Commersonia J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.

First published in Char. Gen. Pl.: 43 (1776)
This genus is accepted
The native range of this genus is Madagascar, S. China to Indo-China and Pacific.


Timothy M. A. Utteridge and Laura V. S. Jennings (2022). Trees of New Guinea. Kew Publishing. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

A genus of about 12 species, all occurring in Australia but the range of the genus extending to South-East Asia and the Pacific; two species are found in New Guinea: the common Commersonia bartramia (L.) Merr., and montane C. novoguineensis (Gilli) Guymer.
Morphology General Habit
Trees and shrubs to 25 m tall
Morphology General Indumentum
Indumentum usually copious, stellate
Morphology Leaves
Leaves alternate, simple, sometimes irregularly lobed, base cordate, often unequal, margin serrate to dentate
Morphology Reproductive morphology Inflorescences
Inflorescences axillary or leaf-opposed, rarely terminal, axis branching dichotomously, the fundamental unit a dichasium, usually many-flowered
Morphology Reproductive morphology Flowers
Flowers 5-merous, bisexual, actinomorphic; sepals fused at the base; petals ligulate, less than ½ the width of the sepals, becoming wider and concave at the base; stamens 5, opposite the concave base of the petals, alternating with the 3-lobed staminodes; ovary 5-locular, at first concealed by staminodes, revealed as they recurve, 2–6 ovules per locule, style branched
Morphology Reproductive morphology Fruits
Fruit a loculicidal capsule, 5-valved, exocarp bristly echinate
Morphology Reproductive morphology Seeds
Seeds 1–2 per locule, glabrous.
Commersomia bartramia is found in a variety of habitats at comparatively lower elevations, usually secondary, regrowth and disturbed habitats, but also rain forest and open grassland; from sea level to c. 400 m. Commersonia novoguieneensis is found in montane habitats including lower montane forest, secondary growth and garden edges, from 1500–2800 m.
Commersonia can be distinguished from other Byttnerioideae genera in New Guinea by the many-flowered, dichotomously branching inflorescence, the ligulate petals and echinate fruit, which, unlike that of Seringia, is not lobed. The undersurface of the leaves of C. bartramia are distinctly greyish both in the field and in the herbarium.


  • Herbarium Catalogue Specimens

  • Kew Backbone Distributions

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2024. Published on the Internet at and
    • © Copyright 2023 World Checklist of Vascular Plants.
  • Kew Names and Taxonomic Backbone

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2024. Published on the Internet at and
    • © Copyright 2023 International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants.
  • Trees of New Guinea

    • Trees of New Guinea