, P.; Rujichaipimon, W.; Brem Nøhr, N. [10175] Thailand K001767425 No
Ranaivojaoana, R.; Reuben. [5] Cameroon K001615325 Yes
Cheek, M.; Rowe; Waindah; Howson; Csiba; Renggawa; Njume; Walu [10883] Cameroon K001615330 Yes
Etuge, M.; Surgenor; Ronsted; Njume; Babila; Enow [5382] Cameroon K001615327 Yes
Shiu Ying Hu [7356] Hong Kong K003065409 Yes
Milne-Redhead, E.; Taylor, P.G. [9712] Tanzania K003720926 Yes
Andrews, F.W. [A450] Sudan K003151337 Yes
Brunt, M. [521] Cameroon K002357661 Yes
Scott Elliot, G.F. [[5361b]] Sierra Leone K002357618 Yes
Keay, R.W.J.; Keay, J.M. [FHI 12698] Nigeria K002357651 Yes
Banda, E.A. [606] Malawi K003724771 Yes
Nicholson, R. [183] Tanzania K003729894 Yes
Rasaminirina, F.; Rakotoarimanana, V.; Razafindraibe, H.V.; Saholiariaminana,V.; Tovondrainy,Y. [RSF206] Madagascar K009001836 No
Vorster, P. [2702] South Africa K003729995 Yes
Brunt, M. [257] Cameroon K002357662 Yes
Koorders, S.H. [21168B] Indonesia K002291956 Yes
Henry, A. [s.n.] K003065415 Yes
Prince, S.D. [499] Zambia K003729964 Yes
Wheeler Haines, R. [4019] Uganda K003720823 Yes
Hornby, H.E. [H2440] Zimbabwe K003205001 Yes
Mitchell, B.L. [2741] Zambia K003729946 Yes
Gereau, R.; Kayombo, C.J. [3794] Tanzania K003720965 Yes
Festo, L.; Bayona, W.; Francois, J. [1203] Tanzania K003721018 Yes
Hoed, G.den; Kostermans, A. [686] Thailand K000467902 No
Couto, C. [261] Angola K003724814 Yes
Lovett, J.C.; Kayombo, C.J. [4646] Tanzania K003720973 Yes
Richards, H.M. (Mrs.) [12586] Zambia K003724831 Yes
[G. A. B. Buziiqye] [2] Uganda K003720840 Yes
Lovett, J.C.; Kayombo, C.J. [5027] Tanzania K003720972 Yes
Lebrun, J.A. [8283] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002359943 Yes
Jones, E.W. [56] Nigeria K002357649 Yes
Loveridge, J.P. [636] Zimbabwe K003729955 Yes
Reading U[niw] [14] Ethiopia K003151349 Yes
Johnston, H.H. [s.n.] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K003724751 Yes
Saldanha, C.J. [16089] India K003729776 No
Yasuda, K. [2017] Japan K003065390 Yes
McGregor, R.C. [216] Philippines K002292238 Yes
Blackwood, B. [162] Papua New Guinea K002292582 Yes
Stirton, C.H. [5580] South Africa K003154400 Yes
Schmitz [7097] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K003729795 No
Germishuizen, G. [58] South Africa K003729987 Yes
Gilliland, H.B. [K1556] Zimbabwe K003205004 Yes
Muasya, A.M.; Suddee, S.; Paton, A.; Wilkin, P. [1383(T113)] Thailand K002291409 Yes
Smitinand, T. [4572] Thailand K002291426 Yes
Pichi-Sermolli, R. [1952] Ethiopia K003151344 Yes
Loher, A. [783] Philippines K002292240 Yes
Wenger, W.J.L. [258] India K003067807 Yes
Degener, O.; [illegibl [23860] K002355186 Yes
Decary, M.R. [466] Madagascar K002956018 Yes
Field, D.I. [238] Nepal K003067799 Yes
Hooper, S.S.; Townsend, C.C. [45] Zambia K003724833 Yes
Scott, L. [s.n.] Malawi K003724775 Yes
Schlieben, H.J. [3394] Tanzania K003720923 Yes
Thompson, A. [234] Tanzania K003720957 Yes
Twisse [2671] K002357634 Yes
Mooney, H.F. [3900] India K003067804 Yes
Bidgood, S.; Darbyshire, I.; Hoenselaar, K.; Leliyo, G.; Sanchez-Ken, G.; Vollesen, K. [5080] Tanzania K000190308 Yes
Ilagi, M.; Gebo, A. [4202] Papua New Guinea K002292591 Yes
Koechlin, J. [1565] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002359937 Yes
Teixeira, J.B. [3011] Angola K003724816 Yes
Mwangargi, O.M. [2018] Kenya K003721023 Yes
Hooper, S.S.; Gandhi, K.N. [s.n.] India K003729783 No
Warburg, E.F.; Tutin, T.G. [H489] Portugal K002479551 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] India K003067781 Yes
Lorzing, J.A. [13036] Indonesia K002291965 Yes
Vorster, P. [2450] South Africa K003154417 Yes
Wang, Y.K. [2793] China K003065402 Yes
Parham, B.E. [2401] Fiji K002355170 Yes
Gamble, J.S. [8732] India K003729784 No
Luke, Q.; Vorontsova, M.; Kayombo, C.; Kimeu, J.M. [16198] Tanzania K003729896 Yes
Beechey [s.n.] Japan K003065383 Yes
Stage, E. [7] Togo K002357633 Yes
Groenendijk, E.M.C.; de Koning, J.; Dungo, J. [1169] Mozambique K003724746 Yes
Narasimhan, P.L. [165113] India K003067806 Yes
Luke, Q.; Badua, A.; Bokara, D.; Hastings, Z.; and Rivas J Mebulo I, M.S. [13642] Equatorial Guinea K002359917 Yes
Thomson, T. [s.n.] India K003067792 Yes
Salubeni, A.J.; Tawakali, E.J. [4961] Malawi K003724781 Yes
Pulsford, M. [3] Papua New Guinea K002292584 Yes
[K. W. Harker] [136] Uganda K003720847 Yes
Champion, A.M. [T163] Kenya K003720916 Yes
Bojer [s.n.] Mauritania K002956024 Yes
Verboom, W.C. [96S] Zambia K003729963 Yes
de Witte [3689] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002359934 Yes
Morton, J.K. [GC 6258] Ghana K002357626 Yes
Koorders, S.H. [21167] Indonesia K002291967 Yes
Wang Yang-Ming [328] China K003065392 Yes
Milne-Redhead, E. [3492] Zambia K003724822 Yes
Hooper, S.S.; Townsend, C.C.; Mwasumbi, L. [1940] Tanzania K003720929 Yes
Liben [1600] Rwanda K002359955 Yes
Smeds, H. [1116] Ethiopia K003151346 Yes
Milne-Redhead, E.; Taylor, P.G. [8189] Tanzania K003720925 Yes
U Thein Lwin [620] Burma K003729789 No
Middleton, D.J.; Hemrat, C.; Lindsay, S.; Suddee, S.; Suwanachat, S. [3339] Thailand K002291412 Yes
Wright, C. [352] Japan K003065382 Yes
Procter, J. [753] Tanzania K003720951 Yes
Bidgood, S.; Darbyshire, I.; Hoenselaar, K.; Leliyo, G.; Sanchez-Ken, G.; Vollesen, K. [5105] Tanzania K000190333 Yes
Stanley [s.n.] India K003067816 Yes
Champluvier, D. [5324] Congo, Republic of the K002359921 Yes
Thornton, T. [s.n.] Nigeria K002357645 Yes
Blake, S.T. [5205] Australia K002294656 Yes
Burtt, B.D. [3278] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002359944 Yes
Phipps, J.B. [847] Zimbabwe K003724788 Yes
Kerr, A.F.G. [4222] Thailand K000467905 No
Tanner, R. [5478] Tanzania K003721015 Yes
de Wilde, W.J.J.O.; et a [6806] Ethiopia K003151350 Yes
Heath, A.; Heath, R. [395] Botswana K003205022 Yes
Smith, P.A. [3324] Botswana K003205018 Yes
Schlieben, H.J. [1591] Tanzania K003720958 Yes
Schäfer, P.A. [5881] K002355173 Yes
Haswell, D.R. [211] Sierra Leone K002357619 Yes
van der Schijff, H.P. [1457] South Africa K003154388 Yes
Stauffer, H.U. [s.n.] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002359923 Yes
[Wale] [1847] India K003067810 Yes
Leippert, H. [5140] Kenya K003720902 Yes
Vorster, P. [2471] South Africa K003154414 Yes
Assi, A. [12044] Cote d'Ivoire K002357630 Yes
Fuentes, F. [12] K002355172 Yes
Blake, S.T. [13315] Australia K002294660 Yes
Parsons, A.C. [s.n.] Nigeria K002357640 Yes
Massawe, G. [67] Tanzania K003721012 Yes
Khan, S.M. [s.n.] India K003729766 No
Adams, C.D. [3966] K002357624 Yes
Haines, H.H. [574] India K003729772 No
Gibbs Russell, G.E. [2035] Zimbabwe K003729999 Yes
Greenway, P.J. [7461] Tanzania K003720953 Yes
Van Rensburg, H.J. [KBS1765] Zambia K003724826 Yes
Gamble, J.S. [749A] India K003067782 Yes
Vorster, P. [2479] South Africa K003154415 Yes
Ramsay, C.B. [s.n.] India K003067849 Yes
Santapau, H. [17100] India K003729764 No
Lauterbach, C. [6259] Indonesia K002291980 No
Irvine, F.R. [539] Ghana K002357728 Yes
Brunt, M. [565] Cameroon K002357665 Yes
Schweinfurth, G. [1842] Sudan K000321387 Syntype Yes
Corby, H.D.L. [348] Zimbabwe K003724793 Yes
Millar, A.N. [NGF38447] Papua New Guinea K002292580 Yes
Stauffer, H.U. [515] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002359922 Yes
Ramesh, B. [419] Bhutan K003067815 Yes
Gammie, G.A.; Duthie, J.F. [18098] India K003067787 Yes
Hendrickz, F.L. [1347] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002359933 Yes
Gereau, R.; Kayombo, C.J. [3552] Tanzania K003720970 Yes
Bingham, M.G. [585] Zimbabwe K003205008 Yes
[5902] Trinidad and Tobago K003726953 Yes
Santapau, H. [17391] India K003729763 No
Wallich [s.n.] India K003067843 Yes
[Burys] [[7165]] Japan K003065385 Yes
[Bauerjii]; Sakya, P.R. [5600] India K003067795 Yes
s.coll. [25] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K003729800 No
s.coll. [5242] India K003067785 Yes
Smeds, H. [1118] Ethiopia K003151347 Yes
Forrest, G. [8068] China K003065396 Yes
Friis, I.; Crawford, F.; Abebe, W.; Getachew, E. [14214] Ethiopia K003151359 Yes
Bakia, K. [519] Malaysia K002291973 No
Barclay, C. [1891] Mauritius K002956026 Yes
Matthew, K.M. [24767] India K003729761 No
Matthew, C.G. [s.n.] Indonesia K002291964 Yes
{Larridon, I.; Darbyshire, I.; Downes, E.; Gosline, G.; Protase, guide station, UWA ranger} [104] Uganda K003720830 Yes
Mooney, H.F. [3768] India K003067802 Yes
Morton, J.K. [GC 7462] Ghana K002357625 Yes
Elmer, A.D.E. [6675] Philippines K002292244 Yes
Kerr, A.F.G. [19331] Thailand K000467901 No
s.coll. [s.n.] India K003729773 No
Vartak, V.D. [9774] India K003067840 Yes
Schmitz [7044] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002359946 Yes
Miller, O.B. [4815] Zimbabwe K003724786 Yes
Chantaranothai, P.; Middleton, D.; Parnell, J.; Simpson, D.; Simpson, R. [1425] Thailand K000467908 No
Schweinfurth, G. [1502] Sudan K000321388 Type Yes
Fisher, C.E.C. [323] India K003067812 Yes
Peter, G.A. [16720] Tanzania K003720960 Yes
Sebald, O. [2190] Ethiopia K003151366 Yes
Versteegh, C. [BW732] Indonesia K002292586 Yes
Gibbs, L.S. [2746] Malaysia K002291950 Yes
Thomson, J. [272] South Africa K003154410 Yes
Ridley, H.N. [s.n.] Indonesia K002291962 Yes
Bidgood, S.; Hoenselaar, K.; Leliyo, G.; Vollesen, K. [5762] Tanzania K000468662 Yes
Greenwood, W. [176 A] Fiji K002355164 Yes
Cormack, A.B. [153] Malawi K003729942 Yes
Robinson, E.A. [1136] Zambia K003729957 Yes
Smith, S.A.L.; Beentje, H.J.; Muasya, A.M. [100] Kenya K003720903 Yes
Yao, K. [9196] China K003065410 Yes
Fang, W.P. [3471] China K003065403 Yes
Drummond, R.B.; Hemsley, J.H. [1733] Tanzania K003720955 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [s.n.] India K003067847 Yes
Hooper, S.S.; Townsend, C.C. [481] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002359939 Yes
Elmer, A.D.E. [6472] Philippines K002292237 Yes
Hooper, S.S.; Townsend, C.C. [475] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K003729806 No
s.coll. [24796] India K003067777 Yes
Bailey, F.M. [22707] Australia K002294668 Yes
Lely, H.V. [P 477] Nigeria K002357652 Yes
Angus, A. [5970] Uganda K003720837 Yes
Pedder, J.W.R. [21] Cameroon K002357664 Yes
Duthie, J.F.; Gammie, G.A. [s.n.] India K003067789 Yes
Morton, J.K. [6064] Ghana K002357724 Yes
Richardson, J.; Livingstone, D.A. [102] Zambia K003724817 Yes
Guile, D.P.M. [4950] Hong Kong K003065287 Yes
Hooker, J.D. [s.n.] India K003067852 Yes
Furuse, M. [43341] Japan K003065379 Yes
Greenwood, W. [176] Fiji K002355163 Yes
Barclay, C. (Sir); Synge, P.M. [2243] Nepal K003067798 Yes
Dummer, R. [400] Uganda K003720836 Yes
Polhill, R.; Paulo, S. [1134] Tanzania K003729891 Yes
Cramer, L.H. [4214] Sri Lanka K003067831 Yes
Karta [401] Indonesia K002291959 Yes
Robinson, E.A. [240] Zambia K003729951 Yes
Hendricks, L. [7374] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002359926 Yes
Richards, H.M. (Mrs.) [8976] Zambia K003729960 Yes
Ash, J. [1988] Ethiopia K003151354 Yes
Wingfield, R. [3776] Tanzania K003721020 Yes
Brunt, M. [510] Cameroon K002357663 Yes
Chapman, J.D. [2765] Nigeria K002357656 Yes
Brummitt, R.K.; Polhill, R.M. [15880] Malawi K003724777 Yes
Magogo, F.; Glover, P. [531] Kenya K003720900 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] India K003067846 Yes
Buechner, H.K. [55] Uganda K003720818 Yes
Michel [4006] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002359932 Yes
Haarer, A.E. [748] Tanzania K003720946 Yes
B. Mhoro [388] Tanzania K003720921 Yes
Macaulay [s.n.] Zambia K003724827 Yes
Koritzschoner, H. [3067] Tanzania K003729898 Yes
Faden, R.B. [67/524] Kenya K003720907 Yes
Simpson, D.A.; Parnell, J.A.N. [1725] Thailand K000467917 No
van Nek, F.I. [2144] Madagascar K002956020 Yes
Chandler, P. [737] Uganda K003720845 Yes
[A. Duthie] [367] India K003067788 Yes
Benson, F.N. [NB481] Zambia K003724828 Yes
s.coll. [38] Nigeria K002357646 Yes
Sands, M.J.S. [489] Indonesia K002291977 No
Boyer [s.n.] Mauritius K002956023 Yes
Tsang; Fung [(340)] China K003065408 Yes
Mooney, H.F. [2675] India K003067803 Yes
Vorster, P. [2455] South Africa K003154418 Yes
Martin, M.D. [SAN1739] Malaysia K002291951 Yes
Bünnemeyer [2535] Indonesia K002291966 Yes
Liben [1995] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002359938 Yes
Bidgood, S.; Merrett, L.; K. Vollesen [9038] Zambia K003724796 Yes
Ash, J. [1998] Ethiopia K003151353 Yes
Schmitz, A. [5093] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K003729796 No
[13791] Trinidad and Tobago K003726954 Yes
Moll, E.J. [1989] South Africa K003154405 Yes
Ash, J. [2631A] Ethiopia K003151361 Yes
Wild, H. [1739] Zimbabwe K003205002 Yes
[Fielding] [s.n.] India K003067823 Yes
Sitoni, D.; Kayombo, C.J. [1223] Tanzania K003720993 Yes
White, F. [6974] Zambia K003724820 Yes
Mooney, H.F. [5882] Ethiopia K003151345 Yes
Crosby, C.S. [173] Tonga K002355165 Yes
Heath, A.; Heath, R. [1577] Botswana K003205013 Yes
Festo, L.; Francois, J.; Kakoza, J. [1099] Tanzania K003721016 Yes
Nash, G.V. [s.n.] United States K003725552 Yes
Maas Geesteranus, R.A. [5186] Kenya K003720917 Yes
Price, W.R. [503] Taiwan K003065413 Yes
Maire, E.E. [2958] China K003065399 Yes
Ngoni, J.F. [366] Zimbabwe K003729998 Yes
Kershaw, K.A. [900333] Nigeria K002357643 Yes
Renvoize, S.A.; Abdallah, R.A. [1537] Tanzania K003720961 Yes
Takeuchi, W.; Kulang, J. [11516] Papua New Guinea K002292577 Yes
Groenendijk, E.M.C.; de Koning, J.; Dungo, J. [1169] Mozambique K003724747 Yes
{Cornet D' Elzius} [487] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002359935 Yes
Robinson, E.A. [509] Zambia K003724821 Yes
Bingham, M.G. [1019] Zimbabwe K003724789 Yes
Acres [124] Tanzania K003721019 Yes
Astle, W.L. [4400] Zambia K003724824 Yes
Keith, H.G. [9341] Malaysia K002291952 Yes
[Lat stafl] [2220] Uganda K003720824 Yes
Bourne [1883] India K003067825 Yes
Garrett, H.B.G. [773] Thailand K000467904 No
Edwards, S.; Kelbessa, E.; Tamirat, B. [2289-2379] Ethiopia K003151341 Yes
McLelland [s.n.] India K003067837 Yes
Greenway, P.J. [EAH 12602] Tanzania K003721021 Yes
Luke, W.R.Q. [15407] Kenya K003720913 Yes
Smitinand, T. [5654] Thailand K000467906 No
Whyte, A. [s.n.] Malawi K003724754 Yes
Bor; Ram, K. [156] India K003067783 Yes
Lisowski, S. [499] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K003729804 No
Du, N.V.; Moore, A.; Chinh, V.T.; The, P.V.; de Kok, R.P.J.; Quang, B.H.; Xanthos, M.D.; Sinou, C.J.A.; Clark, R.P.; Little, P.I. [HNK3013] Vietnam K002291419 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [35348A] India K003067841 Yes
Schneider, C.K. [2101] China K003065395 Yes
Lamprey, H.F. [359] Tanzania K003721008 Yes
Whyte, A. [s.n.] Malawi K003724758 Yes
Kerr, A.F.G. [1850] Thailand K002291423 Yes
[Lab staff] [2320] Uganda K003720849 Yes
Schilling, A.D. [595] Nepal K003067797 Yes
{M. I'abbé Bon} [5775] Vietnam K003729791 No
Muasya, A.M.; Suddee, S.; Paton, A.; Wilkin, P. [1456(T185)] Thailand K002291406 Yes
Bingham, M.G.; Peters, C.R. [12141] Zambia K003729945 Yes
Middleton, D.J.; Hemrat, C.; Lindsay, S.; Suddee, S.; Suwanachat, S. [3337] Thailand K002291413 Yes
Patnaik, S.N. [852] India K003729778 No
Lovett, J.C.; Kayombo, C.J. [4469] Tanzania K003720971 Yes
Whitehead, J.C.; Flenley, J.R. [JW 178] Indonesia K002291971 Yes
Bidgood, S.; Darbyshire, I.; Hoenselaar, K.; Leliyo, G.; Sanchez-Ken, G.; Vollesen, K. [5039] Tanzania K000190267 Yes
Forster, J.G.A. [s.n.] K000950413 Unknown Type Material Yes
Henderson, M.R. [s.n.] Indonesia K002291978 No
Furuse, M. [40740] Japan K003065378 Yes
Barclay, C. [1756] Mauritius K002956022 Yes
Faulkner, H.G. [G29] Mozambique K003724750 Yes
s.coll. [10665] India K003067829 Yes
Whyte, A.; Johnston, H.H. [s.n.] Malawi K003724809 Yes
Leeuwenberg, A.J.M.; de Wilde, J.J.F.E [2368] Cameroon K002359916 Yes
Andoh, J.E. [5189] Ghana K002357627 Yes
Muasya, A.M.; Suddee, S.; Paton, A.; Wilkin, P. [1472(T201)] Thailand K002291408 Yes
Nicolson, D.H.; Hooper, S.S.; Saldanka, C.; Gandhi, K.N. [HFP2269] India K003067838 Yes
Procter, J.E.A. [107] Tanzania K003720817 Yes
Drège [s.n.] South Africa K003154393 Yes
Teixeira, J.B. [2497] Angola K003724813 Yes
Wild, H. [1889] Zimbabwe K003729958 Yes
Simpson, D.A.; Casserly, R.; Lamb, A.; Phillips, A. [89/178] Malaysia K002291949 Yes
Curtiss, A.H. [5006] United States K003725549 Yes
Rich, H.H. [582] India K003067790 Yes
Streimann, H.; Kairo, A. [NGF47724] Papua New Guinea K002292581 Yes
Rood, A.N. [1] Tanzania K003720978 Yes
{Motley} [75] Malaysia K002291947 Yes
Bingham, M.G.; Nefdt, R.J.C. [10864] Zambia K003729949 Yes
Stewart, R.R. [12266] India K003067786 Yes
Bourne [3078] India K003067826 Yes
Lely, H.V. [129] Nigeria K002357641 Yes
Cavalerie, J. [7711] China K003065397 Yes
Pawek, J. [13328] Malawi K003724780 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [33839C] India K003729777 No
Vorster, P. [2561] South Africa K003154398 Yes
B. H. [Frowd] [F1] Kenya K003720904 Yes
Craven, L.A.; Schodde, R. [732] Indonesia K002292593 Yes
Sutherland [s.n.] South Africa K003154406 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [2436] Australia K002294658 Yes
Sebald, O. [2532] Ethiopia K003151356 Yes
Festo, L. [1842] Tanzania K003720927 Yes
[Lab Stafl] [2193] Uganda K003720842 Yes
Robinson, E.A. [492] Zambia K003729950 Yes
Bidgood, S.; Darbyshire, I.; Hoenselaar, K.; Leliyo, G.; Sanchez-Ken, G.; Vollesen, K. [5576] Tanzania K000468848 Yes
Mitchell, D.S. [1013] Zambia K003205005 Yes
Wanntorp, H.; Wanntorp, H.E. [587] Namibia K003729988 Yes
O'Hara, J.O.; Coveny, R.G. [3536] Australia K002294671 Yes
Kerr, A.F.G. [21418] Thailand K000467903 No
Decary, M.R. [892] Madagascar K003729968 Yes
Kirk, J. [s.n.] Mozambique K003724808 Yes
Tanner, R. [4887] Tanzania K003720967 Yes
Thompson, S.A.; Rawlins, J.E. [6314] Malawi K003724779 Yes
Drummond, R.B.; Hemsley, J.H. [1733] Tanzania K003720956 Yes
Bogdan, A. [AB5737] Kenya K003720906 Yes
s.coll. [6310] Burundi K002359940 Yes
Loveridge, M.V.; Arboretum, A. [18] Uganda K003720827 Yes
Mayuranathan, P.V. [s.n.] India K003067827 Yes
Scott Elliot, G.F. [7617] K003724753 Yes
Dummer, R. [400] Uganda K003720835 Yes
Brass, L.J. [28155] Papua New Guinea K002292583 Yes
Richards, H.M. (Mrs.) [11916] Zambia K003724830 Yes
Mitchell, B.L. [BLM26/07] Zambia K003724825 Yes
Johns, R.J.; Maru, R. [12639] Papua New Guinea K002292525 Yes
Bjornstad, A. [1032] Tanzania K003729895 Yes
Falconer [s.n.] India K003067844 Yes
Harvey [85] South Africa K003154408 Yes
Chapman, J.D. [4353] Nigeria K002357657 Yes
Muasya, A.M.; Suddee, S.; Paton, A.; Wilkin, P. [1396(T126)] Thailand K002291415 Yes
Yuncker, T.G. [9739] K002355166 Yes
Scott Elliot, G.F. [s.n.] Guinea K002357617 Yes
Decary, M. [7641] Madagascar K003729967 Yes
Muasya, A.M.; Suddee, S.; Paton, A.; Wilkin, P. [1277(T8)] Thailand K002291407 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Hong Kong K003065394 Yes
Reid, C. [876] South Africa K003154416 Yes
Van Meel [1453] Tanzania K003729937 Yes
Wallich [2346] Nepal K003729760 No
Verdcourt [23] Tanzania K003720966 Yes
Kerr, A.F.G. [11180] Thailand K000467913 No
Naithani, B.D. [41944] India K003067801 Yes
Lobb [s.n.] India K003067848 Yes
{Department of Agriculture} [22709] Australia K002294670 Yes
Mpofu, S. [57] Zimbabwe K003729996 Yes
Bogdan, A. [AB256] Kenya K003720918 Yes
Oldeman, R.A.A. [211] Cote d'Ivoire K002357629 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Japan K003065389 Yes
Vorster, P. [2565] South Africa K003154399 Yes
Parker, C. [s.n.] Tanzania K003720950 Yes
Chapman, J.D. [2765] Nigeria K002357655 Yes
Chantaranotai, P.; Simpson, D.; Simpson, R. [1606] Thailand K003729790 No
Simon Laizer, G.; Kindeketa, W.; Kayombo, C. [1252] Tanzania K003720954 Yes
Hepburn, I.D. [s.n.] Nigeria K002357650 Yes
Nash, G.V. [s.n.] United States K003725550 Yes
Cole [s.n.] South Africa K003154412 Yes
Milne-Redhead, E.; Taylor, P. [10020] Tanzania K003729892 Yes
Millar, A.N.; Vandenberg, J. [NGF48534] Papua New Guinea K002292579 Yes
Gilbert, M.; Mesfin [6634] Kenya K003720908 Yes
Bouton, M. [s.n.] Mauritius K002956028 Yes
Gerrard, W.T.; Kew, M.J.M. [76] South Africa K003154403 Yes
Ellis, R.P. [3035] Botswana K003205015 Yes
Kerr, A.F.G. [12736] Thailand K000467914 No
Greenway, P.J.; Kanuri [14156] Tanzania K003729890 Yes
Strachey, R.; Winterbottom, J.E. [2] India K003067794 Yes
Jackson, G. [340] Malawi K003724760 Yes
Renvoize, S.A.; Abdallah, R.A. [1873] Tanzania K003720962 Yes
s.coll. [G97] Ethiopia K003151348 Yes
Fernandez, C. [12092] Equatorial Guinea K002359919 Yes
Foreman, D. [LAE59110] Papua New Guinea K002292578 Yes
Lei, C.I. [885] China K003065404 Yes
Cormack, A.B. [414] Malawi K003724766 Yes
Bos, J.J. [1124] South Africa K003154394 Yes
Brain, C.K. [8807] Zimbabwe K003724783 Yes
Wingfield [569] Tanzania K003729893 Yes
Glover; Gwynne; Samuel; Tucker [2571] Kenya K003720901 Yes
Saldanha, C.J. [13984] India K003067839 Yes
Verboom, W.C. [113S] Malawi K003729940 Yes
Milne-Redhead, E.; Taylor, P.G. [7361] Tanzania K003721014 Yes
Powell, T. [72] Samoa K002355183 Yes
s.coll. [21] Uganda K003720846 Yes
de Witte [3095] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002359948 Yes
Gibbs Russell, G.E. [1600] Zimbabwe K003729997 Yes
Morton, J.K. [GC8542] Ghana K002357628 Yes
Fukui, K.; Fukui, M. [375] Ethiopia K003151360 Yes
Barclay, C. [1746] Mauritius K002956027 Yes
Magogo, F.; Glover, P. [376] Kenya K003720920 Yes
Mckee, H.S. [6295] Burma K003067833 Yes
Strohbach, B. [BS5662] Namibia K003729985 Yes
Brummitt, R.K. [11438] Malawi K003729936 Yes
Gereau, R.; Howell, K.M.; Msuya, C.A.; Lovett, J. [2925] Tanzania K003720964 Yes
Liben, L. [1600] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002359929 Yes
Liben, L. [804] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002359930 Yes
Tadong, L. [176] Malaysia K002291974 No
Lebrun, J.A. [8439] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002359942 Yes
Bidgood, S.; Darbyshire, I.; Hoenselaar, K.; Leliyo, G.; Sanchez-Ken, G.; Vollesen, K. [5106] Tanzania K000190334 Yes
Parker, C. [E373] Ethiopia K003151351 Yes
Henty, E.E. [NGF9877] Papua New Guinea K002292585 Yes
Eggeling, W.J. [E3897] Uganda K003720844 Yes
Smith, P.A. [3297] Botswana K003205021 Yes
Whistler, W.A. [7658] Samoa K002355180 Yes
Mooney, H.F. [1582] India K003729779 No
Ash, J. [3097] Ethiopia K003151364 Yes
Ern, H.; Leuenberger, B.; Scholz, H.; Scholz, U.; Schwarz, W. [1913] Togo K002357638 Yes
Azancot de Menezes [1520] Angola K003724815 Yes
Jackson, G. [121] Malawi K003729943 Yes
[12045] Jamaica K003726955 Yes
Clemens, M.S. [s.n.] Australia K002294663 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Taiwan K003065388 Yes
Blake, S.T. [1428] Australia K002294659 Yes
Schmitz, A. [243] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K003729798 No
Quarre [3235] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K003729797 No
Tuley, P. [63] Nigeria K002357644 Yes
Sandford, H. [10872] Tanzania K003720952 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [35348B] India K003067842 Yes
Moll, E.J. [4476] South Africa K003154404 Yes
Gereau, R.; Lovett, J.C.; Kayombo, C.J. [3486] Tanzania K003720969 Yes
Prince, S.D. [406] Zambia K003729948 Yes
Drummond, J.R. [937] India K003067779 Yes
Peter, A. [33809] Tanzania K000321464 Syntype Yes
Robinson, E.A. [25] Zambia K003724819 Yes
Smith, P.A. [2052] Botswana K003205020 Yes
Raynal, J. [20314] Rwanda K002359949 Yes
Mwasumbi, L.B. [10974] Tanzania K003729897 Yes
Iversen, S.T.; Mziray, W.R.; Persson, E.; Pócs, T. [87129] Tanzania K003720974 Yes
Menezes, A.; Barroso; Sousa [3348] Angola K003205025 Yes
Scott Elliot, G.F. [2168] Madagascar K003729970 Yes
Reekmans, M. [4016] Burundi K002359953 Yes
Drummond, J.R. [24729] India K003067776 Yes
Furuse, M. [1596] Japan K003065384 Yes
Schodde, R. [4125] K002355168 Yes
Wenger, W.J.L. [258] India K003067808 Yes
Robinson, E.A. [3437] Zambia K003729959 Yes
Taylor, P. [(NM-II)P-104] Indonesia K003067830 Yes
Bor (Dr.); Ram, K. [19750] India K003067780 Yes
Tanner, R. [4634] Tanzania K003720963 Yes
Bourne [1261] India K003067824 Yes
s.coll. [2450] Indonesia K002291969 Yes
Mckee, H.S. [[McKII6IA]] Papua New Guinea K002292588 Yes
Janaki Ammal, E.K. [1749] India K003729768 No
Vorster, P. [2839] South Africa K003154397 Yes
Bidgood, S.; Darbyshire, I.; Hoenselaar, K.; Leliyo, G.; Sanchez-Ken, G.; Vollesen, K. [5358] Tanzania K000190588 Yes
Skottsberg, C. [675] K002355171 Yes
Wichian [337] Thailand K000467912 No
Greenway, P.J.; Kanuri [15341] Tanzania K003729901 Yes
Loher [785] Philippines K002292242 Yes
s.coll. [452] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002359924 Yes
Peter, A. [35252] Tanzania K000321465 Isosyntype Yes
Whistler, W.A. [7785] Samoa K002355181 Yes
Sebald, O. [2242] Ethiopia K003151357 Yes
Clear, I.D. [C516] Cameroon K002359915 Yes
Pawek, J. [2978] Malawi K003724767 Yes
Bourne [3077] India K003067811 Yes
Mooney, H.F. [1504] India K003067805 Yes
Kerr, A.F.G. [2637] Thailand K000290887 Type Yes
Kerr, A.F.G. [2637] Thailand K000290886 Type Yes
s.coll. [6240] India K003729758 No
Tanner, R. [4911] Tanzania K003721017 Yes
Boivin, M. [3063] Madagascar K002956017 Yes
Reid, C. [70] South Africa K003729989 Yes
Schlieben, H.J. [3394] Tanzania K003720945 Yes
Leonard, A. [4180] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002359925 Yes
Xiao Bai-Zhong [4132] China K003065391 Yes
Cormack, A.B. [223] Malawi K003724765 Yes
Fernandes, R.R. [R738] India K003729762 No
van der Schyff, H.P. [4162] South Africa K003729992 Yes
Cripps, H. [s.n.] Zimbabwe K003205003 Yes
Arnold, T.H. [808] South Africa K003154401 Yes
Saxer, A. [s.n.] Cameroon K002357660 Yes
Smith, S.A.L.; Beentje, H.J.; Muasya, A.M. [281] Kenya K003720914 Yes
Van Rensberg, H.J. [1732 KBS] Zambia K003729954 Yes
Kerr, A.F.G. [10843] Thailand K000467907 No
Lye, K.A. [4711] Uganda K003720820 Yes
Waterhouse, J.H.L. [123c] K002355174 Yes
Bedi, S.J. [1776] India K003729769 No
Drege [s.n.] South Africa K003154409 Yes
Suvatabandhu, K. [[222]] Thailand K002291424 Yes
Greenway, P.J.; Kanuri [14164] Tanzania K003729886 Yes
Boaler, S.B. [795] Tanzania K003720959 Yes
Adamson, G. [200] Malawi K003724773 Yes
{Zhen-yu, L.; et al.} [892442] China K003065411 Yes
Whyte, A. [s.n.] Malawi K003724770 Yes
Hooper, S.S.; Townsend, C.C. [1471] Kenya K003720911 Yes
Morton, J.K. [GC 8004] Ghana K002357726 Yes
Streimann, H. [NGF47918] Papua New Guinea K002292592 Yes
Couderc, P. [s.n.] Cambodia K002291416 Yes
Bidgood, S.; Merrett, L.; K. Vollesen [9234] Zambia K003724798 Yes
Pooma, R.; Pattharahirantricin, N.; Sirimongkol, S.; Supachok, P. [7493] Thailand K002291414 Yes
Bedu, S.K. [GC 6330] Ghana K002357725 Yes
Whyte, A. [s.n.] Malawi K003724757 Yes
Leeuwenberg, A.J.M. [8204] Cameroon K002359912 Yes
Peter, G.A. [16990] Tanzania K003720976 Yes
Mooney, H.F. [3522] India K003067800 Yes
Wallich [s.n.] India K003729774 No
Thomas, N.W. [4047] Sierra Leone K002357620 Yes
Friis, I.; Lawesson, J. [5311] Ethiopia K003151342 Yes
Keay, R.W.J. [FHI 22992] Nigeria K002357642 Yes
Ellis, R.P. [3082] Botswana K003205012 Yes
Jefford, T.G.; Juniper, B.E.; Newbould, J. [2494] Tanzania K003721022 Yes
Lawrence [521] Malawi K003724755 Yes
Middleton, D.J.; Hemrat, C.; Lindsay, S.; Suddee, S.; Suwanachat, S. [3269] Thailand K002291411 Yes
Magogo, F.; Glover, P. [545] Kenya K003720899 Yes
Vorster, P. [2475] South Africa K003154413 Yes
{Nguyen V.D.; Vu X.P.; Nguyen, T.C.; Bui, H.Q.; Kok, R.P.J.; Utteridge, T.M.A.; Moore, A.; Trudgen, M.; Briggs, M.} [HNK-1715] Vietnam K002291420 Yes
Lely, H.V. [123] Nigeria K002357654 Yes
Feb 28, 2005 Chapama, H.T.; Likunda, S.; Mphamba, S. [63] Malawi Cyperus subumbellatus K000480546 Yes
Simpson, N.D. [7315] Sudan Cyperus subumbellatus K003151377 Yes
A.S.T. [Th1972] Uganda Cyperus subumbellatus K003721027 Yes
Graer, D. [74] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K003150027 Yes
Reekmans, M. [6672] Burundi Cyperus subumbellatus K003150017 Yes
Lind, E.M. [145] Uganda Cyperus subumbellatus K003721029 Yes
Decary, M. [1328] Madagascar Cyperus subumbellatus K002956036 Yes
de Witte [10127] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002359995 Yes
B. Mhoro [UMBCP 388] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721064 Yes
Myers, J.G. [11244] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002359984 Yes
[P6283] Trinidad and Tobago Cyperus subumbellatus K003726960 Yes
de Witte [10964] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002360000 Yes
Wingfield, R. [1151] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721051 Yes
[47] Zambia Cyperus subumbellatus K003724804 Yes
Hulstaert, P. [1606] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002359999 Yes
Furuya, K. [130] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721055 Yes
Arnstein Lye, K.; Katende, A.B. [6141] Uganda Cyperus subumbellatus K003721024 Yes
Hildebrandt, J.M. [2922] Madagascar Cyperus subumbellatus K002956037 Yes
Bullock, A.A. [2604] Zambia Cyperus subumbellatus K003724846 Yes
Wilkin, P.; Rafamantanatsoa, G.; Foster, C.; Caddick, L.R. [940] Madagascar Cyperus subumbellatus K000480522 Yes
Myers, J.G. [6767] Sudan Cyperus subumbellatus K003151375 Yes
[Rehtem] [462b] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K003150026 Yes
Ayres, P.B. [s.n.] Mauritius Cyperus subumbellatus K002956040 Yes
Robinson, E.A. [429] Zambia Cyperus subumbellatus K003724803 Yes
Ntemi Sallu, A. [188] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721050 Yes
Gerrard, W.J. [90] Madagascar Cyperus subumbellatus K002956032 Yes
Richards, H.M. [161] Zambia Cyperus subumbellatus K003724844 Yes
Drummond, R.B.; Hemsley, J.H. [3477] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721068 Yes
Jackson, J.K. [3060] Sudan Cyperus subumbellatus K003151372 Yes
Arnstein Lye, K.; Katende, A. [Lye 5770] Uganda Cyperus subumbellatus K003721037 Yes
Baijnath, H. [852] Mauritius Cyperus subumbellatus K002956039 Yes
Peter, G.A. [35562] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721041 Yes
Chandler, P. [1213] Uganda Cyperus subumbellatus K003721028 Yes
Smith, P.P. [1016] Zambia Cyperus subumbellatus K000480549 Yes
Reekmans, M. [11197] Burundi Cyperus subumbellatus K003150014 Yes
Pirozynski, K.A. [P1] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721052 Yes
Sheil, D. [1454] Uganda Cyperus subumbellatus K003721035 Yes
Wit, P. [3154] Cameroon Cyperus subumbellatus K002359969 Yes
Adam, J. [12822] Guinea Cyperus subumbellatus K002357684 Yes
Fasseaux [1171] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002359972 Yes
Vanderyst, H. [4202] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002359980 Yes
Maguire, B.; Stahel, G. [22731] Suriname Cyperus subumbellatus K000480541 Yes
Overlaet [249] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K003150002 Yes
Carlier, A. [173] Congo, Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002359996 Yes
Rogers, F.A. [8059] Zambia Cyperus subumbellatus K003724850 Yes
Troupin, G. [7350] Rwanda Cyperus subumbellatus K003150011 Yes
Wohlhauser, S.; Andriamalaza, H. [SW 433] Madagascar Cyperus subumbellatus K002956034 Yes
Purseglove, J.W. [P. 3413] Uganda Cyperus subumbellatus K003721030 Yes
Peter, G.A. [8251] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721045 Yes
Lamboray [61] Congo, Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002359989 Yes
Fay, J.M.; Doka, J. [s.n.] Central African Republic Cyperus subumbellatus K003150032 Yes
Peter, G.A. [23353] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721070 Yes
Griffiths, M.E. [52] Uganda Cyperus subumbellatus K003721034 Yes
Jack, C. (Mrs.) [40] Uganda Cyperus subumbellatus K003721038 Yes
Bruce, E.M. [1015B] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721062 Yes
Biegel, H.M. [2808] Zimbabwe Cyperus subumbellatus K003724848 Yes
Banda, E.A.K.; Salubeni, A.J. [2139] Malawi Cyperus subumbellatus K003724836 Yes
Coode, M.J.E.; et al. [4301] Mauritius Cyperus subumbellatus K002956042 Yes
Cormack, A.B. [264] Malawi Cyperus subumbellatus K003724838 Yes
Carvalho [3121] Equatorial Guinea Cyperus subumbellatus K003150041 Yes
Milne-Redhead, E. [3521] Zambia Cyperus subumbellatus K003724805 Yes
Dummer, R. [896] Uganda Cyperus subumbellatus K003721025 Yes
Reekmans, M. [9564] Burundi Cyperus subumbellatus K003150013 Yes
Mitchell, B.L. [16/38] Zambia Cyperus subumbellatus K003724851 Yes
Thompson, S.A. [1363] Cameroon Cyperus subumbellatus K002359968 Yes
Vanderyst, H. [295] Congo, Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002359981 Yes
Semsei, S.R. [2773] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721047 Yes
White, F. [6949] Zambia Cyperus subumbellatus K003724841 Yes
s.coll. [1119] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002359991 Yes
Robinson, E.A. [3308] Zambia Cyperus subumbellatus K003724849 Yes
Ash, J.W. [528] Ethiopia Cyperus subumbellatus K003151369 Yes
Manning, S.D. [149] Cameroon Cyperus subumbellatus K002359958 Yes
s.coll. [74] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K003150028 Yes
Arnstein Lye, K.; Katende, A. [Lye 5433] Uganda Cyperus subumbellatus K003721036 Yes
Kisena [818] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721060 Yes
Wraber, T. [20] Central African Republic Cyperus subumbellatus K003150030 Yes
Johnston, H.B. [s.n.] Uganda Cyperus subumbellatus K003721033 Yes
Dummer, R. [391] Uganda Cyperus subumbellatus K003721026 Yes
Louis, J.L.P. [2619] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K003150023 Yes
Liben, L. [1706] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002359987 Yes
Schweinfurth, G.; Riva, D. [2136] Cyperus subumbellatus K003151370 Yes
Corbisier-Baland, A. [1852] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K003150012 Yes
Pawek, J. [8274] Malawi Cyperus subumbellatus K003724839 Yes
Tanner, R. [5466] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721066 Yes
Whyte, A. [s.n.] Malawi Cyperus subumbellatus K003724837 Yes
Bruce, E.M. [1015 A] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721061 Yes
Hooper, S.S.; Townsend, C.C.; Wingfield, R. [934] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721054 Yes
Louis, J.L.P. [2619] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K003150024 Yes
Fay, J.M. [2916] Central African Republic Cyperus subumbellatus K003150029 Yes
Davies [264] Gabon Cyperus subumbellatus K003150043 No
Zenker, G.A. [897] Cameroon Cyperus subumbellatus K002359974 Yes
Sapin [s.n.] Congo, Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002359976 Yes
Van Someren, H.D. [12229] Kenya Cyperus subumbellatus K003721039 Yes
[5325] Trinidad and Tobago Cyperus subumbellatus K003726959 Yes
Evrard, C. [155] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002359986 Yes
Fasseaux [1111] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002359982 Yes
Lowe, J.L. [3270] Cameroon Cyperus subumbellatus K002359967 Yes
White, F. [6945] Zambia Cyperus subumbellatus K003724842 Yes
Feller [495] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002359971 Yes
Miller, C.B. [7549] Zimbabwe Cyperus subumbellatus K003724857 Yes
Robinson, E.A. [2744] Zambia Cyperus subumbellatus K003724801 Yes
Corbisier [793] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K003150025 Yes
Mtui, E.M. [154] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721042 Yes
Reekmans, M. [5748] Burundi Cyperus subumbellatus K003150015 Yes
Liben, L. [104] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K003150001 Yes
Wrigley, T.C.; Melville, F.A. [81] Gabon Cyperus subumbellatus K003150047 Yes
Peter, G.A. [19622] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721071 Yes
Perrier, H.; [H. Sambirano] [15156] Madagascar Cyperus subumbellatus K002956030 Yes
Milne-Redhead, E. [3514] Zambia Cyperus subumbellatus K003724856 Yes
Schmitz, A. [338] Congo, Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002359985 Yes
Leeuwenberg, A.J.M. [5903] Cameroon Cyperus subumbellatus K002359964 Yes
Grout, G.E. [122] Zambia Cyperus subumbellatus K003724800 Yes
Reekmans, M. [7553] Burundi Cyperus subumbellatus K003150019 Yes
Fay, J.M. [2591] Central African Republic Cyperus subumbellatus K003150033 Yes
Bos, J.J. [4387] Cameroon Cyperus subumbellatus K002359961 Yes
Simpson, N.D. [7263] Sudan Cyperus subumbellatus K003151378 Yes
Lind, E.M. [141] Uganda Cyperus subumbellatus K003721032 Yes
de Witte [8667] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K003150005 Yes
Richards, H.M. [161] Zambia Cyperus subumbellatus K003724843 Yes
Wilkin, P.; Rafamantanatsoa, G.; Foster, C.; Caddick, L.R. [940] Madagascar Cyperus subumbellatus K000480520 Yes
Gilbert, M.G.; Thulin, M. [677] Ethiopia Cyperus subumbellatus K003151374 Yes
Reekmans, M. [5524] Burundi Cyperus subumbellatus K003150020 Yes
Casas, F. [11315] Equatorial Guinea Cyperus subumbellatus K003150039 Yes
Simpson, D.A. [99] Madagascar Cyperus subumbellatus K000480521 Yes
Germain, R. [4038] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K003150003 Yes
Van Rensburg, H.J. [KBS2656] Zambia Cyperus subumbellatus K003724852 Yes
Gillman, H. [65] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721065 Yes
Fay, J.M. [2890] Central African Republic Cyperus subumbellatus K003150035 Yes
Jackson, J.K. [3192] Sudan Cyperus subumbellatus K003151379 Yes
Louis [10059] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002359983 Yes
Dorr, L.J.; Barnett, L.C. [4298] Gabon Cyperus subumbellatus K003150042 Yes
Bruce, E.M. (Miss) [B.1015] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721063 Yes
Chongo, Y. [15] Zambia Cyperus subumbellatus K003724807 Yes
Robinson, E.A. [3267] Zambia Cyperus subumbellatus K003724802 Yes
Mildbraed, J. [10787] Cyperus subumbellatus K002359962 Yes
Manning, S.D. [800] Cameroon Cyperus subumbellatus K002359956 Yes
Milne-Redhead, E. [3513] Zambia Cyperus subumbellatus K000480548 Yes
Kisena [819] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721058 Yes
Muerillon, A. [1223] Cameroon Cyperus subumbellatus K002359963 Yes
de Witte [9724] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K003150004 Yes
Reekmans, M. [7454] Burundi Cyperus subumbellatus K003150018 Yes
Casas, F. [12033] Equatorial Guinea Cyperus subumbellatus K003150037 Yes
Fay, J.M. [3308] Central African Republic Cyperus subumbellatus K003150036 Yes
Manning, S.D. [307] Cameroon Cyperus subumbellatus K002359957 Yes
Liben, L. [2707] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002359998 Yes
[5325] Trinidad and Tobago Cyperus subumbellatus K003726961 Yes
Magogo, F.C.; Estes, R. [1218] Kenya Cyperus subumbellatus K003721040 Yes
Vanderyst, H. [2406] Congo, Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002359979 Yes
[Lab Staff] [2194] Uganda Cyperus subumbellatus K003721031 Yes
Ash, J. [3099A] Ethiopia Cyperus subumbellatus K003151368 Yes
Angus, A. [2848] Zambia Cyperus subumbellatus K003724853 Yes
Casas, F. [10224] Equatorial Guinea Cyperus subumbellatus K003150038 Yes
Sillitoe, F. [86] Sudan Cyperus subumbellatus K003151376 Yes
Hooper, S.S.; Townsend, C.C. [40] Zambia Cyperus subumbellatus K003724854 Yes
Reekmans, M. [6776] Burundi Cyperus subumbellatus K003150016 Yes
Vaillant, A. [880] Cameroon Cyperus subumbellatus K002359959 Yes
Thomson, A.P. [95] Gabon Cyperus subumbellatus K003150045 Yes
Evrard, C. [2212] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002359973 Yes
Friis, I.; Vollesen, K.B. [763] South Sudan Cyperus subumbellatus K003151373 Yes
Mbenkum, T.F. [302] Cameroon Cyperus subumbellatus K002359965 Yes
Kayombo, C.J.; Ntemi, A. [3002] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721059 Yes
s.coll. [17] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002359993 Yes
Fotius, G. [2053] Cameroon Cyperus subumbellatus K002359966 Yes
Vaughan, R.E. [B3] Mauritius Cyperus subumbellatus K002956038 Yes
Hooper, S.S.; Townsend, C.C.; Wingfield, R. [952] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721053 Yes
Schlieben, H.J. [5881] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721048 Yes
Tanner, R. [2509] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721067 Yes
Carvalho [2102] Equatorial Guinea Cyperus subumbellatus K003150040 Yes
Coode, M.J.E.; et al. [4301] Mauritius Cyperus subumbellatus K002956041 Yes
Compère, P. [640] Congo, Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002359997 Yes
Fay, J.M. [2612] Central African Republic Cyperus subumbellatus K003150034 Yes
Bidgood, G.S.; K. Vollesen [3075] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721043 Yes
Milne-Redhead, E. [3024] Zambia Cyperus subumbellatus K003724806 Yes
Symoens [11726] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K003150022 Yes
Bos, J.J. [3792] Cameroon Cyperus subumbellatus K002359960 Yes
Evarard [2581] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002359975 Yes
Mwangulango, N.A. [424] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721049 Yes
Chapman, J.D.; Chapman, E.G. [9484] Malawi Cyperus subumbellatus K000480547 Yes
Peter, G.A. [8193] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721044 Yes
s.coll. [108] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002359994 Yes
Wohlhauser, S.; Andriamalaza, H. [SW 433] Madagascar Cyperus subumbellatus K002956031 Yes
Dibata, J.J. [357] Gabon Cyperus subumbellatus K002359970 Yes
[Spinaee, C.A.] [324] Central African Republic Cyperus subumbellatus K003150031 Yes
Fasseaux [1188] Congo, Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002359978 Yes
Reekmans, M. [7553] Burundi Cyperus subumbellatus K003150021 Yes
Burton [s.n.] Gabon Cyperus subumbellatus K003150046 Yes
Derred, R. [396] Congo, Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002359977 Yes
Bullock, A.A. [2479] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721069 Yes
Robinson, E.A. [1692] Zambia Cyperus subumbellatus K003724847 Yes
Decary, M.R. [12819] Madagascar Cyperus subumbellatus K002956033 Yes
Hooper, S.S.; Townsend, C.C. [404] Zambia Cyperus subumbellatus K003724855 Yes
Sallu, A.N. [60] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721056 Yes
Robinson, E.A. [2665] Zambia Cyperus subumbellatus K003724845 Yes
Wright, J.M. [1] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721046 Yes
Decary, M. [1309] Madagascar Cyperus subumbellatus K002956035 Yes
Robyns [1086] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002359990 Yes
Thulin, M.; Hedrén, M.; Dahir, A. [7626] Somalia Cyperus subumbellatus K003151380 Yes
White, F. [124] Zambia Cyperus subumbellatus K003724840 Yes
Vanderyst, H. [3643] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002359988 Yes
s.coll. [82] Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cyperus subumbellatus K002359992 Yes
Wickens, G.E. [1917] Cyperus subumbellatus K003151371 Yes
Kisena [820] Tanzania Cyperus subumbellatus K003721057 Yes
Cuming [568] Philippines Cyperus cyperoides var. microstachys K002292247 Yes
Cuming [1422] Philippines Cyperus cyperoides var. microstachys K002292248 Yes
Shaw, J.C. [484] Hong Kong Cyperus cyperoides var. microstachys K003065420 Yes
Merrill, E.D. [3277] Philippines Cyperus cyperoides var. microstachys K002292251 Yes
Shaw, J.C. [178] Hong Kong Cyperus cyperoides var. microstachys K003065419 Yes
Henry, A. [8] China Cyperus cyperoides var. microstachys K003065418 Yes
Williams, R.S. [2980] Philippines Cyperus cyperoides var. microstachys K002292250 Yes
Spellenberg, R. [s.n.] Yemen Cyperus sieberianus K002479257 Yes
Wood, J.R.I. [3302] Yemen Cyperus sieberianus K002479256 Yes
Wood, J.R.I. [3282] Yemen Cyperus sieberianus K002479255 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [43573] India Cyperus konkanensis K000592548 Type Yes
Woodrow [34] India Cyperus konkanensis K000592562 Type Yes
Thonning [s.n.] Ghana Mariscus umbellatus K002357731 Yes


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    • Angiosperm Threat Predictions
  • Flora Zambesiaca

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  • Flora of Tropical East Africa

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