Melastomataceae Juss.

First published in Gen. Pl. [Jussieu] 328. 1789 [4 Aug 1789] (1789)nom. cons.
This family is accepted

Accepted Genera


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POWO follows these authorities in accepting this name:

  • APG IV (2016)

The Kew Tropical Plant Families Identification Handbook

  • Bakhuizen van den Brink, R. C. (1943). A contribution to the knowledge of the Melastomataceae occurring in the Malay Archipelago especially in the Netherlands East Indies. Rec. Trav. Bot. Néerl. 40: 1–391. [Reprinted in Meded.Bot. Mus. Herb. Rijks Univ. 91: 1–391 (1947).]
  • Jacques-Felix, H. (1978). Les genres de Memecyleae (Melastomataceae) en Afrique, Madagascar et Mascareignes. Adansonia 18 (2): 221–235.
  • Renner, S. S., Clausing, G., Cellinese, N. & Meyer, K. (2001). Melastomataceae. In: K. Larsen & I. Nielsen (eds), Flora of Thailand 7(3): 412–496.
  • Wickens, G. E. (1975). Melastomataceae. Flora of Tropical East Africa. Crown Agents, London.
  • Wurdack, J. J., Morley, T. & Renner, S. (1993). Flora of the Guianas, series A: Phanerogams. 99: Melastomataceae. Koeltz Scientific Books, Konigstein.


  • APG II. (2003). An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG II. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 141(4): 399-436.
  • Berry, P.E., Gröger, A., Holst, B.K., Morley, T., Michelangeli, F.A., Luckana, N.G., Almeda, F., Renner, S.S., Freire-Fierro, A., Robinson, O.R. & Yatskievych, K. (2001). Melastomataceae. In: Steyermark, J.A., Berry, P.E., Yatskievych, K., & Holst, B.K. (eds), Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana 6: 263-528.
  • Clausing, G. & Renner, S.S. (2001). Molecular phylogenetics of Melastomataceae and Memecylaceae: implications for character evolution. American J. Bot. 88(3): 486-498.
  • Heywood, V.H., Brummitt, R.K., Culham, A. & Seberg, O. (2007). Flowering plant families of the world. 424 pp. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Renner, S.S. (1993). Phylogeny and classification of the Melastomataceae and Memecylaceae. Nord. J. Bot. 13: 519-540.
  • Renner, S.S. (2004). Bayesian analysis of combined chloroplast loci, using multiple calibrations, supports the recent arrival of Melastomataceae in Africa and Madagascar. Amer. J. Bot. 91(9): 1427-1435.
  • Wurdack, J.J. & Renner, S. (1993). Melastomatoideae. In: A.R.A. Görts-Van Rijn (ed.), Flora of the Guianas, Ser. A, 99. Melastomataceae. Koeltz, Koenigstein.
  • Wurdack, J.J. (1973). Melastomataceae. In: Lasser, T. (ed.), Flora de Venezuela 8: 1-819.
  • Wurdack, J.J. (1980). Melastomataceae. In: Harling, G. & Sparre, B. (eds), Flora of Ecuador 13: 1-406. Göteborg, Sweden.

Trees of New Guinea

  • Bakhuizen van den Brink, Jr., R.C. (1943). A contribution to the knowledge of the Melastomataceae occurring in the Malay Archipelago, especially in the Netherlands East Indies. Recueil Trav. Bot. Neerl. 40: 1–391.
  • Clausing, G & Renner, S.S. (2001). Molecular phylogenetics of Melastomataceae and Memecylaceae: Implications for character evolution. Amer. J. Bot. 88: 486–498.
  • Maxwell, J.F. (1981). A revision of the genus Pternandra (Melastomataceae). Gard. Bull. Singapore 34: 1–90.
  • Maxwell, J.F. (1989) Melastomataceae. In: F.S.P. Ng (ed.), Tree Flora of Malaya 4: 179–198. Longman Malaysia.
  • Renner, S.S., Clausing, G., Cellinese, N. & Meyer, K. (2001). Melastomataceae. Fl. Thailand 7(3): 412–497.

Other Data

Other Kew resources that provide information on this taxon:

Date Reference Identified As Barcode Type Status Has image?
May 1, 2024 Touré, M.; Simbiano, J.; Thiam, A.; Bangura, G. [17] Guinea K000557458 No
Sep 19, 2023 Cheek, M. ; Gosline ; De Marco ; Kalindula ; Kambale ; Amponsah ; Abdul-Lah ; Wultoff ; Kemei ; Kioma ; Formbui [9987] Cameroon K001187997 Yes
Feb 16, 2022 Burgt, X.M. van der [2274] Guinea K001381567 No
Jan 1, 2020 Savory, H.J.; Keay, R.W.J. [25080] Nigeria K000313137 Type Yes
Jan 1, 2020 Scott Elliot, G.F. [4513] Sierra Leone K000313140 Unknown Type Material Yes
Jul 1, 2011 Muliati, M., et al. [S 97501] Malaysia K000566890 Yes
Jul 1, 2011 Suzana, S., et al. [S 98125] Malaysia K000566889 Yes
May 1, 2010 Nguyen, V.D., et al. [HNK 1596] Vietnam K000566753 Yes
May 1, 2010 Hiep, N.T., et al. [NTH 3428] Vietnam K000566755 Yes
May 1, 2010 Hiep, N.T., et al. [NTH 3453] Vietnam K000566754 Yes
Nov 1, 2009 Pius, G., et al. [SAN 148872] Borneo K000566310 Yes
Oct 1, 2004 Edward, A.; Sidkan, A. [MB133] Malaysia K000172266 Yes
Feb 25, 2004 Argent et al [20023] Philippines K000170357 Yes
Feb 25, 2004 Barbon et al [18726] Philippines K000170363 Yes
Jan 1, 1986 Cid Ferreira, C.A.; Lima, J. [3732] Brazil K000973059 Yes
Tadjouteu, F.; et. al. [234] Cameroon K001310828 Yes
Ashworth, J.; et. al. [18] Cameroon K001310832 Yes
Ashworth, J.; et. al. [18] Cameroon K001310833 Yes
Perigolo, N.A.; dos Santos, A.J.B.; Pereira, J.B.; Pereira-Silva, G.; Silva, T.R.; Walter, B.M.T. [236] Brazil K001567067 Yes
Giulietti, A.M.; Harley, R.M. [4009] Brazil K001577753 No
Lopez, A.; Chavez, M., Bonser, T., Swift, C., Mucaleque, P., Briggs, M., Razanamahela, L., Randriansolo, V., Ralimananana, H., Lala [AL003] Madagascar K001598705 No
Perigolo, N.A.; et al. [268] Brazil K001553775 Yes
Perigolo, N.A.; et al. [266] Brazil K001553776 Yes
Willis, F.R. [95] K:SPC-70591.000 No
Spruce, R. [4265] Peru K000006166 Yes
Riedel [3180] Brazil K000969701 Yes
Sellow [s.n.] Brazil K000969781 Yes
Castellanos, C.; Biggs, N.; Fabriani, F.; Frisby, S.; Haigh, A.; Kiltgaard, B.B.; Lewis, G.P.; Lucas, E. [759] Colombia K001906979 Yes
Castellanos, C.; Biggs, N.; Fabriani, F.; Frisby, S.; Haigh, A.; Kiltgaard, B.B.; Lewis, G.P.; Lucas, E. [681] Colombia K001906974 Yes
Castellanos, C.; Biggs, N.; Fabriani, F.; Frisby, S.; Haigh, A.; Kiltgaard, B.B.; Lewis, G.P.; Lucas, E. [708] Colombia K001906998 Yes
Castellanos, C.; Biggs, N.; Fabriani, F.; Frisby, S.; Haigh, A.; Kiltgaard, B.B.; Lewis, G.P.; Lucas, E. Colombia K001907012 Yes
Aguillar-Cano, J.;Biggs, N.; Fabriani, F.; Frisby, S.; Haigh, A.; Kiltgaard, B.B.; Lewis, G.P.; Lucas, E. [4634] Colombia K001907011 Yes
Castellanos, C.; Biggs, N.; Fabriani, F.; Frisby, S.; Haigh, A.; Kiltgaard, B.B.; Lewis, G.P.; Lucas, E. Colombia K001907007 Yes
Aguillar-Cano, J.;Biggs, N.; Fabriani, F.; Frisby, S.; Haigh, A.; Kiltgaard, B.B.; Lewis, G.P.; Lucas, E. [4648a] Colombia K001907008 Yes
Castellanos, C.; Biggs, N.; Fabriani, F.; Frisby, S.; Haigh, A.; Kiltgaard, B.B.; Lewis, G.P.; Lucas, E. [743] Colombia K001907009 Yes
Cabezas, F.; Velayos, M. [2297] Equatorial Guinea K001873338 No
van der Burgt, X.M.; Konomou, G.; Thiam, A.; Conté, Y. [2415] Guinea K001187863 Yes
van der Burgt, X.M.; Konomou, G.; Thiam, A.; Conté, Y. [2415] Guinea K001187864 Yes
van der Burgt, X.M.; Konomou, G.; Thiam, A.; Conté, Y. [2415] Guinea K001187862 Yes
den Outer-Helder, H.F. [18] Cote d'Ivoire K001562269 Yes
Feuillet, C. [4598] French Guiana K001636941 No
Redden, K.M.; Perry, C.; Benjamin, P.; Singh, D.; Wurdack, K.; Hinchcliff, C.E. [4352] Guyana K001636981 No
Couvreur, T. L. P.; Vargas, R.T. [217] Bolivia K001635652 No
Julaihi; Jamree et al [S.80048] Malaysia K001870777 Yes
Julaihi; Jamree et al [S.80043] Malaysia K001870791 Yes
Kerr, A.F.G. [5714] Thailand K001870253 Yes
s.coll. [LYW 1135] Malaysia K001871733 No
Smith, L.B.; Klein, R.M. [13925] Brazil K001925428 No
Smith, L.B.; Reitz, P.R. [12526] Brazil K001925425 No
de Nevers, G. [14580] Guinea K000010958 No
de Nevers, G. [14503] Guinea K001970064 No
Thiam, A.; Simbiano, F.J.; Touré, M.; Bangoura, G. [53] Guinea K000980540 No
Rakotonasolo, F.; Rakotoarisoa, S.E.; Moat, J.; Rasolohery, A. [RNF 820] Madagascar K001892931 No
Yii, P.C.; Jugah [S. 71603] Malaysia K001906796 No
Enjah, A.; dami; Shalih [S. 79465] Malaysia K001906794 No
Jamree; Enjah, A.; et al. [S. 76708] Malaysia K001906785 No
Mohizah, M.; Yahud, W. [S.87038] Malaysia K001935116 No
Sellow [s.n.] Brazil K000969700 Yes
Willis, F.R. [98] Indonesia K:SPC-72295.000 No
Silva, M.G.; Gois, G.; Agra, M.F. [1435] Brazil K000973056 Yes
Glaziou, A. [8695] Brazil K000973061 Yes
Haron, O.B. [S.19946] Malaysia K001275154 Yes
Glaziou, A. [19289] Brazil K000973057 Yes


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  • Flora of Tropical East Africa

    • Flora of Tropical East Africa
  • Flora of West Tropical Africa

    • Flora of West Tropical Africa
  • Herbarium Catalogue Specimens

    • 'The Herbarium Catalogue, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the Internet [accessed on Day Month Year]'. Please enter the date on which you consulted the system.
  • Interactive Key to Seed Plants of Malesia and Indo-China

    • The Malesian Key Group (2010) Interactive Key to Seed Plants of Malesia and Indo-China (Version 2.0, 28 Jul 2010) The Nationaal Herbarium Nederland Leiden and The Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
  • Kew Names and Taxonomic Backbone

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2025. Published on the Internet at and
    • © Copyright 2023 International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants.
  • Kew Science Photographs

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  • Neotropikey

    • Milliken, W., Klitgard, B. and Baracat, A. (2009 onwards), Neotropikey - Interactive key and information resources for flowering plants of the Neotropics.
  • Trees of New Guinea

    • Trees of New Guinea
  • The Kew Tropical Plant Families Identification Handbook

    • The Kew Tropical Plant Families Identification Handbook