Mentha longifolia subsp. typhoides (Briq.) Harley

First published in Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 38: 38 (1980)
This subspecies is accepted
The native range of this subspecies is E. Medit. to Iran. It is a perennial and grows primarily in the temperate biome.


Native to:

Cyprus, East Aegean Is., Egypt, Greece, Iran, Kriti, Lebanon-Syria, Sinai, Turkey, Turkey-in-Europe


Homotypic Synonyms

Heterotypic Synonyms


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POWO follows these authorities in accepting this name:

  • Dobignard, A. & Chatelain, C. (2012). Index synonymique de la flore d'Afrique du nord 4: 1-431. Éditions des conservatoire et jardin botaniques, Genève.
  • Govaerts, R. (2003). World Checklist of Selected Plant Families Database in ACCESS: 1-216203. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Kew Backbone Distributions

  • Dobignard, A. & Chatelain, C. (2012). Index synonymique de la flore d'Afrique du nord 4: 1-431. Éditions des conservatoire et jardin botaniques, Genève.

Other Data

Other Kew resources that provide information on this taxon:

Date Reference Identified As Barcode Type Status Has image?
May 1, 1979 Kotschy, C.G.T. [307] Türkiye K000494928 Unknown Type Material Yes
Jan 1, 1979 Bornmüller, J. [3479] Türkiye K000494927 Unknown Type Material Yes
Andersen, J.S.; Petersen, I.C. [450] Afghanistan K005093880 Yes
Brown, E.S. [3467] Iran K005093839 Yes
Trott, A.C. [60] Iran K005093874 Yes
Noori, M.; Hamad, K. [41204] Iraq K005093919 Yes
Sayer, J. [1] Iran K005093858 Yes
Davis; Polunin, O. [22964] Türkiye K005093870 Yes
Guest, E.R. [3024] Iraq K005093922 Yes
Pichler, T. [s.n.] Iran K005093844 Yes
Rawi [23919] Iraq K005093928 Yes
Field, H.; Lazar, Y. [1120] Iran K005093886 Yes
Field, H.; Lazar, Y. [1135] Iran K005093885 Yes
Stapf [1685] Iran K005093846 Yes
Cowie R.E. (Major) [106] K004118543 Yes
[al. de Bunge] [[1]] Iran K005093845 Yes
Major Cowie, R.E. [32] K005093883 Yes
Reid, D. [9] Iran K005093850 Yes
Timmis, R. [57] Iran K005093855 Yes
Field, H.; Lazar, Y. [1022] Iran K005093888 Yes
Furse, P. [3088] Iran K005093892 Yes
[Al-Dabhagh]; Hamad, K. [46288] Iraq K005093929 Yes
Davis [45279] Türkiye K005093864 Yes
Nuri; Tiknis; Rawi [29032] Iraq K005093918 Yes
McNeill [655] Türkiye K005093868 Yes
Archibald, J.C. [3150] Iran K005093853 Yes
Armstrong, J.A. [111] Iran K005093878 Yes
Archibald, J.C. [2853] Iran K005093891 Yes
Kotschy, T. [454] Türkiye K005093859 Yes
Alizzi; Omar, S. [35265] Iraq K005093926 Yes
Edmondson, J.R. [787] Iran K005093877 Yes
Crisp, P. [166] Iran K005093851 Yes
s.coll. [5223] Iraq K005093927 Yes
Field, H.; Lazar, Y. [1106] Iran K005093887 Yes
Rogers, F.A. [0586] Iran K005093842 Yes
Wright, P.A. [9] Iran K005093856 Yes
Major Cowie, R.E. [107] K005093884 Yes
Donaldson, D.M. (Mrs) [s.n.] Iran K005093879 Yes
Trott, A.C. [59] Iran K005093873 Yes
Furse, P. [3578] Türkiye K005093865 Yes
[Garden] [s.n.] Iran K005093847 Yes
Davis [46299] Türkiye K005093867 Yes
Al-Rawi, A.; Serhang, I. [24162] Iraq K005093921 Yes
Davis; Polunin, O. [24361] Türkiye K005093863 Yes
Armstrong, J.A. [110] Iran K005093881 Yes
Albury; Cheese; Watson [2180] Türkiye K005093862 Yes
McNeill [691] Türkiye K005093869 Yes
Archibald, J.C. [2650] Iran K005093849 Yes
Boulos, L.; Hassan, A.A. [s.n.] Egypt K005093871 Yes
McNeill [692] Türkiye K005093866 Yes
Kotschy, T. [s.n.] Türkiye K005093860 Yes
Gilliat-Smith, B. [1960] Iran K005093854 Yes
Furse, P. [2592] Iran K005093894 Yes
Kotschy, T.; Hohenacker, E.R.F. [s.n.] Iran K005093841 Yes
Khorra,-ahad [s.n.] Iran K005093876 Yes
Al-Rawi, A.; Serhang, I. [24199] Iraq K005093934 Yes
[J Sayen] [66] Iran K005093857 Yes
[Al-Dabbagh]; Hamad, K. [46246] Iraq K005093930 Yes
Jumaa Brahim - Mohamed [3651] Iraq K005093931 Yes
Alizzi; Omar, S. [35253] Iraq K005093932 Yes
s.coll. [766] Iraq K005093920 Yes
Aucher-Eloy [1803] Cyprus K005093803 Yes
Stapf [s.n.] Iran K005093890 Yes
Pichler, T. [s.n.] Iran K005093843 Yes
Rogers, F.A. [0536] Iran K005093840 Yes
Pichler, T. [s.n.] Iran K005093852 Yes
Davis; Polunin, O. [23283] Türkiye K005093861 Yes
Archibald, J.C. [2680] Iran K005093848 Yes
Trott, A.C. [807] Iran K005093872 Yes
Armstrong, J.A. [30] Iran K005093882 Yes
Trott, A.C. [529] Iran K005093875 Yes
Andersen, J.S.; Petersen, I.C. [230] Iran K005093893 Yes
Gillett [9506] Iraq K005093933 Yes
Field, H.; Lazar, Y. [992] Iran K005093889 Yes
Lindberg, H. [s.n.] Cyprus Mentha longifolia subsp. cyprica K005093827 Yes
Syngrassides, A.I. [741] Cyprus Mentha longifolia subsp. cyprica K005093832 Yes
Merton, L.F.H. [s.n.] Cyprus Mentha longifolia subsp. cyprica K005093818 Yes
Atherton, G.E. [485] Cyprus Mentha longifolia subsp. cyprica K005093812 Yes
Della, A. [ARI2902] Cyprus Mentha longifolia subsp. cyprica K005093837 Yes
Kennedy, E.W. [734] Cyprus Mentha longifolia subsp. cyprica K005093828 Yes
Kennedy, E.W. [732] Cyprus Mentha longifolia subsp. cyprica K005093830 Yes
Syngrassides, A. [1687] Cyprus Mentha longifolia subsp. cyprica K005093815 Yes
Syngrassides, A.I. [741] Cyprus Mentha longifolia subsp. cyprica K005093833 Yes
Syngrassides, A. [1687] Cyprus Mentha longifolia subsp. cyprica K005093816 Yes
Merton, L.F.H. [(879)1599] Cyprus Mentha longifolia subsp. cyprica K005093817 Yes
Merton, L.F.H. [ARI32] Cyprus Mentha longifolia subsp. cyprica K005093823 Yes
Casey, E.C. [931] Cyprus Mentha longifolia subsp. cyprica K005093824 Yes
Manoog Haradjian [1006] Cyprus Mentha longifolia subsp. cyprica K005093835 Yes
Atherton, G.E. [670] Cyprus Mentha longifolia subsp. cyprica K005093819 Yes
Kennedy, E.W. [733] Cyprus Mentha longifolia subsp. cyprica K005093829 Yes
Ecoyomides, S. [ARI1243] Cyprus Mentha longifolia subsp. cyprica K005093820 Yes
Probyn, F.M. [s.n.] Cyprus Mentha longifolia subsp. cyprica K005093821 Yes
[Meikle] [5025] Cyprus Mentha longifolia subsp. cyprica K005093838 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Cyprus Mentha longifolia subsp. cyprica K005093834 Yes
[N. Hoitellis] [480] Cyprus Mentha longifolia subsp. cyprica K005093813 Yes
Kennedy, E.W. [732] Cyprus Mentha longifolia subsp. cyprica K005093831 Yes
Lindberg, H. [s.n.] Cyprus Mentha longifolia subsp. cyprica K005093825 Yes
Syngrassides, A.I. [535] Cyprus Mentha longifolia subsp. cyprica K005093822 Yes
Lindberg, H. [s.n.] Cyprus Mentha longifolia subsp. cyprica K005093826 Yes
Lascelles, A.G.; Lascelles, M.E. [s.n.] Cyprus Mentha longifolia subsp. cyprica K005093836 Yes


  • Herbarium Catalogue Specimens

    • 'The Herbarium Catalogue, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the Internet [accessed on Day Month Year]'. Please enter the date on which you consulted the system.
    • Digital Image © Board of Trustees, RBG Kew
  • Kew Backbone Distributions

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2025. Published on the Internet at and
    • © Copyright 2023 World Checklist of Vascular Plants.
  • Kew Names and Taxonomic Backbone

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2025. Published on the Internet at and
    • © Copyright 2023 International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants.