Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.

First published in Fruct. Sem. Pl. 1: 8 (1788)
This species is accepted
The native range of this species is Tropical & Subtropical Old World. It is an annual or perennial and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome. It is used to treat unspecified medicinal disorders, as animal food, a poison and a medicine, has environmental uses and social uses and for food.


Native to:

Aldabra, Angola, Assam, Bangladesh, Benin, Bismarck Archipelago, Borneo, Botswana, Burkina, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Provinces, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, China North-Central, China South-Central, China Southeast, Comoros, Congo, East Aegean Is., East Himalaya, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Gulf of Guinea Is., Hainan, India, Inner Mongolia, Iran, Ivory Coast, Japan, Jawa, Kazan-retto, Kenya, Korea, KwaZulu-Natal, Laccadive Is., Laos, Lebanon-Syria, Lesser Sunda Is., Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaya, Maldives, Mali, Maluku, Manchuria, Mauritius, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nansei-shoto, Nepal, New Guinea, Niger, Nigeria, North Caucasus, Ogasawara-shoto, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, Rodrigues, Rwanda, Réunion, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Sinai, Solomon Is., South China Sea, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Swaziland, Tadzhikistan, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tibet, Togo, Transcaucasus, Turkey, Turkey-in-Europe, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, West Himalaya, Zambia, Zaïre, Zimbabwe

Introduced into:

Alabama, Algeria, Andaman Is., Argentina Northeast, Argentina Northwest, Arizona, Arkansas, Aruba, Ascension, Austria, Azores, Bahamas, Baleares, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia, Brazil North, Brazil Northeast, Brazil South, Brazil Southeast, Brazil West-Central, Bulgaria, California, Canary Is., Caroline Is., Cayman Is., Central American Pacific Is., Chagos Archipelago, Christmas I., Cocos (Keeling) Is., Colombia, Colorado, Connecticut, Cook Is., Costa Rica, Cuba, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, Delaware, District of Columbia, Dominican Republic, Easter Is., Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Fiji, Florida, France, French Guiana, Galápagos, Georgia, Germany, Gilbert Is., Great Britain, Greece, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Hawaii, Honduras, Hungary, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Italy, Jamaica, Kansas, Kentucky, Kermadec Is., Kriti, Krym, Leeward Is., Libya, Line Is., Louisiana, Madeira, Maine, Marcus I., Marianas, Marquesas, Marshall Is., Maryland, Massachusetts, Mauritania, Mexico Central, Mexico Gulf, Mexico Northeast, Mexico Northwest, Mexico Southeast, Mexico Southwest, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Morocco, Nauru, Nebraska, Netherlands Antilles, Nevada, New Caledonia, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New South Wales, New York, New Zealand North, New Zealand South, Nicaragua, Nicobar Is., Niue, Norfolk Is., North Carolina, North Dakota, Northern Territory, Ohio, Oklahoma, Ontario, Oregon, Panamá, Paraguay, Pennsylvania, Peru, Phoenix Is., Pitcairn Is., Portugal, Puerto Rico, Queensland, Québec, Rhode I., Samoa, Sardegna, Society Is., South Australia, South Carolina, South Dakota, Southwest Caribbean, Spain, St.Helena, Suriname, Switzerland, Tasmania, Tennessee, Texas, Tokelau-Manihiki, Tonga, Trinidad-Tobago, Tuamotu, Tubuai Is., Turks-Caicos Is., Tuvalu, Uruguay, Utah, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Venezuelan Antilles, Vermont, Victoria, Virginia, Wake I., Wallis-Futuna Is., West Virginia, Western Australia, Windward Is., Wisconsin, Yugoslavia


Homotypic Synonyms

Heterotypic Synonyms


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POWO follows these authorities in accepting this name:

  • Acevedo-Rodríguez, P. & Strong, M.T. (2012). Catalogue of seed plants of the West Indies. Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 98: 1-1192.
  • Aedo, C., Tellería, M.T. & Velayos, M. (eds.) (1999). Bases Documentales para la Flora de Guinea Ecuatorial; Plantas vascularis y hongos: 1-414. CSIC, real jardín Botánico, Madrid.
  • Ahmed, Z.U. (ed.) (2008). Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh 12: 1-505. Asiatic Society of Bangladesh.
  • Akoègninou, A., van der Burg, W.J. & van der Maesen, L.J.G. (eds.) (2006). Flore Analytique du Bénin: 1-1034. Backhuys Publishers.
  • Baliousis, E. (2014). Recent data from the flora of the island of Limnos (NE Aegean, Greece): new alien invasive species affecting the agricultural economy of the island. Edinburgh Journal of Botany 71: 275-285.
  • Barry, J. P. & Celles, J.S. (1991). Flore de Mauritanie 2: 360-550. Centre Regional de Documentation Pedagogique, Nice.
  • Boggan, J. Funck, V. & Kelloff, C. (1997). Checklist of the Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, Franch Guiana) ed. 2: 1-238. University of Guyana, Georgetown.
  • Bor, N.L. (1970). Flora Iranica 70: 1-573. Naturhistorisches Museums Wien.
  • Bosser, J. (1969). Gramiées des pasturages et des cultures a Madagascar: 1-440. ORSTOM, Paris.
  • Boudet, G., Lebrun, J.P. & Demange, R. (1986). Catalogue des plantes vasculaires du Mali: 1-465. Etudes d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux.
  • Boulos, L. (2005). Flora of Egypt 4: 1-617. Al Hadara Publishing, Cairo.
  • Boulvert, Y. (1977). Catalogue de la Flore de Centrafrique 2(2): 1-94. ORSTOM, Bangui.
  • Brako, L. & Zarucchi, J.L. (1993). Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Gymnosperms of Peru. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 45: i-xl, 1-1286. Missouri Botanical Garden.
  • Catarino, L., Sampaio Martins, E., Pinto-Basto, M.F. & Diniz, M.A. (2006). Plantas Vasculares e Briófitos da Guiné-Bissau: 1-298. Instituto de investigação científica tropical, Instituto Português de apoio ao desenvolvimento.
  • Chang, C.S., Kim, H. & Chang, K.S. (2014). Provisional checklist of vascular plants for the Korea peninsula flora (KPF): 1-660. DESIGNPOST.
  • Cirilo, N. & Proctor, G.R. (1994). Vascular plants of the Caribbean Swan islands of Honduras. Brenesia 41-42: 73-80.
  • Clayton, W.D. & Snow, N. (2010). A key to Pacific Grasses: 1-107. Kew Publishing, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Clayton, W.D., Harman, K.T. & Williamson, H. (2006). World Grass Species - Synonymy database The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Clayton, W.D., Phillips, S.M., Renvoize, S.A. (1974). Gramineae. Flora of Tropical East Africa 2: 177-449.
  • Cope, T. (1999). Flora Zambesiaca 10(2): 1-261. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Cope, T.A. (1982). Flora of Pakistan 143: 1-678. Department of Botany, University of Karachi, Karachi.
  • Cope, T.A., Knees, S.G. & Miller, A.G. (2007). Flora of the Arabian peninsula and Socotra 5(1): 1-387. Edinburgh University Press.
  • Cossu, T.A, Camarda, I. & Brundu, G. (2014). A catalogue of non-native weeds in irrigated crops in Sardinia (Italy). Webbia; Raccolta de Scritti Botanici 69: 145-156.
  • Damanakis, M. & Scholz, H. (1990). Phytogeographical notes on the Poaceae of Greece. Willdenowia 19: 413-423.
  • Danihelka, J. Chrtek, J. & Kaplan, Z. (2012). Checklist of vascular plants of the Czech Republic. Preslia. Casopsi Ceské Botanické Spolecnosti 84: 647-811.
  • Danin, A. (2004). Distribution Atlas of Plants in the Flora Palaestina area: 1-517. The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem.
  • Darbyshire, I., Kordofani, M., Farag, I., Candiga, R. & Pickering, H. (eds.) (2015). The Plants of Sudan and South Sudan: 1-400. Kew publishing, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
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  • Wallnöfer, B. (2014). Über die Verbreitung von Eleusine indica und E. tristachya (Gramineae) in Österreich. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, B 116: 181-190.
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Flora of the Cayman Islands

  • Gaertn., Fruct. & Sem. Pl. 1: 8 (1788).

Catálogo de Plantas y Líquenes de Colombia

  • Bernal, R., Gradstein, S.R. & Celis, M. (eds.). 2015. Catálogo de plantas y líquenes de Colombia. Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá. http://catalogoplantasdecolombia.unal.edu.co

Useful Plants of Boyacá Project

  • Crop wild relative Inventory https://www.cwrdiversity.org/checklist/ in The State of the World’s Plants Report–2016. (2016). Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew https://stateoftheworldsplants.org/2016/
  • Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humbodlt (2014). Plantas alimenticias y medicinales nativas de Colombia. 2567 registros, aportados por: Castellanos, C. (Contacto del recurso), Valderrama, N. (Creador del recurso, Autor), Castro, C. (Proveedor de metadatos), Bernal, Y. (Autor), García, N. (Autor). Versión 11.0. http://i2d.humboldt.org.co/ceiba/resource.do?r=ls_colombia_magnoliophyta_2014

Kew Backbone Distributions

  • (2022). https://mediahub.bo.berlin/api/File/Original/8139beb3-f1c0-4b9d-bf4a-bfa98f16220f/Cypricola020_Hand_2022_Records-2019-2021.pdf. epublication.
  • Acevedo-Rodríguez, P. & Strong, M.T. (2012). Catalogue of seed plants of the West Indies. Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 98: 1-1192.
  • Aedo, C., Tellería, M.T. & Velayos, M. (eds.) (1999). Bases Documentales para la Flora de Guinea Ecuatorial; Plantas vascularis y hongos: 1-414. CSIC, real jardín Botánico, Madrid.
  • Ahmed, Z.U. (ed.) (2008). Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh 12: 1-505. Asiatic Society of Bangladesh.
  • Ananda Rao, T. & Ellis, J.L. (1995). Flora of Lakshadweep islands off the Malabar coast, peninsular India, with emphasis on phytogeographical distribution of plants. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 19: 235-250.
  • Boggan, J. Funck, V. & Kelloff, C. (1997). Checklist of the Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, Franch Guiana) ed. 2: 1-238. University of Guyana, Georgetown.
  • Bor, N.L. (1970). Flora Iranica 70: 1-573. Naturhistorisches Museums Wien.
  • Bosser, J. (1969). Gramiées des pasturages et des cultures a Madagascar: 1-440. ORSTOM, Paris.
  • Boudet, G., Lebrun, J.P. & Demange, R. (1986). Catalogue des plantes vasculaires du Mali: 1-465. Etudes d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux.
  • Boulos, L. (2005). Flora of Egypt 4: 1-617. Al Hadara Publishing, Cairo.
  • Boulvert, Y. (1977). Catalogue de la Flore de Centrafrique 2(2): 1-94. ORSTOM, Bangui.
  • Brako, L. & Zarucchi, J.L. (1993). Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Gymnosperms of Peru. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 45: i-xl, 1-1286. Missouri Botanical Garden.
  • Brown, L.C. (1982). The Flora and Fauna of St Helena: 1-88. Land Resources Development Centre, Surbiton, England.
  • Camus, E.G. & Camus, A. in H. Lecomte (1922). Flore Générale de l'indo-Chine 1(3): 193-336.
  • Catarino, L., Sampaio Martins, E., Pinto-Basto, M.F. & Diniz, M.A. (2006). Plantas Vasculares e Briófitos da Guiné-Bissau: 1-298. Instituto de investigação científica tropical, Instituto Português de apoio ao desenvolvimento.
  • Cirilo, N. & Proctor, G.R. (1994). Vascular plants of the Caribbean Swan islands of Honduras. Brenesia 41-42: 73-80.
  • Clayton, W.D. & Snow, N. (2010). A key to Pacific Grasses: 1-107. Kew Publishing, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Clayton, W.D., Harman, K.T. & Williamson, H. (2006). World Grass Species - Synonymy database The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Clayton, W.D., Phillips, S.M., Renvoize, S.A. (1974). Gramineae. Flora of Tropical East Africa 2: 177-449.
  • Cope, T. (1999). Flora Zambesiaca 10(2): 1-261. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Cope, T.A. (1982). Flora of Pakistan 143: 1-678. Department of Botany, University of Karachi, Karachi.
  • Cope, T.A., Knees, S.G. & Miller, A.G. (2007). Flora of the Arabian peninsula and Socotra 5(1): 1-387. Edinburgh University Press.
  • Correll, D.S. & Correll, H.B. (1982). Flora of the Bahama Archipelago: 1-1692. J.Cramer, Vaduz.
  • Cossu, T.A, Camarda, I. & Brundu, G. (2014). A catalogue of non-native weeds in irrigated crops in Sardinia (Italy). Webbia; Raccolta de Scritti Botanici 69: 145-156.
  • Damanakis, M. & Scholz, H. (1990). Phytogeographical notes on the Poaceae of Greece. Willdenowia 19: 413-423.
  • Danihelka, J. Chrtek, J. & Kaplan, Z. (2012). Checklist of vascular plants of the Czech Republic. Preslia. Casopsi Ceské Botanické Spolecnosti 84: 647-811.
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Seed Collection Guides

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  • Juffe Bignoli, D. 2011. IUCN Conservation assessment: http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/177359/0; Clayton, W.D., Vorontsova, M.S., Harman, K.T. and Williamson, H. GrassBase - The Online World Grass Flora. http://www.kew.org/data/grasses-db.html. [accessed 18th April 2013; 12:15 GMT]
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Useful Plants and Fungi of Colombia

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Other Data

Other Kew resources that provide information on this taxon:

Date Reference Identified As Barcode Type Status Has image?
Oct 26, 2007 Heath, A.; Heath, R. [888] Botswana K000731132 Yes
Sep 1, 2005 Darbyshire, I. [320] Cameroon K000199950 No
Jun 1, 2005 Barthelat, F.; M'changama; Sifari, B.A. [1148] Mayotte K000731135 Yes
Jun 1, 2001 Etuge, M. [1627] Cameroon K000107851 No
Jun 1, 2001 Cheek, M. [9029] Cameroon K000107853 No
Jun 1, 2001 Cable, S. [3713] Cameroon K000107852 No
Jan 7, 2000 Takeuchi, W.; Wiakabu, J.; Gorrez, M.; Towati, A. [14068] Papua New Guinea K000731001 Yes
Jan 1, 1999 Holm-Nielsen, L.B.; Jaramillo, J.; Brandbydge, J. [21093] Ecuador K000731155 Yes
Jun 1, 1998 Kamundi, D. [714] Cameroon K000339564 No
Jun 1, 1998 Cheek, M. [8527] Cameroon K000339562 No
May 1, 1998 Asongani, J.N. [1334] Cameroon K000339561 No
Jan 1, 1998 Pollard, B.J. [48] Cameroon K000339563 No
Feb 1, 1996 Alers, M.P.T. [28] Gabon K000731060 Yes
Jan 1, 1994 Thomas, D.W. [9682] Cameroon K000540022 No
Oct 1, 1993 Vidal, S. [1973] Philippines K000290390 Yes
Jan 1, 1993 Carvalho [2104] Equatorial Guinea K000731057 Yes
Jan 1, 1993 Carvalho [4094] Equatorial Guinea K000731040 Yes
Jan 1, 1991 Solomon, J.C. [18900] Bolivia K000731160 No
Jan 1, 1983 Fay, J.M.; Ngaindiro, S.; Jules, F.; Raymond, S.; Remy, N. [4425] Central African Republic K000731056 No
Jan 1, 1977 Carpenter, T. [300] Maldives K000782931 Yes
Jan 1, 1973 Irwin, H.S.; Souza, R.; Santos, R.R. [11276] Brazil K001075217 Yes
Jan 1, 1972 Hodd, K.T.B. [250] India K000782925 Yes
Mar 8, 1968 Nelson, D.J. [1204] Australia K000731011 Yes
Mar 5, 1968 Nelson, D.J. [1042] Australia K000731012 No
Dec 1, 1964 Stewart, R., R. [21343] India K000245129 Unknown Type Material Yes
Jan 1, 1964 Hutchinson, P.C.; Kenneth, J. [3532] Peru K000731159 No
Jan 1, 1964 Royen, P.; Sleummer, H. [7580] Papua New Guinea K000782993 Yes
Jan 1, 1964 Irwin, H.S.; Prance, G.T.; Soderstrom, T.R.; Homgren, N. [57670] Suriname K000731150 Yes
Apr 1, 1963 Leeuwenberg, J.M. [1945] Cote d'Ivoire K000731046 Yes
Jan 1, 1963 Hooper, M.D. [90] Sierra Leone K000731041 No
Jan 1, 1963 Leeuwenberg, J.M.; Voorhoeve, A.G. [4597] Liberia K000731042 No
Oct 1, 1962 Brunt, M.A. [506] Cameroon K000182160 No
Jan 1, 1961 Steyermark, J.A.; Nilsson, S. [824] Venezuela K000731152 Yes
Mar 1, 1958 Naegele, A. [1708] Senegal K000731038 No
Jan 1, 1956 Santapan [289] India K000782949 Yes
Nov 4, 1950 de Haan, G.A.L. [1743] Indonesia K000782985 Yes
Jul 1, 1936 Van Leeuwen, W.M.. [10583] Papua New Guinea K000782995 Yes
Feb 11, 1935 Lei, C.L. [686] China K000782913 Yes
Jan 16, 1934 Magaramathan, D.V. [s.n.] India K000782950 Yes
Jan 1, 1919 Bünnemeijer, N. [4782] Indonesia K000782964 Yes
Jan 1, 1919 Bünnemeijer, N. [5651] Indonesia K000782961 Yes
Jan 1, 1919 Bünnemeijer, N. [3956] Indonesia K000782960 Yes
Sep 20, 1855 Poiteau [1824-07] Guyana K001075214 Yes
Short, C.W. [s.n.] K002408390 Yes
Sampson, H.C. [69] Belize K002408462 Yes
Beccari, O. [3813] Malaysia K002407183 No
Tonduz, A. [14587] Costa Rica K002408490 Yes
Oertel, A. [s.n.] Spain K002406827 Yes
Müller, F. [2039] Mexico K002408405 Yes
Sillitoe, F. [28] Sudan K002407810 Yes
Bernoulli [577] Guatemala K002408456 Yes
Pohl, R.W.; Gabel, M. [13320] Honduras K002408472 Yes
Fryar, D. [3606] Papua New Guinea K002407274 No
Migeod, F. [94] Cameroon K000182170 No
Innes, R.R. [536] Bangladesh K002407135 Yes
Hockings, F. [s.n.] Australia K002407304 Yes
Baron, R. (Rev.) [2380] Madagascar K002408247 Yes
Dombrowski, L.T.; Saito, Y. [1563] Brazil K002408607 Yes
Fuertes, P.M. [1278] Dominican Republic K002408520 Yes
Moll, E, J. [1549] South Africa K000731145 Yes
Torr; Gr. [s.n.] United States K002408375 Yes
Newbould, J.G.B.; Harley, R.M. [4395] Tanzania K002408038 Yes
Gamble, J.S. [24643] India K001082330 Yes
Nee, M. [31494] Bolivia K002090639 No
[Imaan] [s.n.] Dominica K002408519 Yes
Ankrah, J.O. [19] Ghana K002407610 Yes
Vanderyst [1548] Congo, Republic of the K002407709 Yes
Jongbloed, M. [1013] Oman K000782892 Yes
Archbold, N.E. [s.n.] Tanzania K000731116 Yes
Clayton, D. [5330] Sri Lanka K000245128 Epitype Yes
Thomas, N.W. [s.n.] Nigeria K002407632 Yes
Hiepko, P.; Schultze-Motel, W. [11] Togo K002407612 Yes
Ellis [13] Australia K000731016 Yes
Barbon; Romero; Fernando [1790] Philippines K002407238 Yes
s.coll. [2272] Burundi K002407725 Yes
Edgar, P. [155] Bolivia K002090621 No
Tothill, J.D. [163] Fiji K002407413 Yes
Kadir [[A2020]] Malaysia K002407187 Yes
[chandler] [725] Uganda K002408014 Yes
MacKee, H.S. [RSNH 24324] Vanuatu K002407384 Yes
Post, R. [6] Sao Tome and Principe K002407682 Yes
Tothill, J.D. [295] Fiji K002407424 Yes
Bullock, A.A. [676] India K002407127 Yes
Coro-Rojas [1445] Bolivia K002090651 No
[S. Mayr] [242] K001738827 Yes
Gwyne; Wood [1200] Seychelles K002408253 Yes
Bond, J.S. [194] Tanzania K002408037 Yes
Koorders, S.H. [21243] Indonesia K002407214 Yes
Carpenter, T. [366] Maldives K002407160 Yes
Saadou, N. [542] Niger K002407617 Yes
Seidenschwarz, F.G. [15412] Peru K000731158 No
Hubbard, C.E. [6678] Australia K002407325 Yes
s.coll. [23] New Caledonia K002407398 Yes
Taquet [s.n.] K002406959 Yes
Storey, H.H. [13] Tanzania K002408004 Yes
Politon [7] Indonesia K002407227 Yes
Wroughton, R.C. [17] India K002407113 Yes
Conklin, H.C. [668] Philippines K000782987 Yes
de Vogel, E. [1000] Indonesia K000782971 No
[illegible] [1386] Niger K002407636 Yes
Tothill, J.D. [17] Fiji K002407434 Yes
Andena, B. [1815] Colombia K000731151 Yes
Mathews [214] Peru K002090619 No
Peterson, P.; Soreng, R.J.; Romaschenko, K. [23802] Tanzania K002408031 Yes
Snowden, J.D. [1100] Uganda K002408017 Yes
Lörzing [12916] Indonesia K002407206 Yes
Tsang, W.T. [524] China K002406985 Yes
Harris, B.J. [BJH 1822] Tanzania K002408045 Yes
Bancroft, T.L. [s.n.] Australia K002407302 Yes
Banirju, R. [17567] India K000782935 Yes
Maitland, T.D. [19] Cameroon K000182162 No
Squires, R.W. [908] Vietnam K002407175 No
Duthie, J.F. [s.n.] India K002407123 Yes
Smart, H.P. [71] Belize K002408463 Yes
Soakai, E. [450] Tonga K002407464 Yes
Doty, M.S.; Newhouse, J. [[11725]] French Polynesia K002407489 Yes
Hennipman, E. [5033] Indonesia K000782981 Yes
Dr. A. Eichinger [s.n.] Tanzania K002408012 Yes
Quarré [3830] Congo, Republic of the K002407717 Yes
Put [21] Thailand K000621524 No
Jenman, G.S. [4501] Guyana K002408563 Yes
Hammil, M. [3001] Malaysia K000782952 Yes
Longhi-Wagner, H.M. [3749] Brazil K002408610 Yes
Craven, L.; Schodde, R. [504] Papua New Guinea K002407365 Yes
Whitney [353] Chile K002407487 Yes
Leeuwenberg, A.J.M. [7154] Cameroon K002407666 No
Wong, K.M.; Ahmad, B.; Gambukas, S. [WTM2577] Malaysia K000782977 Yes
Clayton, D.; Albert, M.G, [5170] Sri Lanka K000782929 Yes
Keenan, J.; Tun Aung, U.; Rule, R.H. [1267] Burma K002407137 Yes
[J. Jocelyn] [s.n.] Christmas Island K002407470 Yes
Jansen, P.C.M.; Aweke, G. [4903] Ethiopia K002407816 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [9044] Burma K002407138 Yes
[R. Eagles] [s.n.] United Kingdom K002406818 Yes
Waterhouse, J.H.L. [279] Solomon Islands K002407371 Yes
[J. Hiêp] [52] Thailand K002407167 No
Jenman, G.S. [2166] Guyana K002408570 Yes
Last, J.T. [s.n.] Tanzania K002408048 Yes
Cowdry, W. [[58]] Australia K002407309 Yes
Drummond [s.n.] United States K001738885 Yes
Fosberg, F.R. [49485] Seychelles K000731136 Yes
Léon, F. [286] Cuba K002408504 Yes
s.coll. [4053s] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002407705 Yes
Dr Ed. Bonnet [s.n.] France K002406822 Yes
Gutzwiller, R. [2676] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002407723 Yes
Yao, K. [8698] China K002406979 Yes
Wit, P.; Gbile, Z.O.; Daramola, B.O. [FHI66735] Nigeria K000731050 Yes
Robertson, S.A. [3016] Seychelles K002408275 Yes
Clemens, M.S. [s.n.] Australia K002407318 Yes
Fendler, A. [1735] Venezuela K002408691 Yes
Cope, T. [454] Oman K000782893 Yes
Laegaard, S. [22407] Ecuador K002090661 Yes
Ungar, I. [1031] United States K002408383 Yes
Womersley, J.S. [3304] Papua New Guinea K002407272 Yes
But, P. [059] Hong Kong K002406989 Yes
Smith, A.C. [7080] Fiji K002407409 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United States K002408393 Yes
King [8879] Malaysia K002407188 Yes
Gaumer, G.F. [s.n.] Mexico K002408436 Yes
Botteri [123] Mexico K002408414 Yes
Botteri [124] Mexico K002408413 Yes
s.coll. [937] Sri Lanka K002407153 Yes
Rup Chand, T. [8078] India K002407114 Yes
Bünnemeijer [1515] Indonesia K002407237 Yes
Hansen, A. [101] K002406927 Yes
Morton, J.K. [SL 3544] Sierra Leone K002407559 No
Innes, R.R. [32171] Ghana K002407603 Yes
Venturi, S. [7920] Argentina K002090677 Yes
Phleonchit [924] Thailand K000682578 No
Robinson, A., Jr. [2658] United States K000731148 Yes
Baldwin, J.T. [11222A] Liberia K002407588 No
Rodway, F.A. [2670] Australia K002407343 Yes
Marsden, J. [012] Hong Kong K002406992 Yes
s.coll. [1616] Sri Lanka K002407142 Yes
s.coll. [CP 937] Sri Lanka K002407154 Yes
Oldenburger, F.H.F.; Norde, R.; Schulz, J.P. [1369] Suriname K002408581 Yes
Stevens, G.W. [1730] United States K002408369 Yes
Kurz, S. [s.n.] India K002407156 Yes
Levine, C.O. [s.n.] China K002406980 Yes
Robertson, S.A. [2360] Seychelles K002408274 Yes
Yuncker, T.G. [9499] Samoa K002407456 Yes
Rudio [s.n.] Brazil K002408621 No
Höpflinger, F. [80] Bahamas, The K002408501 Yes
[V. Ilolahia] [79] Tonga K002407461 Yes
Tate, R. [552(38)] Nicaragua K002408485 Yes
Brass, L.J. [22024] Papua New Guinea K002407264 Yes
Arundel, J.T. [s.n.] New Zealand K002407360 Yes
Bauer, F. [6] Cameroon K000182168 No
Brass, L.J. [3201] Solomon Islands K002407370 Yes
Flenley, J.R. [ANU2188] Papua New Guinea K000783000 Yes
[illegible] [482] South Sudan K002407806 Yes
Peterson, P.M.; Refulio Roidriguez, N. [15035] Peru K002408707 Yes
Gaumer, G.F. [s.n.] Mexico K002408437 Yes
Eden, M.J. [s.n.] Colombia K002408686 Yes
Fosberg, F.R. [64732] French Polynesia K002407483 Yes
Recd [1166] China K000782920 Yes
s.coll. [363] Bahamas, The K002408500 Yes
Lloyd, F.E. [814] Dominica K002408542 Yes
Poilane, M. [27160] Vietnam K002407170 No
Leeuwenberg, A.J.M. [2898] Cote d'Ivoire K002407590 No
Darbyshire, P.J.; Hoogland, R.D. [7876] Papua New Guinea K000731004 Yes
Jefford, T.G.; Juniper, B.E.; Newbould, J. [2255] Tanzania K002408035 Yes
Tadong, D. [273] Malaysia K002407200 Yes
Shea, G. [7360] Indonesia K002407258 Yes
Maitland, T.D. [353] Cameroon K000182175 No
Estrada, A.; Chacon, R.; Quesada, A.; Otros [2823] Costa Rica K002408497 Yes
Pollard, B.J.; Njume; Edmondo [887] Cameroon K001562343 Yes
Farille, M.A. [81-816] Nepal K001612186 Yes
s.coll. [B 7977] Botswana K001625346 Yes
Verdcourt, B. [5159] Papua New Guinea K000731005 Yes
Taylor, H.J. [1232] Kenya K002408026 Yes
Sledge, W.A. [1887] Christmas Island K002407471 Yes
Deighton, F.C. [1379] Sierra Leone K002407572 No
Clayton, W.D. [4395] Brazil K001075213 Yes
Hoogland, R.D. [3250] Papua New Guinea K000731007 Yes
Cheng [90] China K000782923 Yes
Amico, A. [466] Mozambique K000731121 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [6990] Australia K002407312 Yes
de Michel, R. [675] Bolivia K002090649 No
Everett, A.H. [68] Indonesia K002407223 Yes
Box, H.E. [5] Antigua and Barbuda K002408529 Yes
Lange, J. [s.n.] Spain K002406828 Yes
Harris, A. [72] Samoa K002407455 Yes
Tsang, W.T.; Fung, H, L.; L.U. [284] China K000782914 Yes
Schindler, A.K. [108] China K002406965 Yes
Bona Nascimento, M.S. [112] Brazil K000003185 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Türkiye K002406903 Yes
Harris, W.H. [12647a] Jamaica K002408512 Yes
Thomas, N.W. [47] Nigeria K002407622 Yes
Jackson, J.K. [805] South Sudan K002407814 Yes
Eiten, G.; Eiten, L.T. [1819] Brazil K002408631 No
[H. Soe] [s.n.] United States K002407508 Yes
Mr. Moseley [s.n.] Indonesia K002407225 Yes
Rodway, F.A. [2670] Australia K002407342 Yes
Mooney, H.F. [8790] Ethiopia K002407817 Yes
Laegaard, S.; Renvoize, S. [70618] Ecuador K002408699 Yes
Lehmannianae, F.C. [BT634] Colombia K002408675 Yes
Wohlhauser, S. [SW60048] Madagascar K000731137 Yes
Gibbs, L.S. [2727] Malaysia K002407194 Yes
Fernandez Casas, J.; Carvalho, M.F. [11377 (1)] Equatorial Guinea K002407679 Yes
Starr, F.; Starr, K.; Wood, K. [050406-14] United States K002407509 Yes
Leeuwenberg, A.J.M. [6379] Cameroon K002407672 No
Allen, C.E.F. [[27/27]] Australia K002407296 Yes
s.coll. [1958] Kenya K002408028 Yes
White, C.T. [s.n.] Australia K002407337 Yes
Robinson, H.C.; Kloss, C.B. [s.n.] Indonesia K002407208 Yes
s.coll. [216] Samoa K002407452 Yes
Holst, C. [2777] Tanzania K002408009 Yes
Clayton, D. [5550] Sri Lanka K002407144 Yes
Beck, S. [2718] Bolivia K002090627 No
den Hoed, G. [138] Thailand K000682584 No
Harrison, S.G.; Persand, R. [986] Guyana K002408562 Yes
Preuss, P.R. [1139] Cameroon K000182169 No
Charrel, L. [s.n.] Greece K002406829 Yes
[G. McCormack]; Luttrell, C. [176] Cook Islands K002407485 Yes
Townsend, D. [s.n.] United States K002408367 Yes
Glanville, R.R. [95] Sierra Leone K002407574 No
Wiggins, I.L. [18673] Ecuador K002090659 Yes
Schallert, P.O. [2192] United States K002408382 Yes
Triana, J. [265] Colombia K002408683 Yes
Waytan, M.A. [4013] Congo, Republic of the K000731059 Yes
Bünnemeijer [7214] Indonesia K002407235 Yes
Crueger [s.n.] Trinidad and Tobago K002408547 Yes
Widjaja; Wally; Subari, E.A.W.; EW [6312] Indonesia K000782992 Yes
Cheo, H.C. [31] China K002406978 Yes
Rusby, H.H. [221] Bolivia K002408680 Yes
Paul Couderc, D. [s.n.] Vietnam K002407172 No
Flynn, T.; Lorence, D.H. [6076] Micronesia, Federated States of K002407497 Yes
Müller, F.; Meisner [2165] Mexico K002408424 Yes
Hirst, W. [1] Uganda K002408000 Yes
Jenman, G.S. [6011] Guyana K002408553 Yes
[H. B. Johnshi] [1066] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002407711 Yes
Pandeya, S.C. [1502] India K000782932 Yes
MacKee, H.S. [41174] New Caledonia K002407403 Yes
Smith, A.C. [8121] Fiji K002407407 Yes
de Michel, R. [529] Bolivia K002090647 No
Dorsett; Morse [803] Japan K002406956 Yes
Seidenschwarz, F.G. [21/6] Peru K002408709 Yes
Fagerlund, G.O.; Mitchell, A.L. [333] United States K002407506 Yes
Collenelte, J.S. [8182] Saudi Arabia K000782891 Yes
Sibil, J. [115] Malaysia K002407199 Yes
de Vogel, E. [4531] Indonesia K000782984 Yes
Bourgeau [2595] Mexico K002408418 Yes
Baldwin, J.T. [11576] Liberia K002407580 No
LeSch, B. [s.n.] Trinidad and Tobago K002408573 Yes
Collins, D.J. [1898] Thailand K000682587 No
Anton-Smith, J. [297] Gabon K002407685 Yes
Pobeguin, M. [1700] French Guiana K002407551 No
Palmer-Jones, R.W. [103] Suriname K002408580 Yes
Crosby, C.S. [183] Tonga K002407466 Yes
Hedin, L. [s.n.] Cote d'Ivoire K002407593 Yes
Gardiner, J.S. [s.n.] Seychelles K002408265 Yes
McClure, F.A. [s.n.] China K002406983 Yes
Virgo, K.J. [5] Cote d'Ivoire K002407592 Yes
Qaurré, P. [3113] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002407716 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K002408532 Yes
Tothill, J.D. [116] Fiji K002407433 Yes
Clear, I.D. [G522] Nigeria K002407625 Yes
Mori, S.A. [11610] Brazil K000003183 Yes
Gérard, P. [2263] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002407720 Yes
Deighton, F.C. [s.n.] Sierra Leone K002407562 No
Corbisier [790] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002407722 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Solomon Islands K002407368 Yes
Stewart, A. [1257] Ecuador K002090653 Yes
Burchell [1032] Brazil K001075198 Yes
Clarke, H.D.; Williams, R.; Perry, C.; Tripp, E.A.; Kelly, J.P. [9920] Guyana K002408555 Yes
Koorders, S.H. [19725] Indonesia K002407219 Yes
Greville [s.n.] United States K002408388 Yes
Parry, R. [5] Kiribati K002407441 Yes
Soyaux, H. [327] Gabon K002407684 Yes
Orcutt, C.R. [4544] Mexico K002408427 Yes
Wit, P.; Gbile, Z.O.; Daramola, B.O. [404] Nigeria K002407644 Yes
Lankester, C.H. [s.n.] Costa Rica K002408491 Yes
Lane, J.E. [s.n.] Australia K002407316 Yes
Rahman, M.A.; et al. [4113] Bangladesh K002407132 Yes
Gaumer, G.F. [s.n.] Belize K002408465 Yes
Kenyon, G.G.S. [17] Honduras K002408468 Yes
s.coll. [1848] Congo, Republic of the K002407693 Yes
Longhi-Wagner, H.M.; et al. [8908] Brazil K002408603 Yes
MacKee, H.S. [34579] New Caledonia K002407401 Yes
Adjamohaun, E. [426A] Cote d'Ivoire K000731045 Yes
Gwynne; Wood [1024] Seychelles K002408255 Yes
Kunstler, H. [38] Indonesia K002407211 Yes
Eggers, B. [113] Puerto Rico K002408526 Yes
Irvine, F.R. [5009] Ghana K002407608 Yes
Pipoly, J.J.; Lall, H. [8316] Guyana K002408558 Yes
Chevalier, A.J.B. [963] Gambia, The K002407547 No
Takamatsu, M. [1607] Palau K002407501 Yes
Moldenke, H. [145] United States K002408392 Yes
Morton; Jarr [SL2117] Sierra Leone K002407563 No
Bunyes, A. [K46] Nauru K000731022 Yes
[J. H. Marshall] [46] Tanzania K002408010 Yes
Clayton, W.D. [4829] Brazil K002408589 Yes
Hazel, B. [565] Uganda K002407991 Yes
Gallagher, M.D. [8506/4] Oman K002406913 Yes
Heckman, C.W. [114] Thailand K000682591 No
Bentley, P. [143] Ecuador K002090658 Yes
Whistler, W.A.; Steele, O. [11236] Marshall Islands K002407499 Yes
Lindeman, J.C.; de Haas, J.H. [134] Brazil K002408608 Yes
Lobo, S. [1793] Costa Rica K001561326 Yes
Lobo, S. [1763] Costa Rica K001561327 Yes
Lobo, S.; Quesada, A. [1715] Costa Rica K001560942 Yes
[Tweedie] [s.n.] Argentina K001770325 Yes
[Tweedie] [s.n.] Argentina K002090679 Yes
Pohl, R.W.; Davidse, G.; Grant, N.S.F. [10721] Costa Rica K002408488 Yes
Bidgood, S.; Merrett, L.; Vollesen, K. [9139] Zambia K001589567 Yes
Clayton, D. [5653] Sri Lanka K002407143 Yes
Hildebrandt, J.M. [2933] Madagascar K002408251 Yes
Beck, S. [2539] Bolivia K002090623 No
Croat, T.B. [23307] Belize K002408467 Yes
Harris, W. [[Lot2504]] Samoa K002407450 Yes
Faurie [11561] Japan K002406952 Yes
Jeffrey, C.; Zelia [712] Seychelles K002408260 Yes
[A M] [[35]] French Polynesia K002407479 Yes
Brunt, M.A. [952] Cameroon K000182161 No
Bommer, D.F.R. [43] Brazil K002408596 Yes
Robinson, C.B. [1279] Vietnam K002407173 No
Put [2636] Thailand K000621525 No
Kerr, A.F.G. [848] Thailand K000621522 No
Ansell [62] South Africa K002407534 No
Silva, A. [105] Brazil K002408600 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Trinidad and Tobago K002408546 Yes
Orton Williams, K.T. [E-94] Kiribati K002407440 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002408572 Yes
Baumann-Bodenheim, M.G. [[B]753] New Caledonia K002407389 Yes
Dissing, H. [2501] Papua New Guinea K002407282 Yes
Wit, G.; Daramola [404] Nigeria K002407643 Yes
Weber, C.M. [1091] Philippines K002407247 Yes
Thomas, N.W. [4170] Sierra Leone K002407560 No
Deighton, F.C. [2004] Sierra Leone K002407553 No
Preston, T.A. [0] Brazil K000003187 Yes
den Hoed, G.; Kostermans, A. [879] Thailand K000682585 No
Clayton, W.D. [4341] Brazil K002408605 Yes
Jansen-Jacobs, M.J.; Nic Lauhadha, E.M.; ter Welle, B.J.H.; Gopaul, D. [1564] Guyana K002408557 Yes
Linden [1815] Cuba K002408502 Yes
Tsiang, Y. [2808] China K000782919 Yes
Melville, F.A.; Hooker, T. [312] Sierra Leone K002407561 No
Eiten, G.; Eiten, L.T. [10401] Brazil K002408593 Yes
Lanjouw [26] Suriname K002408576 Yes
Renvoize, S.A.; Cope, T.A.; Beck, S. [4001] Bolivia K002090642 No
Feuerer, T. [6513] Bolivia K002090646 No
Pahot [10123E] Iran K000782887 Yes
Lombardi [2] Congo, Republic of the K002407703 Yes
Ledermann [13940] K002407494 Yes
Conzatti, C.; [V]. González [1164] Mexico K002408446 Yes
Eiten, G. [1591] Brazil K002408629 No
Woods [18] French Polynesia K002407474 Yes
Smith, D. [2821] Peru K002408708 Yes
Merrill, E.D. [1567] Philippines K002407243 Yes
Legname, P.R.; Cuezzo, A.R. [8192C] Argentina K002090673 Yes
Casier, P. [56] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002407698 Yes
Tothill, J.D. [371] Fiji K002407437 Yes
Bolteri [1258] Mexico K002408399 Yes
Symon, D.E. [1092] Australia K002090727 Yes
Chung, H.H. [2406] China K000782922 Yes
Dahlsteand, A. [s.n.] Japan K000782907 Yes
Kermode, C.W.D. [16657] Burma K000782941 Yes
Dudey, D.A. [1661] Nicaragua K002408480 Yes
Bradtke, W. [7] Australia K002407327 Yes
Klein, R.M. [10236] Brazil K002408630 No
Gaumer, G.F. [s.n.] Mexico K002408432 Yes
Jansen-Jacobs, M.J.; B. J. H. ter Welle; Simmons, C.; Jacobs-Brouwer, A.; James, V.; Andrew, R. [4447] Guyana K002408556 Yes
Clayton, D. [4072] Senegal K002407540 No
Virgo, K.J. [4] Cote d'Ivoire K002407591 Yes
Jeffrey, C. [89] Gabon K002407683 Yes
Murray, R.P. [s.n.] Portugal K000782900 Yes
s.coll [20138] China K000782916 Yes
Seidel, R. [2806] Bolivia K002090634 No
Wright [s.n.] Jamaica K001075189 Yes
Baur, G. [349] Ecuador K002090655 Yes
Macgregor, D. [s.n.] China K002406977 Yes
Petersen, T.M. [2599] Argentina K002090674 Yes
Sampson, T. [228] China K002406966 Yes
[Treasury I] [289] K002407369 Yes
Tanaka, T.; Shimada, Y. [s.n.] Taiwan K000782911 Yes
Ferreyra, R. [7762] Peru K002090612 No
Yuncker, T.G.; Dawson, R.F.; Youse, H.R. [5757] Honduras K002408469 Yes
Van Cuylenberg, B.W.B. [GT34] Sri Lanka K000782930 Yes
Macrae [s.n.] United States K002407504 Yes
Harley, W.J. [101A] Liberia K002407584 No
Pohl, R.W.; Davidse, G.; Grant, N.S.F. [11120] Costa Rica K002408493 Yes
Grant, M.L. [4155] French Polynesia K002407473 Yes
Venturi, S. [717] Argentina K002090676 Yes
[W. F. Elliott] [57] K001738886 Yes
Gaumer, G.F. [s.n.] Mexico K002408434 Yes
Hirst, W. [s.n.] Uganda K002407998 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [2369] Australia K002407300 Yes
Hildebrandt, J.M. [3222] Madagascar K002408248 Yes
Lepschi, B.J.; Lally, T.R. [2488] Australia K000731009 Yes
Robinson, H.C.; Kloss, C.B. [s.n.] Indonesia K000782963 Yes
Leeuwenberg, A.J.M. [8613] Cameroon K002407671 No
Graham, J.; Schunke Vigo, J. [233] Peru K002090616 No
Harrison, S.G.; Persand, R. [777] Guyana K002408561 Yes
Herald, M.M.S. [276] Fiji K002407416 Yes
Bryan Jr., E.H. [233] Fiji K002407425 Yes
s.coll. [98VI] Cameroon K002407670 No
Spruce [693] Guyana K002408566 Yes
Simpson, D.A. [8994] Brunei K000782969 Yes
Morton, J.K.; Gledhill, D. [SL1236] Sierra Leone K002407565 No
Irwin, H.S. [2321] Brazil K002408598 Yes
Tadong, D. [131] Malaysia K002407195 Yes
Beck, S. [1585] Bolivia K002090632 No
Greenwood, W. [162] Fiji K002407419 Yes
Moller, A.; Quintas, F. [s.n.] Sao Tome and Principe K002407680 Yes
[Halin] [s.n.] Martinique K002408538 Yes
Sibil, J. [205] Malaysia K002407198 Yes
Baldwin, J.T. [5794] Sierra Leone K002407571 No
Longhi-Wagner, H.M. [3868] Brazil K002408591 Yes
Gaumer, G.F. [101] Honduras K002408471 Yes
Saunders, D.H. [25] Gambia, The K002407546 No
Hillebrand [501] United States K002407507 Yes
Chizea, L.C. [FHI 7873] Nigeria K002407633 Yes
Peterson, P.M.; Rodriguez, N.R. [15097] Peru K000731157 Yes
Gay, H.J.; Parrott, F.J. [667] Papua New Guinea K002407273 Yes
Danin, A. [s.n.] Israel K002406909 Yes
McCusker, A. [154] Tanzania K002408005 Yes
Taylor, C.B. [31] Nigeria K002407638 Yes
Cruttwell, N.E.G. [1586] Papua New Guinea K002407265 Yes
Watson, F.M. [25] Australia K000731015 Yes
Tothill, J.D. [169] Fiji K002407439 Yes
Strang, H.E. [444] Brazil K002408624 No
Renvoize, S.A.; Cope, T.A.; Beck, S. [3979] Bolivia K002090648 No
Williams, D.E. [1017] Bolivia K002090622 No
Lhotzky [s.n.] Brazil K001075201 Yes
Powell, T. [75] Samoa K002407451 Yes
Whalley, O.; Beresford-Jones, D. [040] Peru K002408712 Yes
Milne-Redhead, E.; Taylor, P.G. [[7387]] Tanzania K002408007 Yes
Rumuton, M. [236] Malaysia K000782974 Yes
s.coll. [8833] Venezuela K002408689 Yes
Mulvany, P.M. [PMM90] Ethiopia K000731096 Yes
Gould, F.W.; Cooray, R. [13655] Sri Lanka K000782947 Yes
Solomon, J.; Balick, M.; Daly, D.; Sperling, C.; King, S. [8130] Bolivia K002090626 No
Morel, I. [1917] Argentina K002090672 Yes
Moseley [s.n.] K002407535 No
Britto, S.J. [RHT41595] India K000782948 Yes
Deighton, F.C. [2268] Sierra Leone K002407567 No
Francisco Morales, J. [5230] Peru K002090620 No
Venturi, S. [7920] Argentina K002090678 No
Maggs [38] Trinidad and Tobago K002408550 Yes
Letouzey, R. [5733] Cameroon K002407668 No
Gafui, I. [BSIP 14733] Solomon Islands K002407373 Yes
Elmer, A.D.E. [22385] Philippines K000782988 Yes
Tollervey, F.E. [1913] Bolivia K002090643 No
Sayers, D. [NGF 21815] Papua New Guinea K002407279 Yes
Sibil, J. [283] Malaysia K000782975 Yes
Blake [80] Australia K002407329 Yes
s.coll. [403] Nigeria K002407624 Yes
Thomas, N.W. [2166] Sierra Leone K002407569 No
Dudey, D.A.; Moore, A.D. [1970] Nicaragua K002408481 Yes
Hassler, E. [9382] Paraguay K002408642 No
Fisher, J.D. [21] Sierra Leone K002407566 No
Tate, R. [551] Nicaragua K002408486 Yes
Baldwin, J.T. [5971] Liberia K002407585 No
Preston, T.A. [s.n.] Brazil K002408617 No
Deighton, F.C. [1439] Sierra Leone K002407555 No
Thomas, N.W. [823] Sierra Leone K002407554 No
Merrill, E.D. [42] Philippines K002407245 Yes
Johnston, H.B. [100] Uganda K002408015 Yes
Madriñán, S.; Barbosa, C. [537] Colombia K002408679 Yes
Boden-Kloss, C. [s.n.] Indonesia K002407251 Yes
s.coll. [36] Martinique K000308845 Type Yes
Barker [s.n.] Guyana K002408571 Yes
Koorders, S.H. [17243] Indonesia K002407220 Yes
Wilson, F. [1319] United States K002408381 Yes
Gwynne; Wood [1206] Seychelles K002408254 Yes
Pierre [s.n.] Vietnam K002407168 No
Smith, A.C. [7392] Fiji K002407408 Yes
Rai [3] India K000782934 Yes
Henderson, M.R. [20488] Indonesia K000782958 Yes
Motley, J. [[452]] Brunei K002407186 Yes
Langdale-Brown [2039] Uganda K002408020 Yes
Virlet d'Aoust [1435] Mexico K002408404 Yes
Kinet, U. [244] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002407702 Yes
Tothill, J.D. [148] Fiji K002407436 Yes
Abd El Ghani, M.M. [4081] Egypt K002406916 Yes
Aet; Idjan; van Dijck, L.J. [124] Indonesia K002407253 Yes
Curran, H.M.; Haman, M. [73] Curacao K002408695 Yes
P. C. V. du Toit [2470] South Africa K002408350 Yes
Skutch, A.F. [2635] Costa Rica K002408489 Yes
Claure [44] Bolivia K002090645 No
Innes, R.R. [RRI581] Bangladesh K002407131 Yes
Gereau, R.E.; Dumetz, N. [3226] Madagascar K002408246 Yes
Licent, E. (Abbe) [1484] China K002406975 Yes
Sledge, W.A. [1854] Kiribati K002407469 Yes
Karta [224] Indonesia K002407215 Yes
Chinchilla Pena, F.; Sandoval, E. [s.n.] El Salvador K002408477 Yes
Swanson [s.n.] Brazil K001075200 Yes
Spruce [98] Brazil K001075202 Yes
s.coll. [836] Ghana K002407598 Yes
Runikera, P. [BSIP 9521] Solomon Islands K002407377 Yes
Krapovickas, A. [43689] Argentina K002090671 Yes
Florence, J. [5595] French Polynesia K000731019 Yes
Johansson, J.T.; Nybom, H.; Riebe, S. [265] Indonesia K002407218 Yes
Burchell [8690-3] Brazil K001075206 Yes
Soreng, R.J.; Peterson, P.M.; Hang, S. [5719] China K002406969 Yes
Clayton, D. [DC1238] Nigeria K002407637 Yes
Tothill, J.D. [45] Fiji K002407427 Yes
Botteri [s.n.] Mexico K002408419 Yes
Chapman, A.W. [s.n.] United States K002408373 Yes
Clayton, W.D. [4584] Brazil K002408632 No
Schofield, J. [19] Madagascar K002408241 Yes
Prain, D. [s.n.] K002407162 Yes
[Füneke] [694] K002408540 Yes
Leonard, A. [4554] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002407699 Yes
Mitchell, B.A. [114] Australia K002407233 Yes
Hennipman, E. [5031] Indonesia K000782983 Yes
s.coll. [480] Brazil K002408640 No
But, P. [193] Hong Kong K000782908 Yes
Salzmann [0] Brazil K000003180 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United States K002408363 Yes
Gjellerup, K. [16] Indonesia K002407255 Yes
Raizada, M.B. [22786] India K000782924 Yes
Rosales, J.M. [619] El Salvador K002408476 Yes
Thomas, N.W. [s.n.] Nigeria K002407621 Yes
Tadong, D. [303] Malaysia K002407203 Yes
Clarkson, J.R. [3897] Australia K002407299 Yes
Parkinson, C.E. [14359] Burma K000782940 Yes
Clayton, W.D. [4600] Brazil K002408636 No
Combs, R. [260] Cuba K002408503 Yes
Maikin, L. [117179] Malaysia K000782968 Yes
Dr. G. Sheppard [s.n.] Ecuador K002408705 Yes
Bryan Jr., E.H. [1070] Guam K002407493 Yes
Gardner [1188A] Brazil K000003191 Yes
Peterson, P.M. [8533] Panama K002408668 Yes
Madsen, J.E. [63056] Ecuador K000731154 Yes
Gonzalez Ortega, J. [1586] Mexico K002408447 Yes
Eggers [s.n.] K002408528 Yes
Buwalda, P. [6048] Indonesia K002407228 Yes
[Blanchet] [[613]] France K002406821 Yes
Hunt, P.F. [2170] Solomon Islands K002407375 Yes
Tsang, W.T. [29381] Vietnam K002407174 No
Clear, I.D. [G524] Nigeria K002407618 Yes
Bourgeau, M. [1036?] Mexico K000308843 Type Yes
Rau, K. [54] Papua New Guinea K002407269 Yes
Chancellor, R.J. [216] Uganda K002408001 Yes
Burchell [6926] Brazil K001075204 Yes
Holm-Nielsen, L.B.; Jaramillo, J.; Brandbyge, J. [21093] Ecuador K002408706 Yes
Dames, T. [83] Indonesia K002407205 Yes
Jackson, J.K. [1495] South Sudan K002407813 Yes
Bakia, K. [206] Malaysia K002407190 Yes
Harley, R.M.; Souza, R.; Castro, R.; Ferreira, A. [10819] Brazil K001075219 Yes
Balansa, B. [1548] Türkiye K002406904 Yes
Wyatt, C.H. [10] Italy K002406824 Yes
Thomasset, H.P. [s.n.] Seychelles K002408263 Yes
Cruttwell, N.E.G. [12] Indonesia K002407252 Yes
Mrs Carson Roberts [s.n.] Philippines K002407248 Yes
Johnston, H.B. [s.n.] Uganda K002408024 Yes
Soakai, E. [570] Tonga K002407459 Yes
[T. Porvelle]; [Samoa] [50] Kiribati K002407444 Yes
Wrigley, T.C.; Melville, F.A. [166] Equatorial Guinea K002407673 Yes
[Frau Dr Fiulagd] [3[11]] Trinidad and Tobago K002408544 Yes
Gonzalez Ortega, J. [5426] Mexico K002408448 Yes
Samuels, J.A. [446] Suriname K002408575 No
Darbyshire, P.J. [722] Papua New Guinea K000731003 Yes
Fosberg, F.R. [65183] Marshall Islands K002407498 Yes
Katende; Sheil [2085] Uganda K002407994 Yes
Snowden, J.D. [1100] Uganda K002408022 Yes
Mexia, Y. [8793] Mexico K002408449 Yes
Andrews, C.W. [25] Christmas Island K002407232 Yes
Morton, J.K. [A4121] Ghana K002407602 Yes
French, G.H. [3448] United States K002408370 Yes
Bloxsome, H.S. [32] Australia K002407328 Yes
Bancroft, T.L. [s.n.] Australia K002407306 Yes
Tate, R. [552] Nicaragua K002408484 Yes
Robertson, S.A. [2332] Seychelles K002408273 Yes
Gentle, P. [s.n.] Belize K002408461 Yes
Drummond [s.n.] K002407503 Yes
Marcovicz, V. [s.n.] K002406906 Yes
Soakai, E. [868] Tonga K002407460 Yes
s.coll. [6570] Burundi K002407718 Yes
Teijsmann, J.E. [11593] Indonesia K002407180 No
Franc, I. [2184] New Caledonia K002407395 Yes
Herald, M.M.S. [395] Fiji K002407417 Yes
Le Crun, J.L. [457] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002407721 Yes
[M. Paucher] [437] New Caledonia K002407392 Yes
[Helen Faulkner] [861] Tanzania K002408042 Yes
Ramlanto [873] Indonesia K002407224 Yes
Quarré [2438] Congo, Republic of the K002407692 Yes
Elmer, A.D.E. [5685] Philippines K002407246 Yes
MacGillivray, J. [s.n.] New Caledonia K002407394 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K002407538 No
s.coll. [125] Martinique K000308844 Type Yes
Bai-Zhong, X. [3636] China K000782918 Yes
Lock, J.M. [81191] Sudan K000731092 Yes
Schodde, R.; Craven, L.A. [4590] Papua New Guinea K000782997 Yes
Casas, F. [11729] Equatorial Guinea K002407677 No
Soreng, R.J.; Peterson, P.M.; Tian-guang, G.; Dahai, Z. [5171] China K002406970 Yes
Botteri [44] Mexico K002408415 Yes
Whistler, W.A. [W2262] Samoa K002407448 Yes
Seymour, F.C. [313] Nicaragua K002408482 Yes
Koroiveibau, D. [8749] Fiji K002407415 Yes
Fraser, D.M. [117] Malaysia K002407182 No
Stewart, R.R. [21077] India K000782937 Yes
[F. A. Lores] [84] Macau K002406994 Yes
Maher, C. [3234] Kenya K002408029 Yes
Hartley, T.G. [TGH 11618] Papua New Guinea K002407271 Yes
Luke, Q.; Sidibe, O. [15682] Mali K002407549 No
Bunnemeyer [6466] Indonesia K002407236 Yes
Beck, S. [3492] Bolivia K002090624 No
Irwin, H.S.; Soderstrom, T.R. [7487] Brazil K001075210 Yes
McVaugh, R. [13011] Mexico K002408439 Yes
Adaire, F. [97] Kiribati K002407442 Yes
Oldenburger, F.H.F.; Mecenas, V.V. [1617] Brazil K002408588 Yes
Sigee, D. [19] Maldives K002407159 Yes
Biswas, R. [219] Nigeria K000731032 Yes
Dawe, M.T. [820] Colombia K002408677 Yes
Crespo, M.B. [9282] Spain K002406826 Yes
Ekman, E.L. [s.n.] Dominican Republic K002408518 Yes
Harris, B.J. [1822] Tanzania K002408043 Yes
Lisowski, S. [10383] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002407706 Yes
Lehmann, F.C. [4402] Colombia K002408682 Yes
Seidenschwarz, F.G. [21/2] Peru K002408710 Yes
Smith, H.H. [127] Colombia K002408681 Yes
Renvoize, S.A.; Cope, T.A.; Beck, S. [3882] Bolivia K002090628 No
Phloenchit [1400] Thailand K000682589 No
Bond, J.S. [119] Tanzania K002408036 Yes
Wheeler Haines, R. [311] Nigeria K002407630 Yes
Fosberg, F.R. [65150] Marshall Islands K002407500 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Peru K002090613 No
Ward, J.F. [0086] Nigeria K002407640 Yes
Cheeseman, T.F.; F.L.S. [82] New Zealand K002407359 Yes
Skortzov, B. [84] Brazil K002408626 No
Rev. N. Michael [s.n.] Australia K002407311 Yes
Guo, C.Y. [1501126] China K002406960 Yes
Archbold, N.E. [1351] Tanzania K002408002 Yes
Thomson, A.P. [G9] Gabon K002407686 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Argentina K002090681 Yes
Woolston, A.L. [G6] Paraguay K002408641 No
s.coll. [s.n.] French Polynesia K002407472 Yes
Feuerer, T. [5937] Bolivia K002090635 No
Peck, M.E. [43] Belize K002408458 Yes
Archbold, N.E. [849] Tanzania K002408032 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Cuba K002408505 Yes
Jackson, J.K. [468] Sudan K000731093 Yes
Alert, H.M.S. [s.n.] French Polynesia K002407481 Yes
Jackson, J.K. [806] South Sudan K002407808 Yes
Hartley, W. [s.n.] Australia K002407295 Yes
Vennugopal, N.; Jayaseelan, T.S. [RHT18809] India K000782936 Yes
Koorders, S.H. [17244] Indonesia K002407221 Yes
Thomas, N.W. [1535] Sierra Leone K002407573 No
Vogel [s.n.] Equatorial Guinea K002407674 Yes
Ekanayake, D.T. [33] Sri Lanka K002407149 Yes
Savatier, L. [1471] Japan K000782906 Yes
White, C.T. [s.n.] Australia K002407335 Yes
s.coll. [16494] Philippines K002407244 Yes
Forrest, G. [[7356]] Burma K002407134 Yes
Greenway, P.J. [763] Tanzania K002408044 Yes
Gentle, P.H. [1632] Belize K002408459 Yes
Naegelé, A. [36] Senegal K002407544 No
Rothery, H.C. [36] Guyana K002408565 Yes
Robinson, H.C. [s.n.] Cocos (Keeling) Islands K002407230 Yes
Shabani [172] Tanzania K002408034 Yes
Sibil, J. [185] Malaysia K000782978 Yes
Thomas, N.W. [9412] Sierra Leone K002407575 No
Lei, C.I. [686] China K002406984 Yes
Wilder, G.P. [1129] French Polynesia K002407490 Yes
s.coll. [162] Australia K002407339 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [2699] Australia K002407301 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Trinidad and Tobago K002408545 Yes
Palmer, E. [40] Mexico K002408421 Yes
Mandon, G. [274] K002407536 No
Stoddart, D.R. [8082] Seychelles K002408271 Yes
Soderstrom, T.R.; Kulatunge, S. [1654] Sri Lanka K000782946 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [6471] Australia K002407326 Yes
[D. P. M. Guile] [0860] Hong Kong K002406987 Yes
Tadong, L. [38] Malaysia K002407204 Yes
[W. J. L. Wenger] [252] India K002407117 Yes
Bona Nascimento, M.S.; Renvoize, S.A. [1427] Brazil K002408616 Yes
MacKee, H.S. [28318] New Caledonia K002407397 Yes
Soreng, R.J.; Peterson, P.M.; Hang, S. [5337] China K002406971 Yes
Greenwood, W. [162] Fiji K002407420 Yes
Robertson, S.A. [2602] Seychelles K002408261 Yes
Nicolas, F. [845] Mexico K002408409 Yes
Kuprijanov, J. [405] Russia K000782902 Yes
Eiten, G.; Eiten, L.T. [6251] Brazil K002408618 No
Pierre [s.n.] Vietnam K002407169 No
Blackwood, B. [s.n.] Solomon Islands K002407367 Yes
MacKee, H.S. [RSNH 21488] Vanuatu K002407383 Yes
Bris, K. [10190E] Iran K000782880 Yes
Hanagarth, W. [43] Bolivia K002090638 No
Blair, I.J. [814] Peru K002090614 No
Lugas, L. [292] Malaysia K002407201 Yes
Parham, J.W. [7318] Fiji K000731025 Yes
Koelz, W.N. [18859] India K002407112 Yes
R. C. [illegible] [[13]] Jamaica K002408508 Yes
Koorders, S.H. [Kds17241B] Indonesia K002407222 Yes
[W. Hint] [s.n.] Uganda K002407995 Yes
Licent, E. (Abbe) [1074] China K002406961 Yes
Bangerter, E.B. [5014] New Zealand K002407362 Yes
Bona Nascimento, M.S.; Renvoize, S.A. [1291] Brazil K002408615 Yes
Burchell [3453] Brazil K001075196 Yes
Eiten, G.; Eiten, L.T. [4553] Brazil K001075216 Yes
Hirst, W. [s.n.] Uganda K002407990 Yes
Wood, J.R.I. [3706] Colombia K002408687 Yes
Greenway [5266] Tanzania K002408008 Yes
Fernández, A.; Mora, L.E. [1397] Colombia K002408674 Yes
s.coll. [224] Indonesia K002407212 Yes
Job, M.M. [673] Argentina K002090675 Yes
Chase, V.H. [8979] United States K002408385 Yes
Clayton, D. [5067] Sri Lanka K002407145 Yes
Awa, D.; Paie, I. [S47477] Malaysia K000782980 No
P.W.R. [R.2711] Malaysia K002407184 No
Swire, P.W. [0s.n001] Cameroon K000182173 No
Caum, E.L. [32] United States K002407502 Yes
[A. E. Brown] [39] India K002407122 Yes
Bona Nascimento, M.S.; Renvoize, S.A. [1375] Brazil K002408614 Yes
Reekmans, M. [8339] Burundi K002407727 Yes
Linder, D.H. [510] Liberia K000731043 No
Dr. A. Eichinger [g5869] Tanzania K002408013 Yes
Wheeler Haines, R. [158] Nigeria K002407635 Yes
[B. Limck] [454] Mexico K002408402 Yes
Smith, A.C. [9065] Fiji K002407406 Yes
Tothill, J.D. [347] Fiji K002407432 Yes
s.coll. [[7A]] India K002407128 Yes
Morton, J.K. [SL 950] Sierra Leone K002407557 No
Macquillan, M.J. [s.n.] K002407374 Yes
Bona Nascimento, M.S.; Renvoize, S.A. [1415] Brazil K002408612 Yes
Geyskes, D.C. [1] Suriname K002408577 Yes
s.coll. [6608] India K002407129 Yes
Beck, S. [1584] Bolivia K002090630 No
Seemann [4291] Panama K002408669 Yes
Jeffrey, C.; Zelia [527] Seychelles K002408259 Yes
Clayton, W.D. [4609] Brazil K002408639 No
Robertson, S.A. [2696] Seychelles K002408262 Yes
Holttum, R.E. [19847] Malaysia K000782953 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K002408537 Yes
Craib, W.G. [s.n.] India K002407116 Yes
Bowmann, E.; Mueller, F. [[1377]] Australia K002407320 Yes
Dombrowski, L.T. [2515] Brazil K002408604 Yes
Burchell [8649-3] Brazil K001075205 Yes
Williams, R.S. [1186] Philippines K002407242 Yes
André, E. [s.n.] Colombia K002408685 Yes
Straka, G. [500] New Zealand K002407361 Yes
Surunda, Y. [30] Malaysia K002407196 Yes
Blanchet [s.n.] France K002406823 Yes
Soibeh, D. [10] Malaysia K000782979 Yes
Robertson, S.A. [3122] Seychelles K002408276 Yes
Wit, P. [27] Nigeria K002407629 Yes
Curtis, M.A. [s.n.] United States K002408389 Yes
Harrison, S.G. [544] Guyana K002408560 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [4502] Australia K002407303 Yes
Keys, J. [301] Australia K002407319 Yes
Mooney, H.F. [1887] India K002407111 Yes
Froggatt, J.L. [19] Papua New Guinea K002407277 Yes
Brass, L. [1711] Australia K002407330 Yes
Powell, D.A. [s.n.] Christmas Island K002407231 Yes
Smitinand, T. [1948] Thailand K000682579 No
Robinson, A. [2711] United States K002408380 Yes
s.coll [ec191] Bangladesh K000782938 Yes
Thomas, N.W. [10558] Sierra Leone K002407576 No
Ern, H.; Hein, B.; Pircher, A. [702] Togo K002407614 Yes
Luttrell, C. [18] Cook Islands K002407484 Yes
Curtiss, A.H. [3448] United States K002408372 Yes
Tsang, W.T. [354] China K000782915 Yes
Tothill, J.D. [312] Fiji K002407431 Yes
[W. J. L. Wenger] [252] India K002407115 Yes
Kornns, J. [3137] Zambia K000731131 Yes
[C. Vigurs] [3198] Ghana K002407604 Yes
Meurillon, A. [CNAD 99] Cameroon K002407667 No
André, É. [34] K002408543 Yes
Meijer, W. [39553] Malaysia K000782973 No
Blackwood, B. [s.n.] Solomon Islands K002407366 Yes
Bourgeau, E. [2634] Mexico K002408430 Yes
Craven, L.A.; Schodde, R. [734] Papua New Guinea K000782996 Yes
Millar, A.N. [NGF35333] Papua New Guinea K000731002 Yes
Hoetagaloeng, J.M. [XVI] Indonesia K002407213 Yes
Fan, C.S.; Li, Y.Y. [180] China K002406976 Yes
Carvalho, A.M.; da Vinha, S.G.; Brito, E.S. [1345] Brazil K000003181 Yes
Davies, W. [s.n.] Australia K002407338 Yes
Degener, O.; Ordonez, E. [13502] Fiji K002407426 Yes
Takeuchi, W. [4686] Papua New Guinea K002407259 Yes
Lehmannianae, F.C. [4402] Colombia K002408673 Yes
[Smith] [s.n.] K002090726 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Dominica K002408541 Yes
Williams, T.L. [3] Ghana K000731049 Yes
Ridley, H.N. [s.n.] Indonesia K002407207 Yes
Dudey, D.A. [655] Nicaragua K002408483 Yes
Thomas, N.W. [1804] Nigeria K002407627 Yes
Harper, D. [s.n.] Portugal K000782899 Yes
Stoddart, D.R.; Poore, M.E.D. [1405] Seychelles K002408256 Yes
Hinton, G.B. [2304] Mexico K002408398 Yes
Irwin, H.S.; Soderstrom, T.R. [5494] Brazil K002408599 Yes
Schaffner [34?] Mexico K000308842 Isotype Yes
Myers, J.G. [6340] South Sudan K002407811 Yes
Bolteri [125] Mexico K002408397 Yes
Baxter, P. [994] Australia K002407310 Yes
s.coll. [1127] K002408671 Yes
Sellow [s.n.] Brazil K001075194 Yes
Gaumer, G.F. [s.n.] Mexico K002408438 Yes
Johnston, H.B. [1243] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002407695 Yes
Folli, D.A. [2675] Brazil K001075218 Yes
Tothill, J.D. [245] Fiji K002407435 Yes
Eiten, G.; Eiten, L.T. [3801] Brazil K002408594 Yes
Magogo, F.; Glover, P. [872] Kenya K000731114 Yes
Specht, R.L. [1161] Australia K000731010 Yes
MacKee, H.S. [26926] K002407399 Yes
Skutch, A.F. [3970] Costa Rica K002408492 Yes
Jenman, G.S. [4370] Guyana K002408552 Yes
Ross, J.H. [H1541] Australia K002407307 Yes
Clayton, W.D.; Eiten, G. [4727] Brazil K002408633 No
Bourgeau [2160] Mexico K002408416 Yes
MacKee, H.S. [RSNH 24131] Vanuatu K002407382 Yes
Orcutt, C.R. [4658] Mexico K002408428 Yes
Hildebrandt, J.M. [1720] Comoros K002408252 Yes
Vázquez, B. [728] Mexico K002408442 Yes
Coode, M.J.E. [3767] Papua New Guinea K002407261 Yes
Emson, H.E. [250] Tanzania K002408040 Yes
Baldwin, J.T. [14152] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002407690 Yes
Chevallier, A. [44529] Cabo Verde K000731037 No
van Royen, P. [5079] Indonesia K002407257 Yes
Adam, J.G. [21377] Liberia K002407579 No
Johnston, H.B. [627] Uganda K002408021 Yes
Lugger, O. [s.n.] United States K002408376 Yes
Innes, R.R. [RRI47] Belize K002408466 Yes
Perkins, J.R. [1478] Jamaica K002408514 Yes
Maling [3] K002408535 Yes
Lorzing [11867] Indonesia K000782965 Yes
Coveny, R.G.; Powell, J. [6418] Australia K002407340 Yes
Raynal, J. [RSNH 16047] Vanuatu K002407380 Yes
[Henry Chisholm Davidson] [s.n.] India K002407125 Yes
Dümmer, R. [398] Uganda K002408019 Yes
Reinecke [[268]] Samoa K002407449 Yes
Hirst, W. [s.n.] Uganda K002407992 Yes
Mead, H. [215] Sierra Leone K002407564 No
Lombardi [[42]] Congo, Republic of the K002407687 Yes
[G. Calderbank] [9] Ecuador K002408701 Yes
Regnell, A.F. [III 1401] Brazil K001075208 Yes
Dombrowski, L.T. [2486] Brazil K002408606 Yes
[J. H. Marshall] [74] Tanzania K002408011 Yes
Van der Ben, D. [1235] Congo, Republic of the K000731066 Yes
Cope, T.A.; Boulos, L. [s.n.] Egypt K002406915 Yes
Bona Nascimento, M.S. [1019] Brazil K000003184 Yes
Groth, B.H.A. [163] United States K002408364 Yes
Teijsmann, J.E. [s.n.] Indonesia K002407178 No
Hubbard, C.E. [6828] Australia K002407305 Yes
Riedel [988[1]] Brazil K002408619 No
Reed, C.F. [91980] United States K002408379 Yes
Gardiner, J.S. [s.n.] Seychelles K002408264 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [189] Portugal K002406925 Yes
Barney, R.W. [s.n.] Sri Lanka K002407152 Yes
Louis, J.L.P. [10628] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002407688 Yes
Tothill, J.D. [203] Fiji K002407410 Yes
Easterly, N.W. [1302] Ghana K002407600 Yes
Buwalda, P. [4114] Indonesia K002407226 Yes
Eiten, G.; J. M. de Freitas Campos [3467] Brazil K002408625 No
Easterly, N.W. [1303] Ghana K002407601 Yes
Faber, E. (Revd) [1539] China K002406958 Yes
Soderstrom, T.R.; Kulatunge, S. [1756] Sri Lanka K002407155 Yes
Carpenter, T. [364] Maldives K002407161 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Australia K002407315 Yes
Sellow [s.n.] Brazil K001075193 Yes
Baldwin, J.T. [10498] Liberia K002407586 No
Lundell, C.L. [809] Mexico K002408431 Yes
Haviland, G.D. [3136] Indonesia K002407179 No
Pedder, J., W. R. [27] Cameroon K000182166 No
Hull, S.W. [s.n.] Türkiye K002406902 Yes
Anquier, P. [2142] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002407719 Yes
[F. A. Lares] [525] Macau K002406993 Yes
Bosser, J. [13215] Madagascar K002408250 Yes
Bartholomew, E.A. [C12] United States K002408368 Yes
Strey, R.G. [9488] South Africa K002408349 Yes
Jenman, G.S. [98] Jamaica K002408509 Yes
Palmer-Jones, R.W. [97] Suriname K002408578 Yes
Robinson, C.B. [48] Indonesia K002407229 Yes
Bourgeau [2378] Mexico K002408401 Yes
Steward, A.N. [9655] China K002406962 Yes
Tuomey, M. [s.n.] United States K002408387 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Antigua and Barbuda K002408530 Yes
Lowe, J.L. [4266] Brazil K002408586 Yes
Francis, W.D. [s.n.] Australia K000731018 Yes
Leung, C.Y. [004] Hong Kong K002406991 Yes
Pohl, R.W.; Davidse, G. [10560] Costa Rica K002408495 Yes
Broadbent, J.A. [103] Senegal K002407542 No
Van der Ben, D. [s.n.] Congo, Republic of the K002407697 Yes
Beiero, R. [7] Australia K002407314 Yes
[Scarth Johnson] [109] Tonga K002407467 Yes
[C. Lauterbach] [s.n.] K002090729 Yes
de La Cruz, J.S. [3690] Guyana K002408568 Yes
Lazarides, M. [5661] Australia K000731017 Yes
Cruttwell, N.E.G. [97] Papua New Guinea K002407263 Yes
Renvoize, S. [4637] Bolivia K002090625 No
Hage, J.L.; dos Santos, E.B. [1410] Brazil K000003190 Yes
s.coll. [4[9]] Ecuador K002090656 Yes
Mhoro, B.; Backéus, I. [2239] Tanzania K000731115 Yes
Meier, W.; Carmona, W.; Castillo, R.; Dorante, A.; Castillo [7442] Venezuela K002408694 Yes
Preston, T.A. [0] Brazil K000003188 Yes
Gbile, W.; Daramola [FHI 64076] Nigeria K002407642 Yes
Wood, J.R.I. [4436] Colombia K002408688 Yes
Yong, G.C. [20061-411-1] China K002406973 Yes
Nee, M. [31803] Bolivia K002090640 No
Luetzelburg [28063] Brazil K000003178 Yes
Godman, F.D. [s.n.] Portugal K002406928 Yes
Smith, A.C. [9452] Fiji K002407421 Yes
Guo, C. [1501126] China K002406982 Yes
Lauterbach [661] Indonesia K002407254 Yes
Baldwin, J.T. [6008] Liberia K002407582 No
Cheke, R.A. [14] Cote d'Ivoire K002407594 Yes
Schindler, A.K. [108] China K002406964 Yes
Jordan, H.D. [455] Sierra Leone K002407558 No
Dee [s.n.] Thailand K000682586 No
Herald, M.H. [499] K002407378 Yes
Hage, J.L. [932] Brazil K000003189 Yes
Linder, H.P. [3572] Rwanda K002407724 Yes
s.coll. [1042] K002408670 Yes
s.coll. [45] Nigeria K002407631 Yes
Eaton, A.A. [92] United States K002408371 Yes
Koie, M.; Olsen, S. [1475] Papua New Guinea K002407278 Yes
Burchell [8430-2] Brazil K001075203 Yes
Stauffer, H.U. [360] Congo, Republic of the K000731065 Yes
Easterly, N.W. [1327] Ghana K002407607 Yes
Telford, I.R.; Howord, C. [8501717] Australia K002407293 Yes
Sibil, J. [10] Malaysia K002407197 Yes
Jardin [93] Madagascar K002408242 Yes
Faulkner, H. [[3437]] Tanzania K002408047 Yes
Buchholz, J.T. [1511] New Caledonia K002407391 Yes
Wright, C. [345] Cuba K002408506 Yes
Kenyon, G.G.S. [18] Honduras K002408470 Yes
Hinton, G.B. [5193] Mexico K002408451 Yes
Muller, F.; Meisner [1392] Mexico K002408453 Yes
Kessler, P.J.A. [PK800] Indonesia K002407181 No
Dore, W.G. [641] United States K002408362 Yes
Baldwin, J.T. [5823] Liberia K002407578 No
Morrison, A. [s.n.] Vanuatu K002407379 Yes
Carr, C.E. [11179] Papua New Guinea K002407267 Yes
Hinton, G.B. [3866] Mexico K002408440 Yes
Bick, E.W. [s.n.] Australia K002407336 Yes
Yong, G.C. [200643616] China K002406968 Yes
Lwin, U.T. [123] Burma K000782939 Yes
Cooray, R.G. [s.n.] Sri Lanka K002407151 Yes
Smith, J. [s.n.] Ecuador K002408700 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] New Caledonia K002407396 Yes
Meneses, A.; Sousa [3442] Angola K000731134 Yes
Thomas, N.W. [457] Sierra Leone K002407570 No
Mueller, F. [68] Brazil K001075211 Yes
Easmon, J.F. [137] Ghana K002407605 Yes
s.coll. [6950] Brazil K002408622 No
Dombrowski, L.T. [2847] Brazil K002408602 Yes
Peterson, P.M.; Chen, H.L.; Lin, L. [25129] China K002406981 Yes
Luetzelburg [0] Brazil K000003177 No
Gould, F.W.; Beetle, A.A. [13126] Sri Lanka K002407148 Yes
Brunet; Warman [019] Seychelles K002408272 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K002406816 Yes
Don [s.n.] Sao Tome and Principe K002407681 Yes
Jameson [344] K002408702 Yes
Dissing, H. [2574] Papua New Guinea K002407281 Yes
de Vogel, E.; Vermeulen [6846] Indonesia K000782982 Yes
Jardin [64] Madagascar K002408243 Yes
Remanandan, P. [4530] India K000782926 Yes
Coode, M.J.E. [NGF 29514] Papua New Guinea K002407275 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] New Caledonia K002407404 Yes
Béguinot, A. [s.n.] Italy K002406825 Yes
Kerr, A.F.G. [3793] Thailand K000621523 No
Pohl, R.W.; Davidse, G. [12097] Honduras K002408473 Yes
Léonard, J.J.G. [985] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002407713 Yes
Philcox, D.; Ramos, J.; Sousa, R. [3156] Brazil K002408597 Yes
Foreman, D.B. [NGF 45713] Papua New Guinea K002407364 No
Floto, F. [7619] Thailand K000682583 No
Heckman, C.W. [138] Thailand K000682593 No
Bateson, E. [108] Malaysia K002407193 Yes
Salzmann [0] Brazil K000003182 Yes
But, P. [041] Hong Kong K002406990 Yes
Ryves, T.B. [s.n.] Hong Kong K002406988 Yes
Berro, M.B. [7871] Argentina K002090682 Yes
Clayton, P. [DC561] Nigeria K002407623 Yes
Coveny, R.G. [826] Australia K002407341 Yes
Skvortzov, B. [315] Brazil K002408638 No
s.coll. [20] Ghana K002407611 Yes
Dudey, D.A. [508] Nicaragua K002408479 Yes
Baron Eggers [s.n.] K002408527 Yes
Baldwin, J.T., Jr. [3313] Brazil K001075207 Yes
Keith [794] Libya K002406924 Yes
Short, C.W. [s.n.] United States K002408384 Yes
Blake, S.T. [18744] Australia K002407298 Yes
Gutzwiller, R. [3372] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002407696 Yes
s.coll [10256] Zambia K000731126 Yes
Ekman, E.L. [s.n.] Haiti K002408521 Yes
Beck, S. [17046] Bolivia K002090641 No
Hu, S.Y. [5302] Hong Kong K000782910 Yes
Herald, M.M.S. [172] Fiji K002407418 Yes
Smart, H.P. [71] Belize K002408464 Yes
Cuming, H. [[1406]] French Polynesia K002407480 Yes
Hitchcock, A.S. [s.n.] United States K002408386 Yes
Tothill, J.D. [8] Fiji K002407422 Yes
[Raapoulos] [1226] Benin K002407616 Yes
Kingdon-Ward, F. [21219] Burma K002407141 Yes
Tothill, J.D. [383] Fiji K002407430 Yes
Kurz, S. [26019] India K002407157 Yes
Horne, J. [227] Seychelles K002408258 Yes
Wood, K.R. [5794] United States K000731020 Yes
Clayton, W.D. [4074] Brazil K002408637 No
Jeanty [68] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002407701 Yes
Bona Nascimento, M.S.; Renvoize, S.A. [1308] Brazil K002408613 Yes
Wells, J. [NGF 7381] Papua New Guinea K002407270 No
Clarkson, J.R.; Simon, B.K. [7247] Australia K000731014 Yes
Jackson, J.K. [1496] South Sudan K002407807 Yes
Strachey, R.; Winterbottom, J.E. [3] India K002407118 Yes
Martinez Martinez, F.; Luyando, G. [F-1981] Mexico K002408441 Yes
Grant, M.L. [3654] French Polynesia K002407477 Yes
Stirton, C.H. [5335] South Africa K002408351 Yes
Mendoza, D.; Buwayn [727] Philippines K002407239 Yes
Franc, I. [2184] New Caledonia K002407405 Yes
Whistler, W.A. [W4598] Samoa K002407458 Yes
Koelz, W.N. [26553] India K002407124 Yes
Beal, W.P.B. [14] Ghana K002407609 Yes
Gerrard, W.T. [76] Madagascar K002408249 Yes
Thomas, N.W. [1623] Nigeria K002407628 Yes
Franc, I. [3098] New Caledonia K002407388 Yes
Buchtien, O. [s.n.] K002090633 No
Mitchell, B.A. [115] Australia K002407234 Yes
Bryan Jr., E.H. [178] Samoa K002407454 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K002406905 Yes
Bai-Zhong, X. [4239] China K000782917 Yes
Chuml, H. [55] Cameroon K000182174 No
s.coll. [1] Australia K002407294 Yes
[S. Nicolao] [23] K002407537 No
Charter, J., R. [36988] Cameroon K000182165 No
Rwaburindore, P.K. [4830] Uganda K002408016 Yes
[A.] Johnson [834] Ghana K002407606 Yes
Merrill [735] Philippines K002407240 Yes
McLeish, I. [2502] Oman K000782894 Yes
Martyn [130] Guyana K002408567 Yes
Brynaert, J. [667] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002407715 Yes
[Milne]; [Grand] [178] New Caledonia K002407393 Yes
Gentle, P.H. [1644] Belize K002408460 Yes
Pohl, R.W.; Davidse, G.; Grant, N.S.F. [10660] Costa Rica K002408487 Yes
Murray; Elliott [37] Grenada K002408536 Yes
Peterson, P.M.; Judziewicz, E.J. [9411] Ecuador K000731156 Yes
Devred [3013] Congo, Republic of the K002407691 Yes
Hunt, P.F. [3069] Solomon Islands K002407376 Yes
Feuerer, T. [8771a] Bolivia K002090636 No
Jenman, G.S. [4379] Guyana K002408554 Yes
Bates, G.L. [46] Cameroon K002407669 No
Leuenberger, E.B.; Scholz, U.; Schwarz, W. [1097] Togo K000731048 Yes
Lei, C.I. [[686]] China K002406986 Yes
Ruxton, J.P. [21] Gambia, The K002407548 No
Gaumer, G.F. [s.n.] Mexico K002408433 Yes
Eggert, H. [192] United States K002408377 Yes
Robbins, R.G. [2910] Jamaica K002408516 Yes
Donges, J. [16] Australia K002407333 Yes
Wilson, I.W. [314] Jamaica K002408510 Yes
Fredericq, H.; de Witte [8609] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002407700 Yes
White, C.T. [s.n.] Australia K002407322 Yes
Boldingh, I. [[1917AB]] K002408696 Yes
Müller, F.; Meisner [2164] Mexico K002408423 Yes
Webber, O. [208] Zimbabwe K000731129 Yes
Tothill, J.D. [357] Fiji K002407414 Yes
P. v. Lützelburg; [Zugogangon] [13] Brazil K002408623 No
Purdie [s.n.] Jamaica K002408517 Yes
Wiggins, I.L. [18478] Ecuador K000731153 Yes
Townsend, S. [s.n.] Eswatini K002408354 Yes
Rusby, H.H.; Squires, R.W. [360] Venezuela K002408692 Yes
De Leeuw, P.N.D. [1263] Nigeria K002407641 Yes
Johnston, H.B. [104] Uganda K002408023 Yes
Hinton, G.B. [1395] Mexico K002408407 Yes
Borden, T.E. [800] Philippines K002407241 Yes
Xiao-Ping, D. [121] China K002406972 Yes
Smitinand, T. [5974] Thailand K000682588 No
Heckman, C.W. [137] Thailand K000682592 No
Purseglove, J.W. [P6004] Trinidad and Tobago K002408548 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Japan K002406951 Yes
[Goister] [6] South Africa K002408352 Yes
Niyomdham, C.; Sriboonma, D. [1610] Thailand K000682580 No
Gould, F.W. [13332] Sri Lanka K002407147 Yes
Aguilar Hidalgo, M. [65] Guatemala K002408457 Yes
Sawyer, A.M. [796] Burma K002407133 Yes
Soakai, E. [278] Tonga K002407465 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Indonesia K001738881 No
Lejeune [14] Burundi K002407726 Yes
Harvey, M.J. [65] Sierra Leone K002407568 No
Brass, L.J. [26041] Papua New Guinea K002407266 Yes
Tothill, J.D. [23] Fiji K002407438 Yes
Rosales, J.M. [2350] El Salvador K002408475 Yes
Bourgeau, E. [2634] Mexico K002408395 Yes
Coleman, H. [39] Australia K002407313 Yes
Steinbach, J. [6837] Bolivia K002090644 No
MacKee, H.S. [14102] New Caledonia K002407402 Yes
Tadros, T.M. [DSM 1607] Tanzania K002408003 Yes
Smith, A.C. [7971] Fiji K002407411 Yes
Nicolas, F. [s.n.] Mexico K002408411 Yes
Subham, D [102] Portugal K000782901 Yes
Van der Ben, D. [1234] Congo, Republic of the K000731064 Yes
Bourgeau [2634] Mexico K002408429 Yes
Pohl, R.W. [12821] Costa Rica K002408496 Yes
Puttemans, A. [s.n.] Mexico K002408408 Yes
Bosser, J. [13172] Madagascar K002408245 Yes
Rodusay, T.A. [7a] South Africa K000731146 Yes
Soakai, E. [353] Tonga K002407463 Yes
s.coll. [8833] Venezuela K002408690 Yes
Boden-Kloss, C. [s.n.] Indonesia K002407250 Yes
Innes, R.R. [RRI599] Bangladesh K002407130 Yes
Wood, J.J. [107] India K002407120 Yes
Blatter, E. [2687] India K002407126 Yes
Harley, W.J. [1720] Liberia K002407583 No
Hatch, S.L. [4274] Kenya K002408025 Yes
Makepeace, A. [16] Australia K002407321 Yes
[G. Calderbank] [13] Ecuador K002408704 Yes
Elsener, A. [48] Indonesia K000782972 No
Maggs [38] Trinidad and Tobago K002408551 Yes
MacKee, H.S. [34342] New Caledonia K002407390 Yes
Whiting, M.M.; Stewart, K.J. [285] Philippines K002407249 Yes
Jinaun, J. [60] Malaysia K002407191 Yes
Grant, M.L. [4155] French Polynesia K002407476 No
Bourgeau [2378] Mexico K002408403 Yes
Klein, R.M. [10294] Brazil K002408627 No
s.coll. [s.n.] K002408531 Yes
Harris, A.B. [s.n.] Antigua and Barbuda K002408533 Yes
Virgo, K.J. [3] Cote d'Ivoire K000731044 Yes
Grupo Pedra do Cavalo [119] Brazil K000003179 Yes
Longman, H.A. [s.n.] Australia K002407324 Yes
Wallace, A.R. [s.n.] Timor-Leste K002407217 Yes
s.coll. [6976] Brazil K002408620 No
Bona Nascimento, M.S. [29] Brazil K000003186 Yes
Irvine, F.R. [5070] Ghana K002407597 Yes
Jallu, J. [5288] France K002406820 Yes
Baldwin, J.T. [5995A] Liberia K002407589 No
[B. D. Nicholson] [39] Tanzania K002408006 Yes
St. John, H. [14331] French Polynesia K002407491 Yes
Sandermann, O. [992] Philippines K000782986 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K002408703 Yes
Vogel [s.n.] Equatorial Guinea K002407676 Yes
Jeffreys, M.D.W. [11] Nigeria K002407620 Yes
Greenway, P.J. [3255] Tanzania K002408041 Yes
Wallace, E.L. [227] Burma K000782943 Yes
Morton, J.K. [SL4428] Sierra Leone K002407577 No
Pohl, R.W.; Davidse, J. [11093] Costa Rica K002408494 Yes
Gutierrez, H.G. [s.n.] Philippines K000782989 Yes
MacInnes, K.L.; Lubke, R.A. [300] United States K002408378 Yes
Pohl, R.W.; Davidse, G. [11945] Honduras K002408474 Yes
Louis, J.L.P. [2130] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002407714 Yes
Ortega, J. [5766] Mexico K002408422 Yes
Q. B. A. Feliciano Kú y Yam [169] Mexico K002408450 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M. [8633] Nigeria K002407619 Yes
McCallum-Webster, M. [12928] United States K002408374 Yes
Tucker, J.M. [533] El Salvador K002408478 Yes
Creagh [s.n.] Malaysia K002407192 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United States K002408366 Yes
Virlet d'Aoust [s.n.] Mexico K002408400 Yes
Parmanand, N. [881] India K000782928 Yes
Devred, R. [481] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002407707 Yes
Campbell, W. [s.n.] Dominica K002408534 Yes
Ahles, H.E. [36249] United States K000731149 Yes
Andrews, F.W. [A1557] Sudan K002407812 Yes
Sorensen, Th.; Larsen, K.; Hansen, B. [1513] Thailand K000682581 No
Parry, D.E. [2] Thailand K000682590 No
Peterson, P.; Annable, C. [10251] Argentina K002090670 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [7660] Australia K002407308 Yes
Anderson, W.R.; Anderson, W.R.; Kalin Arroyo, M.T.; Hill, S.R.; Reis dos Santos, R. [7499] Brazil K002408590 Yes
Stage, E. [3] Togo K002407615 Yes
Ekman, E.L. [1170] Cuba K002408507 Yes
Adaire, F. [224] Kiribati K002407443 Yes
Gutierrez V, G.; Barkley, F.A. [17C182] Colombia K002408672 Yes
Coode, M.J.E. [7730] Brunei K002407185 Yes
Aplin, T.E.H. [1544] Australia K002407291 Yes
Curry, P. [950] Vanuatu K002407381 Yes
Newbould, J.; Jefford, T.G.; Juniper, B.E. [2164] Tanzania K002408039 Yes
Harris, W.H. [11317] Jamaica K002408515 Yes
Guevara, J.; Parker, K.G. [4] Bolivia K002090629 No
Hirst, W. [s.n.] Uganda K002407999 Yes
H. [5680] Mexico K002408444 Yes
Soakai, E. [[431]] Tonga K002407462 Yes
Mexia Ynes [5927] Brazil K002408601 Yes
Fay, J.M. [1662] Central African Republic K002407665 No
Schaffner, W. [291] Mexico K002408417 Yes
Coro-Rojas [1491] Bolivia K002090650 No
s.coll. [s.n.] K002407387 Yes
Galeotti, H. [5693] Mexico K002408412 Yes
Nicolas, F. [[4066]] Mexico K002408410 Yes
Clayton [4002] Senegal K002407541 No
Gaumer, G.F. [s.n.] Mexico K002408435 Yes
Edwards, P.J. [205] Ecuador K002408698 Yes
Meier, W.; Dorante, A.; Aicher, C. [8042] Venezuela K002408693 Yes
Robson, N.K.B.; Angus [136] Zambia K000731130 Yes
Carr, C.E. [11027] Papua New Guinea K002407268 Yes
Dorsett; Morse [803] Japan K002406955 Yes
Vanderyst [2397] Congo, Republic of the K002407708 Yes
[Bolteri] [126] Mexico K002408396 Yes
Hinton, G.B. [1546] Mexico K002408406 Yes
Orcutt, C.R. [s.n.] Mexico K002408445 Yes
Lace, J.H. [4319] Burma K000782942 Yes
Allan, J.A. [15] Kenya K002408030 Yes
Fosberg, F.R. [54593] French Polynesia K002407478 Yes
Jallu, J. [5262] France K002406819 Yes
Sintenis, P. [352] Puerto Rico K002408525 Yes
[J. Hiep] [863] Vietnam K002407171 No
Palmer, E. [464] Mexico K002408426 Yes
Lawlor, D.W.; Hall, J.B. [FHI 46546] Nigeria K002407639 Yes
Friis, I.; Vollesen, K.B. [966] Sudan K002407815 Yes
Gale, J. [s.n.] Australia K002407292 Yes
Axelrod, F.; Waide, B. [8035] Puerto Rico K002408524 Yes
Lugas, L. [1249] Malaysia K002407202 Yes
Mandaville (Jr.), J.P. [7815] Saudi Arabia K002406911 Yes
[Gour. Veearts] [s.n.] Indonesia K002407216 Yes
Peterson, P.; Alvarez Marvan, H.; Dejesos, G. [20094] Mexico K002408455 Yes
Tothill, J.D. [220] Fiji K002407412 Yes
Cheeseman, T.F. [726] Cook Islands K002407486 Yes
Sillitoe, F. [34] Sudan K002407809 Yes
Tilden, J.E. [s.n.] French Polynesia K002407482 Yes
Ohwi, J. [NSM68] Japan K002406953 Yes
Croft, J.R. [NGF 41336] Papua New Guinea K002407280 Yes
Kalliola, R.; Puhakka, M.; Rajasilta, M.; Salo, J. [P6-59] Peru K002090617 No
Gutzwiller, R. [3380] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002407694 No
s.coll. [s.n.] K002408523 Yes
Davidse, G. [7736] Sri Lanka K002407150 Yes
Rwaburindore, P.K. [2680] Uganda K002407997 Yes
Hambler, D.J. [N51] Nigeria K002407634 Yes
Woods [17] French Polynesia K002407475 Yes
Kingdon-Ward, F. [21195] Burkina Faso K002407139 Yes
Blomme, A. [134] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002407710 Yes
Smith, R.V. [75/53] Australia K002407345 Yes
Giking, M. [202] Malaysia K002407189 Yes
McKee, H.S. [30552] New Caledonia K000731023 Yes
Epstein [NGF 17414] Papua New Guinea K002407260 Yes
Renvoize, S.A.; Abdallah, R.A. [1789] Tanzania K002408033 Yes
Harris, W.H. [12647a ] Jamaica K002408513 Yes
Baldwin, J.T. [6768] Liberia K002407581 No
Leistner; Oliver; Steenkamp; Vooster [225] Namibia K000731139 Yes
Lugas, L. [2558] Malaysia K000782976 Yes
van Dillewijn, F.J. [91] Liberia K002407587 No
Veerteegh, C. [77] India K000782994 Yes
Hirst, W. [s.n.] Uganda K002407996 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [2071] Australia K002407317 Yes
Dr. Watson [s.n.] United States K002408365 Yes
Miss Bingley [3] Australia K002407346 No
M.L. [2747] Australia K002407297 Yes
Heller, A.A. [2290] United States K002407505 Yes
Mrs Carson Roberts [s.n.] Indonesia K002407209 Yes
Parker [s.n.] Guyana K002408564 Yes
Renvoize, S.A.; Cope, T.A.; Beck, S. [4279] Bolivia K002090637 No
[L. Halm] [478] Martinique K002408539 Yes
Chevalier, A.J.B. [15078] French Guiana K002407552 No
Bogdan, A. [AB5700] Kenya K002408027 Yes
Casas, F. [12188] Equatorial Guinea K002407678 Yes
[Barelay] [s.n.] French Polynesia K002407488 Yes
Greenway [1216] Tanzania K002408046 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K002408522 Yes
Davies, W. [s.n.] Australia K002407323 Yes
Maas, P.J.M.; Maas, H. [288] Brazil K002408587 No
[G.F.B.] [s.n.] Australia K002090728 Yes
Lowe, R.T. [s.n.] Cabo Verde K002407539 No
McCallum-Webster, M. [N504] South Africa K002408348 Yes
[G. Hanson] [35180] United Kingdom K002406817 Yes
Bristol, M.L. [2462] Samoa K002407457 Yes
Drummond [s.n.] K002408391 Yes
McCallum-Webster, M. [N96] South Africa K002408353 Yes
Kinet, U. [195] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002407704 Yes
Flenley, J.R. [ANU 2625] Papua New Guinea K002407276 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Japan K002406954 Yes
M. de Koster [10] Solomon Islands K002407372 Yes
Brass, L.J. [6302] Papua New Guinea K002407262 Yes
White, C.T. [s.n.] Australia K002407334 Yes
Sellow [s.n.] Brazil K001075190 Yes
Clayton, W.D.; Eiten, G. [4657] Brazil K002408635 No
Bentley, P. [300] Ecuador K002090657 Yes
De Komminjs, J.; Nuvuy, A. [676] Mozambique K000731122 Yes
Harrison, S.G. [1518] Guyana K002408559 Yes
s.coll. [6608] India K002407119 Yes
Yao, K. [9192] China K002406963 Yes
H. [9364] Mexico K002408452 Yes
Gould, F.W. [13259] Sri Lanka K002407146 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] India K002407121 Yes
Yuncker, T.G. [9774] Niue K002407468 Yes
Adams, C.D. [2491] Ghana K002407599 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [9042] Burma K002407136 Yes
Eiten, G.; Eiten, L.T. [1819] Brazil K002408628 No
Silva, L.; Marconi, A.B.; Oliveira, M.; Tscha, M. [39] Brazil K002408611 Yes
Heath, A.; Heath, R. [1187] Botswana K000731133 Yes
Clear, I.D. [G523] Nigeria K002407626 Yes
Burchell [983] Brazil K001075199 Yes
s.coll. [2810] K002408684 Yes
Sorensen, Th.; Larsen, K.; Hansen, B. [3568] Thailand K000682582 No
Flynn, T.; Lorence, D.; Ragone, D.; Wiseman, J. [6084] Micronesia, Federated States of K002407496 Yes
Glanville, R.R. [74] Sierra Leone K002407556 No
Coro, M. [1384] Bolivia K002090652 No
Scholz [6] Burkina Faso K002407596 Yes
Tothill, J.D. [100] Fiji K002407423 Yes
Hitchcock, A.S. [s.n.] Guyana K002408569 Yes
Lawesson, J.E. [5353] Senegal K002407543 No
Eyma, P.J. [4831] Indonesia K002407256 Yes
Clayton, W.D. [4619] Brazil K002408634 No
Maitland, T.D. [350] Cameroon K000182171 No
Widjaja; Wally; Subari, E.A.W.; EW [6052A] Indonesia K000782991 Yes
Tothill, J.D. [176] Fiji K002407428 Yes
s.coll [18215] Philippines K000782990 Yes
Thomas, A.S. [Th3778] Uganda K002408018 Yes
Hoehne, W. [s.n.] Brazil K001075212 Yes
Hinton, G.B. [1753] Mexico K002408425 Yes
Maingay [549] K002406974 Yes
Gillham, M. [s.n.] Australia K002407332 Yes
Maitland, T.D. [0s.n135] Cameroon K000182172 No
Peterson, P.M.; Saarela, J.M.; Flores Villegas, M.J. [21362] Mexico K002408454 Yes
Gallagher, M.D. [8506/10] Oman K002406912 Yes
Clayton, W.R. [4034] Portugal K002406926 Yes
Gardner [1188] Brazil K000003192 Yes
Tweedie [1333] Brazil K001075209 Yes
s.coll. [HI3816F] K002407675 Yes
Hildebrandt, J.M. [3352] Madagascar K002408244 Yes
Koorders, S.H. [s.n.] Indonesia K002407210 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Colombia K002408676 Yes
Cabalion, P. [2291] Vanuatu K002407385 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] New Caledonia K002407386 Yes
Robyns, W. [633] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002407689 Yes
de Carvalho, J.H.; Bona Nascimento, M.S. [647] Brazil K002408595 Yes
Adams, C.D.; Shafeeg, A. [14986] Maldives K002407158 Yes
Yasuda, K. [0792] Japan K002406957 Yes
Beach, K.H. [66] China K002406967 Yes
Troupin, G. [1327] Congo, Democratic Republic of the K002407712 Yes
Viguier, R.; Humbert, H. [327] Madagascar K002408240 Yes
Burchell [1525] Brazil K001075195 Yes
Rodway, F.A. [15] Australia K002407331 Yes
Davies, W. [s.n.] Australia K002407344 Yes
Harris, W.H. [11244] Jamaica K002408511 Yes
Dusén, P. [16408] Brazil K001075215 Yes
McKee, H.S. [6625] New Caledonia K000731024 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Samoa K002407453 Yes
Takamatsu, M. [1867] Micronesia, Federated States of K002407495 Yes
Yashiroda, K. [s.n.] Japan K000782904 Yes
Stewart, A. [1257] Ecuador K002090654 Yes
Ern, H.; Hein, B.; Pircher, A. [878] Togo K002407613 Yes
McMillen, J.R. [24] Burma K002407140 Yes
Blair, I.J. [677] Peru K002090615 No
Palmer-Jones, R.W. [101] Suriname K002408579 Yes
Lindsay, N. [s.n.] Iran K002406910 Yes
Whalley, O.; Beresford-Jones, D. [040] Peru K002408711 Yes
Edwards, P.J. [211] Ecuador K002408697 Yes
[T. W. Maittard] [258] Uganda K002407993 Yes
Eiten, G.; Eiten, L.T. [10307] Brazil K002408592 Yes
MacKee, H.S. [33131] New Caledonia K002407400 Yes
Simpson, N.D. [4022] Egypt K002406914 Yes
Clayton, W.D. [4344] Brazil K002408609 Yes
Lionnet, G. [2] Seychelles K002408257 Yes
Champluvier, D. [s.n.] Senegal K002407545 No
Davey, J.T. [050] Sudan K002407550 No
s.coll. [[15]] Chile K002407492 Yes
Maggs [83] Trinidad and Tobago K002408549 Yes
Kneucker, A.; Stuckert, T. [695] Argentina K002090680 Yes
Tothill, J.D. [327] Fiji K002407429 Yes
de La Cruz, J.S. [2065] Guyana K002408574 Yes
Bennett, F. [s.n.] Australia Eleusine indica var. monostachya K000907234 Type Yes


  • Angiosperm Extinction Risk Predictions v1

    • Angiosperm Threat Predictions
    • http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
  • Catálogo de Plantas y Líquenes de Colombia

    • http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0
  • Flora of the Cayman Islands

    • Flora of the Cayman Islands
    • http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0
  • GrassBase - The Online World Grass Flora

    • Clayton, W.D., Vorontsova, M.S., Harman, K.T. and Williamson, H. (2006 onwards). GrassBase - The Online World Grass Flora.
    • http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0
  • Herbarium Catalogue Specimens

    • 'The Herbarium Catalogue, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the Internet http://www.kew.org/herbcat [accessed on Day Month Year]'. Please enter the date on which you consulted the system.
    • Digital Image © Board of Trustees, RBG Kew http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
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    • IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
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  • Kew Backbone Distributions

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2025. Published on the Internet at http://www.ipni.org and https://powo.science.kew.org/
    • © Copyright 2023 World Checklist of Vascular Plants. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0
  • Kew Names and Taxonomic Backbone

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2025. Published on the Internet at http://www.ipni.org and https://powo.science.kew.org/
    • © Copyright 2023 International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0
  • Kew Science Photographs

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  • Plants and People Africa

    • Common Names from Plants and People Africa http://www.plantsandpeopleafrica.com/
    • © Plants and People Africa http://www.plantsandpeopleafrica.com http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
  • Seed Collection Guides

    • Seed Collection Guides
    • http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0
  • Universidad Nacional de Colombia

    • ColPlantA database
    • http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0
  • Useful Plants and Fungi of Colombia

    • http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0
  • Useful Plants of Boyacá Project

    • ColPlantA database
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