Pandiaka schinzii (Standl.) ined.

This species is accepted
The native range of this species is NE. Somalia, Kenya to Tanzania. It is a scrambling subshrub and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome.


Extinction risk predictions for the world's flowering plants to support their conservation (2024). Bachman, S.P., Brown, M.J.M., Leão, T.C.C., Lughadha, E.N., Walker, B.E.

Predicted extinction risk: not threatened. Confidence: confident

M. Thulin et al. Flora of Somalia, Vol. 1-4 [updated 2008]

Morphology General Habit
Weak perennial, straggling or scandent, 0.3–1.2 m, rooting at the lower nodes, much-branched; stem and branches subglabrous to ± densely pilose with fine appressed hairs
Morphology Leaves
Leaves elliptic to lanceolate, (2–)4–10 x (1–) 1.3–4.2 cm, sparingly to moderately appressed-pilose, acuminate to rather blunt, cuneate and petiolate below
Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences
Inflorescence silvery- or yellowish-green to pale mauve, c. 2–26 x 1.2–1.4 cm, much elongated in fruit, axis lanuginose
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers
Flowers spreading, finally indurate at the base and ± deflexed; tepals narrowly oblong-lanceolate, the 2 outer 4.5–7 mm, 3–5-nerved with the nerves frequently branched above, densely lanuginose except at the aristate tip; inner 2 not aristate, 3-nerved, chiefly lanuginose on the central dorsal surface; central tepal intermediate
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers Androecium
Pseudostaminodes with a densely long-fimbriate dorsal scale
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers Gynoecium Style
Style slender, 2–3.5 mm, (?always) red.
N3; Kenya, Tanzania
Altitude c. 380 m.

Amaranthaceae, C.C. Townsend. Flora of Tropical East Africa. 1985

Morphology General Habit
Weak-stemmed perennial herb, scrambling over other vegetation or straggling, sometimes in thick masses, 0.3–1.2 m., considerably branched, rooting at the lower nodes; stem and branches striate, sometimes reddish at least below, subglabrous to rather densely pilose with fine appressed hairs.
Morphology Leaves
Leaves elliptic to lanceolate, (2–)4–10 × (1–)1.3–4.2 cm., thinly to moderately appressed pilose, paler on the lower surface, acuminate to rather blunt at the apex, cuneate at the base with a distinctly demarcated ± 4–12 mm. petiole.
Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences
Inflorescence silvery–or yellowish-green to pale mauve, elongating in fruit, 2–26 × 1.2–1.4 cm., subsessile or on a short peduncle to ± 1 cm. long; axis lanuginose.
Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences Bracts
Bracts ovate, 2.5–4 mm., membranous-whitish, ± densely lanuginose, gradually narrowed above to the short arista formed by the excurrent nerve.
Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences Bracteoles
Bracteoles broadly cordate-ovate, 3 4 mm., lanuginose, more abruptly narrowed to the longer, sharp, sometimes recurved arista.
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers
Flowers truncate and finally indurate at the base, attached to the inflorescence-axis by a broadly conical process.
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers Tepal
Tepals narrowly oblong-lanceolate; 2 outer 4.5–7 mm., densely lanuginose except at the pale-stramineous or pinkish aristate tips, with a rather broad but incurved hyaline margin, 3–5-nerved with the midrib and 2 principal lateral veins frequently branched above; 2 inner slightly shorter and narrower, the hyaline margins as wide as the green 3-nerved central portion, ± pilose or lanate chiefly on the upper part of the central dorsal surface, not aristate; central tepal intermediate, usually lanate at least along one margin as well as above.
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers Perianth
Perianth and bracteoles falling together in fruit.
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers Androecium Stamens
Stamens 3–4 mm., (? always) red; pseudostaminodes ± 1.5 mm. long, with a short incurved denticulate lobule at the tip and a densely long-fimbriate dorsal scale.
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers Gynoecium Ovary
Ovary turbinate, often reddish, ± 1.5 mm..
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers Gynoecium Style
Style slender, 2–3.25 mm., (? always) red.
Morphology Reproductive morphology Fruits
Ripe capsule and seed not seen.
Usually in moderately dry country on sandy ground, more rarely on dried-out black cotton soil, in seasonal river beds, river and lake shores, riverine woodland and scrub, also in grazed and valley grassland; 320–1820 m.
K4 K6 T1 T2 T5 T7


  • Angiosperm Extinction Risk Predictions v1

    • Angiosperm Threat Predictions
  • Flora of Somalia

    • Flora of Somalia
  • Flora of Tropical East Africa

    • Flora of Tropical East Africa
  • Kew Backbone Distributions

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2024. Published on the Internet at and
    • © Copyright 2023 World Checklist of Vascular Plants.
  • Kew Names and Taxonomic Backbone

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2024. Published on the Internet at and
    • © Copyright 2023 International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants.