Agrostis gigantea subsp. gigantea

This subspecies is accepted
The native range of this subspecies is Temp. Eurasia to NW. Africa. It is a perennial and grows primarily in the temperate biome.


Doubtfully present in:

East Himalaya

Native to:

Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Altay, Amur, Austria, Baltic States, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Buryatiya, Central European Russia, China North-Central, China South-Central, China Southeast, Chita, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, East Aegean Is., East European Russia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Inner Mongolia, Iran, Iraq, Irkutsk, Italy, Kazakhstan, Khabarovsk, Kirgizstan, Korea, Kriti, Krym, Magadan, Manchuria, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, North Caucasus, North European Russia, Northwest European Russia, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Primorye, Qinghai, Romania, South European Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tibet, Transcaucasus, Turkey, Turkey-in-Europe, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, West Himalaya, Xinjiang, Yakutskiya, Yugoslavia

Introduced into:

Alabama, Alaska, Alberta, Argentina Northeast, Argentina Northwest, Argentina South, Arizona, Arkansas, Bolivia, Brazil South, British Columbia, California, Cape Provinces, Chile Central, Chile South, Colombia, Colorado, Connecticut, Costa Rica, Delaware, District of Columbia, Ecuador, Georgia, Great Britain, Greenland, Haiti, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Ireland, Jamaica, Japan, Kamchatka, Kansas, Kentucky, Kerguelen, Kuril Is., KwaZulu-Natal, Lesotho, Louisiana, Maine, Manitoba, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mexico Central, Mexico Northeast, Mexico Northwest, Mexico Southwest, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Brunswick, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New South Wales, New York, New Zealand North, New Zealand South, Newfoundland, Norfolk Is., North Dakota, Northern Provinces, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Ohio, Oklahoma, Ontario, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Peru, Prince Edward I., Queensland, Québec, Rhode I., Sakhalin, Saskatchewan, South Australia, South Carolina, Tanzania, Tasmania, Tennessee, Texas, Tristan da Cunha, Uruguay, Utah, Vermont, Victoria, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Western Australia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Yukon

Recorded in error in:



Heterotypic Synonyms


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POWO follows these authorities in accepting this name:

  • Dimopoulos, P., Raus, T., Bergmeier, E., Constantinidis, T., Iatrou, G., Kokkini, S., Strid, A., & Tzanoudakis, D. (2013). Vascular plants of Greece. An annotated checklist: 1-372. Botanic gardens and botanical museum Berlin-Dahlem, Berlin and Hellenic botanical society, Athens.
  • Hassler, M. & Muer, T. (2022). Flora Germanica: alle Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands in Text und Bild 1: 1-864. Verlag Regionalkultur, Uberstadt-Weiher.
  • Orchard, A.E. (ed.) (1994). Oceanic Islands 1. Flora of Australia 49: 1-681. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.

Kew Backbone Distributions

  • (2019). epublication.
  • (2020). epublication.
  • (2021). epublication.
  • Bor, N.L. (1968). Flora of Iraq 9: 1-588. Ministry of Agriculture & Agrarian Reform, Baghdad.
  • Bor, N.L. (1970). Flora Iranica 70: 1-573. Naturhistorisches Museums Wien.
  • Davidse, G. & al. (eds.) (1994). Flora Mesoamericana 6: 1-543. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, D.F.
  • Davis, P.H. (ed.) (1985). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands 9: 1-724. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
  • Dimopoulos, P., Raus, T., Bergmeier, E., Constantinidis, T., Iatrou, G., Kokkini, S., Strid, A., & Tzanoudakis, D. (2013). Vascular plants of Greece. An annotated checklist: 1-372. Botanic gardens and botanical museum Berlin-Dahlem, Berlin and Hellenic botanical society, Athens.
  • Dobignard, D. & Chatelain, C. (2010). Index synonymique de la flore d'Afrique du nord 1: 1-455. Éditions des conservatoire et jardin botaniques, Genève.
  • Edgar, E & Connor, H.E. (2010). Flora of New Zealand, ed. 2, 5: 1-650. R.E.Owen, Government Printer, Wellington.
  • Fedorov, A.A. (ed.) (1999). Flora of Russia. The European part and bordering regions 1: 1-546. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Broekfield.
  • Flora of North America Editorial Committee (2007). Flora of North America North of Mexico 24: 1-908. Oxford University Press, New York, Oxford.
  • Forzza, R.C. & al. (2013). Lista de Espécies da Flora do Brasil
  • Frenot, Y., Chown, S.L., Whinam, J., Selkirk, P.M., Convey, P., Skotnicki, M. & Bergstrom,D.M. (2005). Biological invasions in the Antarctic: extent, impacts and implications. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 80: 45-72.
  • Germishuizen, G. & Meyer, N.L. (eds.) (2003). Plants of Southern Africa: an annotated checklist. Strelitzia 14.: i-vi, 1-1231. National Botanical Institute, Pretoria.
  • Gremmen, N. & Halbertsma, R.L. (2009). Alien plants and their impact on Tristan da Cunha 2: 1-307. Overseas Territories Environment Programme (OTEP).
  • Grubov, V.I. (2008). Key to the vascular plants of Mongolia (with an atlas) 2: 1-503. Academy of Sciences, Mongolian People's Republic, Ulaan Bator.
  • Jørgensen, P.M. & León-Yánez, S. (eds.) (1999). Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Ecuador. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 75: i-viii, 1-1181. Missouri Botanical Garden.
  • Kandwal, M.K. & Gupta, B.K. (2009). An update on grass flora of Uttarkhand. Indian Journal of Forestry 32: 657-668.
  • Kharkevich, S.S., Probatova, N.S. & Novikov, V.S. (1985). Sosudistye rasteniia sovetskogo Dal'nego Vostoka 1: 1-383. Izd-vo "Nauka," Leningradskoe otd-nie, Leningrad.
  • Komiljon, T., Natalya, B., Avazbek, B., Dilnoza, A., Ziyoviddin, Y., Deng, T. & Sun, H. (2020). Flora of the Dzhizak Province, Uzbekistan: 1-523. China Forestry Publishing House.
  • Koyama, T. (1987). Grasses of Japan and its neighboring regions: an identification manual: 1-570. Kodansha, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Malyschev, L.I. & Peschkova, G.A. (eds.) (2001). Flora of Siberia 2: 1-362. Scientific Publishers, Inc., Enfield, Plymouth.
  • Marhold, K. (ed.) (2012). IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13. Taxon 61: 889-902.
  • Noltie, H.J. (2000). Flora of Bhutan 3(2): 457-883. Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh.
  • Orchard, A.E. (ed.) (1994). Oceanic Islands 1. Flora of Australia 49: 1-681. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
  • Press, J.R. et al. (2000). Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal: i-x, 1-430. Natural History Museum, London.
  • Renvoize, S.A. (1998). Gramineas de Bolivia: 1-644. The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Roshevitz, R.J. & al. (eds.) (1950). Flora Kirgizskoi SSR 2: 1-315. Frunze : Izd-vo KirgizFAN SSSR.
  • Takhtajan, A.L. (ed.) (2006). Konspekt Flora Kavkaza 2: 1-466. Editio Universitatis Petropolitanae.
  • Tutin, T.G. & al. (eds.) (1980). Flora Europaea 5: 1-452. Cambridge University Press.
  • Wilson, A. (ed.) (2009). Flora of Australia 44A: 1-410. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
  • Wu, Z. & Raven, P.H. (eds.) (2006). Poaceae. Flora of China 22: 1-733. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis.
  • Zuloaga, F.O., Morrone, O. , Belgrano, M.J., Marticorena, C. & Marchesi, E. (eds.) (2008). Catálogo de las Plantas Vasculares del Cono Sur. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 107: 1-3348. Missouri Botanical Garden.

Other Data

Other Kew resources that provide information on this taxon:

Date Reference Identified As Barcode Type Status Has image?
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341063 Yes
Litvinov, D.I. [s.n.] Russia K003342923 Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341051 Yes
Payne, R.M. [72] United Kingdom K003341205 Yes
McCallum Webster, M. [9227] United Kingdom K003341246 Yes
Milne, J. [153] United Kingdom K003341250 Yes
[Pu Shriner] [s.n.] Norway K003341310 Yes
Drummond, R.B. [510] United Kingdom K003341303 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [10626] United Kingdom K003341138 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003342922 Yes
Montford, H.M.; Summerhayes, V.S.; Turrill, W.B. [2267] United Kingdom K003341141 Yes
Ridley, H.N. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341064 Yes
Gamble, J.S. [28764] United Kingdom K003341078 Yes
Worsdell, W.C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341241 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [12893] United Kingdom K003341059 Yes
Melville, R. [2821] United Kingdom K003341114 Yes
Lousley, J.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341103 Yes
Bickham, S.H.; Britton, C.E. [1867] United Kingdom K003341187 Yes
Goddard, H.J. [K2] United Kingdom K003341075 Yes
[HJR] [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341142 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341133 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [10213] United Kingdom K003341053 Yes
Whellan, J.A. [BPL780/20] United Kingdom K003341113 Yes
[Schur] [9415] Romania K003341340 Yes
Roux, F. [666] France K003341330 Yes
M.R. [s.n.] K003341327 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [D2] United Kingdom K003341161 Yes
Medlin, L.T. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341049 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341276 Yes
Jackson, A.B.; Jackson, A.K. [122] Guernsey K003341272 Yes
Rowlands, S.P. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341231 Yes
Wheldon, J.A. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341212 Yes
Lousley, J.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341209 Yes
[C. Bor] [s.n.] Norway K003341311 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [9813] United Kingdom K003341248 Yes
Gilbert, J.L. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341172 Yes
Grose, J.D. [6094A] United Kingdom K003341055 Yes
Townsend, C.C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341182 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [10606] United Kingdom K003341200 Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341193 Yes
Gilbert, J.L. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341171 Yes
Roekens [s.n.] Belgium K003341345 Yes
Burtt, B.L. [B298] United Kingdom K003341076 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [4537] United Kingdom K003341093 Yes
Dony, J.G. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341167 Yes
de Degen, A. (Dr) [204sz] Hungary K003341341 Yes
Raenitz, C. [s.n.] K003341339 Yes
Milne-Redhead, E. [67] United Kingdom K003341081 Yes
Lehmann, C.B. [s.n.] Germany K003341317 Yes
Sandwith, C.I. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341054 Yes
Rowlands, S.P. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341228 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [9719] United Kingdom K003341245 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341293 Yes
Bornmüller, J. [[22053]] Bulgaria K003341335 Yes
Michelson, A. [1847] K003342909 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341211 Yes
Rowlands, S.P. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341235 Yes
Clouston, D. [297] United Kingdom K003341260 Yes
Rowlands, S.P. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341219 Yes
Kenneth, A.G. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341265 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341160 Yes
Stapf, O. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341092 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [10519] United Kingdom K003341136 Yes
Goddard, H.J. [K5] United Kingdom K003341072 Yes
s.coll. [972] K003342914 Yes
Towndrow, R.F. [1867] United Kingdom K003341190 Yes
Gilmour, J.; Turrill, W.B.; Williams, J.A. [3] United Kingdom K003341102 Yes
Groß, L. [s.n.] Germany K003341319 Yes
Polunin, O.V. [320] Ireland K003341273 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341155 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341292 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003341336 Yes
[B. P. L.] [5149] United Kingdom K003341060 Yes
Sprague, T.A. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341177 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [D4] United Kingdom K003341159 Yes
Kenneth, A.G. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341282 Yes
Lüderwaldt, A. [s.n.] K003341343 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341291 Yes
Whellan, J.A. [BPL780/2c] United Kingdom K003341258 Yes
[C. kyrepobckag]; [C. Hebckun] [137] K003342918 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [12903] United Kingdom K003341057 Yes
Hooker, J.D. [s.n.] K003341325 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003342921 Yes
Goddard, H.J. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341071 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003342929 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341290 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [13253] United Kingdom K003341095 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341297 Yes
Kent, D.H. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341125 Yes
Milne-Redhead, E. [12429] United Kingdom K003341116 Yes
Palmér, J.E. [s.n.] Sweden K003341308 Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341183 Yes
McCallum-Webster, M. [406] United Kingdom K003341262 Yes
[LBS] [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341252 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [10726] United Kingdom K003341199 No
Regel, A. [200/129] K003342919 Yes
Appleton, H. [s.n.] Tajikistan K003342920 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M.; Cruttwell, N.E.G. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341047 Yes
Kharkevich, S.; Buch, T. [s.n.] Russia K003342933 Yes
Gordon, V. [2] United Kingdom K003341213 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [10671] United Kingdom K003341135 Yes
{Duval-Jouve; Duval, M.; Warion, A.} [s.n.] France K003341314 Yes
Nelmes, W. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341202 Yes
Turrill, W.B. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341143 Yes
Rob, C.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341215 Yes
Groenhart, M.C. [10617] K003341337 Yes
Rowlands, S.P. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341223 Yes
[J T Boswell] [1510] United Kingdom K003341261 Yes
s.coll. [3344] K003342925 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341287 Yes
Ohlsén, R. [s.n.] Sweden K003341312 Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341191 Yes
Rowlands, S.P. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341225 Yes
Bor, N.L. [s.n.] Ireland K003341274 Yes
Riddelsdell, H.J. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341201 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003342917 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [226] United Kingdom K003341157 Yes
Taylor, J.M. [7] United Kingdom K003341204 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003341326 Yes
Rowlands, S.P. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341229 Yes
[M. R.] [s.n.] K003341346 Yes
Meebold, A. [s.n.] Germany K003341315 Yes
s.coll. [[3972]] K003341328 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [10814] United Kingdom K003341198 Yes
Dony, J.G. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341166 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341058 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003341355 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [1762] United Kingdom K003341285 Yes
Sprague, T.A. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341089 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003342930 Yes
s.coll. [391] K003341349 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [10672] United Kingdom K003341130 Yes
Brown, J. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341227 Yes
Docturowsky, V.; Bronsow, A. [s.n.] Ukraine K003342932 Yes
Copping, A. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341269 Yes
Melville, R. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341112 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003341334 Yes
[M. B.] [s.n.] K003341354 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003342912 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [9654] United Kingdom K003341243 Yes
Snowden, J.D. [S15] United Kingdom K003341247 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [E25] United Kingdom K003341061 Yes
Rowlands, S.P. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341218 Yes
Baker, J.G. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341208 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [C13] United Kingdom K003341107 Yes
{Duval-Jouve} [s.n.] K003341347 Yes
Riddelsdell, H.J. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341174 Yes
Rowlands, S.P. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341224 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [10626] United Kingdom K003341137 Yes
Schrenk [s.n.] K003342927 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341181 Yes
Stapf, O. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341091 Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341052 Yes
Stapf, O. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341304 Yes
Jackson, A.B. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341279 Yes
Dony, J.G. [1587] United Kingdom K003341240 Yes
Rilstone, F. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341045 Yes
Towndrow, R.F.; Britton, C.E. [1867] United Kingdom K003341192 Yes
{Ob. Apoth. Hübner} [s.n.] K003341313 Yes
Tutin, T.G. [G228] United Kingdom K003341206 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341288 Yes
Gilmour, J.; Turrill, W.B.; Williams, J.A. [1] United Kingdom K003341100 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341281 No
Frankland, J.N. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341210 Yes
Lousley, J.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341127 Yes
Boswell, J.L. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341254 Yes
Boswell, J.L. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341253 Yes
Goddard, H.J. [K5] United Kingdom K003341066 Yes
Fraser, J. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341098 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [229] United Kingdom K003341109 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341175 Yes
Kent, D.H. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341124 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [D2] United Kingdom K003341152 Yes
Jackson, A.B.; Jackson, A.K. [122] Guernsey K003341271 Yes
Kent, D.H. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341123 Yes
Worsdell, W.C. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341242 Yes
MacKechnie, R. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341244 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [D2] United Kingdom K003341162 Yes
Howitt, R.C.L. [1/31/52] United Kingdom K003341207 Yes
Clouston, D. [341] United Kingdom K003341237 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [10592] United Kingdom K003341197 Yes
Lousley, J.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341128 Yes
Rowlands, S.P. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341232 Yes
Mameev [572] Russia K003342911 Yes
Dony, J.G. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341168 Yes
Howell, W. [12/1947] United Kingdom K003341084 Yes
Sprague, T.A. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341087 Yes
Matveeva, E. [303] K003342916 Yes
s.coll. [2187] K003341333 Yes
Rilstone, F. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341043 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003342924 Yes
Mann, H.H. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341170 Yes
Mckee, H.S. [30123] France K003341352 Yes
Towndrow, R.F. [1867] United Kingdom K003341194 Yes
Goddard, H.J. [K5] United Kingdom K003341068 Yes
Taylor, P.G. [0419] United Kingdom K003341169 Yes
Clarke, C.B. [43105A] United Kingdom K003341097 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [G57] United Kingdom K003341119 Yes
Bromwich, H. [25336] United Kingdom K003341188 Yes
Thomas, A.L.E. [s.n.] Switzerland K003341321 Yes
Goddard, H.J. [K5] United Kingdom K003341065 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341156 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [D3] United Kingdom K003341153 Yes
Rayner, J.F. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341074 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341295 Yes
Sprague, T.A. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341179 Yes
Kenneth, A.G. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341267 Yes
Favrat [s.n.] K003341324 Yes
Goddard, H.J. [K5] United Kingdom K003341069 Yes
Rowlands, S.P. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341221 Yes
Ley, A. [1510] United Kingdom K003341184 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [10566] United Kingdom K003341131 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [D3] United Kingdom K003341154 Yes
Sprague, T.A. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341088 Yes
Gamble, J.S. [29283] United Kingdom K003341079 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [11399] United Kingdom K003341132 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [C13] United Kingdom K003341305 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003341316 Yes
Dony, J.G. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341165 Yes
Stapf, O. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341144 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [29] United Kingdom K003341149 Yes
[M. B.] [s.n.] K003341350 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [9731] United Kingdom K003341147 Yes
Britton, C.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341096 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [12900] United Kingdom K003341056 Yes
M.B. [s.n.] K003341353 Yes
Rowlands, S.P. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341217 Yes
Drummond, R.B. [584] United Kingdom K003341236 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [9837] United Kingdom K003341256 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341294 Yes
Schleicher [s.n.] K003341323 Yes
Milne, J. [85] United Kingdom K003341266 Yes
Wallace, E.C. [4537] United Kingdom K003341094 Yes
Hunt, P.F. [1369] United Kingdom K003341268 Yes
Bullard, E.R. [12/74] United Kingdom K003341270 Yes
McCallum-Webster, M. [407] United Kingdom K003341263 Yes
Rowlands, S.P. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341220 Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341186 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [D2] United Kingdom K003341163 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [1762] United Kingdom K003341286 Yes
Dony, J.G. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341164 Yes
s.coll. [1511] United Kingdom K003341050 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [1762] United Kingdom K003341283 Yes
Rayner, J.F. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341073 Yes
Stapf, O. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341145 Yes
Mameev, S. [46] Russia K003342910 Yes
s.coll. [1891] K003342915 Yes
[W.B.] [s.n.] K003341307 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [C24] United Kingdom K003341104 Yes
Montford, H.; Summerhayes, V.S.; Turrill, W.B. [2248] United Kingdom K003341140 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [D4] United Kingdom K003341158 Yes
Salmon, C.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341086 Yes
Laegaard, S. [15186] Denmark K003341309 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [9818] United Kingdom K003341249 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003341329 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341278 Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341146 Yes
Montford, H.M.; Turrill, W.B. (Dr.) [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341106 Yes
Rob, C.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341214 Yes
Meyer [s.n.] K000838105 Unknown Type Material Yes
Rilstone, F. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341044 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [11372] United Kingdom K003341173 Yes
Rowlands, S.P. [20] United Kingdom K003341222 No
[Schleicher] [s.n.] K003341318 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341299 Yes
Salisbury, E.J. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341284 Yes
Rowlands, S.P. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341216 Yes
Lousley, J.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341046 Yes
Howell, W. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341080 Yes
Kharkevich, S.; Buch, T. [s.n.] Russia K003342934 Yes
Marshall, E.S. [3819] United Kingdom K003341257 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341085 Yes
Benoit, P.M.; Dony, J.G.; Dony, C.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341121 Yes
Goddard, H.J. [K5] United Kingdom K003341067 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003342931 Yes
Lambert, V. [s.n.] Belgium K003341344 Yes
Duncan, U.K. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341259 Yes
Goddard, H.J. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341070 Yes
Rowlands, S.P. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341230 Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341062 Yes
Thurston, E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341048 Yes
Melville, R. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341115 Yes
Rowlands, S.P. [9/44] United Kingdom K003341233 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341298 Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341185 Yes
Bagnall [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341195 Yes
Rohlena, J. [s.n.] K003341342 Yes
Bickham, S.H. [1757C] United Kingdom K003341189 Yes
Stapf, O. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341090 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Italy K003341332 Yes
Mackenzie, G.S. [s.n.] Iceland K003341306 Yes
Montford, H.M.; Turrill, W.B. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341105 Yes
Clouston, D. [346] United Kingdom K003341238 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341296 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [C3] United Kingdom K003341110 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [13431t] United Kingdom K003341117 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341251 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [10635] United Kingdom K003341196 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341126 Yes
MacKee, H.S. [30171] France K003341351 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003342926 Yes
Gamble, J.S. [27690] United Kingdom K003341077 Yes
Kenneth, A.G. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341264 Yes
Rowlands, S.P. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341226 Yes
Lousley, J.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341129 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [9262] United Kingdom K003341148 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003341348 Yes
Howell, W. [10/47] United Kingdom K003341083 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [G57] United Kingdom K003341120 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [13340] United Kingdom K003341118 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Switzerland K003341320 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K003342928 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [C13] United Kingdom K003341108 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [9839] United Kingdom K003341255 Yes
Melville, R. [2821] United Kingdom K003341111 Yes
[H. F. R] [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341180 Yes
Rowlands, S.P. [11/44] United Kingdom K003341234 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341150 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341289 Yes
Gilmour, J.; Turrill, W.B.; Williams, J.A. [2] United Kingdom K003341101 Yes
Swann, E.L. [950] United Kingdom K003341151 Yes
W.R.P. [A19] United Kingdom K003341239 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [12098] United Kingdom K003341134 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341280 Yes
Rohlena, J. [168] K003341338 Yes
Sprague, T.A. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341178 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341277 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M. [5548] United Kingdom K003341082 Yes
MacKechnie, R. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341275 Yes
[D. Elumbud] [2225] Turkmenistan K003342913 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [C4] United Kingdom K003341302 Yes
s.coll. [1292] United Kingdom K003341300 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [1762] United Kingdom K003341203 Yes
Fraser, J. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341099 Yes
Sprague, T.A. [Ch13] United Kingdom K003341176 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom K003341122 Yes
Montford, H.; Summerhayes, V.; Turrill, W.B. [2248] United Kingdom K003341139 Yes
Thomas [s.n.] K003341322 Yes
Oct 23, 1933 Schmid, B. [s.n.] India Agrostis stolonifera K000032323 Type Yes
Oct 23, 1933 Schmid, B. [s.n.] India Agrostis stolonifera K000838179 Unknown Type Material Yes
Harris, W.H. [12495] Jamaica Agrostis stolonifera K003350044 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [H8] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341821 Yes
Ridley, H.N. [s.n.] Indonesia Agrostis stolonifera K003343871 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [H13] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341807 Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341761 Yes
I.C. [158] Greece Agrostis stolonifera K003342344 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [H7] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341820 Yes
Tutin, T.G. [G225] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341842 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [H13] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341809 Yes
Benoit, P.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341832 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [H12] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341827 Yes
[A. D. Wade] [s.n.] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341790 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [H13] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341813 Yes
Day, F.M. [2125] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341771 Yes
Tutin, T.G. [G224] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341841 Yes
Horwood, A.R. [s.n.] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341840 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341834 Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341751 Yes
s.coll. [118] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341794 Yes
Bannister, C.W. [s.n.] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341770 Yes
Barton, W.C. [145] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341831 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [H10] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341825 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [H13] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341815 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [H13] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341812 Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341759 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Agrostis stolonifera K003341793 Yes
Meebold, A. [s.n.] Agrostis stolonifera K003342335 Yes
Harris, W.H. [12666] Jamaica Agrostis stolonifera K003350042 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [H14] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341817 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [H10] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341826 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [1345] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003342498 Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341760 Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341755 Yes
Nannfeldt, J.A. [s.n.] Sweden Agrostis stolonifera K003342497 Yes
Orcutt, C.R. [2888] Jamaica Agrostis stolonifera K003350043 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Agrostis stolonifera K003342503 Yes
Wade, A.E. [s.n.] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341791 Yes
Baldacci, D. [150] Albania Agrostis stolonifera K003342331 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [H10] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341824 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [H7] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341819 Yes
Harris, W.H. [12495] Jamaica Agrostis stolonifera K003350046 Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341756 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [H13] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341808 Yes
Bor, N.L. [s.n.] Ireland Agrostis stolonifera K003342032 Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341762 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [H13] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341811 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M.; Simpson, N.D. [5084] Agrostis stolonifera K003341784 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [13459] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003342499 Yes
Harris, W.H. [12664] Jamaica Agrostis stolonifera K003350040 Yes
Cambridge University Expedition [S73] Greece Agrostis stolonifera K003342345 Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341766 Yes
Griffith Tedd, H. [2040] Greece Agrostis stolonifera K003342342 Yes
Alston, A.H.G.; Sandwith, N.Y. [2562] Albania Agrostis stolonifera K003342330 Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341767 Yes
Taylor, J.M. [20] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341837 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [H13] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341814 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [H12] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341828 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M.; Simpson, N.D. [5031] Agrostis stolonifera K003341787 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [H10] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341823 Yes
Harris, W.H. [12495] Jamaica Agrostis stolonifera K003350045 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Agrostis stolonifera K003342502 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [H6] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341818 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M.; Simpson, N.D. [5030] Agrostis stolonifera K003341788 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [10676] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341781 Yes
Cambridge University Expedition [H3] Greece Agrostis stolonifera K003342343 Yes
Allison, G.H. [s.n.] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341838 Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341754 Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341758 Yes
s.coll. [112] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341795 Yes
Hayward, D.M. [21] Agrostis stolonifera K003342327 Yes
Tutin, T.G. [G209] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341844 Yes
Forster, R.H. [F43] Malaysia Agrostis stolonifera K003343870 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Agrostis stolonifera K003342504 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M.; Simpson, N.D. [5043] Agrostis stolonifera K003341785 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [10591] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341780 Yes
Balls, E.K.; Gourlay, W.B. [B3953] Greece Agrostis stolonifera K003342347 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [10731] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341783 Yes
Jackson, A.B. [s.n.] Agrostis stolonifera K003341779 Yes
Davidse, G. [2705] Dominican Republic Agrostis stolonifera K003350039 Yes
Alston, A.H.G.; Sandwith, N.Y. [2688] Albania Agrostis stolonifera K003342328 Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341752 Yes
Maly [s.n.] Bosnia and Herzegovina Agrostis stolonifera K003342333 Yes
Tedd, H.G. [704] Greece Agrostis stolonifera K003342346 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [13571] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003342500 Yes
Milne-Redhead, G. [6032] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341833 Yes
Robinson, H.C.; Kloss, C.B. [112] Indonesia Agrostis stolonifera K003343872 Yes
Taylor, J.M. [12] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341835 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [H13] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341810 Yes
Cook, C.D.K.; Grubb, P.J.; Newman, E.I. [3] Kosovo Agrostis stolonifera K003342325 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [H14] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341816 Yes
Maly, K. [s.n.] Bosnia and Herzegovina Agrostis stolonifera K003342332 Yes
Russell, J.M. [147] Greece Agrostis stolonifera K003342348 Yes
Payne, R.M. [57] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341843 Yes
Harris, W.H. [12664] Jamaica Agrostis stolonifera K003350041 Yes
Bor, N.L. [s.n.] Ireland Agrostis stolonifera K003342033 Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341769 Yes
Brenan, J.P.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341792 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [10811] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341782 Yes
Nelmes, W. [s.n.] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341789 Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341757 Yes
Holmberg, O.R. [s.n.] Sweden Agrostis stolonifera K003342496 Yes
Payne, R.M. [63] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341839 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Agrostis stolonifera K003342505 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Agrostis stolonifera K003342329 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [H12] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341829 Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341768 Yes
Cook, C.D.K.; Grubb, P.J.; Newman, E.I. [304] Kosovo Agrostis stolonifera K003342326 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341786 Yes
Philipson, W.R. [H12] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341830 Yes
Taylor, J.M. [9] Agrostis stolonifera K003341836 No
Philipson, W.R. [H10] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341822 Yes
Day, F.M. [2126] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341765 Yes
Hunt, T.C. [294] Portugal Agrostis stolonifera K003342903 Yes
Maly, K. [s.n.] Bosnia and Herzegovina Agrostis stolonifera K003342334 Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341763 Yes
Hubbard, C.E. [13571] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003342501 Yes
Day, F.M. [s.n.] United Kingdom Agrostis stolonifera K003341764 Yes
Buchanan, J.; Hector, J. [s.n.] New Zealand Agrostis tenella K000838236 Unknown Type Material Yes


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