CATE Araceae, 17 Dec 2011.
Endemic to Thailand. THAILAND. Chiengmai, Doi Sutep, dry everygreen forest, alt. 1130 m, 8 July 1958, Payap 3939 (holotype C!); without exact locality, 18 May 1987, comm. S Mayo as "Arisaema 1" (K! spirit material only).
General Description
Monoecious, seasonally dormant herb covered with single-celled hairs c. 0-5 mm long. Tuber subglobose, 1-5-2-5 cm in diameter. Cataphylls 4, the innermost one largest, c. 10 cm long. Foliage leaves normally 1-2; petiole 20-25 cm long, basal sheath 1-5 cm long, encircling peduncle; blade pedately 5-7-foliolate, probably expanding somewhat after flowering, leaflets almost sessile; terminal leaflet elliptic, caudate at the apex, 16 cm long, 6-2 cm wide at flowering, 16-31 x 9-10 cm when fruiting; lateral leaflets elliptic but oblique at base, outermost one c. 2/3 the length of the terminal one. Peduncle very short, 1-1-5 cm long. Spathe smooth inside, hirsute outside: tube 4 cm long, 2 cm in diam., slightly constricted at the mouth, the upper 3 cm with free margins, the basal 1 cm with fused margins; blade lanceolate-ovate, laterally incurved, c. 12 x 8 cm. Spadix: basal female part 6-5 mm long; intermediate sterile part 3-5 cm long, lower 1 cm densely covered with modified sterile flowers, upper 2-5 cm naked; male part 1-7 cm long; appendix subsessile, 10-5 cm long, 6 mm diam. at the base. Female flower a unilocular subcylindric pistil with disk-shaped stigma; ovules 2-3 per locule, locule filled with jelly-like material. Sterile flowers clavate, apically rounded, 7 mm long. Infructescence globose, immature fruit 1 cm long, 0-5 cm diam.; persistent style 1 mm long (Fig. IB).