Talisia macrophylla (Mart.) Radlk.

First published in Sitzungsber. Math.-Phys. Cl. Königl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. München 8: 347 (1878)
This species is accepted
The native range of this species is Central & S. Tropical America. It is a shrub or tree and grows primarily in the wet tropical biome. It is used for food.


Native to:

Brazil North, Brazil Northeast, Colombia, Costa Rica, French Guiana, Guyana, Honduras, Panamá, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela


Homotypic Synonyms

Heterotypic Synonyms


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POWO follows these authorities in accepting this name:

  • Brako, L. & Zarucchi, J.L. (1993). Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Gymnosperms of Peru. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 45: i-xl, 1-1286. Missouri Botanical Garden.
  • Correa A., Mireya D. Galdames, Carmen Correa A., M. D., C. Galdames & M. S. de Stapf (2004). Catálogo de las Plantas Vasculares de Panamá: 1-599. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
  • Hammel, B.E., Grayum, M.H., Herrera, C. & Zamora, N. (eds.) (2015). Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica. Volumen VIII. Dicotyledóneas (Sabiaceae-Zygophyllaceae). Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 131: 1-657. Missouri Botanical Garden.
  • Hokche, O., Berry, P.E. & Huber, O. (eds.) (2008). Nuevo Catálogo de la Flora Vascular de Venezuela: 1-859. Fundación Instituto Botánico de Venezuela.
  • Idárraga-Piedrahita, A., Ortiz, R.D.C., Callejas Posada, R. & Merello, M. (eds.) (2011). Flora de Antioquia: Catálogo de las Plantas Vasculares 2: 1-939. Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín.
  • Molino, J.-F., Sabatier, D., Grenand, P., Engel, J., Frame, D., Delprete, P.G., Fleury, M., Odonne, G., Davy, D., Lucas, E.J. & Martin, C.A. (2022). An annotated checklist of the tree species of French Guiana, including vernacular nomenclature. Adansonia, sér. 3, 44: 345-903.

Catálogo de Plantas y Líquenes de Colombia

  • Bernal, R., Gradstein, S.R. & Celis, M. (eds.). 2015. Catálogo de plantas y líquenes de Colombia. Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá. http://catalogoplantasdecolombia.unal.edu.co

Kew Backbone Distributions

  • Boggan, J. Funck, V. & Kelloff, C. (1997). Checklist of the Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, Franch Guiana) ed. 2: 1-238. University of Guyana, Georgetown.
  • Brako, L. & Zarucchi, J.L. (1993). Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Gymnosperms of Peru. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 45: i-xl, 1-1286. Missouri Botanical Garden.
  • Correa A., Mireya D. Galdames, Carmen Correa A., M. D., C. Galdames & M. S. de Stapf (2004). Catálogo de las Plantas Vasculares de Panamá: 1-599. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
  • Forzza, R.C., Zappi, D. & Souza, V.C. (2016-continuously updated). Flora do Brasil 2020 em construção http://reflora.jbrj.gov.br/reflora/listaBrasil/ConsultaPublicaUC/ResultadoDaConsultaNovaConsulta.do.
  • Hammel, B.E., Grayum, M.H., Herrera, C. & Zamora, N. (eds.) (2015). Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica. Volumen VIII. Dicotyledóneas (Sabiaceae-Zygophyllaceae). Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 131: 1-657. Missouri Botanical Garden.
  • Hokche, O., Berry, P.E. & Huber, O. (eds.) (2008). Nuevo Catálogo de la Flora Vascular de Venezuela: 1-859. Fundación Instituto Botánico de Venezuela.
  • Idárraga-Piedrahita, A., Ortiz, R.D.C., Callejas Posada, R. & Merello, M. (eds.) (2011). Flora de Antioquia: Catálogo de las Plantas Vasculares 2: 1-939. Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín.
  • Nelson Sutherland, C.H. (2008). Catálogo de las plantes vasculares de Honduras. Espermatofitas: 1-1576. SERNA/Guaymuras, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

Useful Plants and Fungi of Colombia

  • Bernal, R., Gradstein, S.R., & Celis, M. (eds.). (2020). Catálogo de Plantas y Líquenes de Colombia. v1.1. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Dataset/Checklist. https://doi.org/10.15472/7avdhn
  • Castañeda, R.R. (1991). Frutas silvestres de Colombia. Instituto Colombiano de Cultura Hispánica.
  • Diazgranados et al. (2021). Catalogue of plants of Colombia. Useful Plants and Fungi of Colombia project. In prep.
  • FPI (2021). Food Plants International. https://fms.cmsvr.com/fmi/webd/Food_Plants_World?homeurl=https://foodplantsinternational.com/plants/
  • GBIF.org (2021). GBIF species matching tool. https://www.gbif.org/tools/species-lookup
  • IUCN (2021). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2021-2. https://www.iucnredlist.org.

Other Data

Other Kew resources that provide information on this taxon:

Date Reference Identified As Barcode Type Status Has image?
Jan 1, 2003 Tutin, T.G. [405] Guyana K000035348 Isotype Yes
Jan 1, 2003 Tutin, T.G. [405] Guyana K000035349 Isotype Yes
Diaz, W.; Jimenez, W. Venezuela K004310012 Yes
Bassett Maguire; Wurdack, J.J.; Maguire, C.K. Venezuela K004310011 Yes
Prance, G.T.; et al. Brazil K001251322 No
Rabelo, B.V.; Cardoso, R. Brazil K001251319 No
Acevedo-Rodriguez, P.; Mori, S.; Gracie, C.; Angell, B.; Anderson, P.; Gouda, E.; Gorts-van Rijn, A. [4989] French Guiana K003474845 Yes
Prance, G.T.; Steward, W.C.; Harter, F.P.; Ramos, J.F.; Pinheiro, W.S.; Monteiro, O.P. Brazil K001251325 No
Poiteau [s.n.] French Guiana K003474847 Yes
Silva, N.T. Brazil K001251329 No
Henderson, A.; Cid, C.A.; Lima, J.; Alves, J.; Rickson, F.; Parker, D.; Aulino, O.; Rodrigues, K. Brazil K001251334 No
Tipaz, G.; Zuleta, J.; Guanga, N. Ecuador K004310008 Yes
Dik, A. [66] Ecuador K004310025 Yes
Mori, S.; Gracie, C. [21079] French Guiana K003474842 Yes
s.coll. [5517] Guyana K003474834 Yes
Schunke Vigo, J. Peru K004310024 Yes
McDaniel, S.; Rimachi Y, M. Peru K004310019 Yes
Silva, N.T. Brazil K001251330 No
Cid Ferreira, C.A.; et al. Brazil K001251324 No
Diaz, W.; Calderón, R. Venezuela K004310014 Yes
McDaniel, S.; Rimachi Y, M. Peru K004310020 Yes
Pitman, N. [1294] Ecuador K004310034 Yes
Tirado, M.; Asimbaya, P.; Coroso, M.; Arroyo, J. Ecuador K004310005 Yes
Poiteau [s.n.] French Guiana K003474846 Yes
Prance, G.T.; Campbell, D.G.; Daly, D.C.; Maciel, U.; da Silva, M.G.; Bahia, R.P.; dos Santos, M.R. Brazil K001251323 No
Rabelo, B.V.; Cardoso, R. Brazil K001251320 No
Davidson, C.R.; Martinelli, G. Brazil K001251337 No
Pitman, N. [1294] Ecuador K004310026 Yes
Mori, S.; Gracie, C. [21079] French Guiana K003474843 Yes
Clarke, H.D. [4424] Guyana K003474832 Yes
Prance, G.T.; Rodrigues, W.A.; Ramos, J.F.; Farias, L.G. Brazil K001251321 No
Palacios, W.; Freire, E. [5113] Ecuador K004310033 Yes
Revilla, J. Peru K004310021 Yes
Quelal, C.; Tipaz, G.; Taicuz, C. [633] Ecuador K004310027 Yes
Tipaz, G.; Tirado, M.; Aulestia, C.; Gale, N.; Ortiz, L.P. [1863] Ecuador K004310030 Yes
Fanshawe, D.B. [5517] Guyana K003474833 Yes
Acevedo-Rdgz, P.; Mori, S.; Gracie, C.; Angell, B.; Anderson, P.; Gouda, E.; Gorts-van Rijn, A. French Guiana K001251336 No
Clarke, D.; Hoffman, B. Guyana K003474849 Yes
Pennington, T.D.; Ruiz, J. Peru K004310023 Yes
Diaz, W.; Calderón, R. Venezuela K004310018 Yes
Rubio, D.; Quelal, C.; Nastacuaz, P. Ecuador K004310009 Yes
Meier, W.; Matute, J.; Beck, J.; Kindermann, M. Venezuela K004310016 Yes
Rodrigues, W.A.; Amaral, I.L.; Silva, M.G.; Carlitos; Miranda, M. Brazil K001251338 No
Acevedo-Rdgz., P.; De Granville, J.J.; Hollenberg, L.; Joly, A.; Avril, C. [6145] Suriname K003474839 Yes
Graham, J.G.; Schunke Vigo, J. Peru K004310006 Yes
Meier, W.; Matute, J.; Beck, J.; Kindermann, M. Venezuela K004310017 Yes
Mori, S.; Gracie, C. [21079] French Guiana K003474841 Yes
Assunçao, P.A.C.L. Brazil K001251316 No
Prance, G.T.; Steward, W.C.; Harter, F.P.; Ramos, J.F.; Pinheiro, W.S.; Monteiro, O.P. [s.n.] Brazil K001250829 No
Prance, G.T.; et al. Brazil K001251328 No
Henderson, A.; Cid, C.A.; Lima, J.; Alves, J.; Rickson, F.; Parker, D.; Aulino, O.; Rodrigues, K. Brazil K001251333 No
Prance, G.T.; Cordeiro, I. Brazil K001251335 No
s.coll. [F2718] Guyana K003474837 Yes
Bassett Maguire; Wurdack, J.J.; Maguire, C.K. Venezuela K004310015 Yes
Prance, G.T.; Ramos, J.F.; Steward, W.C.; Pinheiro, W.S. [11458] Brazil K001250828 No
Prace, G.T.; Philcox, D.; Rodrigues, W.A.; Ramos, J.F.; Farias, L.G. Brazil K001251326 No
Cid, C.A.; et al. Brazil K001251317 No
Dik, A. [66] Ecuador K004310035 Yes
Tipaz, G.; Tirado, M.; Aulestia, C.; Gale, N.; Ortiz, P. [1863] Ecuador K004310031 Yes
Quelal, C.; Tipaz, G.; Taicuz, C. [633] Ecuador K004310028 Yes
Rubio, D.; Quelal, C.; Nastacuaz, P. Ecuador K004310010 Yes
Diaz, W.; Jimenez, W. Venezuela K004310013 Yes
Acevedo-Rodriguez, P.; Mori, S.; Gracie, C.; Angell, B.; Anderson, P.; Gouda, E.; Gorts-van Rijn, A. [4967] French Guiana K003474844 Yes
Cordeiro, I.; Augusto da Silva, J.; Prance, G.T.; Huber, O.; Pires, J.M.; Sette Silva, E.; Rogers, B.M.; da Mota, C.D.A.; de Oliveira, J.G. Brazil K001251332 No
Prance, G.T.; Philcox, D.; Rodrigues, W.A.; Ramos, J.F.; Farias, L.G. Brazil K001251327 No
Acevedo-Rodriguez, P.; Feuillet, C.; Grimes, J.; Prevost, F. [4828] French Guiana K003474840 Yes
Hohenkerk, L.S. [CTS131] Guyana K003474836 Yes
Clarke, D.; Hoffman, B. Guyana K003474848 Yes
Prance, G.T.; Pena, B.S.; Ramos, J.F.; Forero, E. Brazil K001251318 No
Fanshawe, D.B. [5517] Guyana K003474838 Yes
Clark, J.L.; Troya, Y. Ecuador K004310007 Yes
Pennington, T.D.; Ruiz, J. Peru K004310022 Yes
Pennington, R.T.; johnson, I. [460] Guyana K003474835 Yes
Tipaz, G.; Tirado, M.; Aulestia, C.; Gale, N.; Ortiz, P. [1863] Ecuador K004310032 Yes
Quelal, C.; Tipaz, G.; Taicuz, C. [633] Ecuador K004310029 Yes
Parcela 2; Sasaki, D.; Piva, J.H.; Henicka, G.S.; Santos, S.K.F.; Yamaciro, T. [378] Brazil K000579885 Yes
Cordeiro, I.; Augusto da Silva, J.; Prance, G.T.; Huber, O.; Pires, J.M.; Sette Silva, E.; Rogers, B.M.; da Mota, C.D.A.; de Oliveira, J.G. Brazil K001251331 No
Prance, G.T.; Ramos, J.F.; Steward, W.C.; Pinheiro, W.S. [11458] Brazil K001250827 No


  • Angiosperm Extinction Risk Predictions v1

    • Angiosperm Threat Predictions
    • http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
  • Catálogo de Plantas y Líquenes de Colombia

    • http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0
  • Herbarium Catalogue Specimens

    • 'The Herbarium Catalogue, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the Internet http://www.kew.org/herbcat [accessed on Day Month Year]'. Please enter the date on which you consulted the system.
    • Digital Image © Board of Trustees, RBG Kew http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
  • IUCN Categories

    • IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
    • http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0
  • Kew Backbone Distributions

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2025. Published on the Internet at http://www.ipni.org and https://powo.science.kew.org/
    • © Copyright 2023 World Checklist of Vascular Plants. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0
  • Kew Names and Taxonomic Backbone

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2025. Published on the Internet at http://www.ipni.org and https://powo.science.kew.org/
    • © Copyright 2023 International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0
  • Universidad Nacional de Colombia

    • ColPlantA database
    • http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0
  • Useful Plants and Fungi of Colombia

    • http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0