Anthurium parasiticum (Vell.) Stellfeld

First published in Arq. Mus. Paranaense 8: 175 (1950)
This species is accepted
The native range of this species is SE. Brazil. It is an epiphyte and grows primarily in the wet tropical biome.

Extinction risk predictions for the world's flowering plants to support their conservation (2024). Bachman, S.P., Brown, M.J.M., Leão, T.C.C., Lughadha, E.N., Walker, B.E.

Predicted extinction risk: threatened. Confidence: low confidence

CATE Araceae, 17 Dec 2011.

Blooming in January.
On trees and rocks.
General Description
Stem thick, assurgent very high (to 3 m); cataphylls herbaceous, pale greenish, then brown. LEAVES: Petiole subterete, very mildly sulcate adaxially, 1-6 dm [10 - 16 cm] long, 1.5 cm diam.; geniculum 1 cm long or longer; blades thick, coriaceous, deep green, shiny above; longer than petiole or almost equalling it, elliptic-oblong, gradually narrowed toward the apex and base, the lowermost acute at the base, 3-5 dm [30 - 50 cm] long, 1.4-2 dm [14 - 20 cm] wide at the middle; midrib rounded below and above; primary lateral veins 16-18 pairs, together with secondary veins parallel, spreading at about a 90 degree angle, (secondary veins interspersed between primary veins), joined in a collective vein well away from the margin. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle shorter than leaf, sharply angled adaxially or adaxially and abaxially, 3-5 dm [30 - 50 cm] long; spathe lanceolate, linear-cuspidate, short-decurrent at the base, greenish, 7.5 cm long, 1-1.25 cm wide, (acumen 1.5 - 2 cm long); spadix very short-stipitate, longer by half or twice as long as spathe, violetish. INFRUCTESCENCE: Berries obovoid-subglobose, green at the top, yellow green toward the base; seeds obovoid, compressed, yellow.
Brazil. Province Rio de Janeiro; Tijuca.

CATE Araceae, 17 Dec 2011.

General Description
Stem climbing, internodes short. LEAVES: Petiole ca. 7-10 cm long, 4-5 mm thick, subterete, flat adaxially or narrowly canaliculate, geniculum fairly long, ca. 1 cm long. Blade subcoriaceous, oblong-elliptic, subequally narrowed at both ends, cuneate at base, apiculate at apex, 25-30 cm long, 9-13 cm wide at middle, primary lateral veins arching and patent at angle of 60-70º, above slightly engraved [or embedded] into surface, joined into a collective vein ca. 1 cm from margin, a little prominent on lower surface. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle 25-30 cm long. Spathe linear, shortly decurrent, ca. 4.5 cm long, with 3-4 mm long acumen. Spadix ca. 9 cm long, 5 mm thick, gently narrowing upwards. Tepals ca. 1.5 mm long, 2.5 mm wide.
South Brazilian Province.

CATE Araceae, 17 Dec 2011.

General Description
Stem assurgent, thick, ramose. LEAVES: Petiole semiterete or keeled below, longer than blade or equally long; geniculum slightly long, semiterete or cana1icuIate-hollowed out in a curve; blades deep green above, shining, paler below, elliptic-oblong, a little narrowed toward the base, obtuse or even emarginate or more narrowed, repent at the bottom or abruptly compressed, narrowed toward the apex in a more or less arcuate line, short-acuminate-cuspidate at apex; primary 1ateral veins 12-18 pairs, together with secondary veins just as many, rare1y two each [or paired] or three each interspersed, spreading openly at about a 90 degree angle, joined in a collective vein slightly broadly away from the margin. INFLORESCENCE: Peduncle terete, 4-5 dm [40 - 50 cm] long; spathe linear-lanceolate, cuspidate at the apex, clasping at the base, 8-10 cm long, 1 cm wide; acumen 5-8 mm long; spadix 1 1/2 times longer than spathe, subsessile, 1.5-1.8 dm [15 - 18 cm] long, 4-5 mm diam. at the bottom. INFRUCTESCENCE: Berries short-obovoid [or weakly obovoid?], green, 2.5-3 mm in diameter.

CATE Araceae, 17 Dec 2011.

The plant is distinguished in particular by the broadly truncate leaf blade bases.
General Description
Stem thick, long-repent or eventually becoming a climber, internodes short, cataphylls lanceolate, acuminate, later decomposing into fibres. LEAVES: Petiole terete, slender, canaliculate adaxially, 7 - 10 cm long, 2 - 3.5 mm thick, geniculum short, not thickened, flattened adaxially. Leaf blade rigid, subcoriaceous, narrowly lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, acuminate at the apex, broadly obtuse at the base, 20 - 30 cm long, 5 - 7.5 cm wide, primary lateral veins numerous, arising at nearly 90 deg. From the thickish midrib later somewhat ascending, distinctly prominent on both surfaces, near the margin joined into a slender collective vein 3 - 5 mm distant from the margin. INFLORESCENCES: Peduncle terete, slender, 8 - 10 cm long, 2 mm thick. Spathe linear-lanceolate, acuminate at the apex, 3 - 4 cm long, 7 - 8 mm wide. Spadix sessile, elongate, submyosuroid, narrowly cylindroid, rounded-obtuse at the apex, 7 - 10 cm long, basally 6 - 8 mm thick, narrowing upwards. Tepals narrowly oblong, 2 - 3 times longer than wide. Ovary ovoid, narrowing towards the apex.
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro).


  • Angiosperm Extinction Risk Predictions v1

    • Angiosperm Threat Predictions
  • CATE Araceae

    • Haigh, A., Clark, B., Reynolds, L., Mayo, S.J., Croat, T.B., Lay, L., Boyce, P.C., Mora, M., Bogner, J., Sellaro, M., Wong, S.Y., Kostelac, C., Grayum, M.H., Keating, R.C., Ruckert, G., Naylor, M.F. and Hay, A., CATE Araceae, 17 Dec 2011.
  • Herbarium Catalogue Specimens

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    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2024. Published on the Internet at and
    • © Copyright 2023 World Checklist of Vascular Plants.
  • Kew Names and Taxonomic Backbone

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2024. Published on the Internet at and
    • © Copyright 2023 International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants.