Nephelium lappaceum var. lappaceum

This variety is accepted
The native range of this variety is Thailand to W. Malesia. It is a tree and grows primarily in the wet tropical biome.


Native to:

Borneo, Malaya, Sumatera, Thailand

Introduced into:

Angola, Caroline Is., Costa Rica, Jawa, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Myanmar, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Trinidad-Tobago, Vietnam


Heterotypic Synonyms


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POWO follows these authorities in accepting this name:

  • Govaerts, R., Nic Lughadha, E., Black, N., Turner, R. & Paton, A. (2021). The World Checklist of Vascular Plants, a continuously updated resource for exploring global plant diversity. Scientific Data 8: 215.
  • Tâm, H.M. (2017). Thực Vật Chí Việt Nam. Flora of Vietnam 12: 1-356. Nhà xuất bản khoa học và kỹ thuật, Hà Nội.

Kew Backbone Distributions

  • Baksh-Comeau, Y., Maharaj, S.S., Adams, C.D., Harris, S.A., Filer, D.L. & Hawthorne, W.D. (2016). An annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Trinidad and Tobago with analysis of vegetation types and botanical 'hotspots'. Phytotaxa 250: 1-431.
  • Dassanayake (ed.) (1998). A Revised Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon 12: 1-390. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. PVT. LTD., New Delhi, Calcutta.
  • Figueiredo, E. & Smith, G.F. (2008). Plants of Angola. Strelitzia 22: 1-279. National Botanical Institute, Pretoria.
  • Fosberg, F.R., Sachet, M.-H., Oliver, R. (1979). A geographical checklist of the Micronesian Dicotyledonae. Micronesica; Journal of the College of Guam 15: 41-295.
  • Girmansyah, D. & al. (eds.) (2013). Flora of Bali an annotated checklist: 1-158. Herbarium Bogorensis, Indonesia.
  • Hammel, B.E., Grayum, M.H., Herrera, C. & Zamora, N. (eds.) (2015). Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica. Volumen VIII. Dicotyledóneas (Sabiaceae-Zygophyllaceae). Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 131: 1-657. Missouri Botanical Garden.
  • Kiew, R., Chung, R.C.K., Shaw, L.G. & Soepadmo, E. (eds.) (2017). Flora of Peninsular Malaysia Series II: Seed Plants, volume 6. Malayan Forest Records 49: 1-231.
  • Kress, W.J., DeFilipps, R.A., Farr, E. & Kyi, D.Y.Y. (2003). A Checklist of the Trees, Shrubs, Herbs and Climbers of Myanmar. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 45: 1-590. Smithsonian Institution.
  • Lê, T.C. (2003). Danh lục các loài thực vật Việt Nam 2: 1-1203. Hà Nội : Nhà xuất bản Nông nghiệp.
  • Newman, M., Ketphanh, S., Svengsuksa, B., Thomas, P., Sengdala, K., Lamxay, V. & Armstrong, K. (2007). A checklist of the vascular plants of Lao PDR: 1-394. Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh.
  • Wu, Z., Raven, P.H. & Hong, D. (eds.) (2007). Flora of China 12: 1-534. Science Press (Beijing) & Missouri Botanical Garden Press (St. Louis).

Other Data

Other Kew resources that provide information on this taxon:

Date Reference Identified As Barcode Type Status Has image?
Ampon [60898] Malaysia K004313360 Yes
Anderson, T. [26] Singapore K004313040 Yes
Tong, S. [S34170] Malaysia K004313328 Yes
Ridley, H.N. [3624a] Singapore K004313041 Yes
Wallich [[8053B]] K004313028 Yes
s.coll. [13062] Philippines K004313799 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Indonesia K004313308 Yes
Amin Gambating [SAN93784] Malaysia K004313347 Yes
Maskuri [179] Indonesia K004313290 Yes
Seng, L.H. [S32008] Malaysia K004313299 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Malaysia K004313350 Yes
s.coll. [1530] Malaysia K004313018 Yes
Kerr, A.F.G. [11957] Thailand K004313180 Yes
Goklin [2645] Malaysia K004313336 Yes
Othman; et al. [S41539] Malaysia K004313318 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K004313029 Yes
Gardner, S.; Tippayasri, P. [ST1657] Thailand K004313178 Yes
Kerr, A.F.G. [16434] Thailand K004313181 Yes
Amin Gambating [SAN93783] Malaysia K004313352 Yes
Whitmore, T.C. [FRI15318] Malaysia K004313034 Yes
Lajangah, J.K. [33630] Malaysia K004313349 Yes
Smythies, B.E.; Wood, G.H.S.; Ashton, P.S. [S5878] Brunei K004313329 Yes
Mamit, J.D. [S29844] Malaysia K004313327 Yes
s.coll. [12866] Philippines K004313801 Yes
de Wilde, W.J.J.O.; de Wilde-Duyfjes, B.E. [16552] Indonesia K004313305 Yes
Wallich [8053] Singapore K004313030 Yes
Griffith [s.n.] Malaysia K004313022 Yes
Kasim bin Rajab, M. [496] Malaysia K004313043 Yes
Zainuddin Sohadi [FRI14703] Malaysia K004313044 Yes
Pierre [2773] K004313176 Yes
[A. Muas] [13355] Malaysia K004313319 Yes
Prawiroatmodjo, S. [259] Indonesia K004313293 Yes
Ng, F.S.P. [FRI022169] Malaysia K004313035 Yes
Bernard Lee Meng Hock [S53338] Malaysia K004313325 Yes
Ng, F.S.P. [FRI22169] Malaysia K004313033 Yes
Kadir [A-28] Malaysia K004313354 Yes
Saheb, B.K.; Ridley, H.N. [s.n.] Malaysia K004313294 Yes
Rahmat Si Toroes [5320] Indonesia K004313300 Yes
Mail [2416] Malaysia K004313351 Yes
Nur [26150] Singapore K004313039 Yes
Toroes, R.S. [5249] Indonesia K004313306 Yes
Marcan, A. [2012] Thailand K004313179 Yes
Bojeng b. Sitam [S15062] Malaysia K004313338 Yes
s.coll. [13069] Philippines K004313798 Yes
Villamil, A. [334] Malaysia K004313357 Yes
Kamis [3693] Malaysia K004313337 Yes
Niga Nangkat [NN149] Brunei K004313332 Yes
Dr King's Collector [5361] Malaysia K004313031 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Indonesia K004313304 Yes
Horsfield, T. [s.n.] Indonesia K004313311 Yes
Celestino, M.; Ramos, J. [[0182]] Philippines K004313797 Yes
Amin Gambating [SAN93785] Malaysia K004313358 Yes
Nur [s.n.] K004313045 Yes
Kostermans [19313] Indonesia K004313313 Yes
Beccari, O. [[3752]] Malaysia K004313298 Yes
Lomudin Tadong [317] Malaysia K004313344 Yes
Kasim bin Rajab, M. [496] Malaysia K004313042 Yes
Haviland, G.D. [2194] Malaysia K004313296 Yes
Soepadmo [125] Indonesia K004313303 Yes
s.coll. [2] K004312926 Yes
s.coll. [371] Indonesia K004313312 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K004313026 Yes
s.coll. [809] Indonesia K004313309 Yes
Sutrisno [71] Indonesia K004313315 Yes
Brunig, E.F. [S12096] Malaysia K004313324 Yes
Ampon; Patrick [60897] Malaysia K004313356 Yes
Motley, J. [1246] Indonesia K004313292 Yes
Rahmat Si Toroes [5206] Indonesia K004313301 Yes
Griffith [s.n.] Malaysia K004313021 Yes
Whitmore, T.C. [FRI3496] Malaysia K004313036 Yes
Niyomdham, C. [1175] Thailand K004313184 Yes
Kurz, S. [s.n.] Singapore K004313027 Yes
Lorence Lugas [64] Malaysia K004313343 Yes
de Wilde, W.J.J.O.; de Wilde-Duyfjes, B.E. [13931] Indonesia K004313307 Yes
s.coll. [997] Malaysia K004313023 Yes
Whitmore, T.C. [FRI20105] Malaysia K004313038 Yes
Sani Sambuling [474] Malaysia K004313345 Yes
Maidin [2415] Malaysia K004313359 Yes
Othman [41539] Malaysia K004313317 Yes
T.; P. [78] Malaysia K004313046 Yes
Bernard Lee Meng Hock [S53337] Malaysia K004313326 Yes
Ilias; Sie, P. [S33533] Malaysia K004313322 Yes
Rahmat Si Toroes [5498] Indonesia K004313302 Yes
Niyomdham, C. [877] Thailand K004313185 Yes
Kadir [A688] Malaysia K004313353 Yes
Stone, B.C.M.; Sidek, M. [12512] Malaysia K004313037 Yes
Walker [210] Singapore K004313025 Yes
Kerr, A.F.G. [40764] Thailand K004313183 Yes
van Balgooy; Kessler, P. [5899] Indonesia K004313291 Yes
Kerr, A.F.G. [4076] Thailand K004313182 Yes
Apostol [7202] Malaysia K004313348 Yes
Niga Nangkat [NN130] Brunei K004313333 Yes
Barbon; Romero; Fernando [PPI1898] Philippines K004313800 Yes
Rashid b. Taggoi [S16227] Malaysia K004313320 Yes
Ashton, P.S. [BRUN5532] Brunei K004313330 Yes
Lorence Lugas [2084] Malaysia K004313346 Yes
s.coll. [1375] Malaysia K004313019 Yes
Forman, L.L.; Blewett, J.B.J. [847] Brunei K004313334 Yes
Griffith [s.n.] Malaysia K004313024 Yes
Chan, Y.C. [FRI25188] Malaysia K004313032 Yes
Cuadra, A. [A87] Malaysia K004313355 Yes
[M. Mujim] [SAN26734] Malaysia K004313342 Yes
Niga Nangkat [NN144] Brunei K004313331 Yes
Horsfield, T. [s.n.] Indonesia K004313310 Yes
Haviland, G.D. [2277] Malaysia K004313295 Yes
Muas, A. [13355] Malaysia K004313321 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Indonesia K004313314 Yes
[J. Hevitz] [s.n.] Malaysia K004313297 Yes
Forman, L.L.; Blewett, J.B.J. [847] Brunei K004313335 Yes
Chai, P.P.K. [S34136] Malaysia K004313323 Yes
Gardner, S.; Tippayasri, P. [ST1657] Thailand K004313177 Yes
s.coll. [1629] Malaysia K004313020 Yes
Malaysia Nephelium glabrum K:SPC-65560.000 No


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    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2025. Published on the Internet at and
    • © Copyright 2023 World Checklist of Vascular Plants.
  • Kew Names and Taxonomic Backbone

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2025. Published on the Internet at and
    • © Copyright 2023 International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants.
  • Kew Science Photographs

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