Diheteropogon Stapf

First published in Hooker's Icon. Pl. 31: t. 3093 (1922)
This genus is accepted
The native range of this genus is Tropical & S. Africa, Madagascar.


Gramineae, W. D. Clayton, S. M. Phillips And S. A. Renvoize. Flora of Tropical East Africa. 1974

Morphology General Habit
Annuals or perennials
Morphology Leaves
Leaf-blades linear or tapering from a cordate base; ligule membranous
Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences
Inflorescence composed of paired racemes, these terminal on the culm or gathered into a scanty spathate false panicle; racemes not deflexed, with 1–many homoganous pairs; internodes and pedicels linear, ciliate
Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences Spikelets
Sessile spikelet dorsally compressed; callus pungent, deeply inserted into the hollow top of the internode; lower glume coriaceous, hollowed or deeply grooved on the back, 2-keeled, the keels dorsal and each 2–7-nerved; lower floret reduced to a hyaline lemma; upper lemma hyaline, bilobed, passing between the lobes into an awn with puberulous to hirsute column Pedicelled spikelet ♂, lanceolate, herbaceous, larger than the sessile.
Sessile spikelet dorsally compressed; callus pungent, deeply inserted into the hollow top of the internode; lower glume coriaceous, hollowed or deeply grooved on the back, 2-keeled, the keels dorsal and each 2–7-nerved; lower floret reduced to a hyaline lemma; upper lemma hyaline, bilobed, passing between the lobes into an awn with puberulous to hirsute column
Morphology Reproductive morphology Fruits
Caryopsis lanceolate to oblanceolate
Pedicelled spikelet ♂, lanceolate, herbaceous, larger than the sessile.


Morphology General Habit
Annual (2), or perennial (2). Rhizomes absent (3), or short (1). Culms erect (1/1); slender (1/1); 15-61.62-150 cm long. Ligule an eciliate membrane (3), or a ciliolate membrane (1). Leaf-blades filiform (1), or linear.
Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences
Synflorescence simple (3), or compound (2); scanty (2/2). Inflorescence composed of racemes; terminal (2), or terminal and axillary (3); subtended by an unspecialized leaf-sheath (2), or a spatheole (2). Spatheole lanceolate (2/2); herbaceous (2/2). Racemes paired. Rhachis fragile at the nodes. Rhachis internodes linear (3), or clavate (2). Rhachis internode tip crateriform. Raceme-bases filiform (2), or linear (3). Spikelets in pairs. Fertile spikelets sessile; 1 in the cluster. Companion sterile spikelets pedicelled; 1 in the cluster. Pedicels linear (3), or clavate (1).
Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences Spikelets
Basal sterile spikelets well-developed. Companion sterile spikelets well-developed; deciduous with the fertile. Companion sterile spikelet glumes muticous (2), or awned. Spikelets comprising 1 basal sterile florets; 1 fertile florets; without rhachilla extension. Spikelets linear (2), or lanceolate (2); subterete (1), or dorsally compressed; 5-7.875-15 mm long; falling entire; deciduous with accessory branch structures. Spikelet callus cuneate (2), or linear (2); pubescent (1), or pilose (3); base pungent; inserted.
Basal sterile spikelets well-developed. Companion sterile spikelets well-developed; deciduous with the fertile. Companion sterile spikelet glumes muticous (2), or awned.
Spikelets comprising 1 basal sterile florets; 1 fertile florets; without rhachilla extension. Spikelets linear (2), or lanceolate (2); subterete (1), or dorsally compressed; 5-7.875-15 mm long; falling entire; deciduous with accessory branch structures. Spikelet callus cuneate (2), or linear (2); pubescent (1), or pilose (3); base pungent; inserted.
Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences Bracts Glume
Glumes firmer than fertile lemma. Lower glume linear (1), or lanceolate; coriaceous; 2-keeled. Lower glume intercarinal veins absent (3/3). Lower glume surface concave (1), or with a longitudinal median groove, or deeply depressed. Lower glume apex entire (3), or dentate (1); 2 -fid (1/1). Upper glume linear (1/3), or lanceolate (2/3); 3 -veined. Upper glume surface glabrous (3), or pubescent (1).
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers Florets
Basal sterile florets barren; without significant palea. Lemma of lower sterile floret elliptic (1/1); hyaline; 0 -veined (1/3), or 2 -veined (2/3). Fertile lemma linear (2), or oblong (3); hyaline (3), or membranous (1); without keel; 3 -veined (3/3). Lemma margins eciliate (2), or ciliate (2). Lemma apex dentate (1), or lobed (3); 2 -fid; incised 0.2-0.34-0.66 of lemma length; awned; 1 -awned. Principal lemma awn from a sinus; bigeniculate. Column of lemma awn hispidulous (1), or puberulous (2), or pubescent (1), or hirtellous (1). Palea present (2), or absent or minute (3); hyaline (2/2); 2 -veined (2/2). Palea keels ciliolate (2/2).
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers
Anthers 3 (1/1).

Gramineae, T. A. Cope. Flora Zambesiaca 10:4. 2002

Morphology General Habit
Annuals or caespitose perennials, often glaucous and tinged with red; culms not branched; ligules truncate; leaf laminas tapering to a fine point.
Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences
Racemes in pairs, terminal or arranged in a scanty spatheate false panicle, rarely solitary, clearly exserted from the spatheoles; peduncles much longer than the racemes, erect at maturity; internodes and pedicels linear, long-ciliate on both margins with ± ascending hairs.
Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences Spikelets
Sessile spikelet dorsally compressed, lanceolate; callus very pointed; inferior glume with a narrow median groove, coriaceous; inferior floret reduced to a hyaline lemma; superior floret bisexual, its lemma bilobed with a terminal awn; awn bigeniculate, shortly pilose. Pedicelled spikelet male or sterile, much longer than the sessile spikelet, dark red, coriaceous.


  • Flora Zambesiaca

    • Flora Zambesiaca
    • http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0
  • Flora of Tropical East Africa

    • Flora of Tropical East Africa
    • http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0
  • GrassBase - The Online World Grass Flora

    • Clayton, W.D., Vorontsova, M.S., Harman, K.T. and Williamson, H. (2006 onwards). GrassBase - The Online World Grass Flora.
    • http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0
  • Herbarium Catalogue Specimens

  • Kew Backbone Distributions

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2024. Published on the Internet at http://www.ipni.org and https://powo.science.kew.org/
    • © Copyright 2023 World Checklist of Vascular Plants. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0
  • Kew Names and Taxonomic Backbone

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2024. Published on the Internet at http://www.ipni.org and https://powo.science.kew.org/
    • © Copyright 2023 International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0